
Well, Now Brett Kavanaugh Can Face His Accuser

I personally believe Republicans have been far more activist in pushing their agenda than the Democratic party has been. Two wrongs don't make a right, and every situation should be viewed on its own merits. Do you agree what is going on with Trump right now, is unprecedented? We are in uncharted waters. So there is no precedent for what is going on right now. If a Democratic president was under investigation for the same charges that Trump is under suspicion for, especially given the evidence that we know at this point, would I be OK with them nominating a supreme court judge. The answer is no because Country comes before Party. It ALWAYS should.

I don’t disagree (with the bolded). But put ALL politics aside for a moment.

With all that IS at stake right now, IF there was evidence of Chump wrong-doing that was chargeable/indictable/impeachable, why isn’t THAT being ‘leaked’ or better yet, publicly shared with the American people, given every other “hidden under a creek-bed rock” tidbit that has been leaked in this administration to date? Don’t you feel that if there were something that were sooooo glaring, destructive, damaging, placing National Security at risk, or even an unpaid parking ticket, we’d have heard something by now instead of all this partisan ‘noise’? ESPECIALLY as we come into the mid-terms?

My gut feel: there is none, and that is why. I certainly may be wrong.

Even if there is no evidence of wrong-doing on Trump’s part and he is fully exonerated, I doubt there would be an end to the left’s ongoing obstruction of what he is doing per those who voted for him. The bloodthirst I see from those on the left ever since the 2016 election reminds me of the vampires from HBO’s ‘True Blood’ supported & followed closely by the zombies on The Walking Dead. They have said from Day One they would do whatever they could/it would take to stop him before he even took the oath of office.
And now you know how I feel about Feinstein doing what she did to this process.

Feinstein did nothing at all like what Whelan did. That is a ridiculous comparison. It's like saying that if your child skinned his knee he was now able to understand the impact of being a quadruple amputee.
Feinstein did nothing at all like what Whelan did. That is a ridiculous comparison. It's like saying that if your child skinned his knee he was now able to understand the impact of being a quadruple amputee.
No. She should have brought it forward to the committee but did not. She could have done it behind closed doors to protect anonymity. We are talking about partisans being partisans.
No, I do not @redwood66 . Feinstein knew this woman did not want her name to come out. I’m not going to go around in circles with you. You and I have both stated how we feel and we aren’t going to change each other’s mind, which is fine. We both know how the other feels. There needs to be an investigation by the FBI regarding these claims against Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh is now calling these allegations a character assignation. Trump is also doubling down on his support of Kavanaugh. One sexual assaulter defending another sexual assaulter, Surprise Surprise.
No, I do not @redwood66 . Feinstein knew this woman did not want her name to come out. I’m not going to go around in circles with you. You and I have both stated how we feel and we aren’t going to change each other’s mind, which is fine. We both know how the other feels. There needs to be an investigation by the FBI regarding these claims against Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh is now calling these allegations a character assignation. Trump is also doubling down on his support of Kavanaugh. One sexual assaulter defending another sexual assaulter, Surprise Surprise.

It's not just Trump, it's most of the horrible GOPers in power. They knew about this and STILL wanted to ram a vote through TODAY. The entire thing is disgusting and wrong. And I 100% stand by what Feinstein did, because she was trying to protect Ford (IMHO). I can understand how others see it differently, but I think she did exactly the right thing.
WTF is WRONG with Mitch McConnell? For real? HOW DARE he even UTTER the word "obstruct." What a PIG.

how much time do you have????? Because listing all of it would take days. Maybe weeks.
With all that IS at stake right now, IF there was evidence of Chump wrong-doing that was chargeable/indictable/impeachable, why isn’t THAT being ‘leaked’ or better yet, publicly shared with the American people, given every other “hidden under a creek-bed rock” tidbit that has been leaked in this administration to date? Don’t you feel that if there were something that were sooooo glaring, destructive, damaging, placing National Security at risk, or even an unpaid parking ticket, we’d have heard something by now instead of all this partisan ‘noise’? ESPECIALLY as we come into the mid-terms?
My gut feel: there is none, and that is why. I certainly may be wrong.
@Dancing Fire too has expressed in the past this same kind of skepticism. But as a former career prosecutor, I can tell you there is nothing remarkable about a white collar crime investigation -- of even a more mundane, less complex nature -- proceeding for a year+, even 2-3 years. To put this particular Grand Jury investigation in better context, take a look at this chart -- if too small, click web page link below -- and read the accompanying article published in May (so it does not reflect, e.g., the indictments handed down since then and Paul Manofort's guilty pleas).
FiveThirtyEight May 2018 chart.png
Robert Mueller has long had the reputation amongst his colleagues and criminal defense lawyers of being a very methodical, "straight arrow" who runs a tight ship (which should be the case no matter what-whom a Grand Jury is investigating). So the paucity of leaks has no evidentiary significance imo.

That's not to say I expect the President will be indicted. Since I'm not privy to the ongoing Grand Jury investigation, I have no basis for an opinion one way or the other as to the likelihood of criminal prosecution.
What is ridiculous is anyone thinking that any of these politicians care about women more than their own elections.
What is ridiculous is anyone thinking that any of these politicians care about women more than their own elections.

