
What has been putting you in a bad mood lately?


Jun 8, 2008
In other words what is the bane of your existence right now.

I know these things change over time and so it is not always a permanent thing so asking as of right now what pisses you off and just makes you go argggghhh! :nono: :errrr: :cry:

For me it's an easy no brainer answer. Unfortunately, as I wish I didn't have such an obvious cause of my bad moods or better yet wish I had no to rare bad moods at all. Sadly that is not the case and I am working on doing the best I can to fix my problem while accepting there is only so much I can do and trying to make the best of it and control my reaction to what I cannot control. If that makes sense. Haha there I go with the wordy posts. :lol: :oops:

My skin is the BANE of my existence and has been for a long while now even while waning and waxing the issues are always there front and center even surpassing my badly broken leg in 2014. Yes that's right. You read it correctly. My face caused me and causes me more angst than the horrible break of my tibia and fibula in 2014. And that was no picnic in the park let me tell you. Just read the beginning of the NIRDI thread and you will see I am not lying. Thankfully during the worst of the broken leg my skin miraculously behaved so maybe the key to my skin issues is to just keep breaking body parts? :lol: OK JK. Sort of. :knockout:

Anyway the point of this thread is to ask you girls/guys-what is the very bane of your existence right now?

I can totally relate on skin issues. I have Rosacea and it is the bane of my existence. I had some success with a prescription in the past but I no longer believe in taking any prescription medication so that's out. I feel like people look at me like "she would be pretty if....." but I don't have time to deal with it right now, I'm more focused on my weight loss efforts.
Facial skin issues would certainly put a huge damper on my life...sorry ladies. I did have a small shingles rash on my face :angryfire: but it has since subsided, thank goodness!

For me, my arthritic (and flaring) knuckles are annoying me this month. I hate not being able to wear my rings! :boohoo: I know, not that big of a deal, but for a bling lover, it's sad for me!

As you said, what annoys us varies over time, so here's what put me in a bad mood for a bit Thursday. All good since then. :D

Drivers going slower than the speed limit when road conditions are good.

Thursday evening, single lane, no passing, and cars in front of me doing 40 km in a 50 km zone. Really?!?

Later in the evening, I was on a two-lane road behind two cars, side-by-side, doing 70 km in an 80 km zone!
Did they think they were pace cars in a NASCAR race!?!?

I'm in my car, alone, saying "The snow storm was Tuesday! Its Thursday! The roads are clear!"
Following by "The right! The right! Its the pedal on the right, for goodness sake!"

And about once a week I see a driver at night without their headlights on. Leaning forward because its hard to see!
Give me strength.

When I see a situation, my instinct is to get involved to help.
A couple of times, I've managed to get in the lane next to the person at a red light and told them their headlights are off.
They were thankful and have immediately turned on their headlights. But did they not notice it was darker than usual.

I'm a recovering Type-A, overachiever, perfectionist.
That means I can be a pain in the neck and need to remind myself to slow down mentally and 'let it go'.
I'm much better than I was.

With big issues, I assess, reflect, analyze and come to terms with things.
I'm pretty good with the big things in life.

But drivers going way too slowly, or not turning on headlights at night?
Not a big deal. Except to me. I have to work on that. :lol:

Gee, Missy, I'm writing novels on here today!
My son's moods tend to put me in a bad mood. All of the small stuff in life I am able to ignore.
... that so much of America wants this to be their leader ...

One of my co-workers. Wants to be queen bee and has pulled the wool over my line managers eyes - I'm actively seeking alternative employment as it's got so bad I'm having to take medication.

If it were just me feeling this way I'd put it down to a personality clash but pretty much 90% of the team have also been to HR and come back feeling as if they are in the wrong.

I have evidence of what she has done, but after presenting it to my boss last year and it being turned on me, I'm biding my time as co- worker is starting to unravel before our eyes.

Horrible horrible situation
GK2|1455993394|3993354 said:
One of my co-workers. Wants to be queen bee and has pulled the wool over my line managers eyes - I'm actively seeking alternative employment as it's got so bad I'm having to take medication.

