
What is your favorite impulse food?

Ooooh emmmm geeeeee! I am dying here. That sounds out of this world crazy delicious. OMG :lickout:

Googled it and there are a few versions. All of them look scrumptious.




Just stop! Pure evil! LOL!
Just stop! Pure evil! LOL!

haha I am sorry I know! But you know what they say...yumminess shared is yumminess doubled and deprivation shared is deprivation halved...wait no, that's not it. :lol:

:devil: :halo:

Ok to make up for my evil tempting dessert photos here you go. Enjoy!


Yummmm...well not so strong as yummy but if you add some chocolate to it that would be yummmmm!

OK this is more like it.
There is fruit in this so that counts as healthy right?


Omg. Late morning here, I haven't had breakfast and this thread is killing me!! Thanks a heap @missy :lol: ;)2

I can't keep potato chips in the house because the bag is gone the same day. I have help, but still.

But really, it's popcorn. Natural flavor, with melted Kerry Gold butter added and some sea salt. I used to eat popcorn for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner, or snack... you name it, popcorn could always hit the spot. Once I catch a whiff of it, there is not turning back. No surprise, then, that my gut cannot tolerate it anymore. :(sad
Not a Nutella fan but let's face it. If we drizzle almost anything we love over potato chips it's gonna taste decadent. LOL I mean that's love right? Feeding our loved ones food they enjoy. At least that's how we grew up. Food=love. Italians and Jews are similar that way and many other cultures I suspect as well. :lol:

Chinese are the same, we are feeders.

My mum is forever nagging me about me being overweight. However, when she sees me as soon as I arrive for a visit, she would say "You have gained weight!" and "What would you like to eat?" in the same breath!

DK :))
Omg. Late morning here, I haven't had breakfast and this thread is killing me!! Thanks a heap @missy :lol: ;)2

I can't keep potato chips in the house because the bag is gone the same day. I have help, but still.

But really, it's popcorn. Natural flavor, with melted Kerry Gold butter added and some sea salt. I used to eat popcorn for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner, or snack... you name it, popcorn could always hit the spot. Once I catch a whiff of it, there is not turning back. No surprise, then, that my gut cannot tolerate it anymore. :(sad

Lol I’m sorry! Please see my above post to House Cat ❤️
And don’t forget. Breakfast is the most important meal even if it’s ice cream and chocolate. #goals #gottalive #yummm
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:eek2: So I've just caught up on this thread and can feel my cholesterol levels rising! Now where did I put those peanut butter cookies? :lol-2:
:eek2: So I've just caught up on this thread and can feel my cholesterol levels rising! Now where did I put those peanut butter cookies? :lol-2:

Here you go Madame. Your wish is my command. Especially when it involves peanut butter and cookies. ♥️



2 different types to choose from...:lickout:
1) malted milk balls (I must steer clear of them at all times!)

2) mac and cheese anywhere, even crappy mac and cheese.

3) mexican brownies with coffee glaze

4) ooey gooey bars (vanilla) from scratch not from vanilla cake mix.. I have at least 30 lbs on me from these things.

4) spaghetti in any sauce..

Poutine - with my acid reflux, only once a year.

Pizza - same as above but eat it a bit more.

Carrot cake - use 2 pkgs of cream cheese in the frosting please.

Halvah - pretty damn sweet, but oh man!
Poutine - with my acid reflux, only once a year.

Pizza - same as above but eat it a bit more.

Carrot cake - use 2 pkgs of cream cheese in the frosting please.

Halvah - pretty damn sweet, but oh man!

I love Halvah. And yes. Way too sweet. But omg it melts in the mouth. Heaven.
Mine has to be savoury, I’m not really a chocolate lover. I love crisps (potato chips), preferably a lovely tangy salt and vinegar flavour. :lickout:
Too many Chinese junk foods to name. Chinese egg custard tarts. :lickout:

Is it bad that I find it almost impossible to narrow it down? Potato chips are my greatest weakness. I try to avoid them. But what I do is try to substitute popcorn type things. Plus I use this dollar store ice cream bowl that holds about 1 cup of product. Sometimes I go through more than one cup. Popcorn is about a 3 cup max per serving. I try to stick to the one cup. Everything goes in that silly purple cup, lol.
Haagen Dazs macadamia nut brittle!!

