
Weekly Workout Thread 6th Nov to 12th Nov

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week!

I hope we are all doing well! I having another rest day today as I am a bit rundown, I have a slight cold which is making me feel a bit below par, probably all the extra work and upheaval recently. But I will be back to it tomorrow. Another new change I have noticed is my jeans hanging down more at the ankles, the trouble is the bottoms get wet easily now and I have to keep hauling them up! I must stop being lazy and put on my knee length boots for working with the animals, it is just easier to pop shoes on. Anyway figurewise, all is going well.

Have a great week all
Morning All!

Sorry you aren''t feeling well Lorelei.

I just read a letter to the editor in the NYTimes who was weighing in on the discussion of banning trans fats and restaurants possibly being made to give nutritional information. She didn''t cite her source but stated that in 2000 the average American ate 3900 calories a day. In France the average woman eats 2000 a day and the average man 2500. Thought this was interesting and quite frightening.

I''m hoping on the treadmill, plan to do an hour.
Hey ya''ll! I''ve been on the LIW board for a while now, and just noticed all these other boards... I have been trying, unsuccessfullly, since January to be healthier. I''ll be totally on board for a week or two, and then just get lazy for a few weeks. So, I''m trying to make excercise and healthy eating a part of a routine and remember that every day counts. If I fall off the wagon one day, I can get back on the next. I end up making too many excuses. I work from home, so food is available around the clock, but I''ve created an "eating plan" (and since I ate all the chocolate in my home last night, there''s only healthy food left, lol). Today was supposed to be an abs/weights day, but the covers were so warm and cuddly that I just hit snooze (I can only work out in the mornings because there''s just plain too much going on at night). Since I work from home, I''ll try to squeeze it in this afternoon if it''s slow. Here''s my plan of what I do:

Mon, Wed, Fri: Ab video, weights
Tues, Th, Sat: Run (I''m training for a 5k, and this week, it''s run 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds for ~20 mins with a 5 min walking warmup and cooldown)
There''s no gym around me that I like - they''re either horribly and expensive or they aren''t open when I need to work out. So, I do videos at home, and luckily there''s a trail about 4 blocks from my house.

Eating plan:
7:30am breakfast: Oatmeal, water, diet coke
10am snack: yogurt
12noon lunch: Salad with chicken, veggies, etc; Can of fruit (right now my faves are peaches and pineapple)
3pm snack: Granola
6pm dinner: Varies!! Trying to plan ahead for the week.
I''m heading to yoga in 20 mins - yay! Hope you all have a great start to your workout weeks, and welcome Becky!
Welcome Becky,
I have a work out buddy at work and we are each others accountability partners to make sure we go, plus its more fun to exercise with a friend. You might want to try to set little goals for yourself with if you work out X times per week you can treat yourself to manicure or something like that.

I did my Total Body Traning class during lunch today. Our trainer really stepped it up from last week...its was tough but with more cardio. We had several stations: bike, crunches (really hard ones), squats and lunges with the steps, and puchups and tricep dips on the steps.

Also the gym in my building has set up a weight management incentive program for the holidays. It two months starting this week through the beginning of January. They have teams of 3-5 and the teams can win prizes, etc.
Hey all,

Not much on my end to report either today. Typically Monday's are my run day, but my back is still a little sore. Was planning on going to the gym and work on my lower back, but then I got a call from a former employee of mine who is now with major competing corporation and he had referred me to them for possible employment. So, they called me at 1 PM and I told them I had tentatively accepted another position to move to Raleigh and they said......"then we need to get together immediately." So, I'm meeting the local Managing Director at 6 PM.

At some point I have to just shut this job search thing down and get on with my life. I can't keep waffling all over the place. We're moving. No, we're not. We're moving. Aggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Tomorrow, I'll try to make up for not doing anything on the fitness side yesterday or today.

I hope everyone's day is going well.

Lorelei: Sorry to hear you're a little under the weather. I've found that a good aerobic workout tends to push a cold out much faster. Maybe you just "sweat" out the bug. You might want to give that a try, but only if you don't have a fever. If you have a fever, you should be in bed and drinking lots of fluids and eating Chicken Soup.

PS: Welcome Becky. The diet looks good, but if I can comment, eliminate the diet coke. It may not have calories, but it has too many carbs and carbs still help put on weight. Just a suggestion.
Rod: I understand your need to be done with the decision but think going to talk to this local company is a great idea! Make it you last interview if that helps, but who knows what they have to offer! When are you supposed to leave for Raleigh?
Welcome Becky!

My weekend didn''t go as well as usual ~ on Friday night I started feeling like I was getting sick -- a bit of a sore throat, slight ear ache, and generally felt exhausted. Pretty much rested through this morning, so no weekend workouts. But I think the rest and the zinc Cold-Eeze did the trick because I felt fine today. Did a full 2 hours at the gym after work -- a one hour step aerobics class followed by a one hour total body conditioning/strengthening class. My muscles are all a bit like jello at the moment, but overall I feel pretty darn good. Today''s workout makes up for my weekend inactivity I hope.

Hope everyone''s week is starting well!
Welcome Becky

It sounds like your heart is in the right place!

First thing to do.....keep all non healthy junk type food out of the house!

It was torture for me at first..craving something sweet at night after dinner and all that was there was granola or fruit.

It''s a mind set that takes a few weeks..much like a good exercise gotta stay on track.

Good luck. We''re all here to support each other
something is in the air. I''m sipping my Theraflu as I type this. I am feeling really cruddy. Sore throat, slight ear thing... pain behind my eyeballs. No work out for me today, but I''m glad to hear that you got over it quickly turtledazzle, maybe I will too.

Rod, I think it might be fate that something is up right there in Florida! Maybe you''ve been feeling iffy about the move for a reason!
Either way, check it out, and listen to your heart.

Welcome Becky!
I admire Modified Brilliant, but can''t take his advice. If I restricted myself from the things I crave I would eventually CAVE and go into an eating FRENZY. I have to allow myself treats here and there... but, like Modified Brilliant I find that the less I eat, the less I crave (except for chocolate... wicked wicked chocolate...)

Actually, as I type this, I realize that it''s not true at all. We NEVER buy chips or gross foods anymore. We do usually splurge on a nice bit of chocolate to share after a healthy meal, though... but there are foods that I''ve banned from the house, I actually never really realized that until just now.

Hoping for a POWER sleep tonight and a fresh start tomorrow.

Hope all are well.
Thanks everyone for the welcomes. I really am trying, just keep failing and having to pick myself up again... But, every day is a new day ready for me to make better choices. Hopefully having a little accountability will help.

Rod - So wierd that you might be moving to Raleigh, NC. My bf and I are in the midst of discussions about moving there too. He''s got a possibility for a lateral move that could potentially result in a promotion, so we''ve been talking about it back and forth for the last few weeks. It came to a head today, and I guess the next few weeks should be telling... It''s always stressful to have a potential move hanging in the air. Oh yeah, and about the diet coke - I am working on cutting that down!!! But, I don''t do coffee or tea, so it''s my morning caffeine fix. Slowly tapering it down, but just can''t kick it yet.... Babysteps...
Date: 11/6/2006 9:10:28 PM
Author: Tybee
something is in the air. I''m sipping my Theraflu as I type this. I am feeling really cruddy. Sore throat, slight ear thing... pain behind my eyeballs. No work out for me today, but I''m glad to hear that you got over it quickly turtledazzle, maybe I will too.
Oh, Tybee, I''m so sorry you''re still feeling badly. You''re in the Atlanta area, right? I''m in Tennessee ~ maybe there is something in the air

I sure hope I''m still feeling well tomorrow. I''m not even positive it was a cold ~ could have been sinus problems as well I guess. The weather here has been typical -- cold one day, warm the next. Right now there is rain going through that I think is associated with a warm front.

I just got lots of rest, drank tons of water, took ibuprofen, and did the Cold-Eeze thing. I used Cold-Eeze for the first time last Thanksgiving, and it really did seem to keep my cold symptoms from getting worse. Might help you, too. This time around I got the sugar-free honey lemon flavor which I liked a lot more than the sugary cherry ones I got last year. I just have to make sure I take them with food in my stomach or else I do get a little nauseous (that''s one of the recommendations on the packaging). Just a suggestion!

I hope you''re feeling better soon! You, too, Lorelei!!!
Hey all,

Well the interview with the local company was a total utter waste of time. They want a sales person to pound the streets in search of business opportunities. That''s just not me. We realized in about 15 minutes there was absolutely no fit. So, Raleigh is seeming more and more likely.

Becky.......we''re heading to Raleigh Thursday for a house hunting trip. We know plenty of people up there and the job I''ve been offered is a really pretty good. It''s just been difficult for us to consider leaving a brand new condo on Tampa Bay that we waited nearly 3 years to be completed. I''m just having a diffcult time with such a major change this time around. While most poeple want to live in the pristine suburbs, we''re urban dwellers, so we''re actually only looking at condo''s in the city. We want to be able to walk to art galleries, restaurants and Starbucks without having to get in our cars. Let us know if you decide to move to Raleigh.

Have a nice night everyone.
Hey guys - thanks for the good wishes and welcome Becky! Do I imagine it or is Miss Mara away for a few days? I still feel like pants as we say here, I have tiny, piggy, red, burning eyes, cracked and purple lips, red snout, interspersed with moaning about my aching joints with the occasional shiver.
I will try for a treadmill session later if I can to see if I can shake this thing off. At least I am not eating much...

Thats a shame that other job op didn''t work out Rod, I hope the trip to Raleigh goes well.
I don''t really post anymore in this thread, but I just wanted to let you know, Becky, that diet coke doesn''t have any carbs in it if you''re watching your carb intake. I drink a can a day and I''m looking at the can right now and it says 0 carbs on the nutrition information. Cola drinks aren''t good for you for other reasons, mainly because they cause your body to absorb less calcium, but diet cola drinks in moderation aren''t a bad way to modify calorie and carb intake.
good morning thread!

I was away for part of last week due to a conference I was attending. However, my eating has been good (small exception was a party my brother hosted on saturday evening, but to quote him "this isn''t a dress rehearsal")

I had three excellent cardio workouts last week, but only two pilates.

last night, my husband and i went grocery shopping and stocked up on lots of lean meats and veggies. they were also having a ridiculous sale on nice looking tuna steaks! does anyone have a favorite tuna recipe???

Last night, I did 45 minutes on the elliptical. normally, i only stay on for around a half hour. I''m not physically spent at the end of a half hour, but i''m mentally bored. since it was monday and the beginning of the week, i made myself commit to the extra fifteen minutes. i really need to update my ipod. i think fresh music would help.

rod: congratulations on the job in raleigh and sorry the FL opening was a disappointment. i understand not wanting to leave your "dream" condo, but I truly loved NC!

tybee and lorelei fell better! I felt a wee bit of illness coming on, but i''m battling it out. so far, i think i''m winning.

has anyone ever tried st. john''s wort tea. i was reading that it can be helpful to ward off winter blues? true? false?

enjoy the day!
Glad you popped in Coda - miss you girl!

Thanks for the good wishes Lulu! Regarding St John's Wort, it is available here in the UK from pharmacies and health food stores as a remedy for depression, SAD, etc and I have heard results vary, but you have to be very careful with this stuff as it can interact badly with certain medications. Maybe one of our health pro ladies might see this thread and advise further. I am going to try for some time on the treadmill soon, it won't be for an hour today though...
Happy Tuesday!

Miss Mara is in NYC on business, Lorelei.

Rod I am so sorry your interview didn''t go as you''d hoped. I know you''re struggling.

I''m going to spend some time on the elliptical, probably an hour again today.

I have no clue what''s for dinner. It''s been HOT here and I am in fall cooking mode so I''m finding picking food a bit frustrating.

Tybee and Lorelei: Feel better!!

peering in sheepishly.
I''ve been missing for a while!! Kind of got in a funk, missed a couple of workouts, then got deeper into said funk cause I missed some workouts, then my bf had to take a long break from working out (injury recovery) and I missed more and more workouts!

I got back in the saddle last night. Did a dance/cardio workout -- it goes in increments up to 1.5 hours so I just kept going until I couldn''t go anymore and ended up doing an hour! It was a new dance and really fun to learn so the time flew by!

Plus: my bf''s parents are letting us have their treadmill for a while (well, as long as we want it really) so we are going to go pick it up this weekend I think!!

