
What are you doing for the SuperBowl?

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Aug 12, 2005
DH is a huge Bears fan, I''m originally from IN (was a Colts fan when I met him). He has yearly season tickets for the Bears but decided not to get tickets for Miami, and obviously it''s kinda late now, so we are going with a bunch of other friends to our favorite local bar where we''ll watch the pre-game festivities and then the game...DH has already taken that Monday off, lol.

While I love watching the game, the most fun i have is putting some thought and creativity into what I''m going to wear...DH got me this really cool Bears purse online for Christmas (see attached pic) and I have a Bears visor made of navy jersey material with Swarovski crystals accenting the Bears logo on it (it''s so cute!) I looked online for the last month or so to find a great shirt or jacket with something sparkly and Bears related on it but alas, there is nothing I decided to make my own. If some of you recall, like Mara, last year I decided to Swarovski-ize my cellphone, so I ordered Swarovski hotfix crystals in orange, blue, and crystal and a bejeweler (LOL) and am going to design my own shirt when they arrive this Friday. I also have face paint ready to go for game day...I''m really excited!

Any other NFL fans out there getting ready for the big day? The superbowl to me is one of those events that sort of breaks up the blah winter months, so I usually get pretty involved (ok not as involved as THIS year, though!), just wanted to hear about everyone else''s plans!

Go Bears!
Whoops, here''s the purse!

bears purse.jpg
you are in the spirit for sure!

My kids want a party, but I may just not be up to a lot, so I think I will just order pizzas and let them each have one friend over...
wow monarch, a superbowl THAT's saying something!!
the crystal shirt sounds creative gal, take some pictures woman!

we aren't into sports, but we typically do watch the superbowl (mostly for commericals!)...either at home or a friend's or whatever. this year we are going to a friend's house for a party...we love the parties!! my girlfriend is making my fave, white fruity sangria...woo hoo...and she's got all sorts of other goodies like homemade tamales, it's kind of spanish/mexican themed. i'm bringing grandma's famous 7 layer dip with tortilla chips...YUM! should be super fun!
My FI is really into football but he''s not a fan of either team this year. However, with the new 50" plasma tv installed, he''d happily watch an ant colony if it were televised, so he''s invited a dozen people over to our tiny living room and I''ll be cooking. I think I have more fun watching people watch the game than I do watching the game. And I found a Beer Braised Beef recipe on Cooking Light that sounds fabulous!
Cool purse. I usually go to someone else''s party!!! I never know who is playing but I go just for the excitment!!!
I know this is sacrilege, living in Chicago for the past 18+ years and all, but I'm really not a Bears fan. I grew up in Pittsburgh and the Steelers still hold my heart. I'm sure we'll have a big parade and all if the Bears win, like they did for the Sox last year after the World Series, and I'll see that from my office window. But as for Sunday, hell, I'll probably be on Pricescope the whole time they're playing, LOL!

Monarch, I do have to admit though that is *quite* a purse!
What am I doing for the Superbowl? Pretending it isn't on
DH is still upset that the Patriots lost
But seriously, I might TIVO it and then watch the commercials only LOL!
We have not quite recovered from the Eagle''s loss. I''m rooting for the Bears because I like the mascot better than the Colts :).

And I won''t miss the kitten half time show on Animal Planet for the world.
DeeJay, you have broken my heart...
...18 years and still not a Bears fan? Awwww.

ColorKitty, thank you for reminding me of Animal Planet! Last year we left the Puppy Bowl on for Milo while we were gone...I even recorded it for future times when we''d be gone so he''d have some entertainment! I will definitely do it again this year! it''s the cutest thing ever.
Date: 1/31/2007 9:59:51 AM
Author: Rascal49
What am I doing for the Superbowl? Pretending it isn't on
DH is still upset that the Patriots lost
But seriously, I might TIVO it and then watch the commercials only LOL!
Yep...the only hard core fan around here is a coworker who roots for the Pats...he's the only one that ever throws a superbowl party, so no parties for me to go to. I will probably find an excuse to make snackety snacks for myself and watch the game anyway.
It's all about the snackety snacks and the commercials.

(Monnie, love the purse, gotta see the decked out crystal items!)
We''re going to a party and my brothers. he''s a huge football fan in general and loves any reason to have football food. My hubby is from Chicago so he''s rooting for the Bears. I don''t really care one way or the other, just love the food and commercials
Date: 1/31/2007 10:38:02 AM
Author: colorkitty
We have not quite recovered from the Eagle's loss.
Me neither, Colorkitty! Actually, I'm pretty sure most of Philadelphia has their hands over their ears singing "la la la" everytime the SuperBowl is mentioned this year... it seems like NOBODY is talking about it!! None of our friends are having parties, and even the bars are pretty quiet around here... no big events being advertised. People in Philly don't just get sad when the Eagles lose, they get genuinely bitter. It can be kinda scary!

