
Weekly Workout Thread 27th Nov till 3rd Dec

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week WWTers

Not much to report, except I am getting my workouts in where I can, things are chaotic to say the least at the moment. I haven''t had much of a chance to check in with last week''s thread, but I am hoping I might be able to more with this weeks. I hope you are all doing well and had lots of TG yums! Remember that occasionally indulging doesn''t do the damage, it is the slippery slope of indulging regularly that does!


Nov 29, 2004
I went to my Total Body Training class today. I had told myself that I was going to work out everyday last week, but I got lazy and watched too much TV. Plus on the days I could have worked out with DH, he randomly got up really early so that just wasnt going to happen. I''m having the veggie plate from the cafeteria for lunch today.


Apr 19, 2004

Made it to the pool today and for 40 minutes swam laps, treded in deep water and ran in shallow. Follow up in the gym with another hour split between elliptical, upright bike, treadmill and weights. I feel good!

Have a good day folks!



Oct 30, 2002
i am taking today off from working out, last nite dinner did not agree with me and i was up half the night feeling sick so i didn''t get much sleep...and work today is barely tolerable since i feel so weird. breakfast was fiber cereal and coffee and then a short gingerbread nonfat latte. a snack i had a handful of roasted plantain chips. lunch is a turkey breast sandwich with dijon and tomato on sourdough from home, and then a snack will be a jello sugar free cup. i want to eat pretty healthily today since i am not working out and also my digestive system seems wonky after last nite. so simple is best!!

anyway hope everyone has a wonderful day!! congrats on getting back into the workouts from the long lazy holiday...hehee.

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Yes, it IS hard to get back to normal after a holiday eatfest!

Treat every day like any other time of the year and relax the day before and after Christmas day
or whichever holiday that you celebrate. That way, we can all enjoy but still maintain a schedule
of exercise without guilt.



Dec 28, 2005
So sorry to hear you''re not feeling well Mara, hope you feel better soon.

Thanks as always Lorelei for getting this week''s thread going.

So, we shipped 22 boxes of our life to Raleigh This morning. Funny, how quickly it will get there. We had intended to have the boxes arrive when we did on Friday, but UPS is faster than we anticipated and everything will arrive Wednesday, but since we don''t get there until Friday, the apartment people will accept everything on our behalf.

This afternoon, was feeling stressed again, so I just put on my running clothes and went for a nice long run. It was wonderful and even started raining (first time I''ve ever run in the rain) which was kind of fun. I will really miss running along the world''s longest waterfront sidewalk, but am sure I''ll find someplace nice to run in NC.

Not doing too much tomorrow. Will likely have my last workout at the gym (again that makes me quite sad), but will look forward to the first workout in a gym in NC.

Anyway, as it get''s closer to leaving, it really is making us both very sad.

Hope everyone is doing well..........


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All:

So I thought for sure my class ended tomorrow, but it''s actually today. I spent the last two weeks planning on everything being due tomorrow, so I went to a nice leisurely lunch with a friend came home and realized I have three projects due by midnight mountain time. Most of them were complete but needed some tweaking and a fresh eye to review. Guess what I''ve been doing? And now the system is down and can I just say grrr? So a workout just wasn''t in the cards today.

Mara, I''m so sorry you aren''t feeling well!

Rod, I''m sorry you are stressed and sad, but glad you are continuing to channel your energy in a positive way.

Back to calling tech support...I keep getting a busy tone, shocking!


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks Kimberly........Sorry about the lack of tech support and the today deadline as opposed to tommorrow.


Oct 30, 2002
don''t be sad rod!!! nothing is forever, you two may come back to florida at some point in the future.

so no workout for me tonite. i have felt snacky all day but did a pretty good job of only snacking on good stuff (fresh mango, roasted plantain chips). we''re finishing off our turkey and stuffing tonite ... i made us some fresh mashed potatoes with a bit of butter and sour cream (yum!!)

my stomach feels better finally *knock on wood* so hopefully it was nothing big going on...i was afraid i was getting a touch of flu or something. hope everyone had a great day and has an even better tomorrow. back to the gym tomorrow for me!

oh and can i just throw in here...i was on sparkpeople earlier and there''s a thread called ''how many calories did you burn this week''..and some of those people have INSANE amounts of calorie burns!!! one gal burned 7k calories last week. how do you burn 7k calories? that''s like 1k per day! every day! i can maybe do like 500-700 5 days a week and that''s about it without feeling too exhausted. i require about 9500 calories to just EXIST and i eat about 12500 per week, so if i burned 7k i''d be dead! anyway...just had to exclaim about that...i was like whaaa?!