This thread is making me HUUUNGRRYY!!
Almonds I buy raw at Costco, baked with no salt or oil.
I'm more of a savory food person as well, at work I always keep a jar of Wasabi dried peas, or lightly salted almonds. At home I grab cheese and crackers whenever I feel peckish. I always have a variety of cheese in the fridge because both my husband and I were born in the year of the rat and we HEART CHEESE!
Impulse snacks any time of day:
Dark chocolate (and I do mean any time of day as I just finished eating some dark chocolate at 5AM this morning)

It never runs out in this house. It is often breakfast these days. It has been my work lunch for ages! No reason to slow down.

I am seriously spoiled for food in this part of the world; I've seen better too (work in progress.) One thing I keep making is flatbread on the grill, it usually goes down while hot, with olive oil & a little something or nothing much on the side, so as not to spoil the treat.
1. hard boiled eggs-- with freshly ground Penzeys tellicherry pepper and a sprinkle of salt. When everyone else had Twinkies and such for their snack in elementary school, my mother sent me with a hard boiled egg. =)
2. popcorn that I pop myself
3. raw pecans that I put in the freezer for increased crunch
4. a crunchy garlic dill pickle.
Impulse food or pig out food? Either way, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!! :lickout:

Boursin cheese cuz its handy...on celery..... Or chocolate milk--my frequent go to at work.

I'm more of a savory food person as well, at work I always keep a jar of Wasabi dried peas, or lightly salted almonds. At home I grab cheese and crackers whenever I feel peckish. I always have a variety of cheese in the fridge because both my husband and I were born in the year of the rat and we HEART CHEESE!

I can eat a 6" wheel of brie by myself in one sitting, So it is both an impulse and a pigout.
Peanut butter- right off the spoon. That is why I don't keep any in the house.
Peanut butter- right off the spoon. That is why I don't keep any in the house.

Same. That's how I used to eat it when I was able to eat it. Right from the jar straight. No jelly needed. I preferred eating it from a wooden stick vs a spoon though but haha a topic for another day. :lol:
Impulse food or pig out food? Either way, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!! :lickout:

A girl after my own heart. You cannot go wrong with ice cream.
Favorite flavor?
I can eat a 6" wheel of brie by myself in one sitting, So it is both an impulse and a pigout.

Yes! I love a girl with a hearty appetite. I frequently eat way more than my dh can. I love food.
It never runs out in this house. It is often breakfast these days. It has been my work lunch for ages! No reason to slow down.

I am seriously spoiled for food in this part of the world; I've seen better too (work in progress.) One thing I keep making is flatbread on the grill, it usually goes down while hot, with olive oil & a little something or nothing much on the side, so as not to spoil the treat.



Boursin cheese cuz its handy...on celery..... Or chocolate milk--my frequent go to at work.


Those are very good snacks Sharon. Nutritious and yummy.

1. hard boiled eggs-- with freshly ground Penzeys tellicherry pepper and a sprinkle of salt. When everyone else had Twinkies and such for their snack in elementary school, my mother sent me with a hard boiled egg. =)
2. popcorn that I pop myself
3. raw pecans that I put in the freezer for increased crunch
4. a crunchy garlic dill pickle.

Almonds I buy raw at Costco, baked with no salt or oil.

Another nutritious and delicious snack.

Marble with chocolate topping please.

This is literally the most dangerous thread ever posted on PS.

I agree. I am still hungry and generally at this time of night I am not thinking about food at all. :rolleyes:
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Is it bad that I find it almost impossible to narrow it down? Potato chips are my greatest weakness. I try to avoid them. But what I do is try to substitute popcorn type things. Plus I use this dollar store ice cream bowl that holds about 1 cup of product. Sometimes I go through more than one cup. Popcorn is about a 3 cup max per serving. I try to stick to the one cup. Everything goes in that silly purple cup, lol.

That is my downfall. I do not practice portion control because I love quantity and quality. But am not satisfied generally with small portions. :oops: My dh likes to joke with me that I eat my dinner out of a serving bowl.:lol:
1) malted milk balls (I must steer clear of them at all times!)

2) mac and cheese anywhere, even crappy mac and cheese.

3) mexican brownies with coffee glaze

4) ooey gooey bars (vanilla) from scratch not from vanilla cake mix.. I have at least 30 lbs on me from these things.

4) spaghetti in any sauce..


OMG you just brought me back to the good old days. Malt balls. Wow. Those were amazingly delicious. Melted in our mouths. Haven't thought about those in decades. And the rest of your list is pretty darn delicious too.:lickout: