
What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Pendants?


Jan 8, 2014
Hi Everyone,
I started my colored stone collection over the winter and am now trying to figure out the best way to set these stones.
When I purchased the stones, I assumed I would set them all as rings, but now I am wondering if pendants would be the better way to go and would get more use. I have always only worn my diamond wedding band and e-ring on my hands, so that is what I am now used to, and I don't know if I would wear the colored stone rings very often.
I am wondering for those of you out there who have both colored stone rings and pendants/necklaces, which do you wear more often?
Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

I wear both, sometimes together sometimes separate. I love my rings but I couldn't live without a few good pendants. I wear gemstone studs often too.
Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

Hands down, rings :-) I like being able to actually see the stone - That said, I only a couple CS pendants and wear them whenever they suit an outfit, so many if I had more... ;))
Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

Another vote for rings
Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

Rings! But admittedly I only have one of my colored stones set, the others are waiting for the magic money tree to grow. :tongue: And I don't wear necklaces, as I prefer to be able to see the pretty sparkly things. And because I don't like objects near my neck, including scarves, but that's just me being weird. :lol:
Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

The sad thing is that although I have a rather sizeable collection of over 60+ stones, I only mounted 1 for myself, in a ring(star sapphire) but it was lost after about 7-8 years, and I couldnt find it. Other than that I have had about 3 mounted in pendants as presents. I am a guy, so I would be limited in the amount of actual jewelry I coulkd get away with wearing, so at this point I'd like to maybe a new ring and a pendant to wear separately on occasion. But even a pendant would be pushing the societal envelope as a guy I think..... Hope I'm wrong about that though.
Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

I like the *idea* of wearing necklaces, but often I feel uncomfortable and feel they are not flattering on me, unless perhaps they are on very long chain.
My favourite way of wearing coloured stone is in earrings! :)
Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

Definitely rings! I need to be able to see them all day.
Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

Both and earrings as well.

I usually wear a coloured stone on my right hand, a nice pendant and studs (which I rarely change - blue zircons in rose gold bezels at the moment). I think a necklace or pendant is really flattering and helps to give a more finished look to an outfit, as well as framing the face. Rings are fun to play with. So why limit yourself?
Re: What Do You Wear More Often-Colored Stone Rings or Penda

I enjoy rings because I can admire them at any time. If I am lucky enough to get decent sized pairs, then I create a suite of earrings, pendant and ring.

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