
What is one thing about you that might surprise people who know you?

I get the worst motion sickness from the ocean.

Me too Jordy! But for you that really sucks sad :((. Have you tried those wrist bands? If all else fails I find that a half of Scopolamine patch behind one ear works wonders. For those really rough days at sea. I generally am OK if we are moving at a good speed but if we slow down or stop, well, fuggedaboutit.:knockout:
My dad shot my mom in front of me, was going to shoot me but I escaped. He committed suicide. I was 19. She lived for another 22 years. Love you Mom.

( I don't tell people. They see me as damaged goods.)

@Begonia I cannot even imagine the horror. Sending you so much love and so many hugs. You are an incredible woman and I am amazed at how courageous and strong you are. (((HUGS))).
Good thread Missy.

I will play and give you the first 5 that come to mind.
People would never guess my age, they usually don’t believe me when I tell them. I figure it’s my maturity level. :lol:
I joke when I’m nervous.
I have social anxiety. I accept invitations then try to find a way to get out of going.
Miller moths scare me a lot like a total phobia.
When I took piano lessons as a kid I’d have my teacher play the song for me first because I could play it by ear rather than read the notes. She caught on though. Sadly I can only play chop sticks now.

Marcy, we have the first 4 in common but why doesn't that surprise me lol. As for the fifth, I too took piano lessons and was quite good. Despite being tone deaf. Completely tone deaf. I guess sort of something in common with Beethoven...not. :lol:
Mataram: ,sarahb, Dancing Fire, LaylaR, Missy and AV...I’ll take those hugs and love. Then we’ll have tea and celebrate being alive, together.
Begonia, thank you for sharing that with us. Please add me to the group (((((hug)))))

~Peace :saint:
Me too Jordy! But for you that really sucks sad :((. Have you tried those wrist bands? If all else fails I find that a half of Scopolamine patch behind one ear works wonders. For those really rough days at sea. I generally am OK if we are moving at a good speed but if we slow down or stop, well, fuggedaboutit.:knockout:

I have tried the bands but they don't work for me unfortunately. Most over the counter travel sickness meds work somewhat. However they give me insane cottonmouth, begin wearing off late afternoon and wouldn't be able to combat the effects if I was looking down in the boat for more than 5 mins.

Phenergen 25mg has been best for me. Pop 2 the night before, an extra in the morning if seas are predicted over 6 feet and I am now rigging baits in the worst seas for an hour with no problems or dry mouth!
Phenergan did absolutely nothing for me, (neither did the bands or patches) the ship’s Doctor told me to go straight back to the cabin and lay down, so I did, and waited and waited, and nothing!

The only thing that worked for really severe sea sickness is Avomine, it knocked me out till the rough seas subsided. :lol:
My heart goes out to Begonia and other survivors who have shared here. I walk through life sometimes consumed with my own burdens and issues and this just reminds me to assume what someone else may have been through or underestimate how strong they are. Add me to the *hug* pile.
I have perfect pitch and if someone sings a note I can tell them what it is. My boyfriend is endlessly amused by this and will twang out a note on the guitar to hear me yell "G!" (or whatever) from another room lol. Most people don't know this about me, but probably wouldn't care.

This is fantastic! It makes listening to bad (out of tune) performances of live music pretty distracting, I'll bet.
My dad shot my mom in front of me, was going to shoot me but I escaped. He committed suicide. I was 19. She lived for another 22 years. Love you Mom.

( I don't tell people. They see me as damaged goods.)

Add me to the list of huggers on here. Sending love and healing vibes to you with everything I've got @Begonia :kiss2:
This is fantastic! It makes listening to bad (out of tune) performances of live music pretty distracting, I'll bet.
Sometimes YouTube videos change the keys of songs (maybe to try and avoid copyright issues or something?) and I can't listen to them :lol:
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Mataram: ,sarahb, Dancing Fire, LaylaR, Missy and AV...I’ll take those hugs and love. Then we’ll have tea and celebrate being alive, together.

Why not! I know ALL the good places, and a few already know what to serve before I am asking ,)
That I'm a makeup hoarder, er, collector. I have like 200 lipsticks.

and one pair of lips. So dumb!

Not dumb at all! Lipstick is fun and affordable and a quick easy way to feel good about yourself. I think that's very smart. Enjoy them and you're not breaking the bank.
Not dumb at all! Lipstick is fun and affordable and a quick easy way to feel good about yourself. I think that's very smart. Enjoy them and you're not breaking the bank.

