
Were you Greek?

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Nov 2, 2006
I made a comment in another thread about my sorority''s colors and it got me thinking. How many people on PS were involved in Greek life when they were in college?

So, were you, and if you were (and you don''t mind sharing), which organization did you belong to?

I am a Delta Zeta from the Kappa Epsilon chapter at Plymouth State in NH.
Greek! Green and White! KD MIZZOU!
I went to a small women''s college and Greek organizations weren''t allowed. Honestly, it didn''t much matter because the college itself was like one big sorority.
I think one organization did form a chapter for our campus during my senior year, but it wasn''t (and won''t be) officially sanctioned by the college, and it''s a sorority with a very specific, very narrow "target population," so it doesn''t affect many people anyway.
Date: 4/10/2009 11:21:48 AM
Author: Octavia
I went to a small women''s college and Greek organizations weren''t allowed. Honestly, it didn''t much matter because the college itself was like one big sorority.

Same here.
Yes and no (sorry that this is a really long answer!) -

I was part of a service sorority (Epsilon Sigma Alpha) that is classified as non-greek. Our sorority did not participate in the campus formal rush, and we don''t have a house (our charter doesn''t allow it), but we did nearly everything that typical sororities do, like formals, informals, socials, pledge ed, educationals, big sisters, ceremonies, etc. I had all the letter t-shirts, lavaliere, and was an officer every year after my pledge year - so very involved. To stay a member of the chapter, we had to do a certain amount of service each semester, especially for St. Jude Children''s Research Hospital and Easter Seals - organizations that I still hold very, very dear to me for the work they do. The service aspect was really the greatest part of it - I can''t believe how much I did in college that I wouldn''t have done without my sorority.

Also, my sorority is a little different historically, because it was begun as a greek-letter society that started as a women''s group, not a collegiate organization, so many of our collegiate chapters were founded in the 1990''s (whereas the organization in its traditional form was founded in the 1800s) - but on my particular campus, it was (and still is - I heard that after rush this year we were up to 400 members) a massive organization, so we were invited to participate in a lot of greek events because we could be counted on to bring a ton of people, haha.

It was really the best of both worlds, and I loved it - it was a wonderful college experience. And, I''m actually still an active member in a traditional chapter, so that probably says something too! The group I''m in now is a lot smaller, and our husbands have even joined, so it''s a LOT different than my collegiate experience - but the organization itself is still important to me for the same reasons I loved it so much in college.
My school was fairly Greek heavy (maybe 20-30%?) but I wasn't a part of it. Honestly, I get along with guys much better than girls, so joining a sorority never seemed like a good choice for me. I probably would've fit in at a frat much better

ETA: My major of 60-ish people was very close, so it felt like we had our own co-ed fraternity anyway. I think having that sense of community is great, whether it's from a Greek organization or something else. My FI is from my major as are 3 of the 4 people in our bridal party
Yup, ADPi.
(rather not say the school... being an athlete, it would be far to easy for me to be tracked online)

I went to college on an athletic scholarship and didn't know a single other girl at the school, so I did soro for the first two years... then had about all I could of 120 other girls and THEIR drama. It got to the point where I couldn't go to mixers or date parties anymore, because of tournaments, so getting bi**ched at in the meetings for things I wasn't a part of, wasn't really something I was fond of.
I''m a Delta Zeta from the Zeta Kappa chapter at Ohio Northern University... We''re having our 50th anniversary @ ONU this May & I''m super excited to go back and mingle with alums and current sisters, alike.

I loved being in a sorority... I didn''t join until my sophomore year, but wish I had done it sooner. I started recruitment as a freshman, but played rugby.... and a lot of the rugby gals dissed sororities... so I backed out of the recruitment process.

I made some awesome friends that I wouldn''t have known, otherwise. I was also in some major-related and activity-related greek honoraries, but none compared to the social sorority.

Sure, there was drama. And sometimes I HATED going to sisterhood meetings and events... But I wore my letters with pride and wouldn''t change my experiences for ANYTHING!
I just liked the feeling of being a part of something special, and secret and a tradition that has spanned the years. I know that''s the reason some people think greek life is lame and superficial, but I''ve always digged that I can walk up to any DZ, any age, any where, and she''ll know the same handshake and secret password
No Greek life for me. Our school didn't allow any student organizations to exclude people that wanted to join, so there was an "underground" frat, but that was it. I picked the school in part because I didn't want a big Greek system.

Of course, I then ended up dating a frisbee player, and the team was a lot like a frat. Initiation week was my favourite week of the year! It was all optional, but they did random stuff like have all the new players dress up as Waldo and sit in on big lecture classes, or hold rallies against continental drift. There were frisbee formals, parties every weekend, and trips (to tournaments, lol). Plus there was always a dedicated frisbee house.