Mar 14, 2006
Hey everyone-
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I gave myself the day off on Thursday and then got a horrible cold right after it and have had my progress totally stunted as a result.
And the timing couldn''t possibly be worse with my exams coming up in a few weeks...too much work to do, too little time!

Anyone have any ideas on how to shake a cold? I''m already totally loaded up on OJ and Airborne, and taking some over the counter stuff to get through the day.

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Date: 11/28/2006 8:06:58 AM
Author: scarlet16
Hey everyone-
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I gave myself the day off on Thursday and then got a horrible cold right after it and have had my progress totally stunted as a result.
And the timing couldn''t possibly be worse with my exams coming up in a few weeks...too much work to do, too little time!

Anyone have any ideas on how to shake a cold? I''m already totally loaded up on OJ and Airborne, and taking some over the counter stuff to get through the day.
ColdMD worked for me a few weeks ago...pricey at $19.95 for 40 tablets. Should be available at Walmart. It''s an upgraded version of Airborne. I never got the bad cold that I thought I would get. Hope you''re feeling better. And make sure to get plenty of rest and drink alot of fluids.
You can tell I''m a parent


Apr 30, 2005
Had a good trot on the treadmill last night for 45 mins and 15% incline mainly. Good stress buster too!


Nov 29, 2004
My legs are sore today, but thats what I get for not exercising for a week. Today I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. And for lunch I''m having leftovers...wheat spaghetti with turkey meat sauce.


Jul 26, 2004
Oh Rod,
I am so sad for you two! I know that I should be saying positive things to help pump you up for the move, but I feel that sometimes
you just have to be sad. Change is hard, it''s good, but it''s hard. At this point, I''m sure that you''re just looking forward to the hardest parts being over. Good luck! Soon you''ll be acclimated to NC and happy in your space, but that does take time.

Whew, hope you got it all done! That sounds like one of my nightmares!

Vacations rock. I''m so sad that it''s over and that I''m back at work... it''s actually so much easier for me to workout on the weekends and when I have time off... work sucks me dry. I haven''t done much this week, have a stupid faculty meeting tonight, so I doubt I''ll have any energy when I get home tonight. boooh.


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks about sad.....I just got back from the dentist and I cried when he hugged me goodbye. He''s the most incredible dentist I''ve ever had and I''ve been going to him for nearly 12 years now, so he''s like my family. I mean how goofy can I get, crying over my dentist????

Heading to the gym for last workout, which of course will make me feel sad, but I need to exercise.

I hope you''re all having a less sad day than me.

And you''re right Mara. We can come back to Florida at some point. Hopefully, we''ll just love the Carolina''s and not miss Florida, but if we do, we''ll figure a way to come back if it means that much to us.


Jan 20, 2006
Hi everyone!

Rod - I''m sorry you''re feeling down!
It''s always hard leaving a place we love because you feel like you leave a little bit of "you" back there...but change is always good!. I hope this move brings great things for you!

Mara - I hope you continue to feel better!

Scarlet - I don''t have any ideas other than drinking lots of water, resting and drinking tea! (I love the Echinacea+Zinc Mint tea)

My thanksgiving was great and I don''t feel like I was "too" bad. Since it was only three of us (BF, me and his mom) we just made the things that we really wanted to eat: Turkey, her greenbeans (amazing, with a Spanish kick - chorizo!!), her stuffing (also amazing...with chesnuts, apples, chorizo, ham and other goodies!) and my pumpkin pie (made from real pumpkin and very low in sugar!)

I didn''t exercise much from Wednesday-Sunday though
. Just the daily walks with the dog and a bike ride on Saturday.

Monday started off well, back to my regular eating and routine!. Monday night was Rumba class, tonight is my boot camp class at the park! (last Tuesday the instructor was extra tough to get us ready for Thanksgiving! I was still sore 5 days later!!!)

