
What makes you tick? (No, not in the philosophical the you-know-what way :)

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Mar 28, 2008
In honor of Valentine''s Day
(well almost), and because I must be feeling extra in-love today, here''s a question for ALL the ladies (Brides/LIW/Wives/Girlfriends...GUYS, sorry, I''ll get you next time

What turns you on most about your man? Not necessarily in the "Let''s ''do it''" context (that''ll work too!), but what makes you go, "God, he''s so sexy/hot/fine (whatever adjective you prefer) I''m so lucky!"

--Things that make me wanna jump my FI are:

*When he''s trying to stay angry and he clenches his jaw...s.e.x.y.

*Watching him do push-ups/pull-ups at home...

*Watching him play guitar/drums. It''s like love at first sight.

*When his Nuyorican/Queens-boy accent comes on strong (usually when he''s mad or excited). Then it''s on!!!

*When he surprises me by making dinner (very out of the ordinary btw) I get soooo happy, it''s unreal.

There''s more
but I''ll stop there.

So what about you all????

BTW: Happy V-Day Everyone!!!!!!!!

Ok, I love me some nerdy guys.. so get ready for this.

I LOVE watching him quickly diagnose a computer. Watching him go from screen to screen typing in all this crazy stuff that I dont know what it means... well... gosh, it''s HOT.

Yes, I''m a loser.
Ooh fun!

- The way he tickles my back while I do dishes

- When he tells me proudly about high praise and/or advancement at work. I love how driven he is!

- I'll echo you bia: the push-ups/pull-ups at home!

- The way he looks when he walks out of the ocean (love my Hawaiian man!)

- When he can't stop laughing at something funny I've done

- When he tells me that he appreciates me and what I do. It makes me feel loved, and makes me love him more!

Love him!!!!!!
I love watching D do DIY! He''s always called to our friend''s houses to help them fix things and I love it that he can do that!

I love watching him tuck Amber and Manolo under their blankets-he''s a big softie at heart.

I love teasing him and calling him softie and he tries to act like he''s not.
*Watching him do push-ups/pull-ups at home...Big ditto on that one *edited to say* Also when he flexes his arms. It's silly and he hates it, but it makes me swoon.
*When he makes me crack up laughing
*FI in a wetsuit
*the others aren't suitable to post online

Date: 2/12/2009 3:40:09 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Ok, I love me some nerdy guys.. so get ready for this.

I LOVE watching him quickly diagnose a computer. Watching him go from screen to screen typing in all this crazy stuff that I dont know what it means... well... gosh, it''s HOT.

Yes, I''m a loser.
I can totally see how that''d be hot!!!

You''re not a loser Elle, you''re a nerd

Just kidding mama, you''re actually too cool for school.
Haha I love this idea! The little stuff always makes me love him more, and when I tell him he gets SO embarrassed.

- The look on his face when he talks about having kids with me. Like, "OMG I''M SKERRED."

- The way he talks to me in his sleep. He tells me he loves me foreverandforeverandforever...and never remembers it hehe.

- How he can never go past me without giving me a squeeze.

- When he stands behind me while I''m looking in the mirror. He''s just so BIG

- But especially...when he''s playing piano. He scrunches his lips up and stares into space and his hands are just so graceful. I just want to POUNCE.
~when he squeezes me until my back cracks

~when he leaves me little notes in the morning that just say "hi" I love you

~when he throws his arm over me in the middle of the night and holds me close.. he''s just so tall and we fit so well...

OK - gotta go call me sweetie now! :)
I love when my FI is deep in thought. His face is relaxed, his eyes somehow seem more blue than they already are ...ooohh.. he is such a dreamboat!

I love when he comes in for an extra half hour for sleep in the morning and asks to "snuggle me"

i love when he wears short sleeves and they are too tight on his arms. hot hot hot.

i love when he suprises me in the shower

i love when he tells me that i am the love of his life and all he wants is to marry me.

when he talks about how beautiful our future children are.

my god, i could go on forever!
Date: 2/12/2009 4:00:11 PM
Author: DebShine
~when he squeezes me until my back cracks

~when he leaves me little notes in the morning that just say ''hi'' I love you

~when he throws his arm over me in the middle of the night and holds me close.. he''s just so tall and we fit so well...

OK - gotta go call me sweetie now! :)

The cracking squeeze is the best!
-when he is excited to play me a song he has written on the guitar
-when he tucks me in and calls me guito (like guito burrito)
-when he shoots me a text randomly asking if I am OK
-when he hugs my friends, mum, dad....
-when he brushes the hair off my face
-when he misses his dad and those huge brown/black eyes glistens
-when he tells me to hold on tight when we are on the Harley
-when he cooks me breakfast while i''m sleeping

-no matter how far away i am when i pass him he HAS to pinch, tickle, hug....
Date: 2/12/2009 4:03:41 PM
Author: cbs102
I love when my FI is deep in thought. His face is relaxed, his eyes somehow seem more blue than they already are ...ooohh.. he is such a dreamboat!

