
What’s the best way to find a good dermatologist? I just need retinols


Oct 16, 2020
I’m wanting to start with a prescribed retinol cream, and I’m looking for a dermatologist. He online reviews are freaking me out! People only bother with reviews when they love or hate the doctor- but is there anything else I should do to make sure I’m not putting myself in the hands of someone who doesn’t know their stuff? This is all new to me. Thanks in advance!


Nov 2, 2012
I'm no expert but my understanding is that retinol is the stuff found in OTC face creams and not strong enough to do much. So I wonder if you meant Retin-A? That is a brand name of tretinoin, which is sold by prescription in the US (but non-prescription in some other places).

If so (?), I've used tretinoin and it is heavy duty enough to make a decent difference, in age spots and some scarring, fine wrinkles and other minor skin imperfections.

However, be prepared to stay home for a week or so because you will look like a science experiment haha. Your face will first turn into the texture of a shrunken head, if you've ever seen one at a museum. Then it will peel. And peel. And peel. You'll want to resist the urge to pick at it during this time because doing so can cause scarring. Also, you'll need to keep sunscreen on the new skin underneath.

However, I thought it worked beautifully. I definitely noticed a difference.

I don't think it matters much what doctor you go to for that because they'd just write the prescription for the cream, which you would apply yourself. Good luck. :)
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Oct 16, 2020
I'm no expert but my understanding is that retinol is the stuff found in OTC face creams and not strong enough to do much. So I wonder if you meant Retin-A? That is a brand name of tretinoin, which is sold by prescription in the US (but non-prescription in some other places).

If so (?), I've used tretinoin and it is heavy duty enough to make a decent difference, in age spots and some scarring, fine wrinkles and other minor skin imperfections.

However, be prepared to stay home for a week or so because you will look like a science experiment haha. Your face will first turn into the texture of a shrunken head, if you've ever seen one at a museum. Then it will peel. And peel. And peel. You'll want to resist the urge to pick at it during this time because doing so can cause scarring. Also, you'll need to keep sunscreen on the new skin underneath.

However, I thought it worked beautifully. I definitely noticed a difference.

I don't think it matters much what doctor you go to for that because they'd just write the prescription for the cream, which you would apply yourself. Good luck. :)

I think that IS what I was talking about. Thanks for the heads up! I will pick my time wisely as to when I try.


Oct 16, 2020
I'm no expert but my understanding is that retinol is the stuff found in OTC face creams and not strong enough to do much. So I wonder if you meant Retin-A? That is a brand name of tretinoin, which is sold by prescription in the US (but non-prescription in some other places).

If so (?), I've used tretinoin and it is heavy duty enough to make a decent difference, in age spots and some scarring, fine wrinkles and other minor skin imperfections.

However, be prepared to stay home for a week or so because you will look like a science experiment haha. Your face will first turn into the texture of a shrunken head, if you've ever seen one at a museum. Then it will peel. And peel. And peel. You'll want to resist the urge to pick at it during this time because doing so can cause scarring. Also, you'll need to keep sunscreen on the new skin underneath.

However, I thought it worked beautifully. I definitely noticed a difference.

I don't think it matters much what doctor you go to for that because they'd just write the prescription for the cream, which you would apply yourself. Good luck. :)

Do you use it still?


Apr 19, 2013
You might want to take a look at Agency skin care ( It's an online system that connects you with a dermatologist who looks at your skin and your skin goals and prescribes the best retinoid + other ingredients for you. I have used Retin-A for 30 years, prescribed by my in-person dermatologist, but switched to Agency this year. I am pleased with the products and the service. They offer your first month free + S&H. Retinoids can be harsh and cause the things @seaurchin describes, but your dermatologist should be able to help ease you into a routine without requiring you to hide away from the world! And agreed, sunscreen is absolutely essential -- to protect that "new" skin and to prevent further sun damage.

(I learned about Agency via YouTuber Angie of the channel Hot and Flashy. She's nearing 60 and is passionate about anti-aging skin care. She does the research, has lots of science-backed knowledge, and shares her results and findings in a very relatable way. She's an excellent skin care resource if you are interested.)


Dec 16, 2017
My dermatologist provides me with a compounded prescription that combines Retin-A with some other goodies. I have a horrible amount sunspots and sun damage so I do what I can to minimize it all. I've used Retin-A for a long time, without any issues.

I found all of my doctors via a referral from a friend or other doctor who actually knew them. Yelp is useless and you really have to read the reviews thanks to the "1 star because they never answered the phone" lame reviews. Anyhow, ask your doctor, friends, family, etc. for referrals.


Nov 2, 2012
Tretinoin could roll back the early signs of aging a bit but it's mostly for the surface of the skin. It can't do what more invasive procedures can though, like Botox and beyond.


Oct 16, 2020
Tretinoin could roll back the early signs of aging a bit but it's mostly for the surface of the skin. It can't do what more invasive procedures can though, like Botox and beyond.

Hmm. This makes me wonder if it’s even worth it? Sunscreen and clean living might do as much?


May 1, 2021
When other women compliment my skin, I always recommend Retin A. Sunscreen is important, too, but Retin A is my HG product. I use Tretinoin .05% (generic Retin A). They recommend that you use it every other night, or every 3rd night, at first. The first dermatologist I went to prescribed a much stronger form of Retin A, which was way too harsh. My skin never adjusted. I use the .05% every night now, with no redness or dry skin. Good Rx coupons help with the cost - even the generic isn't cheap.