We will be home with my family in central PA (wedding planning) for SuperBowl weekend, so I'm sure my mom will make some yummy snacks and we'll all hang out and watch... nothing too elaborate.
Being a huge Bears fan (born and raised in Chgo), of course I''ll be watching the game!!! We''ll probably just catch the game at home, our family only. Well, knowing our friends, someone will probably manage an impromptu visit and park themselves on our couch....which will be just fine.

You can bet that I will be singing (rapping?) the Superbowl Shuffle at the top of my lungs!!!!
Friends are throwing a party at their house. Potluck, and I am in the midst of figuring out what to bring. Thank goodness for food network....
At this point it''s just hubby and I. I asked him what he would like to do and he said if I wasn''t too busy counting calories along with the rest of my WWT friends he''d like to make some homemade pizza, the old fashioned Italian way, and just relax and enjoy the game. I said I could go for that.
I will be at a bar in the city watching DA BEARS annihilate the colts!!! I''m so excited...I was 3 back in 86 when they won......I can''t wait!!!! The emails have been arriving abundantly and I love it! A massive storm will hot Miami...hahahaha. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!

The New Super Bowl Shuffle

We''re the new Bears Shufflin'' Crew
Shufflin'' on down, doin'' it for you.
Going 13-3 is how we get our kicks
Blowin'' your mind like ''85-''86
You know we''re just struttin'' for fun
Struttin'' our stuff for everyone.
We''re not here to start no trouble.
We''re just here to do the Super Bowl Shuffle.

Brian Urlacher
Urlacher here, I''m the heart of the D
You wanna get to the endzone, gotta go through me
I''m a hit with the ladies, they love my style
But putting hits on Favre is what makes me smile
We''ve known all season that we''re number 1
The new Monsters of the Midway, we''re having some fun
We didn''t come here to look for trouble
We just came to do the Super Bowl Shuffle

Rex Grossman
Well they call me Sexy Rexy and I''m young and tough
Had a couple rough games, but I know I got the stuff
I''m an Indiana boy, at home on a farm,
I like throwing it deep and showing off my arm
Staying cool under pressure, is the key
And if we get behind, we''ve always got our D
I''ve got my doubters, but watch me, girl
My Super Bowl Shuffle''s gonna shock the world

Thomas Jones
Thomas Jones here, the man in the middle
Running the ball is like solving a riddle
First I find a gap, then I read the D
Once I get a step, ain''t nobody catchin me
Me and Cedric B we make the run look pretty,
Bringing some offense to the Windy City
I didn''t come, to burst your bubble,
I just came to do the Super Bowl Shuffle

Muhsin Muhammed
This is Muhsin Muhammed, I''m a heckuva guy
Throw a pass in the air and watch me fly
Fans call me Moose and scream my name
#1 receiver, I got crazy mad game
Like a speeding train, streaking down the field
I outrun the D like they''re on training wheels
If you like my skills on the turf and grass
Just wait ''til you see me shakin'' my a—
There''s noone here that does it like me,
My Super Bowl Shuffle will set you free.

Robbie Gould
I''m Robbie Gould, pro bowlin for a reason
I went 26 of 26 to start the season
Breakin'' Bears records and winning clutch games
They say I''m good as gold, and not just cause of my name
Most kickers are quiet, but I''m all smiles
Put the game on the line and I can kick for miles
I didn''t come here, looking for trouble
I just came to do the Super Bowl Shuffle

Devin Hester
"Thank heaven for Devin", the papers say
Faster than a cheetah, is the Hester way
Give me open field and I''ll show you a score
I''m bringing sexy to special teams like never before
When it''s time to punt they''re all full of fear
Making moves and making plays, you know I''m rookie of the year
That''s why I got here, on the double
To take the Bears to do the Super Bowl Shuffle

Lance Briggs
I''m the tacklin machine, stopping fools on a dime
Big Lance Briggs, and I always get mine
Forcin fumbles is what I''m all about
And sacking QBs makes me scream and shout
When the ball is snapped, get outta my way
Cause you know Lance Briggs gonna make a play
I didn''t come here to start no scuffle
I just wanna do the Super Bowl Shuffle

Tank Johnson
Get ready for the Tank, cause I''m here to stay
Mighta made some mistakes, but I''m ready to play
Forget about what you may have read
No more messin'' around, I''m playin'' ball instead
The best tackle in the biz, I''m big and tough
And when it comes to dancin, I got the stuff
I really don''t wanna cause more trouble
I just wanna do the Super Bowl Shuffle

