
Weight Loss


Sep 10, 2003
How are you feeling on the meal plan? That is quite the change from what you described as your normal routine! I know the first week is usually most difficult as the body adjusts. Hoping you feel great!
I am one Manhattan and 4 glasses of wine into an evening of indulgence visiting my stepson in Portland so forgive typos and anything that isn't cogent. I couldn't eat all the food in the plan. She made changes to reduce carbs and increase protein so I will start that when I get home on Monday. The amount of food in the amended plan looks more reasonable on paper so I think I'll be able to manage it. Today I bought a size 6 evening gown for my stepson's wedding so although the original meal plan was too much food, even 1 week on it changed my fat to muscle ratio. It's been 40 years since I've been able to wear a 6 so I'm elated at my progress and looking forward to what an entire month of training on the meal meal plan can do.


Sep 1, 2009
I am one Manhattan and 4 glasses of wine into an evening of indulgence visiting my stepson in Portland so forgive typos and anything that isn't cogent. I couldn't eat all the food in the plan. She made changes to reduce carbs and increase protein so I will start that when I get home on Monday. The amount of food in the amended plan looks more reasonable on paper so I think I'll be able to manage it. Today I bought a size 6 evening gown for my stepson's wedding so although the original meal plan was too much food, even 1 week on it changed my fat to muscle ratio. It's been 40 years since I've been able to wear a 6 so I'm elated at my progress and looking forward to what an entire month of training on the meal meal plan can do.

Amazing progress! Your trainer sounds wonderful. Glad she is working with you to find a plan that works for your body. Enjoy Portland!


Sep 1, 2009
@Loves Vintage I know that feeling well! Cardio definitely helps me. Even just 10 minutes per day makes a huge difference in how I feel and makes my weight drift lower as I am consistent. Do you have a treadmill or similar at home? Small elliptical? I love having them at home since all I have to do is go downstairs and spend 10 minutes on the thing. It is short so I am more likely to do it instead of make excuses.

You shouldn't be hungry while eating right. Plenty of options to be healthy and leave you full. Those meals that leave me hungry too soon are either not repeated or modified to work better for me. I'm still working on this area! Healthy, feel full, tastes good, and doesn't leave me drooling over what other people are eating... Not easy but can be done! (I agree strawberry jam is the BEST)

Check out for some great recipes. I have tried half a dozen and all were quite good. (Not good for diet food, just plain good!)

ETA: if you haven't tried a calorie tracker, you might give it a try. It doesn't have to be forever. Just try a couple of days to get a feel for your fat/protein/carb balance and calorie totals. I have been surprised some days at how few (too few!) calories I have eaten and others that I was shocked it was so much. The days I feel best, are the days I eat several times and have a good amount of protein. (Still trying to figure out how much is right, but it is a start to have noticed!)
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Jun 17, 2009
@Loves Vintage, I empathize...I am experiencing a similar thing...I've put on weight to the point my summer pants aren't fitting. I can still fit into my jeans because they stretch but they don't look very flattering. Yes, muscle does add extra weight but that shouldn't affect my capris not fitting. That is a sign of just too much weight lol. Every bit of weight I've gained has ended up in my butt and hips. I upped my exercise hoping it would jumpstart my metabolism and it hasn't worked. I think I read somewhere that diet is really the key to losing weight. What you eat sounds reasonable and healthy to me. exercise makes one so hungry. Low carb is usually my go-to for losing weight but it has not been working. You make a good point, maybe extra cardio will help. Don't have any great answers, just want to let you know I commiserate. I am 58 and and am peri-menopausal, I tell myself maybe it's hormonal. Or stress related. I am at the point that I think I will just accept myself as I am and buy new capris LOL.


Jun 7, 2014
I am at the same point as @junebug17 . It’s seems as my body has just really changed in the past year. All my weight is now going to my middle.
My husband is now retired and will not give up junk food! I bought all sorts of healthy fruits and veggies to snack on but once he brings out the box of Cheese It’s my hand is right in that box.

I asked my doctor is this is due to a medication I take. He said it probably has more to do with the fact that I am 60 and I should be glad I didn’t start gaining weight in my forties like most women do. I need to exercise. I’m just being lazy.

