
What''s a reasonable timeframe to receive a email back from a vendor?

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Sep 27, 2003
Hi Folks,
Just wanted to get your feedback..would be great if some vendors could chime in too. I''m working with a vendor to find a cushion stone for a RHR and I''m getting frustrated with how long it takes to get responses back. Couple of times, I had to chase her down via phone which is not always the most convienient for me since my baby has super ears and wakes up at the slightest sound so it''s hard to have a phone conversation so she knows that I prefer email.
Now, I understand that it is super busy time being near valentines and all, but I requested a stone to be brought in for pics, etc and I haven''t heard back from her for 3 days. Hopefully it is still available!!! I''m thinking perhaps I should work with another company who have been alot more responsive, but I prefer to work with them because they can provide extra info, etc. Okay, am I being to impatient?!?!
I guess the other online vendors that I have brought from in the past have been really timely even during busy times so maybe I''m expecting too much. Thanks guys!!
I don't think you are expecting too much at all...depending...

For me a few days can be too long depending on expectations and how I feel. Sometimes a vendor will email me going 'I am swamped right now can you wait a day or so' big deal. But just not hearing from someone for a few days for the most part can be frustrating. It's important that a vendor set your expectations and then follow-through the way they say they will unless there are extenuating circumstances. If I am not in a rush typically it's not a huge deal at all but as long as expectations are set. If they ARE setting expectations and you don't like how long they are taking because they are too busy, either don't work with them or calm down a bit.
Though I know that can be hard for us diamond nuts!

But if they are not setting your expectations and they are just lagging in responding from day to day, I'd tell them you are frustrated with their response time and maybe see if you can work with someone else in the organization who is not AS busy. And definitely give the other vendors you are considering a chance too. Sometimes the loss of a sale is the only way to get the point across to the first vendor.

Good luck gal!
Unfortunately the best thing to do is call. I''m sure things will slow up there once V-day is over, but 3 days does seem like an awful lot of time for them not to get back to you.
i am going through the same thing! it is drivin me nuts...but , it doesnt seem to be bothering my boyfriend ;)
Something you may need to factor into things - vendors take vacations too. Wink Jones just spent a week or two away; and some of the other vendors are known for their annual vacations as well.

And believe it or not APPRAISERS take time off once in a while..but not ME lately.

There's usually a reason why it takes a little longer for an e-mail to be returned. This IS the week
before Valentine's Day. Keep trying, however.
Thanks everyone for you input. Mara, you''re right, I should have been very explict that I need the now!! (hehehe) but on the other hand I believe she did know that it is somewhat urgent because the first stone that I had them bring in I had to call her (because I didn''t receive a prompt email response) to ask if the particular virtual stone was still available and I told her at the time that I had to make a decision pretty quick because I was debating on going forward with another stone I had on hold from another vendor. I didn''t start out wanting to work with more than one vendor but I realized that some vendors didn''t have access to some stones that are on the PS virtual inventory, plus not all vendors provided good photos, idealscope images, etc.

While I don''t have a problem not hearing back from someone while they do their search, etc..I kinda expected when requesting a stone to be brought in to have a quicker response, particulary since it''s valentine''s day soon and I know these stones will move more quickly around this time...and I know these folks aren''t on vacation!

Anyway, I just got an email from her and thank goodness it was still available..if it wasn''t, I think I would have been really irritated
I guess the lesson is, don''t rely too much on email and just call these folks! Even if my son is screaming for my attention
Date: 2/8/2006 4:57:45 PM

Now, I understand that it is super busy time being near valentines and all, but I requested a stone to be brought in for pics, etc and I haven''t heard back from her for 3 days.
Another thought....when did the 3 days begin? Many of the vendors here and many that deal the stones observe Sabbath, which means no business/email activity at all from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday.

In theory, if I sent an email about a brokered stone to a vendor on Thursday and it wasn''t read until later in the day on Thursday, it''s possible that he can''t call for the stone until Friday. Then whoever holds the paper on the stone has to track it down (if it''s out) and figure out if it''s already sold. If that person doesn''t get a response before close of business Friday, then my vendor isn''t going to hear anything back from him until Monday at the earliest.

Knowing you wanted it "quickly" probably isn''t as definitive as saying "I''d like to make a purchase by next Friday", so the more detail you can give, the better.
Date: 2/8/2006 7:17:45 PM
Author: perry
Something you may need to factor into things - vendors take vacations too. Wink Jones just spent a week or two away; and some of the other vendors are known for their annual vacations as well.


And a wonderful two weeks it was too! I was worried this thread might be about me when I saw the title, I am almost caught up on my emails now, but it can be very hard to keep up when you are a small business. Ironically I too have been chasing a cushion cut diamond for a client of mine, and my main cushion cut vendor was at the Tucson Gem Show which is just wrapping up.

One thing I would like to add to the conversation, some of the spam filters are getting too ambitious these days. It is no longer unusual to have a client send me an email and when I respond to them I end up in their filter. There will be times when the vendor is not getting back to you, as it sounds this one is, and there will be times when the vendors response is safely nestled in your spam filter.

Honestly, I''d be frustrated as well. If it were the first e-mail I''d sent, I''d cut the vendor a break, expecting that they are on vacation or otherwise unavailable. But if I''d e-mailed them before, and it took over 3 days, I wouldn''t like it, especially with a large purchase.

I am an online merchant (not jewelry) and I try to be very careful about managing my customers'' expectations. If I''m going to be on vacation or unavailable for a few days, I tell them ahead of time so we can either wrap up our business or they realize that I won''t be around. Otherwise, unless I''m very sick or having an extreme emergency, I answer all of my e-mails within 24 hours. I don''t like long waits so I try to make sure that I don''t do that to my customers either. It is hard for us online folks to strike a balance though between being responsive, actually getting work done vs. answering e-mails, and not surgically attaching the computer to ourselves.
"There''s never a second chance to give a first impression." In my case I had already chosen the stone and ended up giving my business to the first vendor (Bill from Icemine) who replied. Further e-mail contact was also very responsive and only confirmed my decision. I know it might seem unfair to the vendors, but as a customer I like to give my business to those who provide prompt and excellent service. In the internet age, the appearance of a website and promptness of e-mail responses build customer relations. I was also very impressed with the quick responses from the cutter (Paul from Infinity) who arranged a last minute visit just before the x-mas holidays. I did end up calling both of them eventually, but the initial impression was made by their quick and helpful e-mail responses to my inquiries
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