
What to do with Zales engagament ring from previous marriage?

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Oct 22, 2006

I''ve been holding onto this ring for quite some time and last year took it to a local jeweler to see what is was worth. He said he could give me $500. It is a .72ct I, I3 marquise. I''m embarassed at what I paid for it. I wish I had Internet back then and ran across a site like this!

I don''t feel right given it to my girlfriend (soon to be fiance) and I woulod never regift something like this, but I don''t want to just give it away for nothing (although the $500 sounds better the more I think about it!)

What would you do with it? Donate it and get a tax write-off?

Would your gf wear it if it was reset into a pendant?? Or reset it and give it to a female relative for a special b-day?
Doesn''t ZALES have a trade in policy. Maybe you should trade it in towards her wedding gift? Zales has decent diamond earrings, pendants if you know what you''re looking for.. though I don''t know how their trade in policy works.
You were married before and she knows that, was she married before? I would ask her. Make sure she knows that you are not trying to give this to her just because and that you want her opinion, she may want to take it out of the ring and use the dimond. You have a perfectly good diamond and she may not care where it came from, or she may just ask you to do what you please with it.

If you are looking at selling it, go to and see if you can sell it that way.
I think you can trade up at zales so maybe you could buy her some studs or something. Hmmm otherwise it would be best to just reset it because I dont think your going to get close to what you paid.
Date: 2/5/2007 2:51:50 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 2/5/2007 6:07:49 AM

I''ve been holding onto this ring for quite some time and last year took it to a local jeweler to see what is was worth. He said he could give me $500. It is a .72ct I, I3 marquise. I''m embarassed at what I paid for it. I wish I had Internet back then and ran across a site like this!

I don''t feel right given it to my girlfriend (soon to be fiance) and I woulod never regift something like this, but I don''t want to just give it away for nothing (although the $500 sounds better the more I think about it!)

What would you do with it? Donate it and get a tax write-off?


Funny you should mention.. I gave my (now) husband my Zales ring as a trade in for the ring I now wear. 500. is about what you''ll get for it.. realistically. Zales does have a trade in policy, you should check the diamond bond that would have come with the ring. They ask you trade up double the value of the ring. (I worked there a LONG time ago). They will always trade up for you.
I think this is a great idea if you can find something worthwhile there. I would imagine you should be able to get a nice diamond if you give them the specs you want. But you might also be better off simply selling it for $500 and using that cash towards something at one of the on line vendors here. I found that when I wanted to trade my diamond back to Kay''s, I could actually get a better deal on line and keep my old diamond. It just depends on what kind of deal they will make for you. Either way, I''d get something out of the old ring, and $500 for a 3/4 carat I I-3 marquise that is probably not that well cut and may not actually be an I color is not horrible. No doubt you paid a lot more for it....but live and learn.

Good luck, and I hope you post when you make your decision. There are lots of people in the same boat as you, and your experience will be valuable to share with them. Plus, I''m nosy and I''d like to know how it works out, LOL!!!
I''d probably just take the loss and the $500 and start over..
I spoke with my girlfriend and we talked about it. Just as I had thought, she wouldn''t feel comfortable taking something that wasn''t purchased for her, and I felt the same way about "regifting" so to speak.

I think I''ll take it to the local jeweler and sell it there. Never hurt anyone to have $500 to spend on something else.

I did ask Zales about the trade-in. I have to purchase another item at twice what I paid for the initial purchase. Meaning I would have to pay $6,000+ ...and we all know how much better we could do with one of the reputable dealers here on PS!

Why not ask her what you should do with it? Maybe she''d like a pendant, or trade in for earrings, or maybe she wants *nothing* to do with it and wants you to sell it/donate it???
Date: 2/6/2007 3:48:05 AM
Author: kcoursolle
Why not ask her what you should do with it? Maybe she''d like a pendant, or trade in for earrings, or maybe she wants *nothing* to do with it and wants you to sell it/donate it???
After our chat, that was the feeling I got.

I can understand her feelings. As a guy, I wouldn''t be too keen on being given something I knew was meant for someone else (previous BF).

I should use the money and buy her new tires for Valentine''s Day! Isn''t that what every woman wants?

Let''s see....hmmmm, Ok, here is what I would consider: If you are not strapped for the money, honestly I would hang on to this rock--put it in a drawer, and use it to trade in to Zales one year from now to get her a nice pair of stud earrings as a first year anniversary gift. Not all Zales diamonds are duds, and you know what to look for now, and earrings do not necessarily have to be the quality that an engagement ring would be. I think there are people here who have bought from Zales and gotten a fair deal--given that they knew what they were looking for. People here can help you find a nice diamond from an online vendor if you give them your budget--I think they enjoy the hunt.

So, in a nutshell, I think you should just sit on the old diamond for a while. No rush.
Date: 2/6/2007 6:17:24 AM
Author: hot4teacher

Date: 2/6/2007 3:48:05 AM
Author: kcoursolle
Why not ask her what you should do with it? Maybe she''d like a pendant, or trade in for earrings, or maybe she wants *nothing* to do with it and wants you to sell it/donate it???
After our chat, that was the feeling I got.

I can understand her feelings. As a guy, I wouldn''t be too keen on being given something I knew was meant for someone else (previous BF).

I should use the money and buy her new tires for Valentine''s Day! Isn''t that what every woman wants?

OMG new tires???!!! I love your sense of humor. Actually, I would love a new set of tires. But not for Vday!
Date: 2/6/2007 6:17:24 AM
Author: hot4teacher

Date: 2/6/2007 3:48:05 AM
Author: kcoursolle
Why not ask her what you should do with it? Maybe she'd like a pendant, or trade in for earrings, or maybe she wants *nothing* to do with it and wants you to sell it/donate it???
After our chat, that was the feeling I got.

I can understand her feelings. As a guy, I wouldn't be too keen on being given something I knew was meant for someone else (previous BF).

I should use the money and buy her new tires for Valentine's Day! Isn't that what every woman wants?


mmm well if she wants nothing to do with it, I would not buy her anything with that money but spend it yourself on day to day things, e.g. gas for your car, groceries, whatever but not on a lasting thing, then she will not have to be reminded by it, e.g. if you bought yourself a leather jacket or a watch she may feel it was bought with the ex's diamond money - meaning it may cross her mind from time to time.
Post it on craigslist, I bet you might be able to get more than $500.
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