
What are you saving for?

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Aug 31, 2005
neatfreak''s quasi-post (about saving up for the gorgeous setting for her equally gorgeous blue stone) made me wonder what else PSers are saving up for. I''m posting this in hangout because anything''s welcome, whether covered in diamonds or not.

So, what are you saving up for? It can be something practical, or something completely indulgent. Sparkly and non-sparkly welcome!
Lol...yes...trying to decide what to do on that one.

I think the answer for me is what am I NOT saving up for? FI and I are saving for a house, I personally am saving for a variety of bling related items currently...and all the other projects are now put on hold because I bought the sapphire and want to set it at least in a temp setting soon! I don't wear a lot of jewelry and actually don't own much at all because I am just always saving up for something high quality...

The short list:

1. Setting for my sapphire.
2. Diamonds by the yard necklace
3. Another bezel set diamond necklace to double up with the one I have now ( I LOVE simple layered necklaces)

That's pretty much it for now...but since I'm a graduate student and don't make a ton of $ it takes awhile to save for things for me! Luckily DH and I are pretty low key spenders otherwise or else I could never get anything.
I''ll admit, I''m saving up for something non-sparkly. An iPhone. Apple is supposed to be unveiling new products tomorrow, and I''m hoping one will be a new, improved, less expensive (ha!) iPhone. I''m taking my time saving for it because I don''t NEED it. I just want it.

To anyone who has one, how do you like it?

ooh, neatfreak, you have a bezel set pendant? Have you posted pictures?

I love mine. I wear it almost every day, with everything.
Date: 1/14/2008 11:36:25 PM
Author: EBree
ooh, neatfreak, you have a bezel set pendant? Have you posted pictures?

I love mine. I wear it almost every day, with everything.

I posted a few somewhere, but it's basically the same as everyone elses so I didn't do a big thread! It's a .32 I Si2 H&A from Bluenile. My lovely mother actually just bought it for me for the holidays/birthday(it was a few days before our wedding so it was a bit forgotten)/wedding. I LOVE it too, which is why I want another.
I don't think I have taken it off except to put it in the US!

An Iphone is also on my list...but I can't stomach the $20 extra per month Cingular charges for the internet service! I have an Ipod touch and as I basically live on campus there is wireless everywhere, so the only thing it doesn't do is make calls. So it works for me for now.
Date: 1/14/2008 11:35:38 PM
Author: EBree
I''ll admit, I''m saving up for something non-sparkly. An iPhone. Apple is supposed to be unveiling new products tomorrow, and I''m hoping one will be a new, improved, less expensive (ha!) iPhone. I''m taking my time saving for it because I don''t NEED it. I just want it.

To anyone who has one, how do you like it?
I love mine. My only complaint is that I miss pushing buttons. Seriously.

I don''t think they''re likely to announce a new one so soon, but maybe I''ll eat my words come tomorrow morning. I hope they don''t... this one took all of Apple''s energy for over seven months, and if they''re concentrating on a new one for the next seven months, current iPhone users will still be sitting and waiting for software upgrades. With the almost-infinite upgradability of the software, any new phone would be a waste of time UNLESS their goal is to introduce 3G.

I think Jobs is more likely to announce third-party-software capability for the current iPhone during his keynote tomorrow
(wishful thinking? perhaps
I'm saving (very slowly) for a 3/4 eternity wedding band! I'm hoping I'll be able to easily save for it over the next 8 months or so, then it won't make much of a dent
Well, this may sound lame, but I''m saving for new carpet and new rugs in my house!

Carpet installers came today and put new carpet in my kids'' rooms and their hall and it''s so drastically improved that floor of our house, that we''re going to go ahead and recarpet the rest (3/4 of house is carpet and the rest is hardwood). . .AND then, I''d like to purchase a nice rug for my dining room and the other hardwood room.

THEN, after that, I''m thinking I''d like a small ct weight tennis bracelet, but I only just decided that this morning, lol, so who knows what my diamond fund will eventually go toward.
Date: 1/14/2008 11:35:38 PM
Author: EBree
I''ll admit, I''m saving up for something non-sparkly. An iPhone. Apple is supposed to be unveiling new products tomorrow, and I''m hoping one will be a new, improved, less expensive (ha!) iPhone. I''m taking my time saving for it because I don''t NEED it. I just want it.

To anyone who has one, how do you like it?

I finally decided to open mine and use it. I was using a CrackBerry before I decided to use my iPhone and I have to say it takes some getting used to. But overall, it''s pretty great.
Saving up for the following
-Trip to Europe
-Roof Repairs
-Renovations ;)

sparklies are after that :)
I''ve just blown all my savings in NY last week! I''m back to putting money in the wedding and honeymoon fund for next year.
Oh, where to start! There is so much...

To name a few, in no particular order, J and I are trying to save for: an apartment, a car, an engagement ring, a wedding, travel money so I can take advantage of being in Europe, a new camera, furniture for when we get an apartment...
Fun thread! I have my eye on 4 things these days: A 2.01 carat fancy intense yellow radiant cut, a cushion cut that is H color, internally flawless, a band that is a combination of emeralds, sapphires & diamonds and a 46 point pink diamond.
1. The wedding (about 6 months to go!)
2. A honeymoon (we keep going back and forth on this one... We have to make up our minds so we can book it this month!)
3. A house (we''re aiming for 2009)

Sparklies are certainly not on our list right now!
not sure that we have a particular timeline on these, but this is our to-buy list.

extension dining room table and chairs
custom earring project
slr camera plus lenses
MC if you're looking for nice quality persian rugs, I've bought several from and if their service is what it used to be (this is going back 4-6 years) I can't recommend them highly enough. They have a HUGE selection and great search engines, they ship free and give you 6 whole months to decide if you like the rug or not (send it back for full refund if you don't...shipping a rug costs about $60), and a tool on their website to help you visualize what the rug will look like on different kinds of flooring. Plus the prices are a teeny, tiny spec of a fraction of what you'd pay in a rug store... closer to what you'd pay in Iran!

Just a tip from a fellow rug lover.

What am I saving for?

1) A bigger home (about 1/3 of my salary each month! I'm desperate for more room!)
2) train and plane fares to help my poorer siblings get to my wedding.
3) After the wedding... .7 tcw studs.
Perfect timing for this thread, EBree, I was just thinking about my savings! The non-essential things I am saving for are:
1. .30ctw diamond bezel set studs. Have been wanting these forever. I am blessed with tiny ears so hopefully that will satisfy my need for some ear bling!
2. Inside-out diamond hoops. Yum.
3. A ring I am going to make...not sure of details yet but I am starting lessons with a local jeweler soon, and he told me to pick a project. Yay!
I am literally just trying to survive. My PhD scholarship is €2k this year (about $3k to live on for the indefinite future). The first year of my chosen career is mandatorily unpaid. I have literally NO IDEA how I would be able to pursue my chosen career and still keep myself alive for the next two years if it wasn''t for the profoundly humbling generosity of my parents and my BF. It will all be worth it in the end, and in the meantime I am learning enormous lessons about love and gratitude.

BF says ''we'' are saving for an engagement ring, a downpayment on a house, and a crackin'' holiday to celebrate both of us being done with our PhDs. He is my biggest cheerleader and generous to a fault! When I start earning I will save like a demon to find a way to repay him, and my parents. I would love to be able to give BF enough money to earn his private pilot''s licence, and to be able to send my parents to NY to trace our ancestors'' path through Ellis Island.
We are saving for our holiday to Tunisia this year, a few days just Gary and I in Oman early next year and I would like a new setting for my diamond.

Date: 1/15/2008 9:08:48 AM
Author: Independent Gal
MC if you''re looking for nice quality persian rugs, I''ve bought several from and if their service is what it used to be (this is going back 4-6 years) I can''t recommend them highly enough. They have a HUGE selection and great search engines, they ship free and give you 6 whole months to decide if you like the rug or not (send it back for full refund if you don''t...shipping a rug costs about $60), and a tool on their website to help you visualize what the rug will look like on different kinds of flooring. Plus the prices are a teeny, tiny spec of a fraction of what you''d pay in a rug store... closer to what you''d pay in Iran!
IG - thanks so much for the tip. I was considering posting a thread about where to buy rugs. We have a gorgeous one my husband''s aunt purchased for us a few years back and I would love to get another like it, but we instead bought two cheap rugs from Costco and the lack of quality showed up almost immediatly! lol The threads come out everywhere and the rug is burgandy and our carpet is white, so I have to constantly pick them up or vaccum and it''s a lot of work for a lazy person so I haven''t been keeping up and my cat keeps eating the threads! lol

7 ct studs??? lol Can''t wait to see those!
I''m saving for:

-a house downpayment
-wedding and honeymoon
-adopting a dog!
Well, there is little saving money with a mortgage and student loans, but we are now saving for:

1) Honeymoon
2) Wedding bands (his will be Tiffany Lucida, mine Tiffany knife-edge in platinum)
MC Oops! I meant 0.7 ct, not 7 ct. Yeah, as if THAT will ever happen!

The thing about a good hand knotted Persian is that it will last AT LEAST a hundred years and never lose value (unless you overpay to begin with!). In fact, a well kept old rug is more valuable, if it was a good one to begin with. We have one that FI''s ancestor bought in the 1880''s. It''s starting to look its age... but just starting!

The thing to look for is hand KNOTTED, not hand tufted. And the smaller the knots (i.e., the higher the number of knots per sq inch) the finer the rug. Vegetable dyes are also a desirable characteristic.

Oh yeah, and rugman guarantees that no child''s hands touched their rugs, except maybe to say ''Wow mommy! That''s pretty!''
I''m saving so I can buy a Richard Homer gem stone. I don''t want to end up passing up all of his masterpieces the next chance I have to view them.
First and foremost, I''m saving so my BF and I can take a nice, long vacation this year. We just have to decide where!

Now that I''ve paid off my car finally, I''ve been thinking that I''d like to have an older Jeep to take to the mountains for fun. (My parents own a cabin that is easily within weekend getaway distance.) But that one will have to wait a while.
ACK. Mine is *so* not fun.
1. Serious, structural home repairs
2. Replenish "nest egg" (been a slow 2 yrs for moi)
3. Repay recent debt from prior home repairs
4. XBox 360 for DH (he''s been picking up the slack & is now leaving a job he loves to make more $$!

After all that, who KNOWS what I''ll be sweet on? But if I had a "must buy jewelry" windfall today I''d be all up on some bezel studs -- or --- diamond snuggies. SIGH.
Saving for:
- retirement
- apartment in New York (if a miracle like the lottery happens, a condo)
- going over to Germany this year to visit my brother. I''m trying like hell since I''ve never been able to since he moved there in 1992 and before he considers making the mistake of moving back to the U.S.
Projects to save for this year are;

new bathroom for family bathroom

Refurbish 2 more stables

New boiler for house.

In the end, the house and grounds will be done finally!
In order:

our next visa - due in the Spring

grad school - actual cost of about £8,000 ($16,000) plus having to live on one income for two years rather than two incomes - and currently I make more money than DH.

down payment on a house - the housing market here is out of control currently!! Even if we had the down payment we couldn''t afford the mortgage.

finish my earring project - about $700
More long-term goals (in order):

1. wedding/honeymoon
2. Europe trip for friend's wedding in August (mostly saved already)
3. grad school for BF/move abroad (a few years off...)
4. rental property downpayment
5. diamond studs... and I want jackets and dangles for them, too! dreaming of 1.0 tcw, but the .7 mentioned above is probably much more realistic.

Ongoing/active savings:

1. retirement! Hoping to leave the workforce by age 40

2. paying down student loans/mortgage
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