
Weekly Workout Thread 7th April till 13th April

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Oct 30, 2002

boy kim...your hubby sounds like me telling you to SLOW DOWN huh??? you are way more stubborn than me for sure! hehee. but when i don''t feel well, i make sure to take down time as your body is usually kinda PO''d at that point, esp with stomach issues, so never fun!!! i hope you feel better.

skip, oh yeah we got the bikes last summer! we haven''t done a whit of riding them, nope...we should though!! just haven''t had the time.

diver, yep still loving zumba, i''m so much more rhythymic now and it''s super fun to learn dance steps. i also know all the basics for things like salsa, cumbia, merengue. not sure i could actually DO anything with them on a dance floor but it''s fun anyway. and it''s such a good workout for the core and legs.

anyway went to pilates yest for 45 min. we''re going to palm springs over the wkd for a mini-vaca since greg will be off for 2 weeks between jobs and this was kind of the only time we could do anything...and they have a pilates machine at their gym there and i am so excited to use it!! last time we didn''t know how to but now i do. so i plan to spend a lot of time on that..! also did a 2mile walk with my coworker.

today we''ll walk as well, and then i am doing cardio at the work gym. tonite i''ll be making mini cupcakes for an event i am going to tomorrow fun!! have a great day all.



May 14, 2006
Just in from college and off to WW! Wish me luck

Thanks Lorelei, Monarch, Skippy and Kimberley!

I''d love to know about American farming Monarch...anytime you feel like chatting

Glad you''re feeling much better Kimberley. Hopefully you''ll be feeling 100% soon.

Talk to you all later!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 4/8/2008 11:56:34 AM
Author: bee*
Just in from college and off to WW! Wish me luck

Thanks Lorelei, Monarch, Skippy and Kimberley!

I''d love to know about American farming Monarch...anytime you feel like chatting

Glad you''re feeling much better Kimberley. Hopefully you''ll be feeling 100% soon.

Talk to you all later!
Best of luck with WW Bee!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 4/8/2008 10:29:14 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Morning All,

I'm feeling much better today. We took it easy and wandered around Scottsdale a bit yesterday, then I rested and read and we went out to dinner. My stomach still isn't feeling 100%. I had about 1/2 my dinner and no dessert, but it's better than Sunday.
Kimi, I hope you feel better; I had a post earlier and lost it so I didn't realize the second time I posted I missed you. Take it easy; John might be right. Praying you feel better soon.

Bee, sending good WW wishes!!!!!!

Mara, enjoy the gym tonight!!!


Jul 30, 2007
Happy Tuesday, WWTers!

I''ve been better about eating healthy for the last few days, although my exercising has fallen by the wayside a bit (so I guess I can''t attest to feeling better after doing it--JK). This is shaping up to be quite the busy week, but I''m hoping I can get in some running or at least a couple of nice walks. I have Tai Chi tonight, so that should be something.

Lorelei, sorry about the pants weather! That is no fun. Where in England are you, btw? I know you''ve said before, but I completely forgot.

Steph, can''t wait to see your new setting! Definitely link us to the thread when you post it.

Bee, happy birthday to your dad! Your pony is so sweet.

Skippy, your new bike is awesome! What kind of sewing class are you taking? I''m doing a cake decorating class right now and it is so much fun.

Kimberly, I''m glad you''re feeling a bit better. Sorry you''re sick on vacation.

Apple, Kris once threw his back out washing his car--I think it''s way more exercise than people think!

SB, your dance class sounds fun--what type of dance was it?

Welcome, KeepingtheFaith!

Mara, can''t wait to see pictures of your final cake over in the cupcake thread!

Congratulations again on being engaged, Sparkalicious! I''m glad you''re feeling better.

Rod, sounds like the condo is showing really well! You''re making me crave FroYo again...

Marcy, sorry you had to get up early this morning--good luck with all the meetings!

Monnie, your weekend sounds really nice! I love getting spring cleaning done. It always feels like there''s a weight off of you. Great stories about your farm.

Diver, I''m sorry you hurt your knee, but I''m glad it''s feeling better! Yay for losing half a pound! And I''m jealous on the Silver Oak--I love Napa cabs! We have a 97 Markham reserve that we''re saving for when we move. I can''t wait to open it!

Have a great day, everyone!


Apr 30, 2005
LP, I have to say, I love your new av, hilarious!!