I''m going to start making my own yogurt (my mom always made her own at home and it''s just so much better for you!). She didn''t use any fancy machines though, but I think I will...just to make sure it turns out well and also to have the yogurt on those handy little jars
. Do any of you make your own yogurt?...if so, do you have any tips or recommendations on yogurt makers?. I know the general recipe but I was just wondering what everyone else is doing.


Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Rod- Best wishes with your move. You''ll find new things to like about your new state in no time at all.


Jul 6, 2005
hello all.

i have been completely MIA

but, i had a wonderful and busy holiday. thanksgiving with my mom and dad (who are divorced but extremely civil which is great) at my brother''s and fiancee''s house with fiancee''s parents. so much fun. so much food. i didn''t overdo it, but i definately enjoyed myself.

then we were off to my 10 year high school reunion. all of lovely friends that i''m still close with were going, so it was a great opportunity for a mini-reunion since we''re all scattered about and the larger reunion was actually a whole lot less awkward than we expected. it was nice to see so many people after so much time. there was also so much delicious food.

visited my grandma who is turning 90 in January and is completely AMAZING! she was my matron of honor last july

and sunday was DH''s birthday

I did not workout from Wednesday - Sunday. but started eating right and made it to the gym on monday and tuesday. burning about 600 calories each time. the break was nice and i defiantely replenished some of my previously waning workout enthusiasm! the scale registered a 1 pound gain. not too bad considering.

tonight i''m taking a break to get some errands done. but it''s been a good week!

ROD: good luck with the relocation. i hope that you and charlie love it.

Mandarine: i have no idea how to make yougurt, but would love to know your recipe


Jan 20, 2006

Well I made yogurt yesterday, but haven''t tried it ye! it needs to sit in the fridge for a while first.

I just did the old fashion way (how my mom does it). If that doesn''t work then I might look into the yogurt makers. Although, there is not much to it since all the machine does is keep the yogurt warm while it "cooks". This is not really needed because you can just pour the mixture in a topperware and then wrap it with a couple of kitchen towels and leave it in the microwave overnight.

So here is what I did.

1) Pour about 1/2 gallon of organic fat free milk into a pot (no measurements, this was just the size on my pot! haha). Then add a couple of tbl spoons of dry non-fat milk and bring it to a boil (in slow heat and stirring ocassionally so the bottom wouldn''t burn). I don''t think you want it to a "full" boil....but just enough to start seeing bubbles in the middle and the little bubbles around the sides of the pot.

2) Then you take the pot off the stove and let it air cool. Ideally, you have a thermomether to let you know when it''s "time"...but you can also eye ball it (that''s what I did). You want the milk to be at a luke warm point. Enough were you can touch the pot and be able to leave your hands there without getting burned. When it''s at that point then you take the skin off the top of the milk and throw it away.

3) Take a small cup and put in there a 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt. Be sure to use non-fat plain yogurt that contains live cultures. I used Stonyfield plain non-fat organic yogurt. Pour a little bit of the milk mixture in the cup and mix well (until it''s smooth). Once it''s smooth, pour into the pot and mix together. Just slowly stir, you don''t need to add much air to the mixture. Pour the mixture into a container, close it, cover it with a kitchen towel, place it somewhere...and walk away!
. I did mine at about 10pm and this morning like at 8am I put it in the fridge.

I''ll let you guys know how it turns out!

Apparently in that book "Why French women don''t get fat", the author talks about eating home made yogurt. Eating yogurt in general is great for you because it has the "good bacteria"...but yogurt from the store has additives, sugars and other thing that your body doesn''t need!.

Once you have your home made yogurt ready, you can add fresh fruits (or frozen, such as blueberries! they go great in plain yogurt!), honey (or any other sweetener of your preference...but in this case, you control the sugar amounts!), granola, nuts (I love mine with chopped walnuts!!).

Anyway...I hope this is helpful!. I hope mine turned out well, but if it didn''t I will just have to try again!!!



Apr 30, 2005
Oh Rod...once the move actually happens, the excitement will take over and you will feel a bit better. I can imagine how you must be feeling, leaping from all that is familiar to the strange, but you will get through it and you have many wonderful things in store in NC!! As Jeff says, you will find many new things to love in your new state.

