
What do you miss most about being "young"?


Jun 8, 2008
And what do you like most about being the age you are right now?
Finally what are you looking forward to most of all in your "older" age?

Of course this is all posted from your individual perspective. I mean you can be 20 right now and talk about what you miss most of all when you were a teenager. So not limiting this thread to any particular age. It would be great if everyone of all ages participated.

I'll start.

What do I miss most about being "young"?

I miss taking good health for granted and feeling well most of the time and also the ease of just looking good without doing much at all.
Never giving a second thought to skin issues, aches and pains and just the general getting tired sooner and never feeling completely rested.

Regarding the age I am now what do I love most?

Being with my dh and sharing the life we made together. I have said it before and it's true. He's my soft pillow to lean on when life is challenging and my endlessly supportive and loving partner through all the good, bad and in between times. As I am for him. We are a solid team. We worked hard to get to where we are right now while enjoying (most of it) along the way. Despite the challenges.

And also being comfortable with who I am. I think most of us can say that at a certain stage in our lives. Growing old has its definite benefits.

What am I most looking forward to in my "older" age?

Growing old with my darling husband. Making the most of our time together and hopefully having more time to spend together enjoying the activities we love when we retire.

So, if you feel like sharing, what are you missing most, enjoying most and looking forward to most of all?




Apr 28, 2008
What I miss most about being young was that I was in killer shape and could eat whatever I wanted. It was easy to attract male attention when out and about.

Now that I am older, I feel "invisible woman" syndrome at times.

However, I do like that I am much more able to stick up for myself or call people on their BS when they are being inappropriate. I can't wait to see my children become grown and hopefully one day DH and I will be running around playing with sweet little grandchildren. :love:


Dec 6, 2014
Great thread Missy, you've had some absolute rippers lately! :appl:

What do I miss about being young?

Much like you the good health, I'm only 28 however I have a few injuries that have been giving me some grief - lately my hamstring from a grade 3 tear that should have had surgery and my neck from years of gig performances have been the worst. Also I don't refer to my knees as left and right anymore, they're good and bad :lol:
I really miss doing the summer tours that I did with my band 9-10 years ago but I honestly don't know if I would be able to make it to the end of one of those anymore, they're fun but very taxing on the body. I was bulletproof at that age compared to now.

Regarding the age I am now what do I love most?

That I am still not too old to wear band shirts in public :lol:

What am I looking forward to in my older age?

I can't believe I am actually going to say this - but having a mini-me running around that I can teach all my outdoor skills. 10 years ago I wasn't interested in the slightest bit with having kids, but my wife and I have been together for quite a while now and have been thinking about starting a family soon. Today I got a call and have been accepted for a new job as a junior surveyor and geotech which will be a very stable, well paying career with fantastic benefits once I have been fully trained. So the whole mini-me thing looks like it's going to be pretty soon ;-)


Jan 28, 2005
What do I miss about being young?
Looking young :cheeky: I still cringe when getting called "ma'am". I also miss being easily excited about stuff. Now it's a lot of been there, done that.

Regarding the age I am now what do I love most?
Now in my late 30s, I no longer give a rats a-- what people think of me :bigsmile:

What am I looking forward to in my older age?
Total financial freedom =)


May 15, 2009
The things I miss most about being young:

I miss my younger physical body most. I used to be very physical - running, martial arts, weight lifting. Now I'm paying for all those miles I put on my knees and back with aches and pains and stiffness. In 2006 I ruptured a disc, had back surgery and nothing will ever be the same. I'm grateful I had a talented surgeon and don't have any back issues as long as I don't lift anything heavy but lifting heavy things used to be something I enjoyed. I really miss being able to read small print too. I also miss being naïve and trusting everyone.

What I love most about my current age:

I have two beautiful grand children that I love and adore. Spending time with them makes me so happy. A few years ago I finally got my love life together and have a wonderful marriage. My emotions are really steady and stable (I think it's probably maturity and hormones) and I don't miss the monthly emotional roller coaster ride at all. I don't worry as much about what other people think and I've learned to give my time and attention to the things that matter the most to me - not to whoever/whatever is being the most demanding. In my younger years my job was something I did to pay the bills and I didn't enjoy it much. Now I love my job and get a lot of satisfaction from doing it well. I feel very content with what I've accomplished so far but still feel young and energetic enough to accomplish some more.

What I'm looking forward to in older age:

I'm looking forward to spending more years with my spouse and excited about where our relationship will be and what we'll enjoy doing together in the future. I'm looking forward to spending less time working and more time traveling and learning different things. I have some great role models of how I want my older age to look. Right now I'm still too much like Grace but I hope to go 99% Frankie as I get older. (I'm referring to the Netflix series)


Apr 30, 2005
Being sure of things.

Being able to eat whatever I wanted.


Jun 26, 2007
I echo what most here have said. I am almost 52, and have been noticing alot of changes recently.

I miss eating anything I want. Weight gain prevention is now a constant battle.
I miss the toned skin. I am getting saggy, and I hate it!