Plus: bf is getting back into working out so we can be workout buddies again!

So - I''m going to start slow. MWF I''m going to do at least a half hour. My plan is to do that for this week and next week, then add T in the mix for 2 more weeks then add TH. Then I will probably hold there until summer when we go out hiking and biking on the weekends which would add more "exercise" to the mix.

I still haven''t been able to convince myself to get up early and do a quick workout in the morning - but maybe once we have the treadmill I can start out walking while I watch the morning news. Then I can expand on that once it gets comfortable....

Glad to be back!

Tons of healthy vibes to all you sickies!!

Good luck to Rod in finding a perfect condo in NC!!
Becky!! Diet coke/ diet dr. pepper is my vice of choice as well. Although I really like tea so I might try to get over to that in the morning now that the frigid winter has begun to set in.

Hiya to everyone else as well!! Thanks all for being such great motiviation - the thought of this board kept nagging at me until I finally couldn''t take it anymore and had to get off my lazy bum and get back at it!
tuna recipes anyone?
I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes during lunch. However I will be doing quite a bit of "eating" this week. We have family dinner with my inlaws tonight at a yummy Italian restaurant...but DH and I will probably split something b/c they portions are large. Tomorrow we plan on making pizza at home. Thursday will be our little weekly date. And Friday we have a dinner date with my aunt and uncle...oh and all of these things will involve lots of wine. Oh well, I gotta splurge some occasionally.
I rarely say NO to wine Appletini!

Lovelylulu, are you looking for canned tuna recipes or tuna steak recipes? I don''t know why I am
asking because I rarely prepare any food... but I LOVE a grilled tuna, or sashimi tuna... oh yum.

As far as tuna salad goes... I adore it with green apples for a little tart (POW!)

Still feeling too funky to do much. On top of everything it''s raining and gross outside. But I''m looking on the bright side,
taking a few days off has allowed my swollen knee to calm down a bit, I''m hoping to hit the gym later in the week, then
get myself out for a LONG run this weekend. This will be the first long run that my DH will join me on. Hope we make it!

Not sure what''s for dinner tonight. I''m working on some math papers and DH said something about trying to make
Swedish meatballs with ground turkey... sounds like a disaster, but I applaud him for trying!

Happy Election Day all!
Hi......Just checking in. The Rod Roller Coaster was calmer today. Had a doctors appointment this morning, nothing wrong just the annual urologic exam. Then had a nice lunch with Charlie (healthy of course). Had a nice coffee at Starbucks and it started raining just as I was finishing, so I was able to sit outside under the oak. Then I had a great workout at the gym. Since taking the past two days off, I was anxious to get back to it. My back has completely calmed down and I was able to complete a full workout without limitations.

Oh and get this........I think you all know how very much I love our gym. It's one of the things that saddens us leaving Tampa. Well, we knew they were building 3 gyms in Raleigh, but didn't know where they were in relation to where we might move. And tonight, the trainer who is transferring there and would be our trainer from the day we got up there showed me where the new locations are. And, one is literally 3.5 miles from the area we are looking to move to. Such a coincidence!

Anyway, we're all set for the house hunting trip Thursday. But, I do have one more interview with a company that is national but has an office in Tampa and if they offered a position, we could stay here. I'm not holding my breath. If this one doesn't turn into anything and we are happy with what we see in Raleigh, I'll shut the search down and just commit to the move and be done with it.

Good to see you back Cailet. Sounds like you're ready to get back in the saddle and the fact that your BF will be joining you is a good thing.

Tybee, sorry you're still not feeling too well. Don't fret though. Some of the best strides I've made on the fitness side came after a little break.

Appletini, enjoy all those foodgasmic opportunities, but do try to be somewhat careful!!

Anyway, today was actually a pretty good day. I hope it's been OK for you all as well.
Lulu: I just wanted to add to Lorelei''s comment on drug interactions with St John''s Wort. There is research from NIH that suggests that it may decrease the effectiveness of birth control (if you''re on it).
Date: 11/7/2006 6:25:53 PM
Author: Tybee
I rarely say NO to wine Appletini!