If it were just me feeling this way I'd put it down to a personality clash but pretty much 90% of the team have also been to HR and come back feeling as if they are in the wrong.

I have evidence of what she has done, but after presenting it to my boss last year and it being turned on me, I'm biding my time as co- worker is starting to unravel before our eyes.

Horrible horrible situation


I'm so sorry to hear this.

I'm retired, but I dealt with my fair share of annoying situations due to people taking credit for another's work, etc.

Unfortunately, a lot of managers aren't competent and don't deal with destructive work behaviour. An arrogant or bullying employee is often ignored or tolerated, and an employee who decides to charm her way up the ranks often gets away with that approach.

So annoying. And unprofessional. :evil:

In many cases, the good employees move on.

I hope this miserable situation results in you getting a job offer for a more rewarding and positive position.

Bad situations can be a catalyst for getting onto a better path in life.

Sending best wishes.
Like december-fire, I get really annoyed at people driving under the speed limit... And slow people in general. I feel like any time I go anywhere, I'm stuck behind shambling couples or groups blocking off the entire sidewalk. I also hate people who blast music in their cars as well as people who bring their dogs everywhere (went to a pizza place yesterday and a woman had her ill behaved dog running around!) and parents who expect everyone to gush over their crying/ annoying baby.

I guess I am pretty irritable lately! :) Trying to be more laid back.
blingbunny10|1455994945|3993366 said:
Like december-fire, I get really annoyed at people driving under the speed limit... And slow people in general. I feel like any time I go anywhere, I'm stuck behind shambling couples or groups blocking off the entire sidewalk. I also hate people who blast music in their cars as well as people who bring their dogs everywhere (went to a pizza place yesterday and a woman had her ill behaved dog running around!) and parents who expect everyone to gush over their crying/ annoying baby.

I guess I am pretty irritable lately! :) Trying to be more laid back.

Yes! Sauntering people blocking the entire walkway at shopping mall! :nono:

I'm learning to slow down, but I tend to walk quickly.
Until recently, I was trying to fit about 30 hours into every day.
I was always on a mission and timeframe.

I'm blessed to have met a wonderful man who has a calming effect on me.
He's calm, cool and collected. I'm so thankful to have him in my life.
I remind myself of that when he's behind the wheel and driving at the speed limit or slightly below. :D

I have to add that when I was stuck behind the slow drivers the other day, I was simultaneously annoyed at them and laughing at my ridiculous crazy-lady response of 'The pedal on the right!!!'. :lol:
I'm getting heated about how the job situation is going in Canada. Right now in our household, no one has benefits from their job(s). My husband has been working contracts for the past 4 years and so we have no medical benefits. We pay a steep monthly price for a small amount of drug coverage that only covers slightly less than 3/4 of our bills. My oldest daughter's company keeps her at 34 hours a week, to 36 hours, so they also don't have to give benefits. My youngest is in college and works part time. I fear though, that this situation where companies keep people on contracts or just under the threshold for benefits is becoming more and more the norm in Canada. And pensions, we've never even had a company pension program to work with. Argh!! :nono:
My skin, first and foremost. I went and got my hair done this morning and just looking at myself in the mirror..ugh.

My weight, second. That's something else that bothers me about looking in the mirror. Compounds the skin issue.

My job. JD wants me to find something else and quit. And he says he won't harp on me..but yet..
december-fire|1455994489|3993363 said:

I'm so sorry to hear this.

I'm retired, but I dealt with my fair share of annoying situations due to people taking credit for another's work, etc.

Unfortunately, a lot of managers aren't competent and don't deal with destructive work behaviour. An arrogant or bullying employee is often ignored or tolerated, and an employee who decides to charm her way up the ranks often gets away with that approach.

So annoying. And unprofessional. :evil:

In many cases, the good employees move on.

I hope this miserable situation results in you getting a job offer for a more rewarding and positive position.

Bad situations can be a catalyst for getting onto a better path in life.

Sending best wishes.