Had a good workout last night, 30 mins tread, 20 ellip and 20 mins of dumbells


Oct 30, 2002
mandarine you are so cute with your homemade yogurt!!! i am really not the biggest yogurt fan (i do like cooking with it tho) in general but i do eat dannon''s light and fit because it is pretty tasty and only has 60 calories. i hope yours turned out great!

so last nite i forgot to check in...haha but i hit up the gym and burned about 650 calories. tonite i am planning on going again except that my left front quad/thigh seems to be kind of hurting. it was hurting last nite on the treadmill when i bumped the incline up and i had ''twinged'' like 2 days ago but i was surprised it was hurting yesterday esp after i took a day off (monday). so i ended up putting the incline down to 9 and walking with hands free (aka like you walk up a hill in real life), as opposed to holding onto the treadmill bar to steady myself on higher inclines. that seemed to actually take some of the stress off my quad somehow but not sure...and i thought well hmm maybe i should do this exercise more often because i could also feel it more in my butt. this morning my quad is still a little sore and my butt feels okay, so i might do the same workout today and stress my butt out some more! i might have been putting some weird stress on my quad when i hold onto the treadmill bar before. so anyway hoping to burn about another 650 cals tonite. then tomorrow i am going kboxing with a girlfriend and we''re having sushi after, yum!!

i''ve been also trying to catch up on my sleep from that one night when i was up 1/2 the night, losing sleep is really hard for me as sleep affects me profoundly...if i don''t get it then i am all weird for a few days. yesterday i had a hair appt and i fell asleep under the hair dryer thing when my highlights were cooking! *zzZ* anyway hopefully today i am pretty caught up.

everyone sounds like they are doing well!! rod...i wrote yesterday about you being sad but then i got busy at work and never posted..but what i said was by all means be a little sad about this chapter of your life closing, but just keep a positive outlook and don''t let it drag you down. i really think you guys will grow to love this new place you are moving to. you both seem really open minded!

have a great day all!!


Aug 3, 2006
I''m being lazy. I didn''t work out yesterday or the day before. I think I did on Sunday though. Yes, I walked on treadmill for hr at low incline.

I can''t just stop exercising, b/c I had been on a roll. Almost every day for like 3-4 weeks. (before that just about 3 times a week). I''m using the excuses that (1) I''m studying for exams, and (2) it''s that time. But I''m not too busy studying to get on PS. My guy is taking me to cabo in a few weeks when my exams are over and I don''t want to be jiggly in my bikinis! Plus, my period didn''t stop me from running a whole marathon a few years ago!

sorry for the ranting, I just figured that if I check in when I do work out, I should also check in when I don''t work out. Maybe I''ll have some exercise to report later today.

Scarlett: are you by any chance studying for crim pro right now?


Oct 30, 2002
nejarb...the way i do it is really that not going to the gym is not an option. i just had to flat out incorporate it into my lifestyle regardless of what else is going on. and unless i am injured or something, there''s no reason i can''t be at the gym at least doing something. and i know that my body feels better afterwards and even typically while i am doing it. so maybe try to have that type of mindframe? i find that if i don''t really give myself an option not to do SOMETHING that there''s really no ''decision'' to be made (and then no guilt to feel later).


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 11/29/2006 12:56:50 PM
Author: Mara
nejarb...the way i do it is really that not going to the gym is not an option. i just had to flat out incorporate it into my lifestyle regardless of what else is going on. and unless i am injured or something, there''s no reason i can''t be at the gym at least doing something. and i know that my body feels better afterwards and even typically while i am doing it. so maybe try to have that type of mindframe? i find that if i don''t really give myself an option not to do SOMETHING that there''s really no ''decision'' to be made (and then no guilt to feel later).

Great points Mara. It is a case of getting into the right mindframe, also you do feel so much better once you get going on the exercising. I have had so many benefits from exercising, being able to quit smoking and not gain any weight, in fact to be able to burn even more fat, lower stress levels, overall improved fitness and knowing I am helping to stave off various medical conditions, that I can''t afford not to work out now. Keep at it Nejarb!


Mar 14, 2006
Date: 11/29/2006 11:52:35 AM
Author: nejarb
I''m being lazy. I didn''t work out yesterday or the day before. I think I did on Sunday though. Yes, I walked on treadmill for hr at low incline.

