
What would be best for a temporary front tooth?

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Nov 19, 2004
I''m going to have to have one of my front teeth extracted, bone graft & eventual implant. You can read about the saga here:

I''ve decided to go with the more expensive implant specialist and now I need to choose how I want to fill the gap in my front tooth for up to 18 months.

There were 3 choices presented to me:

Essex clear retainer with fake tooth glued in it. This type of retainer would cover all of my top teeth...I have one now (that I only wear at night) because I got out of braces about a year ago.

Pros: Fairly hard to see from 5 feet away
Easy to clean
Orthodontist likes this option best since my teeth will want to move when one is extracted

Cons: Very hard to eat in''s even hard to take a drink of water without everything washing into the retainer
These discolor easily so if I do eat in them, they won''t stay clear very long
Have to take this out at night so if I turn over to kiss my sweetie I''ll be showing my gap tooth smile.

Braces on top front teeth with my pulled out tooth on 1 bracket. Basically, the ortho would put braces on my front 4 or 6 teeth...he''d use clear brackets but a silver wire. When the implant dentist extracts the problem tooth, he would smooth off the edges and glue my tooth on the the bracket.

Pros: I could fairly easily eat in this option (no corn on the cob etc though)
Nothing to take in & out all the time and clean

Cons: Ortho is worried because anytime you bracket teeth they will move
Braces AGAIN!!!! (I already had them twice)
Canker sores from rough brackets (had a huge problem with this in braces)

The 3rd option is a flipper--basically fake tooth glue onto a retainer...shouldn''t but could eat it in it. My implant specialist doesn''t like this option because it puts pressure on the gum area that needs to heal.

None of these sound like ideal options to me so I''m majorly stressing over the whole procedure. I''ve been having nightmares for weeks now about it so I know I need to choose and just get going. Suggestions, thoughts?


Dec 29, 2004
I had no problem with the flipper and my gums...BUT, I was living alone at the time and made a habit of taking it out when I was at home, which meant a lot of time flipper free. I did work in an office at the time, so we are talking only nights and weekends with it out. No problems at all.

I know this is stressful, so I hope you find the option that works for you. Personally, I liked the flipper, but didn''t have the other options you are being given.


Jun 13, 2006
My friend had a flipper and had no trouble with it, but her situation sounds slightly different than yours.
As for the canker sores, take L Lysine. I used to get really painful sores a few times a month but in the 6 months since I have started take lysine, which is an essential ammino acid, I have had one canker sore. I just take one at night and have no problems, just a thought.
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