
What is one food from your childhood that you can’t get today?

Sao biscuits (they're a cracker). I can't get them in the US, and I neeeeeed them for butter and promite!
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Sao biscuits (they're a cracker). I can't get them in the US, and I neeeeeed them for butter and promite!
They are out of stock right now but here is a US source.
Sourdough pancakes from starter that my Mom threw out years ago. We've all tried other starters but not the same.
Sourdough pancakes from starter that my Mom threw out years ago. We've all tried other starters but not the same.
Don't you just hate that, it should be close to the same but its not and never will be.
They are out of stock right now but here is a US source.

Oh, you wonderful man, you!! Thank you so much!
Fizzies! altho Missy I loved those cough drops too, I am unable to find Smith's Cherry cough drops but can find Luden's so it's a good substitute - great question! xo


I remember these. To be honest, we loved the idea of Fizzies and watching them fizz but we did not like the taste.
Good Hershey chocolate. The stuff they make now sucks. The texture and the taste is off.

AprilBaby, I grew up close enough to Hershey, PA, that we used to take field trips there when I was in grade school. It was A.Ma.Zing. :lickout:

I love Wise potato chips (hi Matata! :wavey:And there are some others of us here too), and you can still get Wise, but they are not the same almost burned chips they used to be be.

Marathon candy bars! Braided caramel covered in chocolate. We used to see how far they would stretch them before they broke. All the chocolate would fall off in the process. And what a mess that would make in the back seat of the car, LOL.

Chicken Rondelets. I swear I lived on those things in high school. When my grandmother died we found boxes and boxes of them in the downstairs freezer. I was 42 at the time so those things were old enough to order a drink of their own by then!!!
Good Hershey chocolate. The stuff they make now sucks. The texture and the taste is off.

i wasn't going to be post in this thread because im still so angry what happened to Cadbury over the recent years - made with actual liquid milk, cane sugar, cocoa solids and no palm oil, no activities to stop it melting - now its all imported cr*p, but once they closed a profitable and modern factory in my home town i wiped them completly. unfortunatly they also owned alot of iconic NZ lollies (sweets)
i have no problem with buying important chocolate just don't try to pretend its any where near what i grew up with
i miss milk bottles - a little milk flavoured gummy milk bottle - now they make them milk free and they taste like they are made of white rubber


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I used to like a sauce called Chicken Tonight that was an easy short cut dinner when I was a kid. It’s not sold in the USA anymore. Silly commercials for it too. I would likely not want it now!

i had a bottle of that the other night to make butter chicken
im not too keen on the other flavours but the butter chicken is still good but
Gary said it wasn't hot enough and to buy Pataks next time
Oh, you wonderful man, you!! Thank you so much!

oh Mrs-B they are so overrated :mrgreen2:
when im in emplyment again i would be happy to gift you some in the post=)2
they are Gary's favourite biscuit
i recently learnt* the name came from a race horse who won the Kentucky derby and the biscuit man really liked the name !

* watching one of those Aussie quiz shows we get before the news opposite home and away
McDonald's Big Breakfast with scrambled egg, a slice of sausage, butter muffins and hash brown.

I had it when I was a child in HK and UK, and it cost 99p in 1979. The egg was soft and nice in those days, before H&S decided to cook them till death to minimise the risk of food poisoning.

Sadly they have taken it off the menu ages ago, replaced by their breakfast muffins and hash brown on the side so that peeps can eat them on the go.

DK :confused2:
A special occasional treat was fudge space food sticks. I'm sure they tasted horrible now but for some reason us kids literally fought over them.


Oh, I was hoping someone would post these - they were the very first thing that came to my mind. I absolutely loved them in the fudge, peanut butter, and butterscotch flavors. These were a desperation move on my mom's part to get some kind of "balanced nutrition" in me......:P2

Also: my grandma's homemade apple sauce, made with apples from their orchard, her date-nut pinwheel cookies at Christmas (which were always perfectly round and perfectly baked), my mom's homemade cherry pies with cherries from our trees, and this homemade dessert my mom would make when she was feeling "fancy" called peachy cream parfait.

Bit of a theme there, I guess.....
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So I can’t find these but they might still be around. I haven’t searched all over for them. I used to eat these by the box lol. The honey and the cherry and I think (?) black licorice also was a flavor. Anyway these bring me back to childhood.


Does any edible item from your childhood (that you can no longer find) do that for you?

Oh my gosh, I LOVED those! I use to pretend I had a sore throat when I was little so my parents would buy those for me! It didn't work on my parents, but my stepfather was easy to fool and would buy them for me all the time. They were like candy! the honey was the best!
Red licorice strands, not the glossy gooey type they make today.
The strawberry one in this pack - my brothers never got the chance to taste them because I'd open the pack and steal it, closing back up the sides and putting the pack back in the freezer. The delicate and subtle flavor was revelatory to me, and the closest thing I could image to how the color Pink tasted.

The coconut was good, and the vanilla was wonderful.

#1 thing I miss is my mom's cultured lime pickles.
aka sweet lime pickles.
I loved Marathon Bars too! And the original Clark and 5th Avenue bars.
real root beer!

Come visit WA for real root beer. We have a number of places that specialize in doing small batch root beer. One hamburger place has been making the same recipe for many decades. Doesn't taste at all like that stuff out of the cans/bottles in the store.
I have no idea if these are still available and I wouldn't want to eat one if it were. However, as a child I loved little ice cream cones made out of marshmallow. They were in pastel colors, maybe three colors to a "cone". I will see if I can google an image. For all I know they are still available. I think one had to buy a box with many (6? 10?) in it.
I miss the Helm's bakery truck. It used to drive through the neighborhood and stop if someone came out of their house. They would open the back doors and the smell was amazing. They had donuts on trays. I don't eat bread or donuts now, but I would sure love to stand there and smell that smell again.
Callard & Bowser's Butterscotch, and also their Licorice Toffee.

See's Butterscotch Lollypops taste about the same as C&B's (I bought a few at a mall kiosk at Christmas time a few years ago) but I don't know of a licorice toffee to replace C&B's. Which is just as well, as I don't need the carbs!
My mom used to get these box egg noodle dinner that was chicken flavor, sooo good I don't see them anywhere now.
Also coming from a large family you had to make the $$ stretch so she would take a hotdog split it lengthwise half way put a slice of cheese in the slit and wrap it with bacon and bake them, ohhhh those were good. Brings back good memories.

I loved the Clark bars!
Is this sign still there @Matthews1127 ?