I love when he comes in for an extra half hour for sleep in the morning and asks to ''snuggle me''

i love when he wears short sleeves and they are too tight on his arms. hot hot hot.

i love when he suprises me in the shower

i love when he tells me that i am the love of his life and all he wants is to marry me.

when he talks about how beautiful our future children are.

my god, i could go on forever!
You man sounds like a the God of Romance!
Cute thread Bia. But I don''t see why PS Gentlemen should be excluded, could the poster just change the gender of their SO in the post?

I melt when DH tells me that I am beautiful.
Date: 2/12/2009 4:10:05 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 2/12/2009 4:03:41 PM
Author: cbs102
I love when my FI is deep in thought. His face is relaxed, his eyes somehow seem more blue than they already are ...ooohh.. he is such a dreamboat!

I love when he comes in for an extra half hour for sleep in the morning and asks to ''snuggle me''

i love when he wears short sleeves and they are too tight on his arms. hot hot hot.

i love when he suprises me in the shower

i love when he tells me that i am the love of his life and all he wants is to marry me.

when he talks about how beautiful our future children are.

my god, i could go on forever!
You man sounds like a the God of Romance!
he is ..and he''s frigon beautiful too!
I melt every time I see DH playing with our baby. He is such a wonderful father.
I could come up with tons but here are three that came to mind...

He'll send me cute little emails in the middle of the day. For you Family Guy/Star Wars peeps, he just sent me one that said,
"Something, Something, Something, Dark Side.
Something, Something, Something, Complete."
Love you Boo
He seriously cracks me up!!

When I'm at the sink brushing my teeth after waking up, he'll come up behind me, wrap his arms around my waist, and wisper good morning in my ear. Swoon

And lastly, you girls are going to scorn me for this... but since FI is shop manager of the family business, he has certain "firing" powers. They have a bunch of low income workers, and a few weeks ago he was telling me how he almost had to fire this one guy for showing up late 5 days in a row. Oh how that got my heart racing!!
It's horrible, I know.
Date: 2/12/2009 4:10:12 PM
Author: Steel
Cute thread Bia. But I don''t see why PS Gentlemen should be excluded, could the poster just change the gender of their SO in the post?

I melt when DH tells me that I am beautiful.
Oh no, everyone''s welcome!

I just thought it was more of a girly subject matter. Boys, feel free to chime in!
Anytime he whispers in my ear.
Oh this is fun!!!

I adore by hubby in general, but lately he has been extra wonderful!

- The other day he was talking about a business trip he has to go on and when he goes on trips he always comments, "it is no fun without you." aww, that makes me melt!

- A few weeks ago I was eyeing some piece of jewelry and he told me to get it. Yes, I am a happy girl!!

- I am pretty thrift but if there is ever a time I wants something, he tells me "just get it" since I don't splurge too often.

- He requires a kiss
goodbye and hello everyday and a huge hug.

- Just looking at him, I have it bad for him

- I am such a creature of habit and there is this particular restaurant that is constantly yummy and this place always puts me in a good mood. Well hubby just kind of likes it so he takes me at least 2 times a month because he knows I love it. The other day he suggested we go for Valentines day! woo!

- I love splitting a beer with hubby every once in awhile; it is fun for some reason.

- He can fix anything and everthing which is amazing about him. hehe

- He is a fabulous cook!!!!

- He sometimes writes me the cutest poems ever!

- He has the most gorgeous hands ever!

- He believes in me all the time, which is just fabulous.

- He has a good heart; he sees the good in everything!

- He loves my family!!
* His stomach. Well, his whole midriff. FI has a HOT body, but especially his stomach''s so firm and muscly and manly...rrrrRRRRRrrrrr...
* This kind of happy, hazy, adoring look comes over his face every now and then out of the blue, it''s like he''s just sitting back and taking stock of how much he loves me! I love it!
* He giggles like a little girl when I kiss around his ears, it''s adorable.
* When he''s in "business mode". He''s driven and hard working. It''s sexy.

The rest is a little blue for this forum!
My guy is like Skippy''s!

He''s never afraid of some (innocent) PDA.

He always kisses me Hello and Goodbye.

He can''t sit next to me without touching me in some way.
He will come up behind me and kiss my neck.

He loves to spoon when we first go to sleep; or lie in bed and talk about our day while holding hands.

He buys at least two cards on every holiday -- ''cause one might be prettiest, while another might say it better!

He''ll buy roses at the local grocery for no reason at all.

He likes to surprise me with gifts, both inexpensive and fabulous, just because.

He could tell you my favorite colors, my taste in clothing, my jewelry lusts, my music faves, which movies I''d like to have on DVD -- because he pays attention.

He is never at a loss for the ''what'' in gifting me, and will go to great lengths to find the perfect gift.

He celebrated EVERY month of 2008 on the 21st, because it was the "monthiversary" of our wedding. Always got me a card, sometimes flowers, sometimes a gift, and always took me to dinner. How sweet is that?!

He is well respected -- at work, in the community, at church; he makes lifelong friends; I''ve never met anyone who disliked him!

