
What NOT to Eat.

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Oct 30, 2002
Some of these ideas are beyond CRAZY. And gross looking..meatloaf cake looks like something regurgitated.

My favorite so far: Deep fried grilled cheese. Now that is a good idea.

Nastiest? Ummm I dunno, there are so many. Pork brains in milk gravy might be it.
Date: 3/11/2009 2:10:43 PM
Some of these ideas are beyond CRAZY. And gross looking..meatloaf cake looks like something regurgitated.

My favorite so far: Deep fried grilled cheese. Now that is a good idea.

Nastiest? Ummm I dunno, there are so many. Pork brains in milk gravy might be it.
You know the thick, oil covered Texas Toast that you can buy in the freezer section? One day our work cafeteria made sandwiches of those. They put mozzarella in between two pieces of Texas Toast, covered in egg wash, then bread crumbs, and deep fried. It was delicious and sickening at the same time.

ETA: I forgot to add that we had marinara dipping sauce

ETA2: LMAO! Meat-in-loaf is hilarious (and really gross looking)

ETA3: I must not show this to my FI ... he'll want to try making some of them! I don't know how that boy stays so skinny

ETA4 (this is a new record number of ETA for me): One of my co-workers wanted to make chocolate covered bacon in the new chocolate enrober in our test lab. Now I know where he got the idea
Add to this list TGIFriday's
Spicy Southern Shrimp - Winner of the Ultimate Hot & Spicy category frrm the Ultimate Recipe Showdown

Our spicy Cajun shrimp and smoky Andouille sausage is served in a Cayenne and Chipotle sauce with creamy cheesy grits.

Sounded pretty darn good on the menu and the taste was fantastic. It's just that it contained a day's worth of calories and a week's worth of fat - all that cheese and shrimp and sausage and oil and butter. I couldn't even eat it all - even though I really wanted to. I was turned off by how bad it was for me.

el..i know where do people come up with some of these ideas??? let's bake some sausages in a loaf of bread. let's make a meatloaf CAKE.

i love it. and the ones that are like 9 patty burger with 1 lb of bacon. that is not a BURGER. who could really fit that in their mouth?

starset...totally. sometimes stuff sounds good in principle but later you are like WHAT?

99% of this i would NEVER eat. i don't care how indulgent i wanted to be that day--the visuals on a lot of these leaves much to be desired. the spam meatloaf with velveeta on top? OMG no.

but gimme that fried grilled cheese sammie. hehee.
cupcakes !!! if you are watching your waist line.
Doesn''t Storm have his Wifey2B make him meat birthday cakes or something? I seem to recall him mentioning that once.
monnie i was really impressed at how smooth that ''cream cheese icing'' was on the meatloaf cake. i had to look 3x to realize it was a cake. but once i saw the inside, no thanks. NOW give me a big fat carrot cake and i will eat it right up...HAHAA.
Date: 3/11/2009 2:10:43 PM
Some of these ideas are beyond CRAZY. And gross looking..meatloaf cake looks like something regurgitated.

My favorite so far: Deep fried grilled cheese. Now that is a good idea.

Nastiest? Ummm I dunno, there are so many. Pork brains in milk gravy might be it.
hahaha, LOVE the title!! Thanks for a laugh, Mara.. and a look at some seriously nasty food. Why put that crap in your mouth?!?! eww
Mara, the deep fried grilled cheese made with Texas Toast idea was actually a contest winner at work. We asked a local Italian restaurant to make up some recipes to help us market some products and the whole office voted. The top two were made by the cafeteria. Now, no matter how yummy it was, I don''t see how people could''ve voted for this sandwich! We''re supposed to be thinking about family recipes here and there is no way I would make this and feed it to my kid.
I guess no one could resist the cheesy deep fried allure of it.

Also, any Rochester natives here? FI talks about garbage plates allll the time, but I have yet to try one. I knew he would like this list before I even saw that one on there. Did I mention he''s really really skinny? I hate him
I am disgusted by the "porkgasum"
musey i figured someone had to post it previously, it''s too funny.

on a random note, greg was in amsterdam last year and noted that ''hodgepodge'' is a real food item and it apparently is like a hodgepodge of different things. from what he said it reminded me of a shepherd''s pie in a way but with extra veggies and stuff kind of tossed in. he said it was really good but not all that visually appealing.

interesting though re: the origin of the word.
Hmmm...that loaf iced with strawberry cream cheese didn't belong with that mess. Those loaves can be seriously elegant and delicious (although the one pictured was not very elegant! Who would put tipsy radishes on top for a garnish?)

One can buy or make loaves of bread; slice them horizontally; fill them with different spreads or salads of one's choice (preferably salads that complement each other); then "frost" them with tinted cream cheese. At a bridal or baby shower they are cute whole and, if sliced thin, look nice in slices on plates!

Italia - I''m disgusted by all of it
Is it so wrong that my mouth is watering?? I think I''m just hungry.

So, here are some items that should be added to the website that I''ve balked at along the way...

- "Special Quesadilla" ...what is so special about it?? It is deep fried!! I have only encountered them in the Imperial Valley, CA.

- An episode of Paula Deen had me in shock...she made deep fried biscuits (you know the ones in a roll/can that are already greasy) then she used a squirt bottle to squirt honey butter inside them. Talk about a FAT BOMB!!!

- Same episode...she made Bread Pudding using Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts...need I say more???

- At the SD County Fair...deep fried anything...snickers bars, twinkies...I saw the "deep fried tootsie roll on a stick" on the website - that would definitely be at the fair!!!

Ha ha!! This is fun!!!
Deep fried oreos are sold up and down the jersey shore!! They dont top them with chocolate syrup though
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