Also, I have become more anxious recently. Small things can really upset me, And I worry more now. Money worries are a new problem for me, and I am stressing alot.

I miss the carefree days of youth.


Apr 22, 2004
Youth: I miss the high energy levels, stamina, and being able to eat anything I want without a second thought.
Mature: Love the self confidence and not having to worry about financial matters (too much).


What I miss most about being young - my youthful appearance, being able to hop out of bed and look great with little to no effort. Also, my changing body, I hate it! It's a constant battle for me to feel good about my body. In the good old days I was able to attract male attention, now I am just "that nice lady". :naughty:

What I like about the age I am now - I have financial freedom to do most anything I want to do. My husband and I are empty nesters and we are enjoying the peace and freedom. I am more confident and comfortable with the decisions I make in life. I am more able to let things "roll off of my back" and don't sweat the small stuff. Much more mellow in my older age of 55.

What I look forward to - seeing my children prosper and build a nice life for themselves. I look forward to traveling more with my husband as he winds down his career. I look forward to having grandchildren.


Aug 12, 2005
My boobs were higher.


Jul 7, 2013
Lesser time and efforts to recover from a heavy drinking session, and the ability to drink larger volumes of beer!

DK :bigsmile:


Sep 16, 2007
I am still pretty young, but yikes the hangovers are kicking in. Very unpleasant. I also need way more sleep now than I did 5 years ago.


Mar 3, 2013
What I miss most is looking good with less effort.
My face is aging and it takes more effort to look youthful. As far as my body is concerned, I used to work out 2-3 days per week to stay fit and now I work out about 5-6 days per week to stay fit.
Aging sucks. Just when you get into the swing of things in your 30's, your 40's start to roll by in and then you're dealing with a whole new set of rules.... :((


Aug 29, 2014
What do I miss about being young:
Being carefree, just in general. Jobs changes, the economy, aging parents, etc are all stressful. I didn't really have to worry (or just didn't know enough to worry) about these things previously.

What do I like about being this age:
I don't really know how to answer that. I don't dislike where I am now, but I don't think there is anything particularly special.

What do I look forward to:
Retirement I guess. TBH I am terrified of aging, mainly due to my/Hs family.


Jul 27, 2007
I'll be 35 in a month.

I miss my flat stomach. I also miss that feeling of having my whole life in front of me.

I don't miss being poor. And now that I have 2 kids, I don't miss my life before them. I have found a lovely balance of my career, my husband & kids, and am trying to enjoy every day since I know these years of having a young family will be over in a blink of an eye.

I don't mind growing old with my husband watching our kids grow into adults. We have been planning our retirement since we were in our 20's, haha, I'm hoping it will be everything we planned for!


Feb 5, 2004
Having the energy to do what I wanted when I wanted to. I could run around all day and never feel tired.

Now I have to schedule more. If I do a heavy house cleaning today, then I will put off grocery shopping for another day.

And before when My husband came home from work, and he said let's go out to dinner or do something, I was there.

Now, some days, I just do not feel up to it.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Queenie60|1461083516|4021177 said:
What I look forward to - seeing my children prosper and build a nice life for themselves. I look forward to traveling more with my husband as he winds down his career. I look forward to having grandchildren.
You sound like my wife... :bigsmile:


Sep 17, 2008
I don't miss a hell of a lot actually. I've never been able to eat what I wanted, be it because I was on a diet or because I was allergic to it.

Hated being a teen. I was pretty invisible (I did like that part)

My 20's sucked for various reasons I won't really go into here.

I didn't start being truly happy until about 33-34.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I miss my young person energy levels. I have been tired since 2005.


monarch64|1461087555|4021242 said:
My boobs were higher.

:lol: :lol: At least you're honest!!!


Dancing Fire|1461090986|4021279 said:
Queenie60|1461083516|4021177 said:
What I look forward to - seeing my children prosper and build a nice life for themselves. I look forward to traveling more with my husband as he winds down his career. I look forward to having grandchildren.
You sound like my wife... :bigsmile:

Great minds think alike!! :angel:


Jun 8, 2008
Queenie60|1461092929|4021304 said:
monarch64|1461087555|4021242 said:
My boobs were higher.

:lol: :lol: At least you're honest!!!

OMG me too Monnie! When the heck did that happen? :confused: ;(
TMI comment ahead so please skip if you are easily offended..............................................................................
I really see it in pics when I am not wearing a bra. So embarrassing. :oops: But I really hate bras. ::)

House Cat said:
I miss my young person energy levels. I have been tired since 2005.

I'm right there with you HC. LOL funny but sad at the same time.

What you all wrote resonates with me completely. We are all in the same boat with a few differences but still similar. I guess it is the human experience and it part of what bonds us all. That human experience. I wonder if our fur babies could talk what they would say. I know animals don't waste time or energy worrying about what was and what will be and just live in the moment. How wise they are.

I definitely miss the carefree days of youth before I knew what real worries were.

And Jordy! Woohoo! Congratulations! :appl: :appl: :appl: So happy for you! :appl: :appl: :appl:

I think part of my motivation for starting this thread was for the older PSers to share some of their hard learned lessons and experience with those younger PSers so perhaps they can read them and reflect on them and really appreciate what their "youth" has to offer without letting it speed by and not realizing it if that makes sense. You know that saying "Youth is wasted on the young"...well it doesn't have to be if you share hard earned experiences with those who are younger and open to listening.

And you know that saying "grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Yes with age that becomes more of a reality if you are fortunate and put your hard earned and worthwhile experiences to practice.


Jul 26, 2008
I miss my metabolism


Jul 7, 2004
What do I miss most about being "young"?

Being in better shape, and having better endurance. I really wish I'd stayed more active in sports and kept it up. I gained a ton of weight that I can't get off and my lung capacity really tanked. I've always had asthma and allergies but obviously when you get fat and out of shape, getting back to "fighting weight" is damn near impossible when you have no lung capacity for it anymore.

Regarding the age I am now what do I love most?

While there's nothing particularly special about where I am now, I do like that I am more established with career, finances, credit, and family. I've "lived" a little, got all the partying out of me, moved away and back, and have made plenty of mistakes. I have shut down two businesses that I started and ran successfully, and walked away from on mostly my own terms. I feel like I am getting closer to the "not giving a shit" age and letting shit roll off my back more.

What am I most looking forward to in my "older" age?

Actually retiring (assuming that ever happens) and watching my littles grow up.


Jul 26, 2008

What do I miss most about being "young"?

Definitely my metabolism. But I also miss the carefreeness I had. Being able to spend time with family and friends, go on vacations, and just enjoy life without the burden of it. My mom and dad worked themselves to the bone to give us a wonderful life. I never knew how hard until I grew up and had real responsibilities. I miss that ignorance.

Regarding the age I am now what do I love most?

I am neither young or old.I like this age. I thought I would miss my 20s but I actually like my 30s a lot. I think what I like most is that since this stage is all shiny and new to me I get to still enjoy everything I have always loved, and also get to experience new things that before might not have been open to me.

What am I most looking forward to in my "older" age?

I have never dreaded getting older. So for me I think what I will most look forward to really is the special experiences each new stage brings. I don't know what those are yet though.


Oct 24, 2012
My vision, hearing and memory.

Now I enjoy not caring as much what people think of me. A woman at the gym today told me I looked great but why I didn't fix my graying hair. I'm mid 40s and have over 50% white hair. I just laughed at her. I told her that I don't care enough. She said that don't I care about looking badly. I said I don't think I do. If other people do, that is their problem, not mine. The only person I would do it for is my mom. It bothers her more than it bothers me. But I don't want her to be upset about it. And it's not a big enough deal that I would color or not color to upset her. So when she wants to do it for me, cool. If not, cool. I'm not gonna pay for it. I save $80. :)


Jul 27, 2011
I miss just about everything everyone's mentioned above - it was great to be able to throw on a potato sack and still look "hawt" hahaha... and yeah, guess what young PB - a pimple isn't that bad. Wait till you get sheet marks and wrinkles and lines in weird places, like your NECK! And eating whatever you want - that's awesome - what's heartburn, weight gain, slowing metabolism?

But most of all, I miss BOYS! Cute, fun BOYS and BOYFRIENDS!

Now that I'm older, I love having a MAN (singular) in my life - my DH. As you move on in life, boys become more of a chore and a burden, and I found myself longing for a good MAN. I'm so blessed to have found him. I so look forward to growing old with him. I'm starting to really hunker down on savings and retirement because I want us to be able to retire younger and have time to enjoy retirement and have the option to choose passion projects over money making professions.


Apr 19, 2004

I miss solid, restful, unfettered sleep. Long gone are the days where I have nice quality, uninterrupted, sleep. And I can no longer sleep in either! :((



Mar 1, 2011
I miss the freedom from responsibilities of my youth.

I appreciate more our financial stability and the wealth of knowledge gained from life experiences thus far! :read:


Apr 28, 2008
LLJsmom|1461098794|4021357 said:
My vision, hearing and memory.

Now I enjoy not caring as much what people think of me. A woman at the gym today told me I looked great but why I didn't fix my graying hair. I'm mid 40s and have over 50% white hair. I just laughed at her. I told her that I don't care enough. She said that don't I care about looking badly. I said I don't think I do. If other people do, that is their problem, not mine. The only person I would do it for is my mom. It bothers her more than it bothers me. But I don't want her to be upset about it. And it's not a big enough deal that I would color or not color to upset her. So when she wants to do it for me, cool. If not, cool. I'm not gonna pay for it. I save $80. :)

If you ever want to try to do it yourself, Revlon Colorsilk! $2.99 a box, ammonia-free, and looks incredible!

That said, I can't believe a stranger would say that to you. Very rude!
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