I have many clothes and they just dont’t fit right anymore. @junebug17 , I will trade you and inch from your hips if you will take an inch from my waist LOL.


Jun 8, 2008
Ok, looking for some help. Help!?

OK so not quoting most of your post as per your request...hope it is OK for me to chime in here...for me it is always about not feeling deprived and it sounds like you might be like me that way. I like to eat and I enjoy food and I dont want to limit my quantities. I think in another life I was a depression era baby because I like having extra of everything around including food. Our fridge is always stocked as is our freezer and my dh likes to joke about it because I love "abundancia". Quality is a given yes but I also want quantity. So in order to stick with a healthy eating plan you have to find something you will be able to do for life. Not a diet per se but a way of eating that works for you.

I eat lots of veggies and you can eat lots of them without adding a lot of calories. I love them steamed and grilled. I love salads and instead of store bought dressing I use ACV or balsamic vinegar and oil. I eat fresh fish. I eat fruit but don't go crazy with that generally as that is higher in sugar but in the summer I do enjoy making fruit smoothies. Find healthy food you enjoy and incorporate them into your eating plan every day. The key is to not feel deprived. That will enable to you stick with it and succeed.

I think I read somewhere that diet is really the key to losing weight.

This is true. One can exercise all the hours in the world but it comes down to calories in vs calories out IMO. You're beautiful no matter what Junie. And you look great.

I have many clothes and they just dont’t fit right anymore. @junebug17 , I will trade you and inch from your hips if you will take an inch from my waist LOL.

And you look great too @Calliecake!

I think moving is important. Exercising but not always organized exercising but more just moving and being active and enjoying what you are doing. Again that is the key to sticking with it and seeing long lasting results. Personally I love the elliptical as it is easy to do and while listening to music I find it very enjoyable for the most part. And if I am not in the mood I play a game with myself and say OK just a few minutes and before I know it I have completed my entire workout. And on nice days I prefer to workout outside. Cycling for an example is an activity I can enjoy for hours and hours and hours.

And it's important to incorporate strength training into whatever you do so you can build muscle which burns more calories. This is my weak point. I hate weight lifting. But I do enjoy Pilates and that incorporates strength training into my routine.

Always make sure you are drinking sufficient water too. That will help you burn calories and feel satiated and the more you move and workout the more water you need. Sometimes we are just thirsty when we think we are hungry.

Hope that helps and don't give up @Loves Vintage. One day at a time and if you falter just pick yourself up and start again. It is never too late.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Thank you, @TooPatient and @junebug17 for the support!

TooPatient - I do have a treadclimber, that I bought used over 10 years ago. It is in my living room right now. We moved it because I wasn't using it in the basement (no fresh air) and well, I haven't used it very much in the living room either. I am at my best when no one else is around and I can watch a mindless tv show. Last week, I did 15 mins and 20 minutes because I was taking a break from my gym for a week because no real results and I was getting annoyed by other things going on there. And, it's hard. And, I was just all around overwhelmed. Like one day, I drove there on my lunch break (which is when I go), parked, opened the door to my backseat to get my bag, and it wasn't there. It was at home in my kitchen where I forgot it. I've also forgotten my wallet in the grocery store twice in the past three weeks (like one time my wallet was at home, so DH had to drive to the store so I could pay, everything already checked out and in a cart.) And, then last night, fortunately, my wallet was in my work bag in my car. I digress. I really like the 10 minute idea!!!! I can do that! Another thing I tried to do was to get a friend to text me to prompt each other to work out, but that hasn't worked out very well. Maybe you and I can check in with each other here? I did write my food down a few weeks ago and it was eye-opening. I was drinking milk (fairlife is it called, for protein) plus a protein shake plus one toast with almond butter, crazy high calories. And, you are right, I should probably have the eng muffin with an egg and fruit. And, just something crazy I noticed yesterday, the Dave's killer bread bagels have 14 grams of protein. That seems like a lot. My other go to is breakstone's cottage cheese - 10 grams of protein. I like to get the little 4 packs because at least I eat less, lol.

