
What one thing *is* your SO into that you are most thankful about?


Jun 8, 2008
This thread is a run off of the other thread started by @Dancing Fire

What is your SO into that you are most thankful about...

Something that perhaps he/she wasn't into until he met you?
Something that you influenced him about that made a difference in your lives.
Something that if he/she wasn't open minded about would have never took place.



Jun 8, 2008
Of course I am glad he is into me (and is crazy about my family too) LOL but that is a given IMO and for the sake of this thread let's all assume that our SO's are crazy about us and leave that out as an answer.

What one thing is your SO crazy about that brings you joy that he or she might not have been passionate about before you arrived into his/her life? IOW what one thing did you influence your SO to come to love that before you wasn't even on the proverbial table?

What one thing am I thankful for that my DH is into?
That he loves animals now and of course the cats.

When I met him he was allergic and not a cat person at all. He had zero experience with cats but for the fact he knew he was very allergic. Fast forward to us dating and being together and he fell in love with not just me but with my cats.

In fact when I was single I only had three cats. When we got married somehow we ended up with four. And also taking care of dozens of ferals too. LOL.

I love my DH so much and this proves how good a man he is. Because he took the cats as his own and made it work by getting allergy shots weekly for years. And monthly for decades. He sacrificed for the cats (and for me). He has stopped getting monthly allergy shots (since covid) but so far so good re his allergies. Fingers crossed. Yes he is on meds for his allergies but they are keeping it under control.

So I am most grateful that my DH took the leap of faith to get allergy shots and take meds because I loved the cats so he made it his mission to embrace them as family. And there are no words to express how very grateful I am that he did this. Of course he came away with so much more in his life because he was open to loving animals no matter the reason so we both come out ahead because of his selfless actions. As do the cats. :)


Jun 8, 2008
My husband is 100% family man. He loves being married and loves his family fiercely.

That is everything. When our spouse puts us first (and we do the same) everyone comes out ahead. The hallmark of a truly successful relationship IMO.


Jan 9, 2015
Like @MMtwo s DH mine is a family man 1000%

I wasn't sure about having children ,(and getting married) , but for him it was clear that he wanted a large family. And he is incredibly committed, supportive and modern in that there's never been the shadow of a doubt we're equal partners.

He's also very generous but not a spender for himself. He's also very curious and science minded, so truly interested in learning many things....
I could go on and on and on and on...:oops::oops::oops: love that man!


Jun 8, 2008
I just asked Greg and he answered with what I thought he would answer.
Before him I wasn't into cycling.
When we started dating he asked if I would cycle with him so within the first 3 months we went and bought a bicycle for me and I started cycling with him.
The rest is history.

A few years later we borrowed our friend's tandem and cycled the whole summer on that tandem.

After that we purchased our own tandem and enjoyed cycling adventures on that tandem.

Fast forward 20 plus years later and we own three tandems and cycle many thousands of miles per year. Last year we cycled 9300 miles together.

We enjoy cycling together and if not for my DH I wouldn't have started cycling again.

Keeping open minds with each other and trying different things broaden our experiences and enrich our lives. That is what it is all about. Complementing and enhancing our lives together and sharing passions with each other. Making life better together.


Jun 8, 2008
Like @MMtwo s DH mine is a family man 1000%

I wasn't sure about having children ,(and getting married) , but for him it was clear that he wanted a large family. And he is incredibly committed, supportive and modern in that there's never been the shadow of a doubt we're equal partners.

He's also very generous but not a spender for himself. He's also very curious and science minded, so truly interested in learning many things....
I could go on and on and on and on...:oops::oops::oops: love that man!