If I'd had the option, though...I probably would have joined. It would have been nice to have a solid group of girls around or something to focus on freshman year. I really struggled finding a place to "belong," and it seems like good sororities have helped my friends get through that.
Date: 4/10/2009 2:23:23 PM
Author: PilsnPinkysMom
I''m a Delta Zeta from the Zeta Kappa chapter at Ohio Northern University... We''re having our 50th anniversary @ ONU this May & I''m super excited to go back and mingle with alums and current sisters, alike.

I loved being in a sorority... I didn''t join until my sophomore year, but wish I had done it sooner. I started recruitment as a freshman, but played rugby.... and a lot of the rugby gals dissed sororities... so I backed out of the recruitment process.

I made some awesome friends that I wouldn''t have known, otherwise. I was also in some major-related and activity-related greek honoraries, but none compared to the social sorority.

Sure, there was drama. And sometimes I HATED going to sisterhood meetings and events... But I wore my letters with pride and wouldn''t change my experiences for ANYTHING!
I just liked the feeling of being a part of something special, and secret and a tradition that has spanned the years. I know that''s the reason some people think greek life is lame and superficial, but I''ve always digged that I can walk up to any DZ, any age, any where, and she''ll know the same handshake and secret password

whispers secret in Pinkys ear and shakes her hand...

BTW, three out of my four BMs are sorority sisters (DZ as well obv). And I''m the furthest thing from being your stereotypical sorority girl...
Nope, wasn''t greek. There wasn''t a huge greek presence at my school though, maybe only 10%? I went to a Big 10 school in the midwest.
Nope nope! The greek scene wasn't at all my speed, at least at my school. A large portion of the people I knew were involved, though, even though I think the join rate was only ~25% or maybe less.

I was in an all-female singing group, instead - and we've stayed closer with each other than most of the frat/sorority types I know.
I''m a member of Kappa Alpha Theta! This year is our 100th year on campus, so it''s been very exciting to see alumni from so many different pledge classes.
I''m not, but both of my long-term college BFs (including my now-DH were) - but it was a very co-ed, "alternative" frat. Pretty funny actually, seeing as they are/were both pretty clean-cut, preppy guys, that they were in this super alternative frat
YEP! I was a Tri Delta at Illinois State.
Another DZ here! I''m from Alpha Chapter. My school was VERY Greek and pretty much everyone was a member of a sorority or fraternity- it was the main networking/nightlife on campus. I loved it!
Date: 4/10/2009 3:10:45 PM
Author: OUpeargirl
I''m a member of Kappa Alpha Theta! This year is our 100th year on campus, so it''s been very exciting to see alumni from so many different pledge classes.
I''m also a Theta!
I was a Tri Delta. I was also a Phi Kappa Psi little sister. Greek life was very big at our school. My DD is a Tri Delta at University of Pennsylvania.
Date: 4/10/2009 6:14:43 PM
Author: indypitty

Date: 4/10/2009 3:10:45 PM
Author: OUpeargirl
I''m a member of Kappa Alpha Theta! This year is our 100th year on campus, so it''s been very exciting to see alumni from so many different pledge classes.
I''m also a Theta!
I''m also a Kappa Alpha Theta!! I went to Purdue University.
No other Chi Os on PS? I am a Chi Omega and my mom is an Alpha Chi Omega
Nope, definitely not my thing! There were a fair amount of sororities and fraternities at my school, but it wasn''t a big thing. I would not have done well at a school where everyone was in a sorority or fraternity!
Date: 4/10/2009 7:16:08 PM
Author: GoingCrazy29
Date: 4/10/2009 6:14:43 PM

Author: indypitty

Date: 4/10/2009 3:10:45 PM

Author: OUpeargirl

I''m a member of Kappa Alpha Theta! This year is our 100th year on campus, so it''s been very exciting to see alumni from so many different pledge classes.

I''m also a Theta!
I''m also a Kappa Alpha Theta!! I went to Purdue University.

Another Kappa Alpha Theta girl here! Epsilon Tau Chapter
Wow, three DZs!
I was so not in a sorority.

I went to the University of Illinois which has a HUGE Greek presence, but I LOVED being a GDI!
Date: 4/10/2009 11:20:36 AM
Author: tlh
Greek! Green and White! KD MIZZOU!

KD!!!! NU!!!
No Greek for me, although I was tempted to rush my freshman year. But the thing is the Greek like at my university just wasn''t very big or popular, so there was less incentive to join. I did have a lot of friends who were in various sororities though and they were awesome.
Yes! Zeta Tau Alpha. Greek was huge at my school.
Tri Delta. I wasn''t super active but overall it was a positive experience.
Did you know that Strom Thurmond and Jon Stewart were both PKA (pikes)?
Just goes to show the interesting bonds of brother/sisterhood.
Date: 4/10/2009 7:51:55 PM
Author: indecisive
No other Chi Os on PS? I am a Chi Omega and my mom is an Alpha Chi Omega
I''m a Chi Omega!
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