
What Sorority/Fraternity did you pledge?


Aug 15, 2004
This is an offshoot of the College/University alumni thread.

I am Delta Delta Delta (Tri Delta), chapter Delta Eta, charter granted 1912, pledged 1980
Kappa Alpha Theta (Theta), founded 1870.

Which is actually kind of funny, because I am just about the last person anyone who knows me would suspect of having been a member of a women's fraternity, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. One of the things I've always respected about Theta as an organization is the emphasis on the dignity and value of women. Hazing and so on was absolutely not tolerated, in any form.
hey, aoife, i'm a theta too! i was active from '89 to '93 and my chapter was epsilon chi (u. of guelph). sadly, the chapter folded but i still love my theta sisters. great memories :)

whenever i tell peeps i was in a sorority (oops, female fraternity as the term "sorority" had not yet been coined in 1870), they look seriously surprised. i'm not your typical sorority type... think pearls, sweater sets, prissy, et al.

i was recording secretary and social chair. i planned some pretty rockin' wine & cheeses! we went on a bunch of roadtrips too: m.i.t., cornell, syracuse, etc.
Sigma Kappa, Theta Chapter at U of I.
Upgradable|1314798543|3006257 said:
This is an offshoot of the College/University alumni thread.

I am Delta Delta Delta (Tri Delta), chapter Delta Eta, charter granted 1912, pledged 1980

I'm a Tri-Delta,too!! Pledged at Vanderbilt-graduated from Duke.
anitabee|1314806336|3006402 said:
hey, aoife, i'm a theta too! i was active from '89 to '93 and my chapter was epsilon chi (u. of guelph). sadly, the chapter folded but i still love my theta sisters. great memories :)

whenever i tell peeps i was in a sorority (oops, female fraternity as the term "sorority" had not yet been coined in 1870), they look seriously surprised. i'm not your typical sorority type... think pearls, sweater sets, prissy, et al.

i was recording secretary and social chair. i planned some pretty rockin' wine & cheeses! we went on a bunch of roadtrips too: m.i.t., cornell, syracuse, etc.

Sorry to hear about the chapter folding, but it sounds as though you guys had some fun before that!

Laughing at the pearls/twinset image! Yeah. That would not be me, either.
Delta Gamma. Nothing goes down faster than an anchor :naughty:
megumic|1314829611|3006776 said:
Delta Gamma. Nothing goes down faster than an anchor :naughty:
I just laughed out loud, Meg.

I did not pledge a sorority in college. It just wasn't at all my thang.
I attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and we had A LOT of fraternities and sororities. I must admit that I did enjoy going to many, many fraternity events. My good friends in one fraternity gave me a bid card, though. I spent a lot of time at their house. :cheeky:
I'm a Delta Zeta, a sister of the Kappa Epsilon chapter at Plymouth State University in NH.
Gamma Phi Beta, Eta Chapter at UC Berkeley. Fun times. I met my best friends through the sorority.
Im a DPhiE (delta phi epsilon) and my sister is a Tri-Delt!
Delta Delta Delta, chapter Gamma Sigma! :))
Look at all these Tri Deltas.. I was one, at Ohio Wesleyan, pledged 1980.

Phi Kappa Psi Little sister 1981. Loved it..
Another Theta here.. from the Alpha Omicron chapter. Two years ago we celebrated 100 years on campus and all sorts of alumni came in for a banquet. It was really neat to see all of the different walks of life that all came through the same house.