JuneBug - Thank you for commiserating! Whhhhyyyy is it soooooo hard! To be more fully disclosing, that's what I've had so far this morning, and this is a good day. I'm at work which is self-limiting because I'm surrounded by people that I don't want to be judged by. At home, I'm sure I eat more and esp'ly when stressed or bored with work, I guess I feel like it keeps me more focused. I do overindulge in things like pasta. I still eat ice cream. I eat desserts. You are right, I think I read 80% food; 20% working out is a good way to look at it. I need to eat a lot less. I need to do cardio. I have to stop reading about it and stop talking about it and just do it. I do have that as a refrain in my head -- that I need to do more cardio, but much less often am I telling myself to eat less. Lol. Oh, and cereal at night, usually boring like special k or grapenuts (much more calorie dense but soooo good), but I have cut that out for past few weeks. Thank you again!


Sep 1, 2009
Not health food, but delicious and a yummy indulgence that doesn't bust the diet. Gluten free, dairy free, sugar free and truly delicious! The peaunut butter chocolate kiss cookies are 45 calories each. Red velvet snowballs are 35 calories each. Even if I forget myself and eat the whole container in a day, it is 220 calories or less total. (Plus they keep for a few weeks so I don't have to feel like I am waiting any I don't eat in a sitting.)

I don't do this often ($6.00 for 5 little cookies!?!) but it is definitely better than getting desperate for a yummy bite and eating one from Whole Foods (550+ calories per cookie).



Sep 1, 2009
@Loves Vintage yes! Check in here and I will do the same. Even "just" short bits add up and make a difference. I can't figure out the TV buttons downstairs so have been using the treadmill while streaming whatever sounds good to watch on my phone. It helps to have a distraction. My 10 minutes sometimes turn into 20 because I want to see the end of whatever...


Sep 10, 2003
I eat probably way too much.

What you eat is just as important as how much you eat. You need more protein and less carbs.

Matata - I am stunned (still) that your original menu was too much food!
Why not give it a try for 2 weeks and see if it makes a difference? I'm including the amended version for you too. I'm finding the quinoa easier to digest than the rice. Both versions are balanced protein/carbs around 1600 calories per day. I burn between 1200-1500 calories per day. You may burn more or less and weight loss may not be the same for you BUT trying to get used to a balanced meal plan is important for you, imo, at this point.

If you do this, you'll need a food scale (they're not expensive) and be sure to get one with a Tare function. And, yeah, it can be a bit of a pain, especially because you're working (I'm retired). I bake enough chicken for the week in a spicy sesame marinade. And I make enough quinoa for a week too then heat it up in the microwave. It takes 3.5 minutes to nuke the sweet potato so I usually make that fresh daily. The yogurt and shake you can prepare the night before to take to work or wait until you get home.

You can eat the meals in any order you want. They don't have to be consumed in the order on my list. She did that to try to accommodate my intermittent fasting but I've had to give that up because eating all that food in such a short window was not working for me.

Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at 11.36.21 AM.png

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
@missy Thanks for chiming in. You always give such thoughtful advice. It is a good idea to just get on the cardio machine and do it. I have never experienced the entire work out just flying by though, lol! That is great though. And, yes, I do love veggies. My DH is really good at "volumizing" meals with extra veggies. I would be great if I were eating veggie soups all of the time, but I am a lazy cook too!

@TooPatient Are you planning a work out tonight? I did my hour at the gym today, so I'll put myself down for 10-15 mid-day tomorrow! I might exceed that goal.

@Matata Thank you so much for your advice. Yes, I do think I would lose weight if I cut more carbs, and I do think I would likely drop a substantial amount of weight if I followed the plan you posted, but I don't think it'd be sustainable for me long term? And, I don't eat chicken . . . I guess I could substitute eggs? This is really low carb and low fat -- are you planning to increase after you reach a goal, is it meant for only two weeks. I guess I had better go back and read some more of this thread. Thank you for trying to help me!!!


Jun 8, 2008
You're welcome @Loves Vintage. The most important thing is to find what you can (easily) follow long term and can enjoy doing so because then you will stick with it. That applies to exercise and eating. Anything where you feel deprived or anything that is only designed for being followed for short periods of time just won't generally work. It has to become a way of life. Something that works for you. And of course that is different for everyone. You'll figure it out. I have no doubt. One day at a time. Oh and I love soup too. Whole foods and Trader Joe's have great soups with clean ingredients if you want to check them out.