AMEN to that! :clap: Ford, her family, Kavanaugh and his family would not be receiving death threats, disgusting, vile messages and have to leave their homes, etc. if this allegation had been handled properly and confidentially from the beginning by the recipient/s as Ford requested. They are shameful, disgusting, and abhorrent, and they are no better than anything Chump is accused of, IMO. In fact, they’re worse if Ford’s allegations are true as they are responsible for the ongoing ‘victimization’ she has to endure now.
@MollyMalone I appreciate the historical perspective. Have any of those incidents had the circumstances, influences, polarization, etc. (the right words are escaping me right now, sorry) that THIS investigation has had? I’m asking as it pertains to the leaks, etc., because in prior administrations (e.g. 15+ years ago), my observation is that lips in Washington were ‘tighter’ then, so not as prevalent as recent years.

And in any of them, has someone (e.g. the President) been removed from office, had their power limited, etc., before an indictment/charge was handed down for either himself or a member of their staff, etc? I was a little young for most of them, so I don’t know off hand.
Has anyone heard that Kavanaugh and his wife plan on doing an interview with FOX NEWS tonight.

What is with these women who stand there after they find out the awful things their husband has done?
Has anyone heard that Kavanaugh and his wife plan on doing an interview with FOX NEWS tonight.

What is with these women who stand there after they find out the awful things their husband has done?
Saved for posterity. Are you serious?
Has anyone heard that Kavanaugh and his wife plan on doing an interview with FOX NEWS tonight.

What is with these women who stand there after they find out the awful things their husband has done?

I refuse to blame the wife, because we all know how much the right did that to HRC. It's not her fault that her husband is potentially a rapist piece of trash.
Saved for posterity. Are you serious?

Yes, They just said it on CNN. Why would he do this before the hearing except to smear Dr. Ford. Seems very slimy and extremely unprofessional.

It would not surprise me at all if they took a vote before Thursday and just announce Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Suprene Court.
Yes, They just said it on CNN. Why would he do this before the hearing except to smear Dr. Ford. Seems very slimy and extremely unprofessional.
I wasn't referring to him being on the show. And why shouldn't he be interviewed to address these allegations, along with his wife who supports him? It hasn't been proven he has done anything.

I was referring to this part of your post:
What is with these women who stand there after they find out the awful things their husband has done?

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I don’t understand why ANY woman does this. I never approved of what President Clinton did.

Kavanaugh doing a FOX interview before the hearings is slimy. He should have remained silent until after the hearings. Kavanaugh and the GOP must realize he is in trouble. This is a PR event.
I see the jury has already voted and he is guilty.

Why do we need to hear any testimony? Oh right, it's America and not Alice in Wonderland.

P.S. - Lie detector tests are NOT reliable and are NOT admissible in any court in the US.
I don’t understand why ANY woman does this. I never approved of what President Clinton did.

Kavanaugh doing a FOX interview before the hearings is slimy. He should have remained silent until after the hearings. Kavanaugh and the GOP must realize he is in trouble. This is a PR event.

Oh they know. The public outcry has been crazy, and the GOP now realize that the cat is out of the bag (e.g. the public has learned of the allegations). Apparently Kav's advisors were telling him NOT to do the interview because how how partisan Fox is, and how SCOTUS judges are supposed to be "Above" politics, etc. But he's doing it anyway, which is just going to make everything worse.
I see the jury has already voted and he is guilty.

Why do we need to hear any testimony? Oh right, it's America and not Alice in Wonderland.

P.S. - Lie detector tests are NOT reliable and are NOT admissible in any court in the US.

I realize you didn't post this to have a productive discussion, but I'm going to respond anyway. First, this IS NOT a court of law, it's hearings for a lifetime court appointment. NO ONE has said anything about him going to jail, etc. If charges are put forward and he's found guilty (through the typical court system process), then he may face legal consequences. Thus far, we are talking about SCOTUS nomination. No one has the "right to be a SCOTUS judge until proven guilty". That isn't how any of this works.
"He should have remained silent until after the hearings. Kavanaugh and the GOP must realize he is in trouble. This is a PR event."

It's no more or no less than what the Democrats have done to him in public. It's a circus for the masses, not a legal proceeding.
I don’t understand why ANY woman does this.

If your husband was accused of something that he ‘categorically & unequivocally’ denied, and was outside of the character you knew him to have, would you not support him?
"He should have remained silent until after the hearings. Kavanaugh and the GOP must realize he is in trouble. This is a PR event."

It's no more or no less than what the Democrats have done to him in public. It's a circus for the masses, not a legal proceeding.

Those quotes from @Calliecake were about him appearing on Fox. I have no idea what you are arguing.
Kavanaugh has as much right to be heard as Ford. What’d you expect, him to go on Rachel Maddox?

Her attorneys choose liberal-leaning media outlets ... why didn’t they go on Fox?

My guess is because they knew they’d be skewered for having to back out of the event the recently had planned to support a Dem member of Congress and other left-leaning causes.
Oh they know. The public outcry has been crazy, and the GOP now realize that the cat is out of the bag (e.g. the public has learned of the allegations). Apparently Kav's advisors were telling him NOT to do the interview because how how partisan Fox is, and how SCOTUS judges are supposed to be "Above" politics, etc. But he's doing it anyway, which is just going to make everything worse.

He is sleazy. The interview proves it and that the GOP is scared. Dr. Ford has not gone to the major news networks. Oh yeah, she doesn’t need to do that, she took a polygraph. And of all the creditable news outlets, he chooses Fox. Let me guess, Tucker Carlson or Hannity will be conducting the interview. He will be fawned over and there won’t be any hard questions. So now we are holding our average citizen up to a high standards than a possible Supreme Court Justice. Where are Kavanagh’s polygraph results???
Fox is not a news channel. They are entertainment at best. Have you SEEN Tucker Carlson's show? Bunch of clowns. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: