
What would you do?? Pls help me make a decision

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Jan 30, 2007
Hi everyone,

I have a decision to make and I am struggling between 2 choices so tell me what you all think and hopefully I can decide.
I just got engaged and my e-ring is from WF. During the process of buyine the ring I fell in love with a diamond bangle from WF and asked BF now FI if I could have one since my b''day was in March. After we got the ring he said I could go ahead and get it and I did! it is wgld and 1.50cttw very beautiful and sparkles like mad and super comfortable to wear.
Anyway my dream has always been to have a tennis bracelet and when I was browsing WF I noticed that they had a 3ct one in a price range that I could afford in the near future with some saving. Recently, I got a lump sum of money from some TA work I did last semester that got backlogged until now.
SO now I have the money to get the tennis bracelet BUT my mom and FI say when I tell them I am going to get it, why don''t you get 2 more bangles instead of the bracelet. If I do this I would get 2 of the smaller 1ct bangles and then wear them with my 1.50ct bangle probably only when I go out. This would give me choices wear the 2 small ones, just the bigger one etc. and I still have good carat weight and it works out a bit cheaper as well. The tennis bracelet is something I have always wanted but my mom says it is a bit much for any everyday wear and that it would likely look better on an older lady''s wrist. I kinda agree I go to school full-time usually in jeans, I''m a grad student, and FI and I don''t go to too many ritzy places and it is more expensive. If I go with the bangles I have some of the money left over. I dunno what do you guys think pls chime in before I decide.
My mom also thinks that the bangles are very delicate and pretty for my wrists which are small 5" or so and I am short and sort of petite. I worry though that the bangles will beat each other up over time and look worn out but the one I have fits perfectly so I don''t think they will bash around too much but who knows. I guess I could ask WF what they think now I''m rambling so I''ll wait to hear what all you ladies have to say.

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply

Have a wonderful day!


Nov 24, 2006
I say go for the tennis braclet; you have always wanted it. My aerobics insturctor wears hers to class

That is what you always wanted then get it.


Aug 8, 2005
yeh, i agree. if you don''t get the tennis bracelet, sounds like you may regret it.


Feb 17, 2007
I think you should get what you really want no matter which choice it is.

But for what it''s worth I *LOVE* those wflash bangles (I am a grad student too, so prob. about the same age) and I think they are a little younger and fresher. I''m hoping for one for a wedding present from FI.


Jul 27, 2005
Hmmm.... I agree than bangles are younger & trendier looking ... perhaps more suited to your everyday or going out attire AND that they might get beaten up a bit over time ...

The other thing about tennis bracelets -- if they''re too small, they look kinda chintzy ... you''re DEF gonna want a beefier one later & then you''re stuck with two. Not like you can "upgrade" tennis bracelets.

Question: do you already have a "nice watch"? If I were you & DIDN''T have a "nice watch" to pair with the future tennis bracelet -- I''d skip the extra bangles AND the smaller tennis bracelet & get that first. A watch you wear & see & enjoy every day. Put your money where you see & enjoy it most. That''s my philosophy!


Feb 17, 2006
Hmm.... isn''t it nice to be faced with a choice like this?

Honestly, I would go with the tennis bracelet.

You already have a bangle, and you love it, but you said you''d probably only wear the others with it when you were going out or whatever, whereas just one is more likely an everyday thing... I think if you add two more to your collection, you won''t get the joy, satisfaction, or use out of them to make it worth it at this point. Groups of bangles also go in and out of style, while one will always be classic. (and hey, it leaves an easy gift avenue open for your soon-to-be FI on future occasions!)

The tennis bracelet is something you''ve always wanted, will always have, and will always cherish. Yes, you can wear it to the grocery store, or to class! You don''t have to save it for special occasions. Just make sure it has a really good clasp, ok?


Jan 30, 2007
Oh thank you ladies!

Skippy you have a good point sometimes when you don''t get what you really want you think about it ALL the time and have regrets.

jcrow I got the bangle b/c I saw how gorgeous the one your hubby gave you was and how lovely it looked on you what a sweet guy and thanks again for your advice pre-bangle purchase and btw you were right!

neatfreak you make a great point too they are fresher and youger I think we probably are around the same age I just turned 25. Grad school for what? I''m there for psych

deco lots of great points you can''t trade tennis bracelets and yes when I get older have kids etc I would like a bigger one and then the small one will not really get worn and yeah I think the bangles would get beat up or at least show wear on the gold b/c it is a smooth shiny finish. To answer your ques I do have a good watch for my 21st my parents gave me a rado that is pretty nice and then when I graduated my undergrad I got a movado from them the ladies sports addition none have diamonds or anything though but they are good quality and the movado with the black face is good for dressy stuff. you are also right about the bracelet being too big I would probably have to take a stone or two out.

Sumbride hee hee I should stick this money in the bank instead of feeding my new vice but I have been responsible I have tuition for next semester and I have 2 jobs over the summer and we aren''t going away over the summer or anything and we don''t get married until 2009 sept so I have time to save for that. I think you may be right as well that I may not wear the bangles enough to be satisfied and you are right if I want to I can wear the bracelet anywhere I like but thanks for the heads up about the clasp you are very sweet!
and yes bangles come in and out of style Oh I''ll see what else people say and then decide in the next couple of weeks.

Will keep you all posted and thanks again for all the great advice
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