Sep 1, 2009
@Loves Vintage yes, I am planning to work out this afternoon. Just trying to figure out a healthy & yummy lunch to eat before the appliance repair guy shows up. Dinner tonight is tri-tip, brussel sprouts, carrots, and mashed cauliflower. I need to get my exercise in before dinner!

It may be unconventional, but I have been grabbing an organic soup for breakfast. This morning was a kale quinoa soup. It works great on mornings I am short on time as I just microwave in a disposable cup then drink it on my way to class.


Sep 10, 2003
And, I don't eat chicken . . . I guess I could substitute eggs? This is really low carb and low fat -- are you planning to increase after you reach a goal, is it meant for only two weeks. I guess I had better go back and read some more of this thread. Thank you for trying to help me!!!
You can substitute lean red meat, fish/shellfish, or if you don't eat any meat, something like quorn. My goal is to reduce flabby fat by getting leaner and building muscle. After a week or two, she will give me another meal plan. I think she intends to give me a new plan each week -- tweaking the protein/carb/fat ratio depending on the results seen in my weight training.


Sep 1, 2009
Best way to get appliance repair guy to show up? Get on the treadmill!

.25 miles in 7 minutes then an hour off to watch dryer get repaired. Back on for another 20 minutes to bring me to a total of 1 mile.

Lunch ended up being another soup. Mushroom lentil.


Sep 23, 2017
Following for some inspiration. Had too much sugar over the holidays and I am trying to follow a keto plan for the next two weeks to get back into balance, then a more maintainable low carb plan which is pretty close to what we normally eat. Day 3 and getting that "keto flu" I read about. Unpleasant. When I've done short term strict regimens in the past I've felt hungry but "clean" if that makes sense...this one I just feel "bleghh" o_Oo_Oo_O


Sep 1, 2009
Following for some inspiration. Had too much sugar over the holidays and I am trying to follow a keto plan for the next two weeks to get back into balance, then a more maintainable low carb plan which is pretty close to what we normally eat. Day 3 and getting that "keto flu" I read about. Unpleasant. When I've done short term strict regimens in the past I've felt hungry but "clean" if that makes sense...this one I just feel "bleghh" o_Oo_Oo_O

Hang in there. I know a lady who felt awful for a couple of days then felt so great after that she decided to keep some of the changes permanently. (Nothing big, just stuff like less sugar andand l dairy.)


Aug 7, 2013
Weight is not moving this week—bopping back and forth around 212-213... BUT!! I am getting stronger. I am no longer using the lightest weights and other equipment. I don’t always have to modify an exercise to the easiest one shown. My clothes are fitting better, and my largest jeans are starting to sag around my hips. I’m 5’10, so it takes me about 20 pounds to move out of a size, but things are going well!

Still following the meal plan and getting to the gym 5x a week. This is week 3. Temps here are -21F today (windchill -51). Gym was closed, but they did a double tabata via videoconferencing on zoom! My 15 year-old did it with me! :)

I committed to the gym—24 months and 1.5 months are free if we committed this week. I feel good about it!


Dec 12, 2006
still working on the 3 lbs I gained during the holidays...weight loss for me is a very slow thing thanks to my terribly slow metabolism...I was down 1 lb last week only 1 to 1.5 lbs to idea weight is 103-105 keep in mind I am only 4'10 1/2" tall.....


Sep 1, 2009
still working on the 3 lbs I gained during the holidays...weight loss for me is a very slow thing thanks to my terribly slow metabolism...I was down 1 lb last week only 1 to 1.5 lbs to idea weight is 103-105 keep in mind I am only 4'10 1/2" tall.....

Slow and steady is healthiest anyway. You are making great progress!


Sep 1, 2009
Weight is not moving this week—bopping back and forth around 212-213... BUT!! I am getting stronger. I am no longer using the lightest weights and other equipment. I don’t always have to modify an exercise to the easiest one shown. My clothes are fitting better, and my largest jeans are starting to sag around my hips. I’m 5’10, so it takes me about 20 pounds to move out of a size, but things are going well!