Bernard Berrian
Berrian here, I''m lean and tall
Throw it deep and I''ll outrun ''em all
Me and Moose always cause a fuss,
Making defenses crazy tryin to stick with us
I''m sweet off the field and I''m smooth in the game
Winning''s my goal, not fortune and fame
I didn''t come here just for fun
I won''t stop ''til we''re number 1

Lovie Smith
Lovie here, and I''m a soul man
When it comes to winning, I got the plan
Ladies love Lovie, I always look fly
Now that Ditka''s gone, I''m the guy
"Da Coach" and leader, of Papa Bear''s boys
Come on Chicago, make some noise
You better start making your Super Bowl plans
''Cause we''re goin'' to Miami, and we''re bringin'' our fans
Irish, that was great! Did you write that? I love it!!!!! GO BEAR!!!!
I am going to get some shopping done in hopes that everyone is watching the game!!! Hopefully less crowds at the store for me
Nah was in one of the 500 emails that have been circulating in and out of my inbox. ;) I can''t wait!
GO BEARS!!!!!!
For the first time it will be just the two of us, since the kids are away at school. Hubby said he wants to do the cooking tomorrow. Now this I have to see, he can''t grill as it''s freezing here. And are going to brunch tomorrow. Maybe I''ll eat enough just in case??? LOL!!!
I''m not a big sports fan, but GO BEARS!!!!!
What am I doing tonight for the super bowl? Celebrating Christmas with my mom and siblings!
We''re going over to a friends house to watch it, the guys are mostly involved in the game, but usually all us girls gab and hardly watch anything but the commercials. hehe.

I am going to make a spinach/artichoke dip.
I will be on a date with a new guy. We''re supposed to have dinner and then head to a local bar to catch the game. Yay for Killian''s Irish Red on draft!
Yay! I love seeing all these Bears fans on here! I grew up in Chicago...and I have been waiting for this day! Go BEARS!!!!
I was 2 1/2 the last time DA BEARS were in the superbowl...I''m still in shock but I''m so excited!!!!!!! To put it all in perspective: (yes it''s another email!!!)

In honor of the Chicago Bears going to Super Bowl 41. Here are 41 things that have changed from the last time the Chicago Bears played in the Super Bowl (which was Super Bowl 20 in 1986):

1. Brian Urlacher was in 2nd grade. Rex Grossman was in kindergarten.

2. Peyton Manning was 10 years old. Eli Manning was 5 years old. Their dad, Archie, had just retired from the NFL two years earlier.

3. Lovie Smith was in his first college coaching job at University of Tulsa.

4. Ronald Reagan was the President, and Harold Washington was the Mayor. James R. Thompson was the Governor running for re-election and his office was in the new State of Illinois Center, which is now called the James R. Thompson Center.

5. George W. Bush was 39 years old and still drinking. His father would run for President two years later.

6. Rod Blagojevich was just out of law school l and was a low-level prosecutor working for the Cook County State''s Attorney, Richard M. Daley.

7. Barack Obama had just moved to Illinois, and Osama bin Laden was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan.

8. Red Grange and Sid Luckman were still alive.

9. The Colts had just moved to Indianapolis from Baltimore and were the doormat of the AFC EAST. The Bears were the champions of the NFC CENTRAL.

10. Property in Wicker Park and Bucktown was cheap because they were really bad neighborhoods.

11. CD players, cellular phones and fax machines were expensive, cutting edge technology and only a few people used them.

12. "Surfing the net" meant a volleyball game at the beach, and virtually no one used the "@" key on their TYPEWRITER.

13. Sam Walton was still alive and was wealthier than Bill Gates. Window s were panes of glass...not a computer opera ting system that was a pain in something that rhymes with glass.

14. The Soviet Union was our main enemy, and Saddam Hussein was our ally.

15. There were no lights at Wrigley Field, and the oldest park in baseball belonged to the White Sox.

16. Michael Jordan and Ozzie Guillen had just finished their "Rookie of the Year" seasons. Jordan''s coach was Stan Albeck and Guillen''s manager was Tony LaRussa. (Three out of four of those guys are now wearing championship rings, but what ever happened to Stan Albeck???)

17. Soldier Field had AstroTurf. The Houston Oilers played in the AstroDome.

18. The Fox TV Network didn''t exist, and ESPN had yet to air a single live pro football, baseball, or basketball game.

19. MTV played music and so did some AM radio stations.

20. Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff we ren''t born yet; Jackie Gleason and Richard Nixon were still alive.

21. Hillary Clinton had dark hair and was the First Lady......of Arkansas!

22. "The Love Boat" and "Diff''rent Strokes" were still on network TV every week.

