
What is your favorite thing to cook/bake?


Apr 19, 2004

I like to make pastry--and it is always light and flaky and delish. I have a deep dish chunky tourtiere recipe from a 1996 Christmas Canadian Living that is awesome and of course I make quiche when I make pastry. I could eat quiche everyday! I make great souffles, gnocci and spatzle.

I dislike making cookies and only make them at Christmas. Even though I do not like cheesecake, my Mom's lemon cheesecake is divine. I must do that soon. Childhood staple. My Mother was (is) an exemplary cook and baker.


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Since we got a new oven i find i can bake again
No one used to beleave me when i said i used to be good at baking but in our old rented place our oven needed new seals/ or just needed replaced
i find im better at baking because generally a recepie must be followed where as making the main part of the meal im not good at improvising with flavour but i am good at chillie and chicken soup


Mar 13, 2004
@jaysonsmom I am in awe of your selection and all matching serving dishes. Ok, where do you store all that when not in use? Some kind of heavenly closet that looks like a Williams-Sonoma open stock section? Like a Real Housewives closet but for kitchen goods?!

I wish I had a kitchen with a Butler’s pantry to store all my servingware! I should convert one of our spare bedrooms into a kitchenware room, great idea! None of the serving dishes really “match” except the 4 oval ones that come in a pack from Target! The rest are hodgepodge if platters , baking trays that I pick up from discount stores like big lots or home goods. Easy to match white with white :)


Sep 13, 2019
Wow - this is a fun thread! I am going to come back to it when I can really focus and enjoy it! The pictures alone are such eye candy. I love baking in general, but what is really fun is making baklava! I have not made it in years though. Not even sure at this point what recipe I used to use. I learned how to make it from my friend's mom when I was in 5th grade.

ETA I see you want to know why! Well, how fun is it to brush phyllo dough with melted butter, layer after layer after layer? So much fun!

I admire that you not only make phyllo dough - but you ENJOY IT! That is amazing. Baklava is one of my all-time favorite desserts. Yummmmyyyy


Sep 13, 2019
Since we got a new oven i find i can bake again
No one used to beleave me when i said i used to be good at baking but in our old rented place our oven needed new seals/ or just needed replaced
i find im better at baking because generally a recepie must be followed where as making the main part of the meal im not good at improvising with flavour but i am good at chillie and chicken soup

I totally get it - my oven now is lousy and it makes a WORLD of difference to have a nice one...glad you finally do! Your soup sounds lovely!


Sep 13, 2019
I mostly make healthy food from scratch.
Low salt, no sugar, white rice or white flour!

I don't mind, the time and effort it takes cooking from scratch with all fresh ingredients takes, or the clean up.
I find it relaxing, and sooooo worth it.

I'm not an adventurous cook who's always looking for new recipes to relieve the monotony.
Fortunately SO and I don't mind eating the same old thing, so I make huge batches.
Getting 10 to 20 meals from one prep/cleanup is more efficient, and green, than cooking every day.
I relish the luxury of microwaving a home-made entree from the freezer ... a healthy home made dinner in 5 minutes, then only a plate and a fork to wash.

My favorite things to cook/bake are lentil soup, tabouleh, whole wheat bread, home-incubated greek yogurt, salsa for Trader Joe's organic unsalted tortilla chips, marinara sauce which freezes nicely for throwing on some whole wheat pasta.

While I don't 'make' them I do like a few proteins from Costco that are quick to prepare, frozen salmon patties, hot fresh rotisserie chicken, low-fat sirloin beef patties, frozen shrimp.
Also my freezer always has Costco frozen organic strawberries and mixed berries for my greek yogurt.

I love healthy AND tasty! (Although I have a voracious sweet tooth, shhhh :lol: ). I at least try to cut some of the sugar out of nearly every recipe I make. So, I admire your dedication and wish I wasn't so picky about eating the same thing all the time! Totally agree that fresh and homemade can't be beat.

I do the same thing with marinara sauce, and other goodies like soups, compound butters or other pain-in-the-butt items. Whip up things as they come ripe in the garden and save them for later!

Also loooooove the Costco items you mentioned.

I aspire to be a bread maker, so if you have any recipes you'd recommend for a newbie, please send them my way!


Sep 13, 2019
Your quiche looks so good!!

My fav thing to make is macarons because you can try all different kinds of flavors.

OH MY WORD. I am soooo jealous! I loooove macarons!!! A true labor of love...what are some of your favorite flavors?

I have a soft spot for hazelnut, passionfruit and raspberry myself...(although I can't make macarons, I thank the stars above the I friend that does!)


Sep 13, 2019

I like to make pastry--and it is always light and flaky and delish. I have a deep dish chunky tourtiere recipe from a 1996 Christmas Canadian Living that is awesome and of course I make quiche when I make pastry. I could eat quiche everyday! I make great souffles, gnocci and spatzle.

I dislike making cookies and only make them at Christmas. Even though I do not like cheesecake, my Mom's lemon cheesecake is divine. I must do that soon. Childhood staple. My Mother was (is) an exemplary cook and baker.


All of that sounds wonderful, and so great that your mother was a fabulous cook / baker too. And...nothing quite like a perfectly made pastry. I will have to look up that recipe for tourtiere! I had the pleasure of trying it once when I lived in Canada, the version I had was made with some kind of wild game...memory is foggy.

Also envious of your souffle skills - I have not made many successfully! Spatzle is a sentimental food for me too (I am part Swiss-German and grew up eating all sorts of German foods)

Come back and share if you make that cheesecake! :kiss2:
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