Still following the meal plan and getting to the gym 5x a week. This is week 3. Temps here are -21F today (windchill -51). Gym was closed, but they did a double tabata via videoconferencing on zoom! My 15 year-old did it with me! :)

I committed to the gym—24 months and 1.5 months are free if we committed this week. I feel good about it!

That is awesome!! Stronger and clothes fitting better matters much more than a number on a scale. Your gym sounds great. Neat they offered something to do at home since it isn't safe for people to be going out.


Sep 1, 2009
@Loves Vintage how are you doing?

I missed exercise (and healthy eating) yeaterday due to kitty dental throwing my whole day out. I had to leave home at 7am (rolling out of bed as close to that as possible so the dogs didn't demand potty and breakfast since kitty had to fast) to drop him off then run to class. Didn't get home until 7pm so dinner was take out. I feel blah from that today so making sure to get my exercise in this afternoon plus a very healthy dinner.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
@Loves Vintage I was also wondering how you are doing? With regards to the cardio, if you have it in front of you & you are able to do it without any health issues, try to do it more often, even for just short bursts. I find, and this may just be me, but with all the will in the world if trying to tone up a little, diet doesn’t cut it alone. If however, I run for a longer distance at the same pace as usual, so that i’m not exhausting myself or anything but just taking in a further distance, my weight just drops off & my body changes shape rapidly. This also happens to my husband when marathon training. I don’t do marathons as my poorly hip can’t take it, but when he ups his distances before tapering, he turns into a really sexy specimen of a man :lickout:

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
@TooPatient and @Alex T - Thank you both for checking on me. That is very kind of you! How are you both doing today?

I am a work in progress. For sure, the day after I posted, I think I did nothing to help the cause. Not sure I recall what I ate during the day, but I probably had cereal after dinner which is a big trap of mine. No exciting cereals either, just Special K, but I LOVE it. I guess I find it very comforting food if I had to put it into words, satiating and comforting. Uggh. BUT, then I started seriously cutting back portions and decided I'd do a 7 pm cut off on food, except Thursday, I didn't get home until 7:05, so had dinner then (Blue Apron Salmon, which i didn't finish) and nothing after. I've been drinking tons of water! I still eat too many carbs. I quite unintentionally had special k at 2 when my dog woke me up so he could go out. Then up again at 5. My sleep is seriously disturbed, which is another reason I over-eat carbs, for the instant energy, I guess. Other than that, diet has been cut back and I will abide by the 7 pm rule unless it's a late at work day. I am not sure what to do about my gym, but I took the week prior off, only went 2X this week and plan to just do 2X, where I had been doing 3X for months. I am now reporting in to my trainer when I do cardio. I've been doing cardio! 20 mins this morning at 6. Will try for another 20 later today. 30 minutes on my lunch break (work from home day) on Friday! Who thinks I should do 3X week at gym if I am feeling really motivated like this? I feel really strong there. Always feel like posture has improved after I work out. I definitely stand taller! I'm quite proud that I am up to 15 lbs for curl and press and am not as weak as when I started. Push ups are still so hard for me, and we do lots of variations, that are just too hard for me, like doing a push up then walking each hand up higher to a step, then walking down, I can only do like 4 and then I just fail out. Oh and one more thing, I've often felt that maybe some of this weight training will get easier for me if I just lose some weight! Like push ups have got to get easier if I weigh 20 lbs less, right? But they are one hour classes, and only option for me is really mid-day, and I also feel like mentally it is too much for me because I feel like I am running around all the time.

Lastly, I burn (acc'g to the machine, which I know isn't too accurate) about 100 cals for each 10 minutes. I am sure I burn more than that in my classes, at least I hope I do. Is 300 cals a day too little for my goals . . . I guess if I think in terms of calories in vs out, I really need to do the calculation for that, but wondering how much other folks are typically burning per work out and how much time spent! Thanks!!

@TooPatient - What are your work out plans for today? I hear you on the dental work. I brought my greyhound for two dentals earlier this year, had to go to a specialist and it took the whole day both times because it was an hour away. But, his teeth are lovely now. :bigsmile:

@KristinTech - Sounds like you are doing great and have a great gym. How fun that you get to work out with your daughter! Are you at the beginning of your journey? Or have you been at this for a while? Still haven't gone back too far in my reading here.