Welcome to the thread KTF! I hope you find plenty of inspiration and support here! Marcy, I just wanted to draw your attention to this thread Attn. Marcy C as KeepingTheFaith would love some tips from you regarding your achievements!

Ok, I have just completed another 50 mins cardio and 50 mins last night, so a bit ahead of the game this week.


Sep 27, 2005
Lorelei was kind enough to point me to this thread in hopes you could point me in the right direction:

I tried doing a search in the old threads regarding calorie counting but i didnt come up with anything. I am starting to do a healthy diet and i just want to make sure i am eating right. For instance when i make a turkey sandwich, what are the calories for the turkey? is there a website that will help me estimate these calories in which are not listed on the package? Thanks!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 4/8/2008 2:28:41 PM
Author: beanie
Lorelei was kind enough to point me to this thread in hopes you could point me in the right direction:

I tried doing a search in the old threads regarding calorie counting but i didnt come up with anything. I am starting to do a healthy diet and i just want to make sure i am eating right. For instance when i make a turkey sandwich, what are the calories for the turkey? is there a website that will help me estimate these calories in which are not listed on the package? Thanks!
Hi Welcome Beanie and Keepingthefaith!!!

Beanie, great sites are the dailyplate, calorieking and sparkpeople (for advice on how many calories to eat). Hope that helps


Nov 29, 2004
I had my PT today because of a conflict on Thurs, and no PT next week b/c we both have schedule conflicts. And wow she wasn''t kidding when she said we got advanced training this week. We usually do 3 min cardio followed by 3 min strength training, well today she upped the cardio to 4 min. And I was definitely pushed outside of my comfort zone on the treadmill. Usually on my warmup I''ll jog at 5.1 mph then take it up to 5.7 for a few min and back down to 5.1. Well she wanted us to do 6.7, and I was like OMG I can''t do that, so I had to do 6.4, for that round of cardio I did 6.4 for 2 min, 5.7 for 1.5 min, and then 5.1 for 30 seconds. The last round of cardio she had us do it again, I maintained the 6.4 for 3-3.5 min, but then I walked at 4 for the rest. I kept thinking about eating lunch while I was running that fast, so that just made me feel blah. My training partner wears a heart monitor and calorie counter watch while we are exercising, and she burned 700 calories today during our workout. So I definitely worked off the treats I had while watching the Bachelor with a friend last night.

When I get home tonight I plan on doing the walk/job routine.


Apr 19, 2004

Hope this note find ya''ll well!!
Bright and sunny--albeit not terribly warm--so I took the opportunity to walk 40 minutes by the river today. Brisk! Used to do that trek all the time--excellent paved pathways, so it was all good. My runners have been looking very forlorn these days!!!!! I thought of Miss Skippy and my bike, it is just too heavy for me to lift (yet) into the SUV.

We might hit the slopes this weekend and stay overnight in Banff--I am on the fense whether I should get the boards out.....the skiing is wonderful this time of year and tons of think it is predicted to be 16 C degrees (that is warm for our neck of the woods this time of year......)


Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi Everyone

Well, my grandson''s are over their colds and outside playing

Skippy: LOVE your new bike!!!! Rick and I bought new ones last year. I love mine. It isn''t as fancy as yours. I have the old fashioned pedal breaks. ha ha ha ha ha. I like those best, as that is what I usually went for when riding my old one, as crashed a few times. I guess I remembered my old bike as a kid.

In fact, I am going for a bike ride with the boys after lunch. They tell me I am "too slow" though.
They race all over the place. Even though I get worn out, I love having them live with us. My daughter and SIL and separated and she and the boys moved back home last April. They still date, so go figure that one out.

Rod: I imagine people fall in love with your condo. I know I sure would. What a view to look at every day. I would never want to go on vacation if Rick and I lived there.

Marcy: How is your sister doing??? I hope she is better.

Sharon: How fun for a weekend get-a-way

Appletini: Sounds like you had a fantastic workout.

Hi everyone else


Aug 17, 2007
Hello everyone!

Thanks for the warm welcome. I am trying to find all sorts of different ways to stay motivated!!