23. Martin Luther King Day was about to be celebrated as a National Holiday for the first time. "9-11" was a phone number many cities were just adopting for emergency calls - not a date of terror.

24. I-88 was called "Illinois Rt. 5" and I-355 hadn''t been built yet.

25. What the CTA now calls "The Blue Line" had just been extended to O''Hare, and the Orange Line to Midway hadn''t been built yet.

26. Q101 played adult contemporary music and most teenagers listened to WLS. Music from the 70s and 80s wasn''t "retro" yet.

27. Tiger Woods hadn''t won an amateur golf tournament yet.

28. Most people kne w Seattle just as a city in the Northwest U.S. - not the ho me of grunge or Starbucks.

29. Only Southerners went to NASCAR races and only Northerners went to NHL games.

30. The Chicago area had no Wal-Marts, Targets or Home Depots, and Walgreen''s was only in the Midwest.

31. Depending on your bank, your ATM card was good at only "Cash Station" machines or only at "Money Network" machines, but there were no fees.

32. "The Phone Company" was Illinois Bell.

33. They still sold leaded gasoline and you couldn''t pay for your gas at the pump.

34. Discover Card hadn''t been discovered yet, and Miller Genuine Draft hadn''t been brewed yet.

35. Stereo TVs were the rage that HDTVs are now. 8-track tapes were still being made.

36. All of the Blockbuster Video stores that are now closing hadn''t opened yet. Betamax was still competing with VHS.

37. You paid cash for your groceries and fast food, and you used a travel agent to book airline flights.

38. Bowl games didn''t have corporate sponsors, and if the #1 ranked team was in a conference that played in one bowl game and the #2 ranked team was in a conference that played in another bowl game, then so be it! They let the sportswriters vote on the national champion (and no college football games were played after New Year''s Day).

39. The Baltimore Ravens were the Cleveland Browns. The Tennessee Titans were the Houston Oilers. The Oakland Raiders were the Los Angeles Raiders that had just left Oakland. The Arizona Cardinals (the former Phoenix Cardinals) were the St. Louis Cardinals, and the St. Louis Rams were the Los Angeles Rams. The Jacksonville Jaguars, Carolina Panthers, Houston Texans, and the Cleveland Browns (not to be confused with the Cleveland Browns that are now the Baltimore Ravens) didn''t exist. The Seattle Seahawks (last year''s NFC Champions) played in the AFC.

40. Number 9 on the Bears was their Punky QB...not their perky field goal kicker.

41. There were no iPods - just Sony Walkmen - so if you said something about a "shuffle" on your Walkman, they assumed you were listening to "The Super Bowl Shuffle"

And one thing that will be the same from the Chicago Bears last Super Bowl appearance.....
Go Bears!!! It''s almost game time...DH and friends are already at the bar so they could scope out the best seating/viewing area and save it, then all the ladies will meet up with them around 3. Unfortunately, DH already grabbed the digital camera and has it with him so I wasn''t able to get pics of the shirt I made to post yet, but I will have to do it tomorrow! I was a little ticked off today because I got in a hurry while attaching some of the crystals and a few fell off, but whatever...

GO BEARS! Hope everyone has a fun and safe Superbowl time!
Well, I just found out I am having a party in a couple of hours. DH''s parents decided they wanted to come over with some other family members. I''m making cole slaw, potato salad, and either pulled pork or brats - DH is at the store now getting whatever looks better. It should be pretty fun...Not too rowdy though, as DH is still pouty about the game that The Charger''s "gave up"....Boooooo Hooooo..... I don''t really care who wins...I do think Peyton is a cutie, but, on the other hand I still have a soft spot for those ''86 Bears...I was in 6th grade and I was sure I''d marry Jim McMahon. Have fun all!
Date: 2/4/2007 3:46:18 PM
Author: Miranda
Well, I just found out I am having a party in a couple of hours. DH''s parents decided they wanted to come over with some other family members. I''m making cole slaw, potato salad, and either pulled pork or brats - DH is at the store now getting whatever looks better. It should be pretty fun...Not too rowdy though, as DH is still pouty about the game that The Charger''s ''gave up''....Boooooo Hooooo..... I don''t really care who wins...I do think Peyton is a cutie, but, on the other hand I still have a soft spot for those ''86 Bears...I was in 6th grade and I was sure I''d marry Jim McMahon. Have fun all!
Miranda, your husband and mine could have had a pity party of their own for the Chargers. He is beside himself.

Hope everyone enjoyed their afternoon/evening whether or not the team you were cheering for won. We had a peaceful evening and enjoyed the Budwiesier comercials.
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