@Matata - How are things going for you? How often do you work out with your trainer?
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Sep 10, 2003
@Matata - How are things going for you? How often do you work out with your trainer?
I'm doing great! Been at the same weight for about 6 weeks but things are shifting and I'm down from a size 8 pant to a size 4. I work with the trainer 3 days a week (T TH Sun) and have been doing Zoomba, Insanity, Hip Hop Abs, or latin dance workouts at home the other days. Saturday is my rest day. Trainer asked me to start going to the gym MWF without him and he's doing a workout plan for me. The goal of the additional gym days is to build muscle faster than I can going 3 days a week.

Re: caloric burn. More calories are burned during cardio than weight training. I do an intense 90 min. weight workout 3x week with the trainer and burn 250-300 calories each session. The elliptical says I burn 300 calories in 30 minutes. The good thing about weight training, though, is that muscle tissue burns more calories than fat does and it does it consistently throughout the day. That's why muscle mass is key when trying to lose weight.

I wear a FitBit every day with the exception of an hour or two and my average calorie burn for the past 7 days is 1765 per day. That seems low to me but I haven't talked to my trainer about it yet. I just told the nutritionist who is doing my meal plans and I'm waiting for feedback on whether I'm doing ok on caloric burn or whether I have to try to step up my metabolism. I know I need to do more cardio but it's difficult for me. I won't run so that leaves the elliptical or stationary bike, both of which I like but will eventually get bored doing.

Geez, sorry for the ramble. You ask a question and I write a novel :mrgreen2:

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
@TooPatient and @Alex T - Thank you both for checking on me. That is very kind of you! How are you both doing today?

I am a work in progress. For sure, the day after I posted, I think I did nothing to help the cause. Not sure I recall what I ate during the day, but I probably had cereal after dinner which is a big trap of mine. No exciting cereals either, just Special K, but I LOVE it. I guess I find it very comforting food if I had to put it into words, satiating and comforting. Uggh. BUT, then I started seriously cutting back portions and decided I'd do a 7 pm cut off on food, except Thursday, I didn't get home until 7:05, so had dinner then (Blue Apron Salmon, which i didn't finish) and nothing after. I've been drinking tons of water! I still eat too many carbs. I quite unintentionally had special k at 2 when my dog woke me up so he could go out. Then up again at 5. My sleep is seriously disturbed, which is another reason I over-eat carbs, for the instant energy, I guess. Other than that, diet has been cut back and I will abide by the 7 pm rule unless it's a late at work day. I am not sure what to do about my gym, but I took the week prior off, only went 2X this week and plan to just do 2X, where I had been doing 3X for months. I am now reporting in to my trainer when I do cardio. I've been doing cardio! 20 mins this morning at 6. Will try for another 20 later today. 30 minutes on my lunch break (work from home day) on Friday! Who thinks I should do 3X week at gym if I am feeling really motivated like this? I feel really strong there. Always feel like posture has improved after I work out. I definitely stand taller! I'm quite proud that I am up to 15 lbs for curl and press and am not as weak as when I started. Push ups are still so hard for me, and we do lots of variations, that are just too hard for me, like doing a push up then walking each hand up higher to a step, then walking down, I can only do like 4 and then I just fail out. Oh and one more thing, I've often felt that maybe some of this weight training will get easier for me if I just lose some weight! Like push ups have got to get easier if I weigh 20 lbs less, right? But they are one hour classes, and only option for me is really mid-day, and I also feel like mentally it is too much for me because I feel like I am running around all the time.

Lastly, I burn (acc'g to the machine, which I know isn't too accurate) about 100 cals for each 10 minutes. I am sure I burn more than that in my classes, at least I hope I do. Is 300 cals a day too little for my goals . . . I guess if I think in terms of calories in vs out, I really need to do the calculation for that, but wondering how much other folks are typically burning per work out and how much time spent! Thanks!!

@TooPatient - What are your work out plans for today? I hear you on the dental work. I brought my greyhound for two dentals earlier this year, had to go to a specialist and it took the whole day both times because it was an hour away. But, his teeth are lovely now. :bigsmile:

@KristinTech - Sounds like you are doing great and have a great gym. How fun that you get to work out with your daughter! Are you at the beginning of your journey? Or have you been at this for a while? Still haven't gone back too far in my reading here.

