
What is your favorite "ethnic" cuisine?

hmmm, Italian- love it all! pastas, seafood, you name it!, Japanese sushe :love: , Thai- love pad thai :), Chinese :)
ooooh, forgot to add Mexican!
I would happily live on a diet of mainly Sushi for the rest of my life!

Living in London we are rather spoilt when it comes to ethnic cuisine. I also live in the take-away area for some of the best Indian food... hence why I have a fridge full of curry right now.

Thai and Korean are high up my list. Chinese - I am struggling to find a good one at the moment and now that DH is zero carb it makes Chinese tricky.

Oh, Jen if we are defining 'ethnic' in add ways, then I think you should know that I have a Haggis in my fridge right now. It's one of my favourite things in the whole world - my mother used to cook it for me the last night at home before going back to boarding school - and I introduced Daisy to it at Christmas... we will be sharing MY haggis. :blackeye:
jaysonsmom|1314383128|3000495 said:
Oh yeah, we all love Mexican, but here in So. Cal, it's almost not considered ethnic, it's native to us. We have at least a couple times a week :bigsmile:

Hahaha! I'm from So Cal too, and when we went to Mexico last month we WOULD NOT eat at the hotel because the Mexican food was so bad--it was weirdly bland tourist food. We ended up going into town to eat at the local's spots a bunch of times to get authentic food. Some of the other hotel guests were horrified that we were eating off the food carts, but I will risk getting sick for delicious, authentic food!

I love all kinds of ethnic food! My mom is Italian, so I love Italian food (though it doesn't seem ethnic to me :lol: )We go to Gardena, CA frequently for dinner because there are all sorts of amazing asian restaurants: Japanese Izakaya (small plates/bar food: YUMMM!!!), Ramen (Hakata Ramen Shin Sen Gumi will freaking rock your socks off!), Korean BBQ, Pho, etc...

What I really love is the weird places that combine cuisines with amazing results: there are a couple Peruvian restaurants nearby that serve food that's a fusion of latin-italian-japanese. Sounds weird, but it's BOMB. Peruvian Sushi is delicious--the ceviche at a little spot called Kotosh is one of my favorite dishes EVER. There is also a Japanese Italian spot in Gardena called Eatalian that is delicious.

I'm so hungry now!!!!!
Mmmm... Can't pick just one. Top 5 (in no particular order)

1. Thai
2. Middle eastern/ Mediterranean
3. Chinese
4. Japanese
5. Italian
Hmmm, as a family we all like Japanese (my son's favorite) and Chinese.
I like Ethiopian, and Indian might be my favorite.
My husband likes Mexican though I don't consider that ethnic, Brazilian, we all like,
1. thai
2. (and a VERY close 2nd) indian
3. turkish
4. vietnamese
5. mexican
Japanese!I adore sushi,I could live just with it!I also adore our italian cuisine,but being an italian,born and raised in Italy,to me is just our normal cuisine :lol:
Hmmmm, mine would be Japanese and Thai, FI would probably pick Indian or Italian.

I love most food but prefer foods which are light and fresh tasting rather than heavy. Heavy food like Chinese is yum but makes me feel sick or gives me a sore stomach, however there is a really good vegan chinese restaurant not to far away which is great. Mmmm, not egg fried rice and sweet and sour not pork :bigsmile:
monarch64|1314427758|3001289 said:
Gypsy|1314417606|3001186 said:
I love it all. We're foodies and love trying different types of food. It's not the TYPE of food, it's the quality that determines if I like it.

In no particular order

Chinese (especially Sichuan)
Puerto Rican
El Salvadorian
Basque (One of my top favorites-- very little beats good basque)
Arabic (Morocan, etc.)
Ethopian stews are awesome-- but I can't stand the fermented bread you eat with. So, if they give me a fork, I'm good.

WEll, DAMN you ever just eat a cheeseburger????????????????? (Show off!) Love you, lady. Impressive palate you have. I should've already guessed this about you by your fabulous and varietal taste in jewelry.

I ADORE cheeseburgers and have fabulous home made ones at least once a month and I hit In and Out about once a month as well. Love a good Big Mac too.

It does look like I was showing off a bit doesn't it? I wasn't... I just lurve good food. All good food. :love:

I am picky, but not about the type of food, it's food quality that I'm picky about.

Love you too babe. ((HUGS))
Ethiopian - yum!
I have yet to meet an ethnic cuisine that I don't like!

My favorite is Middle Eastern food, probably because I grew up eating it. Mediterranean food is a close second.

I'm dipping pita in labne drizzled with oil and za'ater as we speak, actually. Mmmmmmmm.
I love almost all types of cuisines but Mexican is probably my favorite. Indian, Greek, and authentic Chinese are also at the top of my list.

ETA: ohh and I also love Turkish and Middle Eastern food!!