
What are your thoughts on how government is handling COVID-19

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
Good grief you are insistent.

First off if you go back and look at the post about infecting journalists I didn't click Like. I did it for the previous responses on the blaming of Trump for the death of the guy who drank fish tank cleaner. I never responded about the video. So there is no response to be made to you. I answered your question.

If your remark I quoted upthread isn't snide then we have very different ideas about the meaning. Do you want actual conversation about your points you made to the poster or are you just talking at her, or doing it for the others? If you want an actual discussion your approach doesn't foster that. JMHO.

I did not go back and look at any posts for "likes." I asked what you agreed with in the post on which I responded to; the one to which you laid out the accusation that I was chasing away people that do not agree with me. That accusation wasn't made about anything to do with fishtank cleaners, you're just reframing things now.

I do not like net nannying and rather than do a passive aggressive thing about it, I speak my mind. I welcomed an actual discussion which is why I asked many times if you agreed with 1ofakind's perception of soxfan et. al.'s reaction to the video. That's what you still haven't answered.


Mar 26, 2006
Ok... it's not my place to do this, but I'm stepping in where I don't belong right here and asking please if a truce can be called at this point.

And also please don't blast me! I'm not taking sides in any way, just hoping to foster a kinder spirit of communication going forward on this particular thread.

Fresh start right here... Please... ?


May 11, 2013
Well perhaps you missed the woman speaking out because you don't read mainstream news or you only read Fox or Red State.

The man's wife told NBC News she'd watched televised briefings during which President Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine. Even though no drugs are approved to prevent or treat COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, some early research suggests it may be useful as a therapy.

What? do you not understand that the Trump base ONLY listens to him? His tweets are their news. They actually think he has their best interests in his minute heart.

Of course they are responsible for ingesting poison without researching, but as I said, these people believe what Trump says.

I must have missed in the article where these people were watching/following the president vs. reading it or hearing it somewhere else. There are hospitals using these same meds as part of the treatment protocol...they are all over the TV talking about it. Drs stating that if they get the virus this is what they will take! I just don’t know how you can blame one source when there are so many saying the exact same thing...many of them medical professionals fighting the virus. Maybe they are responsible for these people drinking fish tank cleaner?
And no, I’m not a follower so I don’t understand that mentality at all. I certainly don’t blame myself or anyone else when an individual fails to think for themselves.
I’m sure you heard the question 1000 times as a kid...if someone told you to jump off a bridge would you? There has only ever been one right answer.


May 11, 2013
Darn, I just go back here :) sure.

Ok... it's not my place to do this, but I'm stepping in where I don't belong right here and asking please if a truce can be called at this point.

And also please don't blast me! I'm not taking sides in any way, just hoping to foster a kinder spirit of communication going forward on this particular thread.

Fresh start right here... Please... ?


Mar 26, 2006


Jun 8, 2008


May 11, 2013
People always say this when they cannot support their position. Which I understand totally.

I choose to opt out of the hysteria and angst or looking for a boogeyman to blame. I put down the warped lenses through which things could be viewed and just look at it with the above posted clip From twitter. True the man can hardly put together coherent statements sometimes but it seems Trump is talking about the eventual end of social distancing in the context of allowing all of the reporters back into the briefing room It isn’t a threat to try to infect the someone sees it like that...well no wonder they are having breakdowns.


Mar 22, 2017
If a gov't is going to get rid of social distancing before the peak of infection, then that gov't is advocating higher death rates, overwhelming hospitals and collapse of society to whatever extent. I HOPE that doesn't actually happen. It is a dangerous message for those of us who are hoping to live through this.

Did you catch the remarks of the lieutenant governor of Texas? Apparently now it's the patriotic duty of us older or disabled Americans, or those with underlying conditions that put us at risk, to be willing to die so that the economy isn't "damaged" for the younger folks. As if economies can't be repaired. As if those with the means to do so can't give of themselves to financially help those who are hurting and can't pay their bills to get us through a time like this. As if all of our front-line healthcare workers should be just fine being thrown under the bus when they don't necessarily have to be. (Of course, if anyone mentioned concerns about health care workers to him, he would probably say that they'll be fine if all us oldies and sickies don't even try to get medical treatment and just lie in our beds and slowly drown to death. Never mind, of course, the actual statistics showing an alarming number of younger, seemingly healthy, people still end up on ventilators.)

Edit to add: This is why I'm now convinced that America is no longer a safe place to be if one belongs in a vulnerable group. It's just gone too far here. It's too harsh, too survival of the fittest.
Last edited:


Mar 22, 2017
The recent absence of Dr. Fauci at press conferences concerns me. I hope they haven’t decided to fire him or minimize his press time due to concerns that he disagrees with Trumps statements at times.

Also Trumps vague reassurances that appropriate PPE is coming doesnt make me feel better. Hospitals are running out in real time right now. Nurses in Oregon are being threatened disciplinary action if they refuse to see patients without PPE if it runs out because “social contract”. Total crap.