@Matata - How are things going for you? How often do you work out with your trainer?

You’re doing so well just to be making the effort. The eating cereal at night probably needs to be stopped though! Typically for me at the gym, I go a minimum of 3 times a week, sometimes 4. I have only been going since Jan 1st as usually I run outdoors 4 times a week, but it’s been interesting to see calories burned when I run. Typically I will be in the gym for just over an hour first thing in the morning - I will run as hard as my recovering feet will allow me for 45 minutes & then row hard for another 20. Both of these combined burn around 600 calories, give or take depending on run speed & row tension. These both depend on my feet & energy levels.

On a Gym day I will have porridge & fruit for breakfast, a sandwich at lunch & stir fry for dinner with heaps of veg, as we don’t eat carbs with our evening meal. On a non gym day I will have yogurt & fruit for breakfast or a toasted cinnamon bagel, chicken salad at lunch & dinner is as normal. I take my own homemade isotonic drink to the gym, made with water, freshly squeezed lemon juice & a pinch of salt, as bought drinks contain too much sugar & caffine for my liking. If I don’t have something a bit more than water, I can feel a bit lightheaded for a while afterwards. I will have a snack everyday around 3.30pm when the girls & I are back from school, typically a banana & almonds, but sometimes 3-4 biscuits with a nice latte instead. I am no Saint, but I try my best 90% of the time to watch what I eat (i’ve just eaten a delicious custard tart after dinner, but i’m poorly, so no exercise & good food is the rule, right?!)


Aug 7, 2013
@TooPatient and @Alex T - Thank you both for checking on me. That is very kind of you! How are you both doing today?

I am a work in progress. For sure, the day after I posted, I think I did nothing to help the cause. Not sure I recall what I ate during the day, but I probably had cereal after dinner which is a big trap of mine. No exciting cereals either, just Special K, but I LOVE it. I guess I find it very comforting food if I had to put it into words, satiating and comforting. Uggh. BUT, then I started seriously cutting back portions and decided I'd do a 7 pm cut off on food, except Thursday, I didn't get home until 7:05, so had dinner then (Blue Apron Salmon, which i didn't finish) and nothing after. I've been drinking tons of water! I still eat too many carbs. I quite unintentionally had special k at 2 when my dog woke me up so he could go out. Then up again at 5. My sleep is seriously disturbed, which is another reason I over-eat carbs, for the instant energy, I guess. Other than that, diet has been cut back and I will abide by the 7 pm rule unless it's a late at work day. I am not sure what to do about my gym, but I took the week prior off, only went 2X this week and plan to just do 2X, where I had been doing 3X for months. I am now reporting in to my trainer when I do cardio. I've been doing cardio! 20 mins this morning at 6. Will try for another 20 later today. 30 minutes on my lunch break (work from home day) on Friday! Who thinks I should do 3X week at gym if I am feeling really motivated like this? I feel really strong there. Always feel like posture has improved after I work out. I definitely stand taller! I'm quite proud that I am up to 15 lbs for curl and press and am not as weak as when I started. Push ups are still so hard for me, and we do lots of variations, that are just too hard for me, like doing a push up then walking each hand up higher to a step, then walking down, I can only do like 4 and then I just fail out. Oh and one more thing, I've often felt that maybe some of this weight training will get easier for me if I just lose some weight! Like push ups have got to get easier if I weigh 20 lbs less, right? But they are one hour classes, and only option for me is really mid-day, and I also feel like mentally it is too much for me because I feel like I am running around all the time.

Lastly, I burn (acc'g to the machine, which I know isn't too accurate) about 100 cals for each 10 minutes. I am sure I burn more than that in my classes, at least I hope I do. Is 300 cals a day too little for my goals . . . I guess if I think in terms of calories in vs out, I really need to do the calculation for that, but wondering how much other folks are typically burning per work out and how much time spent! Thanks!!