I can''t just stop exercising, b/c I had been on a roll. Almost every day for like 3-4 weeks. (before that just about 3 times a week). I''m using the excuses that (1) I''m studying for exams, and (2) it''s that time. But I''m not too busy studying to get on PS. My guy is taking me to cabo in a few weeks when my exams are over and I don''t want to be jiggly in my bikinis! Plus, my period didn''t stop me from running a whole marathon a few years ago!

sorry for the ranting, I just figured that if I check in when I do work out, I should also check in when I don''t work out. Maybe I''ll have some exercise to report later today.

Scarlett: are you by any chance studying for crim pro right now?

No crim pro. I actually want to do civil litigation. Currently on my mind...professional responsibility and employment discrimination...and a Summary Judgment motion...and my final trial for my Trial Ad class on Monday...


Nov 16, 2005
Hey all!
I swear I posted yesterday but it seems to have disappeared!

Anyhoo- got some good activity over the holiday weekend (no actual "workouts" but lots of walks / running around/ swimming around with neices and nephews in the waterpark)

Did a short workout on Monday - nothing yesterday - but I''ve got an hour long dance tape on tap for tonight after class.

The bf came down with a horrible cold/cough thing that has kept him (and me!) up since Thanksgiving. Finally started sounding better last night, so hopefully he will be fully recovered shortly. I always do better workouts when I know he is working out too (maybe I am just that competative - I don''t want him to be doing "better" than me in getting fit!! LOL).

Still haven''t gottne the treadmill from his parent''s place -
car issues / busy people and the illness foiled our plans a couple of times. Hopefully my guy will be up and running this weekend and we can get it over to our house finally!!

Hope everyone else is doing great!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy Wednesday All!

So I got all the school work out of the way, taught a lesson for the first time yesterday (WHAT FUN!) and then went for my first jog in about a year and a half today. It felt amazing! It''s a totally different ball game than the elliptical or walking so I wasn''t sure how my body would respond. I didn''t really bother to time myself because, well I just didn''t care how long it took. I do know I left my house at 9:30 and it''s about a 10 minute drive to the park (it has a great track so I decided it would be a good place to start) and I stretched for a few minutes, I got back in my car at 10:36 and managed to jog 3 miles and walk a 4th. I was pretty proud of myself as that means I was doing at least 15 minute miles. Wow, that sounds less impressive when I type it, but I was pleased as I have never been fast.

We''re having Cooking Light tamale pie for dinner. I found another recipe for tamale pie and then saw it had 45 grams of fat in it (oh my!) after I printed it out, so I checked out CL and of course they had a much healthier version (3 grams of fat). I think I''ll add a bit of mozerella cheese to it, so it won''t be as healthy but still good.

Mara: sorry about the thigh pain, not so fun!

Rod: I hope your last workout at your gym was great.

Keep up the good work everyone!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone,

This may be my last check in from Florida. Had a good workout last night but it was sad knowing it was likely my last workout at that gym. Funny how accustomed one becomes to an environment. Just a little over 13 months ago, I was quite overweight and flabby. 13 months later, I have worked out so hard at that gym and now I''m in the best shape of my life. That gym was a huge part of it for me. Leaving was pretty hard. I think many of you know how there is this one elliptical that I use almost everytime I workout. It''s just geared right for me. Not once in all this time has it been broken, except for last night. Seemed oddly appropriate that my favorite machine wasn''t available to me.

We''ll be starting to pack the cars in a little while and the PC torn down. I''ll write again from NC., sometime over the weekend (if we have internet as promised by the apartment folks).

Thanks to everyone for their love and support during the last couple of trying months. I don''t know how I would have made it through this period without you!!

Now, it''s on to the next chapter in our lives and we''re going to do everything we can to make it a positive chapter indeed.

Your friend,

Ps: Nejarb: I''m with Mara. Not working out is simply not an option. If you want it to happen, you have to make it happen.


Apr 30, 2005
Rod, best of luck to you and Charlie, will be thinking of you! I hope the move goes great, check in when you can


Oct 30, 2002
GO ROD!!! Have a wonderful road trip....!! Make some great memories.. !!
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