
Weekly Workout Thread 27th Nov till 3rd Dec

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Happy Friday!

Spent 55 minutes on the elliptical then another 2 hours cleaning the house.

We have company coming for dinner. We''re having ham, potatoes, and some horribly bad for you but yummy dessert, it''s a german chocolate brownie type thing. The left overs will be heading home with the company, can''t have the crap in the house.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Tybee, sorry about the mishap, I can totally relate I am imfamous for my clumsiness.

Mara, hope the quads are feeling better.

Rod, can''t wait for you to get settled, it''s quiet here w/o you.
dinner sounds yummy kimberly! go dixie, tybee and jeff..woo hoo.

i have had a really snacky day today, i think i blew my calorie count but i decided i don''t really care. some days you just have to splurge! hehee. i hit up the gym and did an hour on the ellptical and burned 550 calories which was cool. i''m trying to give my quad a bit of a break from walking and the elliptical is pretty low stress on the joints and all that.

so dinner tonite is a small chicken pot pie and a salad. miss jorman was testing holiday cookies and she gave us a batch which are SOO i will have a few of those for dessert, hee hee.

tomorrow we get our christmas tree and put all the christmas stuff out...then i plan to hit up the gym tomorrow afternoon/evening and do another hour on the elliptical. anyhow hope everyone had a great day!!
Oh Hurray!

We get our tree tomorrow too Mara!
I''m really excited because it''s our first real tree together--- as a married couple, and in our first house! So fun!

I''m going for a longish run tomorrow, then it''s three days off because I won''t be able to wash my hair after having it done.
(Getting it straightened tomorrow afternoon.)
Guess I''ll do a lot of light eating and stretching? Recommendations? Water chugging and long walks?
I''m a clean freak, so I hate the thought of not washing my hair for days... yeck...
heh tybee, i get my hair straightened too, actually i do my own at home....and resultingly i don't wash it daily because it will get too dry no matter what types of shampoos and conditoners i use. so i wash it about every 2 days. hehehe. i would say go for a long walk...a few miles..and then maybe some pilates and situps and pushups at home? maybe use the time to do some weights at home or some leg lifts or something you might not typically do?

our first tree in our house as a married couple was all in the same year too like you guys. definitely making some memories there!!! have fun!
How does the weekly workout thread work? I keep seeing it, but this is the first time I clicked. I have been feeling rather "uncomfortable" in my clothes lately (or...since I quit my gym in August!) Need to start working out again!
Welcome CJ
I start a new thread every Monday morning in Family, Home and Health, just post whenever you want, we use the thread to swap ideas and motivation, also encouragement to keep on with our healthy lifestyles. However our little group does believe in living now and then, if you want a bar of candy now and then have it, no one here will judge you! So join in as and when you wish and see if it is helpful to you!

Did an hour workout last night, so pleased with myself, thats 4 this week!
Welcome Crown Jewel!
Some great food ideas on this thread, as well as people sharing their workouts, frustrations, getting ideas... it''s just a great group of people.
Going running now.
Thanks for the sweat free ideas Mara! Hmmmm, I''d be interested to know what you use to straighten your hair yourself
Welcome, CJ!

Happy Saturday everyone. Dinner was good last night and I was not. Had a slice of ham, a scoop of scallopoed potatoes and a huge salad, it was the brownies that did me in...I had two. Now I need to get them out of the house because our guests didn''t want to take food home (they were going to bake last night and didn''t need anymore food in their house either, darnit!).

I got up early and dropped a roast in the crockpot, I''m doing a trial run today making homemade tamales, no they''re not good for me either! It''s actually for Christmas baskets and we''ll give the first batch to my MIL''s caregivers. I just want to see if I can make them before I commit to doing so for Christmas gift baskets.

I think I''ll either run or go on a hike with hubby today. We''ll go to the farmer''s market this morning and pick up fresh veggies and such, yum!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Enjoy getting your Christmas trees and decorating tybee and Mara!
When you get a chance, I want to hear about your teaching experience! I''m glad it was fun for you!

Thanks for such a warm welcome!! Ok so my goal is to get into a regular workout routine, at least twice a week. I used to run (then tore my ACL and had it reconstructed with a hamstring tendon), so I would love to get back into it. My knee has been feeling great...even though the surgery was 3 years ago, I had some major problems this past year. Anyway, I''m happy to report that after some self strength training, my left (operated) hamstring muscles are just as strong as the right!!!!!! Yay!

And I had a yummy but healthy breakfast this morning. Stonyfield low-fat vanilla yogurt with Kashi cereal mixed into it. Fiance thinks Kashi is nasty, but this one is actually really good (crunchy fiber twigs, haha twigs!, soy protein grahams, and honey puffs). Mmmm, you girls should try that yogurt/cereal combo. I find that the Stonyfield yogurts are creamier and just yummier, but the nutrition is just as good if not better than others.

Oh and I had a cup of coffee with low-fat milk, no sugar. Given the right combo of milk and coffee, sugar is totally unnecessary. And I eat enough sugar during the rest of the day anyway.