Front line providers are stressed and angry that government doesn’t seem to be listening to us and are expecting us to do our jobs without adequate and appropriate supplies. Yeah. No. It is not heroic to treat covid positive patients without appropriate PPE.

I'm so sorry that this is happening to all of you in medicine. It's inexcusable.

I'm seeing an alarming number of comments on social media advocating that front-line medical personnel should just "shut up and do their jobs - this is what they signed up for, regardless of the conditions." Thankfully, that's not yet the majority of the responses I'm seeing, but nevertheless an alarming number.


Aug 22, 2012
Ok... it's not my place to do this, but I'm stepping in where I don't belong right here and asking please if a truce can be called at this point.

And also please don't blast me! I'm not taking sides in any way, just hoping to foster a kinder spirit of communication going forward on this particular thread.

Fresh start right here... Please... ?

Gosh I wish Congress would read this. :x2 I am so disgusted at the ridiculousness happening right now. WTH?


Mar 2, 2009
I'm so sorry that this is happening to all of you in medicine. It's inexcusable.

I'm seeing an alarming number of comments on social media advocating that front-line medical personnel should just "shut up and do their jobs - this is what they signed up for, regardless of the conditions." Thankfully, that's not yet the majority of the responses I'm seeing, but nevertheless an alarming number.

Yeah..funny thing about that is that many of us who self selected into healthcare are not the kind to be bullied. Certainly not the kind to care about the opinions of armchair clinicians lol. And those who try to pass legislation pressuring physicians to put their teams in knowing danger are probably going to find themselves knee deep in lawsuits at best and with no healthcare workers at worst.

The people who think front line providers should just “do their jobs” and not complain about PPE are probably the same ones who don’t think social distancing applies to them. Ugh.


Mar 2, 2009
In brighter news the community at large has been exceptionally kind and supportive and people have been donating to kickstarters to pay local restaurants to deliver food to our ICU and ED staff. If your community doesn’t have something like this, it’s a lovely idea and a great way to support local restaurants and show love to your front line providers!


Sep 17, 2008
Yeah..funny thing about that is that many of us who self selected into healthcare are not the kind to be bullied. Certainly not the kind to care about the opinions of armchair clinicians lol. And those who try to pass legislation pressuring physicians to put their teams in knowing danger are probably going to find themselves knee deep in lawsuits at best and with no healthcare workers at worst.

The people who think front line providers should just “do their jobs” and not complain about PPE are probably the same ones who don’t think social distancing applies to them. Ugh.

Will your hospital accept fabric PPE's that can be worn over the N95 masks to help extend the life of them? If so, let me know and if you can get me the details, because there's groups of people all over the country making them right now (including me) The shortage is pretty bad all over the place. One of my nieces works in a nursing home and she said its not as dire as a hospital but getting there.

Also the group will make hats, another group is making face splash guards.


Mar 2, 2009
Will your hospital accept fabric PPE's that can be worn over the N95 masks to help extend the life of them? If so, let me know and if you can get me the details, because there's groups of people all over the country making them right now (including me) The shortage is pretty bad all over the place. One of my nieces works in a nursing home and she said its not as dire as a hospital but getting there.

Also the group will make hats, another group is making face splash guards.

So far the hospitals I work for are doing ok. People have been so generous with donations. But we are still reusing our PPE because we’re planning for the long haul (and sadly have no faith in our govt right now to get us what we need in a timely fashion) Thanks so much though!

Honestly I’d be fine seeing patients with just a surgical mask so that I don’t accidentally spread anything asymptomatically, and save the N95s for my older providers in the ED and ICU doing more high risk aerosolizing procedures. I’m ok rolling the dice on myself, I’m young and healthy and female and don’t work closely with covid+ patients for the most part in the hospital.

I mostly worry about my coworkers who have their own vulnerabilities due to age, their health, or are living with kids/spouses/parents with risk factors. I have a friend who is an ED doc who has been a decade long mentor in his 60s now and I just want to put him in a protective plastic sleeve like a baseball card! I told him if I ever hear word that he isn’t wearing appropriate PPE I will chain him to his couch and tell people he’s on home quarantine!


Jan 26, 2003
Did you catch the remarks of the lieutenant governor of Texas? Apparently now it's the patriotic duty of us older or disabled Americans, or those with underlying conditions that put us at risk, to be willing to die so that the economy isn't "damaged" for the younger folks.

Actually, I missed what he said. I no longer listen to the Trump "news' conferences. Was it broadcast in conjunction with one of them?

I am not thrilled about being over 65 and, therefore, in one of the groups that would be taken off a ventilator in Spain or Italy to give one to someone younger. Is there proof one of those younger people would live and I would die with that ventilator? I think it is age discrimination unless it is a matter of who would live with one and who would not.

That does not mean I might not voluntarily give up a ventilator to someone younger...but that would be my choice.


Dec 9, 2013
I swore I wasn’t going to post anything else, but I just read that Trump said, and it was a quote, that thousands of people will commit suicide if he doesn’t lift restrictions.
Why he is even allowed to speak publicly is beyond my comprehension.


Jun 20, 2013
I swore I wasn’t going to post anything else, but I just read that Trump said, and it was a quote, that thousands of people will commit suicide if he doesn’t lift restrictions.
Why he is even allowed to speak publicly is beyond my comprehension.

Did you hear his quid pro quo? Said the Governor's have to treat him nicely if they want supplies. He also said Cuomo should have ordered them 2 years ago.


Sep 23, 2017
Did you catch the remarks of the lieutenant governor of Texas? Apparently now it's the patriotic duty of us older or disabled Americans, or those with underlying conditions that put us at risk, to be willing to die so that the economy isn't "damaged" for the younger folks. As if economies can't be repaired. As if those with the means to do so can't give of themselves to financially help those who are hurting and can't pay their bills to get us through a time like this. As if all of our front-line healthcare workers should be just fine being thrown under the bus when they don't necessarily have to be. (Of course, if anyone mentioned concerns about health care workers to him, he would probably say that they'll be fine if all us oldies and sickies don't even try to get medical treatment and just lie in our beds and slowly drown to death. Never mind, of course, the actual statistics showing an alarming number of younger, seemingly healthy, people still end up on ventilators.)

Edit to add: This is why I'm now convinced that America is no longer a safe place to be if one belongs in a vulnerable group. It's just gone too far here. It's too harsh, too survival of the fittest.

meanwhile, health insurers, who have raked in profits for years, are conspicuously absent in this fight. companies and wealthy individuals who benefited from recent tax cuts are silent. the GOP senate has some nerve with their corporate aid proposals and complaints that their democratic colleagues are wasting precious time. *smh*


Jun 8, 2008
I swore I wasn’t going to post anything else, but I just read that Trump said, and it was a quote, that thousands of people will commit suicide if he doesn’t lift restrictions.
Why he is even allowed to speak publicly is beyond my comprehension.

Did you hear his quid pro quo? Said the Governor's have to treat him nicely if they want supplies. He also said Cuomo should have ordered them 2 years ago.



Jun 8, 2008
Did you catch the remarks of the lieutenant governor of Texas? Apparently now it's the patriotic duty of us older or disabled Americans, or those with underlying conditions that put us at risk, to be willing to die so that the economy isn't "damaged" for the younger folks. As if economies can't be repaired. As if those with the means to do so can't give of themselves to financially help those who are hurting and can't pay their bills to get us through a time like this. As if all of our front-line healthcare workers should be just fine being thrown under the bus when they don't necessarily have to be. (Of course, if anyone mentioned concerns about health care workers to him, he would probably say that they'll be fine if all us oldies and sickies don't even try to get medical treatment and just lie in our beds and slowly drown to death. Never mind, of course, the actual statistics showing an alarming number of younger, seemingly healthy, people still end up on ventilators.)

Edit to add: This is why I'm now convinced that America is no longer a safe place to be if one belongs in a vulnerable group. It's just gone too far here. It's too harsh, too survival of the fittest.

100% agree.



Jun 7, 2014
That cake is beautiful @soxfan!!! You are about to make some lucky girl’s day! Thank you for sharing @soxfan.

Trump wants the country “Opened Up“ by Easter (April 12). He said we will see churches full of people On Easter Sunday. He’s delusional. In the meantime we need ventilators, masks and PPE. Why isn’t he working on making sure we can get what is needed for our medical professionals. Why isn‘t Trump using the Defensive Production Act???

I’m watching Trump’s press conference now. It will be interesting to hear what Dr. Fauci has to say.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
@bludiva, I agree with everything you say above except that the thread is non-partisan. In your own post you are making remarks that many would consider partisan. I think it's impossible to have a discussion about government action in the US without discussing the policies and actions of republicans vs. democrats.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
the GOP senate has some nerve with their corporate aid proposals and complaints that their democratic colleagues are wasting precious time. *smh*
They are!...They wanna throw in the green new deal into the package. What does that have anything to do with the virus?...:wall:


Mar 2, 2009
meanwhile, health insurers, who have raked in profits for years, are conspicuously absent in this fight. companies and wealthy individuals who benefited from recent tax cuts are silent. the GOP senate has some nerve with their corporate aid proposals and complaints that their democratic colleagues are wasting precious time. *smh*

Agreed. The bill is getting held up because Democrats are advocating for hospitals, the uninsured, food stamp programs, the underemployed, and wanting accountability for the 500$ billion for “companies”. All important things that shouldn’t be missed.


Aug 22, 2012
They are!...They wanna throw in the green new deal into the package. What does that have anything to do with the virus?...:wall:

Or bailing out the postal service, or a performing arts center.

Cruise lines and corporate crap still pisses me off though too.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
We should send the $2.5 tillion bill to China.
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