I knew he was a keeper after a few months. He had told me he had decided to be a ''confirmed'' bachelor. I thought, too late buddy; I''m not going anywhere!
I like a manly man. DH has been laid off and taking the opportunity to do lots of stuff around the house. Today, he was hanging drywall, and I was like, "so, is your mom home today? Maybe she''d like to watch JT for a while" wink wink. Also, for some reason, I find it extremely sexy when DH wears a watch (not an everyday thing for him). So, after the *wink wink* comment, he put on his watch and continued to work. I was flustered to say the least.

Other favs:

anything working/fixing/building
seeing him do crossword puzzles
watching him with JT
I have a list!

1. when he puts on his sexy aftershave, I am all over him

2. when he comes from from surfing in his boadies and tank, no shoes, looking all hot and sweaty and salty from the surf

3. when he comes home in his tradey uniform, so love a tradesman in those little shorts, and a Middy's t-shirt (that's a company here girls, not a midriff) and his work boots - hubba hubba!!

4. when he comes to bed to get 'cuddly' with his white socks on still - so adorable

Phew! Looking forward to getting home to my man tonight!!!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!


5. when he fixes stuff

6. when I am in the kitchen cooking or in the laundry he will just come and grab me and kiss me - burnt dinner!!!
[She''s not a man, but I''ll play anyways!

* When we''re snuggling in the morning after our alarms go off and we have to get up sometimes I groan and start to get out of bed and she holds on to me and says "mmmm, don''t go..." in my ear.

* Watching her read with a look of concentration on her face.

* It sounds dorky, but I loooove taking classes with her. I love when she totally nails something in class and the prof is impressed. She''s so brilliant. I could totally jump her then and there! Hah!

* When she gets really excited and passionate about politics. It''s why we fell in love!

* When we dance together and she kisses my neck. Actually, all PDA. I will admit we''re pretty horrible about it, although nothing too raunchy, of course.
The way he''s such a guy''s guy normally but still has no problem with PDAs or holding my purse or going with me to my dance competitions and critiquing my dancers'' technique.

How snuggly of a guy he is, doesn''t want ANY kind of personal space, wants to hold me super close all night. If I need the space, he''ll cuddle the dogs.

He''s so smart, book-wise and common-sense wise. He can hold a conversation about anything.

He''s progressive and non-judgemental. This one''s a biggie for me. So much of my family is over the top conservative and it drives me nuts sometimes. He''s SUCH a nice break from that.

We''ve been together for nine years and he''s still all over me, and I''m still all over him.

He''s been very patient with me through some intense female drama.

With him there isn''t any drama. At least not anything significant.

And those are a few reasons I''m thrilled to be marrying him:)
- He has this black leather jacket and tight black T-shirts and his badass sunglasses *swoon*

- He has the most beautiful hands. I love watching him using them – fixing something, playing cards, driving, etc.

- Sometimes when I wake up in the morning he’s staring at me with this gorgeous smile of his, then he touches my face with his fingertips and tells me I’m beautiful.

- He loves to kiss and hug me any time and any place. He’s such a manly man/bad boy with other people that his tenderness for me is even more touching and meaningful.

- He loves buying stuff for me – anything from chocolate and silly cards to expensive jewelry. No occasion at all.

- He washes his car wearing only his favourite old torn jeans that look fantastic on him

- I love it when he has this 3 day stubble. I just do.

- He looks soooo hot when he’s angry that sometimes I’m tempted to make him mad just to watch him clench his jaw. lol
When he came out from his room with a long sleeve white dress shirt and dress pants and asked me to do his cuffs - oh my land - I could hardly breath and my mother is standing there watching us.... I thought I was going to die....mind you this was on his first time visiting my home....
When he tenderly pats the sofa beside him when he knows I am upset and just wants to assure me all will be ok
When he has a gleam in his eye and then kisses me on the nose
When he starts to cry when we have to say you know how hard it is to leave when you know you are hurting him so bad - love airplanes but beginning to hate airports and busstops - well ok - those ones where he lives - giggle
The way he loves to just sit in the evenings outside and listen to each other and nature...and snuggle when it is cold outside.
So, until we are married, that is as far as I can go for now - giggle
But I love Strm for just being himself...the sound of his voice, or even just to hear him breath when he has fallen asleep on the sofa while I have been working in the kitchen...he is my life and my love forever!
Date: 2/12/2009 3:40:09 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Ok, I love me some nerdy guys.. so get ready for this.

I LOVE watching him quickly diagnose a computer. Watching him go from screen to screen typing in all this crazy stuff that I dont know what it means... well... gosh, it''s HOT.

Yes, I''m a loser.
Oh I know - isn''t just a ...well ok - u know what I mean - giggle *blush* I just truly believe there is absolutely no one any smarter than my Strmie and he is my hero - giggle :}
I have to laugh. I''m reading these, thinking to myself how great they sound, and my husband is taking a nap in the other room. All I can hear is his LOUD snoring. Uh, I''ll have to get back to you later when I can think of something a little more romantic.

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