
What do you do after you get home from work?

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Jul 12, 2008
What do you guys do in the evening when you get home from work? Has your routine changed since you tied the knot?


Jul 12, 2008
I''ll start :)

I''m currently self un-employed, so I find I have so much more time to cook, clean and do chores during the day. So we''ve been pretty much enjoying our evenings and weekends watching movies, going for long walks and meeting friends. Also since I''m home, I have lots more time to cook extravagant meals and host dinner parties. It''s been a lot of fun for the last two months since our wedding. Prior to that I was so riiculously busy with grad school, we barely had time to eat a quick meal together. I''m really loving this ''newly wed'' phase!


May 14, 2006
I''m working four evenings a week and I go to the gym on the other weekday evening so when I get home D and I will have dinner or a cup of tea and cuddle on the couch. He''s working from home so I get to see him more in the morning before I go to work.


Feb 17, 2008
I get home from work around 8am. DH works part time, 3 or 4 days a week, and if he has work, he''s usually out the door before I get home. I''d be lucky if I see him for 5 minutes! So I usually come home, have a bowl of cereal, and poke around on PS. No TV or anything - I like the peace and quiet! Then I go to sleep around 10 or 11. And he''ll wake me up when he gets home, then he''ll usually make dinner.

Our routine hasn''t changed much since we got married.


Feb 13, 2008
Currently, DH and I are training for a triathlon, so we run, bike, swim, or a combination of those. Then we make dinner, eat, watch tv or read for about and hour, then go to bed. :)


Mar 7, 2006
I get home from work at 5PM, change and go and take care of 20 horses. Get home at 8PM, DH is home from work by then, go for a bike ride, watch some TV, have a cocktail and to bed it is... Repeat the next day. I only cook dinner 2X per week, him 2X per week, rest of the week on our own..


May 4, 2009
I usually get home earlier than DH, so I cook dinner most nights and we eat together and talk about our days when he gets home from work. If we both have studying to do (he''s working during the day and taking review classes and studying for the CFA exam at night) then we study for about an hour or so. Then we get into bed, talk for a while, cuddle and watch some TV (we DVR "Friends" and a couple other shows to watch together) and just take time to talk a little more and cuddle before going to sleep.

This is all really different from how it was pre-marriage because we didn''t live together. It''s SO MUCH better now though!


Jan 13, 2008
Our routine is pretty much the same... Although I haven''t had any classes during the summer so things will definitely get busier come next week... When my hubby gets home we usually talk for a bit, then cook together, eat, walk the dog, then sometimes we go back to doing some work (I am a student so there is always work to do, and my hubby often works late at night). We sometimes watch a movie at night to relax... We are both pretty busy individuals and are often out of town during any free time we have (both our families live in other cities).


Jul 5, 2007
I never realized what a creature of habit I am until I thought about this question.

First - check the mail. I love mail.
Second - put all my work stuff away so that work is gone until tomorrow morning
Third - change into comfy clothes
Fourth - eat a snack, watch TV/PS :)

Then when DH comes home, we hang out and make dinner and chat. Sadly, I think I've had this routine since ohhh 4th grade, haha. Nope, no changes since getting married (other than the making dinner with DH part).


Jan 13, 2008
Date: 8/30/2009 11:43:50 PM
Author: kama_s
I''ll start :)

I''m currently self un-employed, so I find I have so much more time to cook, clean and do chores during the day. So we''ve been pretty much enjoying our evenings and weekends watching movies, going for long walks and meeting friends. Also since I''m home, I have lots more time to cook extravagant meals and host dinner parties. It''s been a lot of fun for the last two months since our wedding. Prior to that I was so riiculously busy with grad school, we barely had time to eat a quick meal together. I''m really loving this ''newly wed'' phase!
as a side note - kamaaaaaaa - why haven''t u posted pics of your lovely wedding band that you have in your avatar?


Jul 12, 2008
Date: 9/1/2009 6:13:51 PM
Author: ilovethiswebsite

Date: 8/30/2009 11:43:50 PM
Author: kama_s
I''ll start :)

I''m currently self un-employed, so I find I have so much more time to cook, clean and do chores during the day. So we''ve been pretty much enjoying our evenings and weekends watching movies, going for long walks and meeting friends. Also since I''m home, I have lots more time to cook extravagant meals and host dinner parties. It''s been a lot of fun for the last two months since our wedding. Prior to that I was so riiculously busy with grad school, we barely had time to eat a quick meal together. I''m really loving this ''newly wed'' phase!
as a side note - kamaaaaaaa - why haven''t u posted pics of your lovely wedding band that you have in your avatar?
LOL. It''s my Beverly K wedding band
I''ll post some pictures up soon!