Thanks so much DF - you're right in that my manager doesn't have the skills to deal with this person. ive only been at this company two years and I'm gobsmacked at the incompetence I have seen, so I'm really looking forward to moving on! Their loss
My 28 yr old daughter is back home for 6 months and tho I love her we do not live well together.
I've been having car troubles all month long.
My mechanic finally thinks he figured out the problem, but I'm worried, because the car is old and I will probably have to get a new one eventually. The thought of plunking down at least 10 grand for a used car is making me nervous.
It does not put me in a bad mood, but the bane of my existence at this time is the continued nerve pain in my scalp from my craniotomy to remove a brain tumor 11 months ago. My scalp still sends out annoying signals every day.

To get to my skull (to drill the burr holes and saw the bone flap) the neurosurgeon peels aka "dissects" the muscle and skin away from the skull. This damages the nerves in the area. In addition he also cut my surpraorbital nerve because of the 9-inch incision from the front of my ear to over to the top of my head to widows peak so that he could peel my scalp back. Neurosurgeon says it takes awhile for the nerves to regenerate but in the meantime it is still driving me crazy. :angryfire:
My weight...I've gained approximately five kilos since the summer, which make all the difference in my appearance. All my expensive clothes don't fit properly any more and no matter what I wear, I feel bad. As much as i'm trying to adopt a healthy diet, I end up eating bad things late in the evening. :wall: I also have a big butt, which I have hated during my entire life, because no matter how much weight I lose, it's still there. Honestly, I know that it might sound ridiculous to many of you guys but this issue has been torturing me for as long as I can remember. I work out three times per week but it's obvious that working out can help a lot but it can't totally transform the shape of your body... :cry:
Work, now resolved as the under-performer has left
Dis-organisation of events, now resolved - I just need to remember they were/are not my events so I have to back off and grin and bear it

DK :))
My weight :wall:
Working full time and going to law school in the evenings between 2007 and 2011 led to 10 lbs per year = 40 lbs
I started a new job fall of 2011 and was doing lots of late nights and weekends which led to another 10 lbs
I lost the 5-7 lbs by the time our wedding rolled around in fall of 2012, but it slowly crept back with the late nights and weekends
started a new job in 2013 - remote at home - at first I exercised more, but then got too sedentary and gained another 10 lbs - so 60 lbs over weight.

I lost about 8 lbs this summer/fall walking around more, but once it got colder, I went out less and less for my laps, and we ate more and more takeout, so I actually hit an all time high weight - a few pounds over the 60! A couple weeks of home cooking, and I got back to about less a smidge less than the 60 lbs to lose.

Now there is a health risk. When I went in for my annual OBGYN checkup, my lower BP number was high. She was concerned, but I actually had lined up an annual physical with my GP for the next day. My lower number was the same there as well. My GP wants to see what I can do with diet and exercise. I have a follow up in a few weeks. It's getting real...
Stress from dealing with a teen but DH is helping out, and I've felt so much better starting Saturday. We detailed a plan that everyone agreed upon and hopefully, we can work towards success together as a family (teen included).
natyLad|1456165098|3994039 said:
My weight...I've gained approximately five kilos since the summer, which make all the difference in my appearance. All my expensive clothes don't fit properly any more and no matter what I wear, I feel bad. As much as i'm trying to adopt a healthy diet, I end up eating bad things late in the evening. :wall: I also have a big butt, which I have hated during my entire life, because no matter how much weight I lose, it's still there. Honestly, I know that it might sound ridiculous to many of you guys but this issue has been torturing me for as long as I can remember. I work out three times per week but it's obvious that working out can help a lot but it can't totally transform the shape of your body... :cry:
Pics please!... :naughty:
The wait! My daughter is a senior this year and will be going off to college next year. Most colleges that she applied to won't respond until mid or late march :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
And until then, I feel like I'm living in limbo! She's my only one and while I want the best for her and for her to go off and have new experiences, I still think of her as my baby whom I want to keep. I'm a basket case every time I think about her leaving and ESP BC as of now, I have no idea where she might end up! So yeah, this has been on my mind too much and it's making me miserable!
dk168|1456169329|3994064 said:
Work, now resolved as the under-performer has left
Dis-organisation of events, now resolved - I just need to remember they were/are not my events so I have to back off and grin and bear it

DK :))

Good to hear your work situation is better! :dance:
My tween daughter! I can never be "right". I can never say anything the "right" way. I cant do anything "right". I can never have a
normal conversation with her that doesn't end in one of us being upset/annoyed. My actions are criticized ALL.DAY.LONG!