Appletini - Just reading your recent workout made me tired! I am lucky if I can get up to 4 on the treadmill with an incline of 2! I was surprised to see that I did speed walk even further than yesterday in the same amount of time. Since I go to the machines during my lunch break I have an hour to divide between 2-4 machines. Today I did the treadmill for 30 mins and rode the bike for 15 and did the elliptical for 15 which darn near killed me! I am so out of shape but just seeing that I was able to do more on the treadmill than I did yesterday in the same amount of time has me hoping that I''ll have more productive workouts!!!

Tomorrow night with be my first yoga class and I am really excited about that!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 4/8/2008 3:40:48 PM
Author: Keepingthefaith21
Hello everyone!

Thanks for the warm welcome. I am trying to find all sorts of different ways to stay motivated!!

Appletini - Just reading your recent workout made me tired! I am lucky if I can get up to 4 on the treadmill with an incline of 2! I was surprised to see that I did speed walk even further than yesterday in the same amount of time. Since I go to the machines during my lunch break I have an hour to divide between 2-4 machines. Today I did the treadmill for 30 mins and rode the bike for 15 and did the elliptical for 15 which darn near killed me! I am so out of shape but just seeing that I was able to do more on the treadmill than I did yesterday in the same amount of time has me hoping that I''ll have more productive workouts!!!

Tomorrow night with be my first yoga class and I am really excited about that!
Hehehe! When I first started working out, I would stagger off the treddy or elliptical, absolutely exhausted! Fear not, it will get easier, and very quickly!


Nov 29, 2004
KTF, Glad to see you are off to a good start. The lunch workout is a great way to breakup the day. As for my Treadmill experience, I prefer to walk. I have never been much of a runner, I just find it so boring, so for me its more of a mental than a physical thing. However I have started doing this walk/job routine that ctd posted (I think its in one of the March threads), to help improve my jogging ability since I have to do it some in PT. What type of yoga are you doing? I used to do bikram yoga--the hot yoga and I swear by it, if you have one your area you should try it out. The only reason why I don''t do it now is b/c the class times don''t really fit with my current schedule.


Jul 22, 2007
Hi, all! I''ve missed you. Sorry for being MIA. You would not believe the run of luck that has surrounded my family lately. But, I''ll just suffice it to say, the highlight of my last week (literally, the HIGH light, I''m not being sarcastic!) was my 2 yr old breaking a nearly full bottle of dark blue nail polish on my pepto pink carpet in our rented home. This was 15 minutes before we went on our first zoo trip in which the only exhibits open were a couple aquariums, some birds, a few meerkats, and two tigers. No elephants, giraffes, lions, bear, monkeys etc. It can only look up now, so onward we march.

Not so good on the workout front, but I''m hoping to get in some yoga tonight. It''s sorely needed. Also, not good on the eating, because I let stress get the better of me.

Spark~ best wishes! (I haven''t had time to find a ring thread, but I''m sure it''s beautiful!)

LP~ really cute avatar!

bee~ that pony pic is cute! I haven''t ridden much in the last few years, but at one time, it was just about my whole life.

Kimi~ *ugh* again...

Monnie~ I swear, every time I read your farm stories, I think you had to be my neighbor!

Welcome KTF and Beanie!


Dec 9, 2002
LP, ditto on the avatar...that cat cracks me up, and I have to do the ''arrrr" when I see it. LOL. Well, if you move to puddle town, you should gear up for pinot country. Yamhill county is about 45mins south of the city. Oregon produces great pinots. But I do love a great cab...invite me over when you bust that one open after your move! LOL

Well, I went to the gym & did the elliptical since I want to be nice to my knee for a few more! I never get a good workout on the elliptical, but I hopped on one with the arm swingie handle thingies (that is the technical term) and I was bustin'' a sweat in a few minutes and soaked by the time I got off of it. Yay! Then I lifted for a half hour..did legs & back...mostly worked on hams & quads & strengthening my knee joints. i want a treat. I might have to make my WW oatmeal cookies...but I''m going to the WW site to see if there are some other healthy cookie recipes that float my boat. Peanut butter? Shortbread? hmmm....


May 14, 2006
Quick flyby post-lost another 1.5lbs this week in WW so 13 down altogether. Bootcamp was very tough tonight but it was the funny instructor again so the hour flew by. Was really good.

Lorelei and Skippy-thanks for the best wishes-they worked

Ladypirate-glad to hear that the eating healthy is going well. There are always going to be weeks when lots of exercise can''t happen.

Beanie-I always found good.

