
What kind of loup ?

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Apr 13, 2006
I would like to see a laser inscribed on the girdle of diamond. How many power of loup do I need to be able to see it?
Sorry if a question has been asked.
it has been asked, try a search!

really, it depends on the size of the diamond and your eyesight.
Thanks Belle,
I found my answer.

loupes are a must.

(for a ps''er!)
I can see most quite well with a 10x loupe, but we have 20x and 30X ones for those who need more magnifying power. A lot depends on just how well your vision is and if you have someone to show you how to properly use a loupe.
Now one thing you can buy on ebay pretty inexpensively is a decent loupe. check it out if you are interested in one. Mine came with a nice leather case and I am very happy with it.
I had a 10x but could not see anything. I bought a 20x and I can see it easily with it. But you need to put that diamond really close to your eye so be careful to not poke yourself in the eye!!
Besides the power (and quality) of the loupe there are other things you can do to help resolve fine detail.

Develop good loupe technique.
It involves learning how to relax and use your body to stabilize and optimize the image from whatever loupe you do have.

First, determine which eye is dominant.
Focus on something far away.
Hold a finger up at arm's length to block your view of that thing.
Close one eye.
If your finger appeared to move you just closed the dominant eye.
Use your dominant eye for the loupe.
Try to get used to keeping the other eye open; soon your brain will just discard its input.

At first put both elbows on the table. (The pros don't need to do this.)
Rest both wrists so they are touching each other and your jaw.
Now, relax your shoulders; this will help reduce image jitter.

I like to put the loupe so it is almost touching the lashes of my dominant eye.
Move stone, not the loupe, to bring the laser inscription into focus.

Next, the middle of any loupe has the best resolution.
Also keep looking straight ahead, not to the side or up or down.
Next, move the stone to change the light.
You want to position yourself so the light looks bright *behind* the laser inscription.
It may help to actually rotate in your chair, or look down or up.

Next look away slightly.
This is a trick astronomers use to resolve very faint detail or color.
The center of our retinas get, basically, worn down after years of use.
Looking slight away places the faint or small image on fresher rods and cones, the retina's sensory devices.

I can very clearly read the ACA inscription and the AGS report # on the girdle of my ACA with my 10x loupe - but only if I get everything aligned just right for my 50-year old eyes.
can anyone tell me where I can buy a loupe locally (i.e., not online)? Thanks!
Date: 11/30/2006 4:40:15 AM
Author: jenniegirlm
can anyone tell me where I can buy a loupe locally (i.e., not online)? Thanks!
I sell one locally.

Are you local to me?
Date: 11/30/2006 4:44:50 AM
Author: Garry H (Cut Nut)

Date: 11/30/2006 4:40:15 AM
Author: jenniegirlm
can anyone tell me where I can buy a loupe locally (i.e., not online)? Thanks!
I sell one locally.

Are you local to me?
Are you in Australia? Then I''m not. :) Do you seel loupes on your website? What''s a good "brand"? What to look for in buying a loupe?

If I do buy locally, will jewelry stores sell it? (I''m guessing not) :)

Sorry for the thread-jack, OP!
Date: 11/30/2006 4:48:37 AM
Author: jenniegirlm

Date: 11/30/2006 4:44:50 AM
Author: Garry H (Cut Nut)

Date: 11/30/2006 4:40:15 AM
Author: jenniegirlm
can anyone tell me where I can buy a loupe locally (i.e., not online)? Thanks!
I sell one locally.

Are you local to me?
Are you in Australia? Then I'm not. :) Do you seel loupes on your website? What's a good 'brand'? What to look for in buying a loupe?

If I do buy locally, will jewelry stores sell it? (I'm guessing not) :)

Sorry for the thread-jack, OP!
Sorry - could not resist pulling your chains

you can probably buy in a store - but be careful - there is no incentive for some people to sell a loupe that will show what you need to see.

I like my loupe - it is what I use every day. You can find it on the ideal-scope link below in the shop - top left. $35 plus $11 shipping from Dave Atlas (oldminer) in Philly.

(edited to add - Loupes cost from $2 to >$100. Some people swear by their $5 versions. Others can tell the $50 to $100 difference. Mine has 4 lenses, and dont ask me why although it does seem a little more magnification than most 10X - which are probably 8X in reality, but I like it and I can read or confirm all inscriptions when I know what they are from the cert.)
I am in the UK and I ordered my loupe a few years ago from in the USA, I am very happy with it, had no problem it came very quickly by post.
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