Oct 16, 2020
When other women compliment my skin, I always recommend Retin A. Sunscreen is important, too, but Retin A is my HG product. I use Tretinoin .05% (generic Retin A). They recommend that you use it every other night, or every 3rd night, at first. The first dermatologist I went to prescribed a much stronger form of Retin A, which was way too harsh. My skin never adjusted. I use the .05% every night now, with no redness or dry skin. Good Rx coupons help with the cost - even the generic isn't cheap.

Ok thanks for sharing this! At the minimum being extra motivated to wear sunscreen every day is great :)


May 1, 2021
Just to be clear, with the Good Rx coupon, my Retin A isn't expensive, IMO.


Oct 16, 2020
Just to be clear, with the Good Rx coupon, my Retin A isn't expensive, IMO.

I’m in Canada - is this coupon something that would be relevant here? I wonder.


Nov 2, 2012
Hmm. This makes me wonder if it’s even worth it? Sunscreen and clean living might do as much?

From this thread, I see that tretinoin comes in different strengths and can be used different ways. I used it a couple of times through the years, as a giant, deep peel, maybe akin to what a laser would do.

It did a good job of removing age spots and etc. because it got down through so many layers of skin that way.

I do some kind of deep peel every couple of years and mainly just use sunscreen the rest of the time. IDK if there's a better way to do it or not.

ETA: From my google search, you do need a prescription for tretinoin in Canada. I'd be sure to ask about the generic because it's quite a bit less expensive than the name brand Retin-A (or it used to be, anyway).
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Oct 16, 2020
From this thread, I see that tretinoin comes in different strengths and can be used different ways. I used it a couple of times through the years, as a giant, deep peel, maybe akin to what a laser would do.

It did a good job of removing age spots and etc. because it got down through so many layers of skin that way.

I do some kind of deep peel every couple of years and mainly just use sunscreen the rest of the time. IDK if there's a better way to do it or not.

ETA: From my google search, you do need a prescription for tretinoin in Canada. I'd be sure to request the generic because it's quite a bit less expensive than the brand Retin-A (or it used to be, anyway).

Yes my understanding is that I need a prescription. Good idea about the generic!


May 1, 2021
I’m in Canada - is this coupon something that would be relevant here? I wonder.

I don't know if Good Rx works in Canada. But, per the Good Rx website, the average price for a 45-gram tube, without the coupon, is around $100 US. When I first bought it, I seem to remember that the price without coupon was over $250 US. Honestly, it would've been a good value to me, even at that price. A tube lasts a long time, and I see results. The price may be lower in Canada.


Apr 19, 2013
@diamondyes, absolutely, Retin-A/tretinoin has been amazing for my skin. Having used it for so long, it has helped keep my facial skin relatively unlined and has kept age spots at bay. It definitely takes time to see full benefits, so it's a commitment, but outside of procedures, I think it's considered, and been for me, the gold standard of anti-aging skin care.


Feb 2, 2015
I've been using Differin gel, OTC and inexpensive. It has changed my whole life.

I found it after discovering the youtube channel for a board-certified dematologist in Houston. She goes into great detail about all kinds of evidence-based skin care, no loyalties to any particular brand, and her videos really helped me figure out how to take care of the skin problems that plagued me for most of my life. I have clear skin for the first time ever. Amazing.



Jul 17, 2008
I’ve been using Retin A since I was 21. Awesome stuff!


Apr 22, 2004
I am using 0.04 micro and have so for the past 3 years. I get mine from an international online pharmacy so no need for a prescription from a dermatologist. IIRC, they ship to Canada too.

No need to hide away from the world and stuff. Just make sure you have a solid and gentle routine first. Be prepared to use sunscreen all the time.


Oct 16, 2020
I am using 0.04 micro and have so for the past 3 years. I get mine from an international online pharmacy so no need for a prescription from a dermatologist. IIRC, they ship to Canada too.

No need to hide away from the world and stuff. Just make sure you have a solid and gentle routine first. Be prepared to use sunscreen all the time.

Oh that’s interesting and would save me on the dermatologist consultation fee!


Nov 2, 2012
After more thought I want to add to please also be sure to remember that whoever gives advice on here is probably just going by their own experience, which may not be best for you.

They may be a lot older or younger than you with various degrees of aging and damage, various degrees of what results they're satisfied with, etcetera. Something that's not strong enough for your needs will just be a waste of your time and money and something too strong for you could possibly even cause scarring.

I would not make saving a few bucks the priority here tbh. Maybe best to get a dermatologist's advice, then research their recommendation before following it. Please let us know what you do and how it goes!
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Oct 16, 2020
After more thought I want to add to please also be sure to remember that whoever gives advice on here is probably just going by their own experience, which may not be best for you.

They may be a lot older or younger than you with various degrees of aging and damage, various degrees of what results they're satisfied with, etcetera. Something that's not strong enough for your needs will just be a waste of your time and money and something too strong for you could possibly even cause scarring.

I would not make saving a few bucks the priority here tbh. Maybe best to get a dermatologist's advice, then research their recommendation before following it. Please let us know what you do and how it goes!

Solid advice! I’m thinking to definitely start with a dermatologist but I like the idea of eventually being able to buy online once I know what I want.


Dec 16, 2017
I am constantly told that I look 10+ years younger than I am. (It could be the fat plumping the wrinkles... :lol-2:) It's not because I stayed out of the sun when I was younger. I have always used moisturizer, and since the sun damage began showing in my 30s, I've used sunscreen with zinc. Besides the 2-3x/week Retin-A I also use products with hyaluronic acid and a vitamin C serum. I apologize to my skin regularly for the damage I've done. Hopefully, it's forgiven me.
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