Ktf-it will get easier-definitely does. Keep up the good work!

Something-ugh that''s rubbish about the nail polish! Doesn''t sound like there are many animals at that zoo!

Diver-do they sell the chocolate chip WW cookies in your stores over there? They are really good and just 1.5 points for two.

Talk to you all in the morning-night!


Nov 24, 2006
Bee, yippeeee, good for you girlie!!! That is awesome
you rock! Glad to send you good vibes but you did it all on your own, whoo hoo!

LadyP, I love the avatar too, way too cute. hehe You will do better; you are tiny too so I bet you didn't do too bad. Enjoy your runs! I am do garmet making, I am excited to be in this class. Your cake decorating sounds fun; my dad was this amazing cake decorator and did it on the side for fun since he took classes. He loved it!!! Friends and family would request for him to make their grad cakes or bday cakes, it was super duper cute
Can't wait to see pics of what you decorate!
Mara's cupcakes look great!!

Yay Lorelei for your awesome cardio!!! Go Lorelei!

Welcome Beanie, glad you joined the WWT; we are a great group. hehe

Apple, wow, good for you on your PT whooo hooo!!!

Sharon, oh I hope you feel much better soon.
Ahh, thanks for thinking of me too! I have seen pics of Banff and it looks gorgeous!!! I hope you feel 100% so I will keep you in my prayers. Yay for the walk and warmer weather!

Linda, good for you riding bikes w/your grandsons. How are they feeling?? I hope better! You are a rockin grandma; you sound like so much fun! Kudos on the bike ride and thanks about my bike. . . I am looking forward to riding this coming weekend!

KTF21, enjoy yoga, yay for staying motivated!!! You can do it!!!

Somethingshiny, I so missed you; I was getting a little worried! Gosh, sorry your few weeks were nutty, eek. Hope you are doing better and enjoy your yoga; that sounds like just what you need.

Kimi, I put something in your Who's Who as I just noticed you posted something to me. Hope you are feeling better this afternoon.

Diver, great for the super duper great workout!!! My neighbor was so sweet and brought us back a couple of bottles of wine from Oregon and they were wonderful; they always stay at the Stephanie Inn too (not sure if you heard of it)!

Rod, I hope you weather is less pants and the sunshine comes out for you and Lorelei and Bee!!

Well my muscle hour plans have been changed; I have PT tomorrow so that will be good. Our friends are trying to adopt a child so we are going out to eat w/them to lend morale support; I am crossing my fingers the get a child. They are such good parents and have a loving home so any kid would be happy with them. Well, I just did a quick walk so I did a little something.
I already checked out what is on the menu at this restaurant, but I think I can find something healthy. Have a great day all!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hey Skippy,

Thanks for the compliment!!! Even though I''ll be 59 this year, I am not an OLD grandma ha ha ha ha. I get out and do things with my grand boys. In summer, we swim a lot in our back yard and we have swim races. Of course, I let them "win"

We camp a lot with them too. We bring our 5th wheel and we all bring our bikes. It is so much fun. I swear they keep me young.



Jul 30, 2007
Thanks for the compliments on the avatar, all! I thought it fit the screenname. So after I posted today, I weighed and found out that despite my complaining about not eating as well as I should have, I lost another pound! Down to 140.5--yay!

Welcome, Beanie!

Apple, your training sounds crazy! Good job for powering through.

Canuk-Gal, sounds like your walk was beautiful. I would love to go snowboarding or skiing sometime soon, but first we have to find boots in Kris'' size (16EEE

Linda, your grandsons sounds adorable. It must be nice to have your daughter and grandsons living with you--you get to see your grandkids every day! It sounds like you guys have a blast.

KTF, have fun at yoga tomorrow!

SomethingShiny, I''m sorry you had such a rough week--I hope things look up soon!

Diver, we''re definitely excited for wine tasting up in Oregon--Santa Barbara is Pinot country as well, but VERY different style. We belong to a couple of wine clubs down here, though, so we''ll be able to get our big-fruit Pinot fix after we move. Washington has some great cabs as well--I went to college in Walla Walla and used to taste around there. Just can''t get away from wine country!

Bee, good job on losing another 1.5 lbs! You''ll hit your target weight in no time at that rate!

Skippy, fun! I used to sew costumes for the theatre department when I was in college and loved it. You''ll have to post some pictures of your finished outfits!


Nov 29, 2004
I went for my usual neighborhood walk tonight, I was going to do the walk/jog routine, but after the first jog set I just wasn''t feeling, and since I had the intense PT today I decided a walk was more than enough. I might go to the step class tomorrow.

Bee, Keep up the good work!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I got up at 5:15 today and was pleased to see you can breathe that early in the day. We were on the road by 6:30 and made it to our corporate offices in Denver before my husband’s 9 a.m. meeting. I had fun visiting with everyone. Everyone already knew I’d lost over 150 pounds so I got many nice compliments today. It was an ego boosting experience.
Wow, what a lot of posts. This is GREAT.
Monnie, you have been very productive the past few days. I so need to get out and pull up my dead flowers from last year. The weather did get pretty nice today; at least this time of year the snow melts fast.
Divergrrl, sorry to hear you hurt your knee but glad to hear it is doing better. Yay for loosing another ½ pound.
Lorelei, I know a lot of “gits”.
Thanks for a new term to baffle people with. Thanks for the heads up to the link for KTF – I’ll go see what I can do.
Bee, congratulations on being down 13 pounds. Irish weather sounds like Wyoming weather. Crazy and unpredictable. One comment I got quite a bit today was they thought I was much taller – I’m sure it’s just I was a larger presence. Thanks for showing us Raffles.
Skippy, that’s nice to hear you enjoyed your sewing class last night. Good idea to practice today while it’s fresh in your mind.
Kimi, I am glad you are feeling better today. My husband often visits the Scottsdale mall when he’s in Phoenix. He likes some of the watches they have there.
Mara, have a great mini vacation in Palm Springs. We’ll miss your posts of mini cupcakes though.
Ladypirate, I like your new avatar. Sorry to hear your week is so busy; at least tomorrow is ½ way through the week. The meetings were interesting today and certainly much more fun than work.
Welcome Beanie. I like , ,,
Appletini, wow you did have a great workout today. That’s always a great feeling.
Sharon, I am glad you had a nice walk today.
Linda, glad your grandsons are feeling better. Too funny they thought you were slow – that’s why we are tired when we get older we used up all our energy running around so much as kids. Tee hee. My sister is about the same. I am going to call her in a little while. Thanks for thinking about her.
KTF, that is great you are doing so well with your workouts.
Somthingshiny, sorry to hear you had such a bad week last week. I sure hope this one is going better.
Have a great evening.


Sep 26, 2006
Hello my favorite Weekly Workout-ers!! Sorry I've been out of touch. I've missed you all VERY much. Life has been super busy and I have this tendency to spend HOURS and HOURS on PS whenever I come to this site. So I had to take a mini-hiatus to get some work done.

First of all...MARA what happened to your sweets ban? CUPCAKES?!! You started a thread on cupcakes too? And you're taking a cake class???? Don't ever give up sweets for Lent ever AGAIN. I think you went through withdrawal or something. Haha...but glad to hear you are still going to zumba.

Wow, I have so much to catch up on! Rod, Charlie, Monnie and Mr. Monnie, come visit me in NYC!! Perhaps you can do a mini-job search here and then I can have some workout partners. :)

I have been walking more often to work instead of taking the bus. I was at the gym today and hopped on the elliptical for 30 minutes. I'm glad to report that my endurance, cardio level and calorie burn has increased over the past few months! Yay! I had this yummy frozen indian food dinner by Annie's (I think?) for dinner. It was something like 350 calories. The nutritional content was not exactly "healthy" but it was tasty and quick. I'm all about quick dinners these days. I need to get more of those.

Oooooooooook!! Have a great night everyone! Looking forward to catching up :)


Dec 28, 2005
Evening All!

It was just a beautiful day in sunny Tampa. The day started a little on the cloudy side and it was a bit too breezy to sit on the terrace and read the paper with coffee and our fresh fruit, so we sat with Sakai for breakfast, which she appreciated immensely! We did the job search thing until lunch time, then fixed nice healthy turkey sandwiches at home, then headed out to Sbucks to have coffee under the oak. By the time we got their the clouds were gone and the sky couldn't have been a nicer shade of blue if it tried! We just lounged around there for a while, then we hit the gym around 3 PM and since we're taking tomorrow as a day of rest, we worked out really hard. I keep making small strides with my arms and chest and one of the trainers even came over and commented he could see significant differences there. So that made me feel good and made me want to work out even harder! I've significantly increased the amount of unassisted dips and chinups and it's paying good dividends. It's kind of exciting to have arms that actually fill the sleeve of a t-shirt!! I had a bowl of homemade (well homemade from our little specialty grocery store) beef vegetable soup, which was really really good for dinner. Then we split a cinnamon roll for desert with coffee under the oak. It is just the most beautiful evening tonight. I completely forgot it was Tuesday and missed American Idol. Bummer. We don't have anything special planned for tomorrow. We're not going to the gym, so maybe we'll take a nice long walk instead. I'd consider going for a run, but Charlie really doesn't enjoy it much. But a nice walk would be nice too. Nothing much happening on the job front. We're actually enjoying our mini-retirement, but know we have to find jobs soon.

Even if they knew in advance you lost 150 pounds, I'll be the people at the corporate office didn't recognize you Marcy. And I'll bet they all though you're absolutely stunning!

Yay for nice weather and being able to be outside Monnie! I hope you and hubby are also enjoying your mini-retirement, though I know like us, you both need to go back to work sometime. I'm glad hubby is optimistic about his last interview. Fingers crossed he get's a wonderful offer soon! And yes, you should keep sending his resume to jobs down here. LOL It would be great to have you close!

diver, I'm sorry to see you injured you knee at kickboxing. One of our trainers at the gym tore his knee ligament (I forget what it's called) and had to have it surgically fixed. So, be careful with your knee, OK? Thanks for compliment on the pic and me and Charlie. Not bad for two old geezers, eh? I hope you get to have some good sushi. I would rather have sushi than just about any other type of food. I'm probably eating too much mercury, but I figure it's better than fatty trans fat ladden foods? BTW., I only use ellipticals with "swingie handle thingies!" LOL I truly believe they give a better workout than machines with stationary arms.

Lorelei, we have a comedian over here called Larry the Cable Guy. He's kind of disgusting, but you just sort of can't stop listening and laughing at him and his catch phrase is......"Git'r Done"

Sorry for the messed up Irish weather bee* I hope you had a good bootcamp session this evening. Raffles is beautifu. I'm afraid horses scare me to death and they know it too. Yay for being down 13 pounds too!!

Thanks for the condo selling wishes Skippy. I'm guessing the people aren't interested as we never heard anything today and supposedly they were in a hurry to busy something quickly. Like everything else in our lives right now, it's going to take some time to "Git'r Done!" Sorry you have to miss muscle hour, but hope your PT session is great tomorrow!

Glad you're feeling better Kimberly!

Mara we were talking to a guy today at Sbucks who plans to retire to Palm Springs. He loves it there and he's originally from San Francisco. I hope you and Greg enjoy your mini vacation there. Tell Greg to really enjoy his two weeks off before starting his new job.

LP, as a cat person, love the new Avatar Matey!! Enjoy Tai Chi. Do you have a Natural Tart Frozen Yogurt place near you?

Welcome beanie. Skippy gave you great recommendations for calorie counting. worked well for me when I was calorie counting.

Good for your trainer pushing you to the limit Apple! You better work out next week to make sure you can handle the next session in two weeks!

Sharon, I'm so glad you are doing better and thinking about outdoor activities, albeit cold ones, but activities none-the-less!!

Hey Linda, glad your grandson's are better and hope you enjoyed the bikeride with them. You are most definitely NOT an "Old Grandma!!" We saw a Barbara Walters special last week and they say within the next 10 years or so, they will be able to medically help us live into our mid-150's and with a good quality of life. So, you're just a youngster young lady!!

Enjoy your first yoga class KTF!! It takes a lot of workouts to build stamina. When I first started on the elliptical, I thought I was going to die after 10 minutes and that was at a slow RPM of about 47. Now I can maintain a constant RPM in he 90's and I can go for an hour at a time, but I usually just do a pretty intense 35 minutes, 5 times a week and that's after doing 1.5 - 2 hours of weight training. But I am a bit obsessed.

Sorry for the run of bad luck somethingshiny. How on earth do you get blue nail polish out of pink carpet?

OK, I've droned on long enough. I'm going to go curl up on the couch with Sakai and Charlie and watch some dribble on TV. Sleep well everyone!


Sep 26, 2006
Can someone look at the nutritional info for my frozen indian food dinners? I *think* it''s too high in fat for one meal, but I''m not sure. What do you guys think? Frozen Dinner

Rod, woohoo for nice arms! I always notice people''s arms, and I''ll bet yours are awesome. I''m with you on the sushi. One of the doctors I work with tells me he worries about my mercury levels. haha. Because he knows I''m a shellfish and sushi FIEND. He wants me to get a blood and urine test!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006

Rick and I love Larry The Cable Guy. He makes us laugh so much. Yes, he can be disgusting, but.... he is funny.

150 years old huh?? Well, I wouldn''t mind living that long, if I could see my grandsons grow up and see Their families. That would be such a joy!!!

Glad you and Charlie had a great day today.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Crown Jewel. Good to hear from you. Yay for walking to work instead of riding the bus.
Rod, it sounds like you and Charlie had a wonderful day today. Mmm to cinnamon rolls. I finished some of my husbands fat free yogurt shake this afternoon. It was wonderful. I did get many nice compliments at corporate today. Yay for you having great arms.

I forgot to mention we stopped at this giant liquor store on the way home from Denver today. It is larger than the Home Depot next door. They had a cabinet of the expensive stuff and in it was a genuine Faberge egg that contains a bottle of vodka. It had gold trim with emeralds, sapphires and rubies on it. It was only $15,000. The lady told us she heard the vodka was awful. It’s a good thing I wasn’t planning on buying it. There was a bottle of scotch in the cabinet (what Marty wanted to get there) that sold for $9999.99. We didn’t buy it either.

We also went to my favorite jewelry store which I poured over every show case there (except pearls and men’s wrings). I didn’t try on any as I would not have wanted to leave without some new treasure.



Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

CJ, I tried to look at the fat content but the site makes you sign in. Sorry I couldn''t help. You''ve been missed.

Diver, hope your knee is feeling better.

LP, I noticed your post in the LIW section about Kris. Just wanted to celebrate with you: HOORAY!

Rod, glad you had such a nice day.

Marcy, your compliments are well deserved!

We went to the zoo yesterday, then dinner at T. Cooks. It was delicious. I had an asparagus and arugala salad w/ goat cheese and an amazing pork chop. We split chocolate parfait for dessert. I''m not sure what we''re up to today. Have a good one.


Sep 26, 2006
Hi Marcy and Kimmie! Haha...Marcy I laughed at that Faberge vodka story. Yes, thank goodness you weren''t planning on buying it!! Kimmie, thanks for trying. I''m going to try to copy and paste the nutritional info.

I guess I''m getting confused with the calorie count and the high fat content. But since it''s just one meal, is it ok? I usually eat lowfat the rest of the day. Iunno.
And actually, I don''t know how to gauge saturated fat content. What does it mean and how low should I stay?

Amy''s Indian Paneer Tikka
Nutrition Facts
Serv. Size 1 Entree (269g)
Servings 1

Amount Per Serving

Calories 320 Calories From Fat 160

% Daily Value *

Total Fat 18g 28%

Saturated Fat 7g 35%

Trans Fat 0g

Cholesterol 20mg 7%

Sodium 550mg 23%

Total Carbohydrate 36g 12%

Dietary Fiber 5g 20%

Sugars 6g

Protein 8g

Vitamin A 50%

Calcium 20%
Vitamin C 20%

Iron 20%

** Contains less than 2 percent of the Daily Value of these nutrients.

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:

Calories per gram:
Fat 9 · Carbohydrate 4 · Protein 4

Organic Basmati Rice, Organic Onions, Organic Spinach, Filtered Water, Organic Tomato Puree, Paneer Cheese (Pasteurized Milk, Citric Acid, Calcium Chloride), Coconut Milk, Organic Potaoes, Expeller Pressed High Oleic Safflower Oil, Spices*, Organic Garlic, Organic Carrots, Grade AA Butter, Sea Salt, Turmeric, Paprika, Mango Powder, Orgniac Jalapeno Peppers.



Nov 24, 2006
Crown, it is probably the coconut milk making the fat so high. Do not know the answer to the sat fat question sorry. Just for fun let's compare it to a big Mac w/no cheese.
Big Mac
Calories 576
total fat 32.5 g
Saturated fat 12 g
poly 2.8 g
Mono 14.1g
Cholestrol 103mg. It looks not to be too bad.
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