
What makes a good blog, IYO?


Apr 26, 2007
I used to love blogging. I was active on LiveJournal (I know, I know!) all throughout grad school, and loved the medium - longform, everybody I knew IRL was on it, and it had a good population of like-minded people/excellent filters for weeding out the ones who bored you (not to mention tight security - since this was around the point where I got myself a kind-of stalker, I was very big on keeping all personal info on the lock-down, and bigger social essays, wry general observations, humorous memes, whatever, were the only things that went public). But these days, LJ is a ghost-town, except for a few die-hards. That's what prompted this topic, actually.

I really want to get back to blogging regularly. I miss the interaction, and the mental gymnastics of working out detailed arguments - PS fills some of that for me, but it's not quite the same. Buuuuuuuut ... since this time I'm going into it cold, without a built-in audience of RL acquaintances, I got curious and started thinking about what distinguishes the blogs I LOVE. Some are picture-heavy and informative about a larger topic - holla, Diamonds in the Library! - and some are navel-gazing but hilariously funny (coughforksplitcoughcoughizzlepfaffcough). Some are themed, some are just people mentioning stuff about their lives ... do you guys see any common elements between the ones you love and check in on regularly, and the ones where you're like ... eeeeehhhh?

There's one poster whose prose I love from back in the day, but whose only topic for nigh-on a decade now is, a) himself, and, b) specifically his desire for inclusion and popularity in the Great Internet Community/Fandom, and, c) lo, his depression, because nobody ever responds. Vicious cycle, dude! Talk about something other than yourself to give people an in that doesn't make them shuffle their feet and wonder if they know you well enough to even remark on the cross-section of your psyche that you just provided! Or, if it is about yourself ... do it in a way people can identify with, that makes them want to tell their stories back to you, or provide additional perspective, or whatever.

I'm also trying to figure out what the best current long-form blogging platform is: I can't do FaceBook or Twitter, 'cause writing those things is like doing haiku, and I've always been more of an epic kinda gal. But between Blogger and Tumblr and Instagram and Dreamwidth and god only knows what other new cool things I'm too old to know about ... anybody got any favorites?

That got a little ramblier than I'd planned - you see, I need an outlet! - but, yeah, just consider this an open thread on blogging. Dying art? Threat or menace? You tell me!
I read a lot of niche blogs pertaining to the same topic as my own. I gravitate towards those with updated designs or very simple, basic styles. I lose interest easily if the blogger's content is very generic and I feel I can't relate to them because they don't seem very "real." Like, I would read your blog, Circe, because I enjoy your writing and I can sort of hear your voice. It's about personality for me.

If a blog has a dark or black background and is all dark/emo/moody with a creepy profile picture, I'm going to assume you still have a MySpace page and you're 12. If you're still using some outdated font and your page is full of a million things flashing in every margin, no way will I revisit. If you post nothing but pictures of yourself and add little or no written content aside from where you bought your outfit or what company c/o, I'm going to assume you're a narcissist and not give you any further attention. Pic-heavy blogs are ok, but back it up with great content.

I think it's a dying art for those who suck at it.

ETA: btw, I'm reading Vonnegut's Bluebeard, and every time I pick it up I think of PS due to the Circe Berman character. :lol:
For me, it's just that you're active and interested and you set for the "what this blog is about" and evolve with it. If you're not going to regularly post, make sure youre clear about that. Also, it needs to be clean and readable.

But I am totally with Monnie on the "relateable" voice. I try to be a slightly a-hole on my blog than IRL, but I am sure my general a-holiness still translates just fine.

Platform wise...I've been battling in my head whether to stay with blogger or switch to (whichever one you buy your own stuff for).

Pros of Blogger: Google linked, same login, and allows my two-step authorization and all that. All my stuff is already there, and migrating that might be a disaster. And it's free.
Cons of Blogger: less tinkering with the layout, less freedom with the layout, no scheduling "apps" and ease that comes with wordpress for scheduling your social media and all that, you have to wait til the post goes live to get a link to make a bitly to blast.

Pros of Wordpress: Freedom to the layout, convenience "apps" and widgets
Cons of Wordpress: gotta migrate everything, gotta get hosting, gotta worry about security because really popular ones apparently get hijacked a lot (and while I don't qualify as really popular...what if ONE DAY I am?), I have no idea how to use it. Like at all.
Clean lines, pictures, and regular updates--and most of all, a voice that is genuine and real. I love your voice, as Monnie said, and writing style too--I'm sure your blog will be awesome.
There have been a couple threads relating to blogs that I thought I'd post here in case anyone wants to read them.



Whoa, here's an oldie!


I use Bluehost and Wordpress. I never blogged until 2013 so I'm totally self-taught and it probably shows! It's been fun, though, and I have no plans to stop.

I really REALLY like blogs that teach you how to do something. Those are probably my number one favorites. If someone is just writing about their daily life but adding drama and posting crazy shit for clicks, it will possibly become a hate read but usually I don't even bother with it in the first place.
I am debating the wordpress thing. It's quite a war in there. I d/l it thinking it was gonna be an "app" and no. No it isnt
ame|1402021083|3687448 said:
I am debating the wordpress thing. It's quite a war in there. I d/l it thinking it was gonna be an "app" and no. No it isnt

Can you just make up a new (non-published) blog on WP for kicks and see if you like it before migrating?