Tonight''s workout was my favorite step class. She ''kicked it up a notch'' tonight ~ taught fast and upped the tempo. Fantastic workout. The 45 minutes of cardio was followed by ~15 minutes of abs and core strengthening exercises. I am really sore from yesterday''s workouts, but I made it through and am feeling quite tired but good.

We''re going out to dinner and drinks for a friend''s birthday tonight, so my caloric intake is probably going to be higher than normal. But, that''s Ok ~ it will be my splurge. I''ve done well otherwise for food today: lowfat yogurt, whole wheat pasta and sauce with soy meatballs, and some almonds for a protein snack. I''ll try to sneak some veggies into my dinner tonight.

Get well wishes to all who are feeling under the weather!
Good link - thanks Curls! I knew there was a few drugs that you shouldn't take SJW with. Did a gentle session on the treadmill, went ok yesterday. Good luck tomorrow Rod, by the way I don't think there is any such thing as a coincidence and I was hoping your trainer would make the move too!!! But I will still be rooting for you with the Tampa interview!

Thanks too for the well wishes TD and Miss Calilet - no need to be sheepish! Life does intrude, if anyone has a hard time and can't work out or post for a while, they are always welcomed back!
Date: 11/8/2006 4:08:11 AM
Author: Lorelei
Good link - thanks Curls! I knew there was a few drugs that you shouldn't take SJW with. Did a gentle session on the treadmill, went ok yesterday. Good luck tomorrow Rod, by the way I don't think there is any such thing as a coincidence and I was hoping your trainer would make the move too!!! But I will still be rooting for you with the Tampa interview!

Thanks too for the well wishes TD and Miss Calilet - no need to be sheepish! Life does intrude, if anyone has a hard time and can't work out or post for a while, they are always welcomed back!
Thanks Lorelei......actually our trainer has decided not to move to Raleigh, but our trainer's boss, who is an incredible trainer, is moving to Raleigh and since we know him well, he'd become our trainer. So, it's a good thing.

Heading out for my last local interview............
Shoot - I was hoping it was your actual trainer. Best of luck and let us know how it goes!
Not-so-good news... I''ve been doing my daily 10 minutes yoga routine, but since yesterday I''m feeling pain in my back, shoulders and neck. It''s really uncomfortable...
Does anyone have any advice?
morning ladies and gents!

i was up late last night watching the elections.
but before all the political action, i dutifully went to the gym and ran three miles. however, at the end, i got the nastiest stomach cramps. in the past, that tended to happen an awful lot, but not for a while now. not pleasant.

for dinner i searched out this recipe which was so quick and delicious

Tuna "London Broil" with Wasabi Cream

2 teaspoons sesame seeds, toasted
2 teaspoons wasabi powder (dried Japanese horseradish)
2 teaspoons cracked black pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 (6-ounce) tuna steaks (about 3/4 inch thick)
1 tablespoon wasabi powder
1 tablespoon water
1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise
1/4 cup fat-free sour cream
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce
Cooking spray
2 tablespoons sliced green onions
Combine first 5 ingredients; rub over tuna. Cover and chill 30 minutes. Combine wasabi and water. Let stand 5 minutes. Stir in mayonnaise, sour cream, juice, and soy sauce. Prepare grill to high heat Place steaks on grill rack coated with cooking spray; grill 5 minutes on each side or until desired degree of doneness. Serve with wasabi cream; sprinkle with onions.

Yield: 4 servings (serving size: 1 steak, 2 tablespoons wasabi cream, and 1 1/2 teaspoons onions)
CALORIES 308(30% from fat); FAT 10.3g (sat 2.4g,mono 3g,poly 3g); PROTEIN 41.3g; CHOLESTEROL 66mg; CALCIUM 47mg; SODIUM 500mg; FIBER 0.9g; IRON 4.4mg; CARBOHYDRATE 9.7g

tybee: thanks for the suggestion about green apples and canned tuna. sounds delicious. i like tuna, but was getting bored of my normal concoction.

appletini: i
wine. i opted out of it with our dinner last night because i knew that i would be going out on th/fr/sat...trying to be good.

curls and lorelei: thanks for the info on st. johns wort tea. i''ll look into it further. i''m not feeling the winter duldrums yet, so i''ll stick with my sleepy time.

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