May 4, 2008
our routine has not changed since we got married. I get home at 445p - I workout from 445p - 6pm
Husband gets home about 6pm - i shower and then we have dinner and watch tv together until 9ish then head upstairs to bed
for more tv and "stuff"


Dec 12, 2006
I get home from work at around 5.15-5.30pm. DH is usually home by then. We give each other a quick hug/kiss and ask how each other''s day went. I am usually exhausted after work and not up for much talking. If DH is cooking dinner and it won''t be ready for a bit, I''ll pour myself a glass of wine and have a snack while jumping on PS or reading. It helps me unwind :) If DH isn''t cooking then I''ll make something quick as I''m usually starving by the time I get home.

After dinner, we watch a DVD movie or a couple of episodes of a tv series. We are really into True Blood at the moment.

We take a shower before bedtime at around 10.30-11pm and then chat for a while or read in bed before falling asleep.

On weekends, we are usually out and about doing stuff, but we try not to do too many social things on weekdays. Weekdays are for ''us'' time :)


Sep 30, 2006
Date: 8/30/2009 11:42:08 PM
What do you guys do in the evening when you get home from work?
I don't have much of a routine because my schedule is not regular... but there are some days that I work typical work hours (9ish-5ish). On those days I...

Immediately walk the dog if he's been home that day (sometimes he goes to work with hubs).
Sometimes shower, depending on what work did to me that day.
Put on loungey clothes.
Do whatever until hubs gets home, sometimes includes making dinner/dinner plans, sometimes just means unwinding.
Hubs gets home, we have dinner and watch some netflixy stuff, cuddle & play with the pup.
I go for a run once it's cooled down enough outside (sometimes he joins me, sometimes not).

Has your routine changed since you tied the knot?
Nope, not a bit. Can't think why it would!


Nov 19, 2004
I''m pretty disappointed with the way things have shaped up so far. I thought that residency would be a lot different. With time to go out and stuff after work, without the constant fear of having to study for exams! Usually I get home around 8:00 pm, and then pretty much dive into the books, trying desperately to learn SOMETHING. My husband is ALWAYS busy, going to the gym, playing baseball/hockey. So we see each other less then before. He used to drive me to school every morning and that was bonding time, but since he bought me a car, we don''t even have that *quality* time anymore. I pretty much pass out at around 9:30, and that''s the end of weekend night.

On friday night, if I''m not on call, we go to supper, and on Saturday brunch. We spend weekends trying to get stuff done, not much time relaxing or socializing, which is what I want. I don''t life is so hectic and stressful lately, that I don''t feel much like a newlywed. I''m not balancing work and personal life that well at this moment. Hopefully things will get a little better.


Jan 13, 2008
Date: 9/7/2009 8:09:26 PM
Author: allycat0303
I''m pretty disappointed with the way things have shaped up so far. I thought that residency would be a lot different. With time to go out and stuff after work, without the constant fear of having to study for exams! Usually I get home around 8:00 pm, and then pretty much dive into the books, trying desperately to learn SOMETHING. My husband is ALWAYS busy, going to the gym, playing baseball/hockey. So we see each other less then before. He used to drive me to school every morning and that was bonding time, but since he bought me a car, we don''t even have that *quality* time anymore. I pretty much pass out at around 9:30, and that''s the end of weekend night.

On friday night, if I''m not on call, we go to supper, and on Saturday brunch. We spend weekends trying to get stuff done, not much time relaxing or socializing, which is what I want. I don''t life is so hectic and stressful lately, that I don''t feel much like a newlywed. I''m not balancing work and personal life that well at this moment. Hopefully things will get a little better.

Hey Ally,

Sounds like you are going through a tough time right now... Residency will probably be the hardest time in your life! I don''t think life/work balance is even possible during residency. Anyway - goodluck and hang in there! In will be over soon and guess what- you will be a DOCTOR!!!! Try and keep the end goal in mind - you are almost there! It will be worth all the sacrifices in the end!
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