@TooPatient - What are your work out plans for today? I hear you on the dental work. I brought my greyhound for two dentals earlier this year, had to go to a specialist and it took the whole day both times because it was an hour away. But, his teeth are lovely now. :bigsmile:

@KristinTech - Sounds like you are doing great and have a great gym. How fun that you get to work out with your daughter! Are you at the beginning of your journey? Or have you been at this for a while? Still haven't gone back too far in my reading here.

@Matata - How are things going for you? How often do you work out with your trainer?

@Loves Vintage - I am just three weeks into it, this time around. I was very active with beginner running and triathlon, but just sort of slowly quit it over a year ago. The weight really piled on, since I kept eating Ike a triathlete! :lol:

About the calorie burn per workout... I am going to start wearing my heart rate monitor at the classes. That’s really the only reliable way to tell what you’re burning. The rest are all guesses. I track calories and meals through My Fitness Pal.


Sep 1, 2009
@Loves Vintage I'll be back with more a bit later, but wanted to toss an idea out for your cereal. Measure it into single portion baggies. Then when you grab one, you know it is X calories. That helped me stick to just one serving of things I liked to grab a handful plus started to make me think. This bag is X calories. Do I really want to eat that? I got away from grabbing a couple a day to just one that I would eat 1/2 then 1/2 later to now where my bags sit mostly untouched. This worked a lot better for me than just stopping.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Hey @Matata - You are super committed! And, I love a good novel about this stuff. I just like talking about it, quite a bit more than I actually like working on it myself. Haha! That sounds pretty fierce the 1.5 hour sessions. We do some crazy stuff at my gym, crazy to me anyway. A lot of other people in my group can do a lot more than me, or don't get as exhausted seeming, or can run faster, or can lift more, but I keep going thinking that one day that'll be me too. And, yes, my idea was always that I would build enough muscle that it would somehow get my metabolism to turn a corner, but that appears not to be the case, and hence why I want to do cardio in addition on my own.

I do have a fitbit. I have no idea where it is. Much like my work cell phone, which I am committed to finding this weekend, so hopefully I find the fitbit too. I'm the one that likes to tuck things away to hide them, and can never find them. I've been decluttering a lot too. But, I also in the past few weeks found myself in the grocery store, not once, but TWICE, without my wallet or any form of payment at the check out. First time, my husband had to drop off a credit card to me in the parking lot, second time, I fortunately had a credit card in my car. Uggh. So, all of this sort of forgetful and feeling overwhelmed behavior has caused me to want to take that third day off at the gym, plus I had a work out I wasn't too impressed with that week. Oh, I am really rambling. I am sure I sound like I am making excuses, and you are welcome to tell me that! But, I think maybe incorporating some weight training at home might be the best solution and would overall take less time. Oh, one more excuse, my kids have been asking me to come home early from work. Major sad feelings that they even have to ask! So theoretically, if I work through my lunch, then I will leave earlier, but sometimes I am still staying as late anyway. I am way more productive in afternoons, and my head is 10X more clear after a lunch work out so that's another consideration too. I guess I don't have to decide now!

@Alex T - Rowing, huh? We have a rower too. My husband got it, some kind of water rower, and it has never been used! Maybe a few times. No snacks in the morning for you? That's great, and you are so right about the cereal. When I went downstairs, I was like, I am not going to eat that cereal, but then I just went ahead and made a bowl. Honestly, I wouldn't have it in the house, but for the children who eat it also. So, do you run everyday, or do you run only at the gym now? How far outdoors?

@KristinTech - Will you start running and training again? What are you aiming to keep your calories at?

@TooPatient - That's such a smart idea. It'll force me into reality about my choices!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Hi Everyone,

I thought this might be fun! I logged in my food for today. I am really surprised that the protein is totaling up so high. I do not have honey almond butter, but that's the one I selected, probably not much difference from what I have which is straight almond. And, yes, I did have cereal at 3:40 this morning when I let doggie out. I haven't had the snack or the lunch yet. I threw in canned corn because they put some kind of corn salad on the bowl that I get for lunch. They also put pico on it, but I figured that's a zero so didn't add it. I think I will order without corn today and I always order 1/2 quinoa which is what's reflected here. They usually serve with a full cup. I'll have to start measuring things if I am going to keep up this recording business. I think I will have broccoli and tofu for dinner . . .

How's everyone doing at the start of the week?



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