
What did you do with the free time you allocate to PS before PS?

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Aug 16, 2007
TGal''s thread definitely got me thinking. On the days when PS is slow, I find myself trying to do other things to fill the time I would want to spend on here, but still end up bored. I realized that before I found PS, I spent a LOT of time being bored. The time that I''m on here most is during my plan period at school when I''m caught up on work and in the afternoons/evenings while I watch tv. Before PS, I used to just watch tv, but I find that really boring and hard to do now unless I am REALLY into the show. I also used to play mindless computer games and things like web sudoku, and read celebrity gossip sites.

What did you do with your free time before you found PS?

After reading that back, I felt the need to add, I allocate other times of the day to things I enjoy. I do exercise, spend time with hubby, and read books for at least an hour a day too, but I still have time left over in my day where I want to be relaxing but still need some sort of entertainment.
I spent a LOT of time being bored, too. But I was on Kvetch before this, and before that, the dreaded knut. I kind of need interaction of some kind it seems.
Watched too much TV?

Trolled the mall and spent more than I should have on crap I didn''t need?

Whatever I did, I''m sure it was a waste of valuable time that could have been spent right here.
Date: 2/25/2009 7:12:49 PM
Author: HollyS
Watched too much TV?

Trolled the mall and spent more than I should have on crap I didn''t need?

Whatever I did, I''m sure it was a waste of valuable time that could have been spent right here.
Yup, that pretty much sums it up for me.
I hung out on Myspace, focused on work more, and shopped online.
I have at least 10 forums I follow; 3 financials, car related, apartment therapy, curbed, 3 jewelry related, amazon kindle. When I happen onto one that I find interesting I just add it to the rotation. I''ve been active in some of them for more than 8 years now.
i used to watch way to much reality tv....not anymore though!
I think it pretty much replaced mindless web surfing and/or TV watching, but nothing else!
Date: 2/25/2009 7:35:03 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
I hung out on Myspace, focused on work more, and shopped online.

Ditto to MySpace. But I rarely use that site anymore.
Grad school. I started posting here after graduation and I didn''t know what to do with my free time!

But in terms of ''net use, lots of FB and online window-shopping.
I used to have sex.
Date: 2/26/2009 2:41:13 PM
Author: tlh
I used to have sex.
LOL But I thought you still did a lot of that?

I replaced mindless web surfing with PS. I rarely get on PS once I'm home, so much of my time spent here is while I'm at work, doing nothing.

Doing n.o.t.h.i.n.g. gets soooo boring. I thank my lucky stars that I have you all to occupy me.
Date: 2/25/2009 7:35:03 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
I hung out on Myspace, focused on work more, and shopped online.
Yup. Same here.
Date: 2/26/2009 2:50:59 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 2/26/2009 2:41:13 PM
Author: tlh
I used to have sex.
LOL But I thought you still did a lot of that?

I replaced mindless web surfing with PS. I rarely get on PS once I''m home, so much of my time spent here is while I''m at work, doing nothing.

Doing n.o.t.h.i.n.g. gets soooo boring. I thank my lucky stars that I have you all to occupy me.
I meant on my lunch breaks...
Date: 2/26/2009 2:56:57 PM
Author: tlh

Date: 2/26/2009 2:50:59 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 2/26/2009 2:41:13 PM
Author: tlh
I used to have sex.
LOL But I thought you still did a lot of that?

I replaced mindless web surfing with PS. I rarely get on PS once I''m home, so much of my time spent here is while I''m at work, doing nothing.

Doing n.o.t.h.i.n.g. gets soooo boring. I thank my lucky stars that I have you all to occupy me.
I meant on my lunch breaks...
You should teach a class...
Date: 2/26/2009 3:02:32 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 2/26/2009 2:56:57 PM
Author: tlh

Date: 2/26/2009 2:50:59 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 2/26/2009 2:41:13 PM
Author: tlh
I used to have sex.
LOL But I thought you still did a lot of that?

I replaced mindless web surfing with PS. I rarely get on PS once I''m home, so much of my time spent here is while I''m at work, doing nothing.

Doing n.o.t.h.i.n.g. gets soooo boring. I thank my lucky stars that I have you all to occupy me.
I meant on my lunch breaks...
You should teach a class...
maybe... haha! but my DH would be the only student. Plus we now work further from home, so.. it doesn''t work out... but on the +++ side... we''re moving in may 5 miles from our office... HELLOOOOOO NURSE!
Date: 2/26/2009 2:41:13 PM
Author: tlh
I used to have sex.

Ha ha!

ETA: I never answered the question.

I used to love MTV docu-soaps and 'real-life' candid shows. I can't get SKY anymore so don't watch TV anymore. We have a large plot/small hobby farm so we spend most of our free time gardening. When it is dark I pricescope (see how it is now a verb!).
I was on a travel forum, and then a private forum which stemmed from that travel forum to which I was "invited." Was there for 3.5 years on the private forum until it came to light how many of those women were b*tching about each other behind their backs. Disgusted, I left. I used to do GTGs on my travel forum, but after what I saw on the private forum, I decided: never again. I enjoy PS for what it is but will never do a GTG, or even possibly a one off anymore.
I used to clean my house.....
I worked.

LOL I started thinking about it and I only post on PS during 9-5 when I have downtime. Before PS, I don''t think I allowed myself to have downtime.
Before PS, I regularily cleaned and organized my house. Now it's a mess, laundry piled up, I never feed my family or cats, husband looking annoyed and suspicious: Checking the credit card bills to be sure I'm not secretly ordering WF goodies.

Also, I use to spend a lot more time on mommy forums. Now, I don't so much because I get enough interaction with the moms at the school and on play dates. A few of the forums and email lists I was on often had huge blowouts over differing views on parenting.
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