Aww you and your DH share a beautiful family and a truly magical love story. Thank you for sharing @kipari. :kiss2:

Made in London

Sep 11, 2020
My husband found his love of animals when we got married. He was never allowed to have pets when he lived at home, his Mother thought they were dirty. As soon as we got married & had our own home the pets started arriving:mrgreen:Bryan was so taken with the joy of his first puppy that it wasn't long before the next one arrived.......& the next:mrgreen: Fast forward a few years & Bryan was to discover the joy of owning his own horse.He learnt to ride her, competing in Dressage, Show jumping & Cross country riding. He owned her for 28 years before she passed away with her head in his arms. We have 4 others plus some sheep that we bottle fed as orphaned lambs.They are 12 years old now & very doddery but they follow him round like puppies & will still try & climb onto his lap if he sits on the grass:kiss2: My passion for animals has grown in him to a full on passion too & I get so much happiness from seeing him enjoying & loving our pets:kiss2:


Jun 8, 2008
My husband found his love of animals when we got married. He was never allowed to have pets when he lived at home, his Mother thought they were dirty. As soon as we got married & had our own home the pets started arriving:mrgreen:Bryan was so taken with the joy of his first puppy that it wasn't long before the next one arrived.......& the next:mrgreen: Fast forward a few years & Bryan was to discover the joy of owning his own horse.He learnt to ride her, competing in Dressage, Show jumping & Cross country riding. He owned her for 28 years before she passed away with her head in his arms. We have 4 others plus some sheep that we bottle fed as orphaned lambs.They are 12 years old now & very doddery but they follow him round like puppies & will still try & climb onto his lap if he sits on the grass:kiss2: My passion for animals has grown in him to a full on passion too & I get so much happiness from seeing him enjoying & loving our pets:kiss2:

We have much in common @Made in London.

Greg wasn't allowed pets either (long story) and his mom didn't care for animals... period. In fact, when Greg and I started dating and it became serious I brought him home to meet my parents and my dad (who is open minded and wonderful) said to me he would think twice before becoming serious with a man who didn't love animals. I was very surprised as my dad is so not judgmental but when it comes to animals he doesn't trust anyone who doesn't love animals. Anyway he was wrong because the only reason Greg didn't love animals as he had zero experience with animals when I met him. And as it turns out Greg did come to love the animals and the rest speaks for itself. In fact, if truth be told, I think Greg might love them more than I do. JK. I think. He certainly puts up with much more regarding the animals than I am willing lol. He is (as my parents call him) St. Greg. :)

But my dad is right. I would never trust (or love) someone who didn't love animals once they got to know animals.

Glad your DH came to love the animals @Made in London. :appl:


Jun 15, 2019
My DH is a football coach - mostly high school and so college. He started coaching the year after we got married. The dedication and commitment to teaching kids something he loves and is quite good at. He is so passionate about it and comes alive when he is talking about a situation or a game or a kid that starts to put it all together and makes progress.
I am grateful for it because it is surprisingly similar to the work I put in with my horses riding dressage. The dedication, commitment, years of work, the strive to get better are all the same. Different passion, different goals, very similar work.
I'll never forget, one Saturday I was leaving for my lesson and he goes, its been years don't you know how to ride yet? (Mostly in jest.) I said yes of course I know how to ride but you have to work at it to stay good and hopefully get better. Just like the kids and football practice. I swear a lightbulb must have popped on over his head because he literally was like, oh of course practice, with your coach. Ever since, on my way to every lesson he now says have a good practice.


Jan 3, 2013
I’d have to say I’m blessed that my dh is into me!! :lol: He is also unabashedly a real family man!! ♥️


Jun 8, 2008
My DH is a football coach - mostly high school and so college. He started coaching the year after we got married. The dedication and commitment to teaching kids something he loves and is quite good at. He is so passionate about it and comes alive when he is talking about a situation or a game or a kid that starts to put it all together and makes progress.
I am grateful for it because it is surprisingly similar to the work I put in with my horses riding dressage. The dedication, commitment, years of work, the strive to get better are all the same. Different passion, different goals, very similar work.
I'll never forget, one Saturday I was leaving for my lesson and he goes, its been years don't you know how to ride yet? (Mostly in jest.) I said yes of course I know how to ride but you have to work at it to stay good and hopefully get better. Just like the kids and football practice. I swear a lightbulb must have popped on over his head because he literally was like, oh of course practice, with your coach. Ever since, on my way to every lesson he now says have a good practice.

You both complement each other perfectly. ❤️

I’d have to say I’m blessed that my dh is into me!! :lol: He is also unabashedly a real family man!! ♥️

Score! ❤️


Jun 8, 2008
Look at this. Greg spoon feeding Billy when Billy stopped eating due to his myriad of health issues. This was IIRC around 2008. It was a slow and painstaking process but a labor of love.


That’s love.
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