Oy, she's my last one and I love her, but she is wearin' me out! :wall:
People not doing their jobs. Me trying to maintain two jobs and getting burned out.
And here is my bad mood story for the day...

Today, they closed down one of the main roads through town and are detouring cars around. My DD goes to school close to
wear it's closed down so I have deal with this for 2 weeks. So, not on the detour road but on another road that was an obvious
cut though for a lot of cars, this morning they have 2 big dump trucks on one side of the road and a big tree trimming truck on
the other side of the road causing the massive amount of traffic to slow down to a crawl to get through. :doh:

Why doesnt any oversee the work going on in one area and plan accordingly? The tree trimming obvious was bad timing and
a big mistake and I hope they figured that out by this afternoons rush hour.

And my bad mood story for yesterday (yeh, I'm full of them)...

Tried to cancel the paper on-line. Nope, you can get a new subscription, up your subscription, put temp hold on and all kinds of things
but you cant cancel on-line. Call this number.... So I call the number and I get the menu and pick my selection and I get a notice
that there is a 35 minute wait (I can wait or they will call me back). Humf, so I call the number back and when I get the menu I say
"New subscription" and someone picks up right away. I tell them I want to cancel and they say I've called the New subscription number
but they can help me anyway. I asked why there was a 35 minute wait on the "Cancel" subscription but got straight through on the
"New subscription"? No good answer. Anyway, score one for tyty for finding a work around!
Three things:
-my children's homework (of which there has been way too much of lately)
-the stupid decisions of a close family member that haunts my husband and I
-some not-so-gentle reminders that I'm getting old(er)
:errrr: :((
You know, your skin can drive you insane, it can make you hurt, it can make you itch, it can make you uncomfortable. People take for granted that skin is there and is a huge part of our bodies. I hope you get to feeling better.

I'd say I have two. One - my insecurity and lack of self confidence.

Two. My effing house! We had a slab leak last month and are having to renovate our ENTIRE downstairs. I currently have no kitchen, no dining room, and our entire lower story is concrete slab. No floors. My poor bugga boo son is having to find entertainment in strange ways b/c his toys are all upstairs full time. We climb the stairs a lot right now, and throw things up and down them, and roll balls across the cement. Omg. I just want to cook again.
Lately what's been putting me in a bad mood is my 15 year old niece. She's a typical teenage girl and while I know this, her actions/words still upset me. She lives 400 miles away from me and is the only family I have besides her mother and her brother (who live in the same town). As such, I'm trying to maintain a relationship with her and help guide her through her teen years but she thinks I'm the big bad evil aunt who only criticizes her behavior and doesn't respect her. See, she has this boyfriend who she stared seeing right before she turned 15 last year who also happens to be the best friend of a boy she "dated" for almost 2 years - from age almost 13 until almost 15, and believes that he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. She is constantly posting pics/videos of the 2 of them in his room or the bathroom, alone, embracing, laying on the floor, rolling on the floor, him grabbing her butt, etc, on Instagram and I think it's very inappropriate. My sister is no help because she "trusts her" (and is very naive), but she is on the pill and I'm 100% convinced she is having unprotected sex with this boy although she claims to be a virgin and gets extremely upset if anyone suggests otherwise. Because I mentioned something to my sister via text (which my niece read because apparently my sister lets her read my private texts - another thing really pissing me off :angryfire: ) she blocked me on all social media and is just acting like a royal b*tch to me. Even before that, whenever I would try to make conversation with her via text she would respond with one word responses or "I'm busy", "I'm sleeping and you're keeping me up. Stop texting me" but would be active on social media sites at the same time, or asking me to remove a comment to one her posts on Instagram or Twitter because "you do it all the time and all my friends see it", even though I'm just saying something like she looks pretty or I like her photo. I feel like she's embarrassed of me and it really hurts my feelings. :(sad
Oh, and I forgot to mention that she lives in a very small town and somehow has 875 followers on Instagram. :? :shock: