
What are you looking forward to right now?

Ive been feeling a bit down in the dumps
But today Bruce Springsteen announced that tomorrow there will ne an announcement
Certainly the start of a tour for The US and Europe
But then so many possibilities of wonderful things that could come my way
I’m looking forward to my grandson getting well from Covid. He just turned five..Three of his classmates are also positive. My son took my grandson to our second house to isolate. My DIL has my other grandson at their house in Va who just turned two today. He just tested did my son who’s isolating with my grandson who has it. TG..I hope they continue to be negative..I just want them all to be well..They’re all wearing masks but have to be with the children.
My husband, son and I are still going to the Outer Banks. The house is super huge with eight bedrooms..The three of us will be lost in there but we decided to go because my son, who has Autism, was so excited and looking forward to going. We’re going all out with getting the pool heated for him as it’s still a little chilly for swimming..I could have bought a pretty bauble just for that! We couldn’t disappoint him…It’s a six hour drive which I’m not looking forward to...haha..but I am looking forward to some beautiful peace and quiet. The Covid transmission rate there is low unlike the high rate we may even go out to a restaurant there..but eat outside. I’m looking forward to that too!
@MamaBee, sending lots of healing vibes and good thoughts to your grandson that he recovers quickly. I hope everyone stays covid free. I'm really glad you're still going, it will be restorative for you and just really nice to be in such a beautiful place, and it will mean so much to your son. <3
@MamaBee, sending lots of healing vibes and good thoughts to your grandson that he recovers quickly. I hope everyone stays covid free. I'm really glad you're still going, it will be restorative for you and just really nice to be in such a beautiful place, and it will mean so much to your son. <3

Thank you @junebug17. Pre-Covid I would stay home in case they needed help when they’re sick..I can’t help when one of them has Covid so it made sense to go ahead. My grandson has only had a fever..He’s doubly vaccinated which I think made the difference. He’s bouncing off the walls with energy and appetite..I hope he continues that way. I am worried about my son because he’s 41. Little ones usually get over any sickness pretty quickly. They have given me stuff that takes me out for three weeks. Meanwhile they are better in two days..Fingers crossed they all remain negative. My grandson’s fever broke yesterday so fingers and toes are crossed.
Thank you @junebug17. Pre-Covid I would stay home in case they needed help when they’re sick..I can’t help when one of them has Covid so it made sense to go ahead. My grandson has only had a fever..He’s doubly vaccinated which I think made the difference. He’s bouncing off the walls with energy and appetite..I hope he continues that way. I am worried about my son because he’s 41. Little ones usually get over any sickness pretty quickly. They have given me stuff that takes me out for three weeks. Meanwhile they are better in two days..Fingers crossed they all remain negative. My grandson’s fever broke yesterday so fingers and toes are crossed.

Healing vibes across the miles......
@MamaBee, I’m so happy your grandson seems to be doing fairly well even though he has Covid. It’s scary even if they are bouncing off the walls. So happy to hear his fever broke. Hopefully he will fully recover quickly. I’m sorry your trip isn’t turning out quite the way you had planned. I know you were looking forward to spending time with your grandchildren, son and daughter-in-law too. David will have a wonderful time. I hope you and S have nice and relaxing trip. Sometimes it’s just nice to get away and have a change of scenery.