Might go for a long walk today because fiance wants to run tomorrow. He''s taking his CFA exam today, so he won''t be home till 5pm. An 8 hour exam!
haha CJ''s funny you say the crunchy fiber twigs. i used to eat kashi a lot and greg was always like ''is that the gross fiber twig cereal''...''do you want some bushes from outside''..hahaha.

i eat a lot of cereal during the week so i have about 3-4 types (some organic, some not) that i mix together so i don''t get bored. my latest one is some fiber honey cluster cereal from fiber 1 that has 14g of fiber...
. that''s my max so far and it''s new so i haven''t eaten it yet. hehee. i''ll probably eat it tomorrow with some honey bunches of oats or something.

this morning i had a multigrain waffle with some real butter and low-cal sugar free syrup and then 2 bowls of fruit loops, hahaa. greg keeps them in the house so they are my weekend guilty pleasure. totally not filling at all and gives me a sugar high but whatever. hehe. i did the 1 multigrain waffle so i''d get something other than sugar in my diet this morning.

i think tonite i am going to make us a turkey lasagna recipe i found on cooking light. i have been craving lasagna recently, and i have never made it, so i looked up a bunch of recipes this week...the funny thing is that the turkey version is not that much less calories than a regular ground beef version on CL, but i think that the turkey one might just plain be more ''tasty'' depending on what spices we use. so we''re getting our tree and doing home decor today and then greg has a symphony concert tonite that is sold out so i''ll stay home and finish up the house, go hit the gym for a while, and then make dinner!! i love lazy weekends when i''m doing things at home, also portia likes it too because she''s shuffled off to daycare 4 days a week so she loves hanging out at home and relaxing with us too.

I made that recipe and it was YUMMY! I think I used turkey sausage to add some kick to it. I hope you enjoy it.

I''m waiting for John to come home so we can go to the Farmer''s Market. He''s out running errands and I hate sitting in the car so he went alone, so sweet!
mara, I''ve made many lasagnes and I''ve found that they always turn out so much better when you DON''T COOK the pasta first. In other words, construct the lasagne w/ dry pasta sheets and it will cook in the oven and it will absorb the moisture of the sauce (instead of just water). You can buy sheets of lasagne that are meant for this method (they''re just thinner and made w/ a more refined semolina), but it actually works better if you use the ones that are not made for this method. After you add the last of each jar of sauce, put a few onces of water or chicken stock in it and shake it up and add it.

I agree turkey tastes better than beef. But if you''re going for healthier, you can substitute tofu (extra firm, press all of teh moisture out, and crumble up and cook like you would the ground meat--w/ seasonings,salt, and a little olive oil). MMM, tofu lasagne is my fave!
Great tip on the noodles!
I think I remember a friend making lasagne that way and it was amazing!
I''m a nonbeef eater, so ground turkey and turkey bacon are the meets in our house!
Couldn''t be a full vegetarian, though, because tofu reeks havoc on my innerds! Yikes!
Welcome Crown Jewel

from one of the guys on the weekly workout thread
Date: 12/1/2006 11:29:36 PM
Author: Mara
heh tybee, i get my hair straightened too, actually i do my own at home....and resultingly i don''t wash it daily because it will get too dry no matter what types of shampoos and conditoners i use. so i wash it about every 2 days. hehehe. i would say go for a long walk...a few miles..and then maybe some pilates and situps and pushups at home? maybe use the time to do some weights at home or some leg lifts or something you might not typically do?

our first tree in our house as a married couple was all in the same year too like you guys. definitely making some memories there!!! have fun!
No hair worries for me (I have the Andre Agassi/Bruce Willis look). In fact, I can use tweezers when giving myself a haircut
Almost Monday again... It was a fast weekend for me. My mantra is still working. I went to the gym on Saturday and completed my 4 day goal. I was feeling pretty happy w/myself b/c it really is so much easier when you just go workout rather than thinking about it. So that''s the goal for this week... to keep that up and do 4 days. I weighed myself this morning and it had been a few weeks and it was NOT pretty! I gained a few lbs. I''m trying not to worry too much and just keep up the routine but it''s depressing!

As far as weekend eating, it wasn''t too bad. I did have a bit of biscotti which was soooo good. Not great for my weight loss goal though so I will try to be pretty strict w/the eating this week. I think I will start writing down what I eat for a few weeks to get back on track. That did help last time.

Mara, turkey lasagna sounds good. I made something called Mexican Lasagna the other day with turkey and it was good. Basically you use corn tortillas instead of pasta and mozzarella cheese and low fat cottage cheese as the filling, along w/salsa, tomato sauce, spices, etc... It was good and pretty healthy, I think. I''ll post the recipe later.

Lorelei, good job on the 4 days!

Kimberly, homemade tamales sound great! I just had a chicken tamale from Whole Foods which I know must be bad for me but tastes soooo good! I am going to try and make turtles for some holiday gifts but I''m going to make only a certain amount so there are NO leftovers! I bought turtle molds yesterday so I think it will be fun.

Tybee, it does sound exciting to have your first tree in your 1st house w/your new hubby! Enjoy!!

Welcome CJ! I am an on and off poster but am trying to get my workout habits back into shape, along w/myself!

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
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