But I have ONE PAIR OF LIPS so I will never wear all these before they spoil, lol. I have since stopped buying them at least LOL
But I have ONE PAIR OF LIPS so I will never wear all these before they spoil, lol. I have since stopped buying them at least LOL

LOL but you can wear different shades whenever you want and not worry about using them up...I'd say send some of them my way but I don't even wear lipstick lol. Wish I could because it always looks so good on others but on me I feel like I am playing dress up if I wear lipstick. With the exception of Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey. :P2 I wear that for very special occasions. Hasn't gone bad yet and I think the one I have is over a decade old.:oops2::lol:
I am a dish hoarder. I have 8 sets of fine China and 8 sets of casual everyday ware, plus 3 full sets of sterling flatware. I set the table every night as if royalty is coming, lol. Always with fresh flowers. Omg, I need to get a life.
I am a dish hoarder. I have 8 sets of fine China and 8 sets of casual everyday ware, plus 3 full sets of sterling flatware. I set the table every night as if royalty is coming, lol. Always with fresh flowers. Omg, I need to get a life.

I think that's awesome @ceg :appl:Live life to its max each day and enjoy all your fine China. Good for you!
That I'm a makeup hoarder, er, collector. I have like 200 lipsticks.

and one pair of lips. So dumb!

This is funny! I had a problem with this in college - every time I'd walk past the CVS (which was next to my apartment btw) I'd buy a new lipstick. It does make you feel better!
I am a dish hoarder. I have 8 sets of fine China and 8 sets of casual everyday ware, plus 3 full sets of sterling flatware. I set the table every night as if royalty is coming, lol. Always with fresh flowers. Omg, I need to get a life.

OMG. I love the nights we eat take out on paper plates (no dishes, clean kitchen)... and we never EVER use our nice, big, expensive dining table and chairs from Pottery Barn. I've had it since 2005, and I can count on one hand the number of times a meal has been consumed on it. It just sits there in its pristine greatness. LOL

It sounds like your home is "pinterest-worthy" -- I feel so basic.:oops2: #ormaybejealous :saint: ;-)

ETA: ...and much to the chagrin of my MIL, I refused to register for fine China, because I knew we'd never use it. LOL Today is our 6th anniversary, so it made me think of that too. :)
OMG. I love the nights we eat take out on paper plates (no dishes, clean kitchen)... and we never EVER use our nice, big, expensive dining table and chairs from Pottery Barn. I've had it since 2005, and I can count on one hand the number of times a meal has been consumed on it. It just sits there in its pristine greatness. LOL

It sounds like your home is "pinterest-worthy" -- I feel so basic.:oops2: #ormaybejealous :saint: ;-)

ETA: ...and much to the chagrin of my MIL, I refused to register for fine China, because I knew we'd never use it. LOL Today is our 6th anniversary, so it made me think of that too. :)

I get to at least pretend I'm fancy, lol! Just wish I had a live in maid to clean up every night. Oh wait, I do - 3 kids!
That I'm a makeup hoarder, er, collector. I have like 200 lipsticks.

and one pair of lips. So dumb!
Do you wear different colors? Or do you gravitate towards only one?
I get to at least pretend I'm fancy, lol! Just wish I had a live in maid to clean up every night. Oh wait, I do - 3 kids!

Our little girl is only 3, so she just makes messes. LOL
Dooooo iiiiiiiit! There’s no time like the present and there are some bows out there that don’t require too many pounds of pull. Target practice with a bow is really enjoyable. :D

Huge hugs to all you wonderful women for all you’ve been through, all your triumph over trauma and drama and healthy crisis and pain. There are so many of us.
I want to learn to shoot a longbow - I've seen a demonstration at a castle over here and they are awesome!
I get the worst motion sickness from the ocean.

I'm with you on motion sickness. I can actually get motion sick from WATCHING the ocean on tv. Yeah, those scenes where they fly over the water...yeah no. :sick:
I'm with you on motion sickness. I can actually get motion sick from WATCHING the ocean on tv. Yeah, those scenes where they fly over the water...yeah no. :sick:

So do I, kinda...

If I have been sitting there and editing footage from a day of Marlin fishing in rough conditions, I'll have to walk away every 5-10 mins or else I might get motion sickness sitting in my office. It took me 2 days to watch, pick out sections and then condense 45 mins of footage to 4 minutes for a Marlin my dad caught 8 years ago. I had to lie down a couple times :lol::lol: