
Weekly Workout Thread 25th June till 1st July

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Oct 30, 2002
morning all. rod, i''m glad to hear you are going to be a bit more zen about the tests, good for you. marcy kudos on 1 month anniversary of 100 lbs!! losing a few more lbs in one month is still amazing success, you might not want to hear this but i have heard sometimes that people say the last lbs are the hardest to get off, so your weight loss might slow a little over time as it continues, but don''t get discouraged. 6 lbs a month is a lot but over time even something like 4 lbs a month adds up as well.

so the muffins last nite came out REALLY yummy. i posted the recipe in the wwt healthy recipe thread. rod, i used tart dried cherries in them so they reminded me of how your scones might taste, but in a more bran manner hehee. really yummy, i am looking fwd to having one later today.

breakfast this morning was a bit of a change, 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with smart balance and honey and then a very small bowl of sliced strawberries and blueberries. snack will be a cherry applesauce muffin, lunch will probably be the southwest kashi entree i like (or maybe soup or something, i haven''t decided yet), then fruit/fage/yogurt for snacks this afternoon. after work i''m hiking with my mom again, my legs are still sore from tuesday so that should be fun (haha ouch)...!!

congrats AG on 40 lbs woman! pg, kudos for maintaining quite well at a good point for you.

oh and sharon...i do upper chest arm exercises, on the machines more than anything else...but i also have 5 lb weights i use sometimes at home. what types of exercises are you doing? i really don''t feel sore anymore when i do arms, i have to jack up the machines to like 60 lbs on things like the press and butterfly kind of things, at home the 5 lb weights are not even a blip on the workout radar for me, i probably need 8 lb''ers if i want to do more at home. could be that you just don''t really have much upper muscle right now and just need to build it up? keep at it for sure.

hope everyone is having a wonderful day!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi All!

I wrote a long post and it disappeared.
So now it will be short.

I went for a super long walk today 1 hr and 40 mins. Step was great last night!

I would post to each of you but my prior post disappeared so I will just say Great Work everyone! Keep it up!

Have a great day!!!!!


Jan 6, 2005
Thanks everyone on the kudos - its nice to have that wonderful support

Congrats Marcy on 16 years - that is amazing! I can''t wait until DH and I are there

Mara - so sorry to hear about your jeans frustration. I totally get how you describe feeling though - it kind of blows my mind that I can have lost this much weight and still feel just as huge and disgusting as I did before some days. It sounds like you''re trying to keep your head in the right place though, and all the other WWTers were right - you look fantastic in your pictures, and it sounds like you are in a really healthy place.

Thanks PG - I still have about 10 more lbs I want to lose, but we''ll see where my body takes me. I''m doing all the right things (tracking calories, working out hard, eating all the right things for those calories, etc...) and my whole family is extremely overweight despite healthy habits in many cases, so we''ll see where I end up with this.

I''m seeing a really wonderful old friend today (we''ve been friends since we were 10 years old) that I don''t see often as she lives in NYC and I''m in San Francisco (she grew up here but works in fashion PR now and so you really have to be in NYC to do that). Actually, the last time we saw each other was almost exactly a year ago, at my wedding (she was a bridesmaid). So I''m SUPER excited to see her, and also for her to see me - of course, I''ll never be anywhere near as thin and glamorous as she is (people at the wedding kept asking me if she was a model), but she''s such a sweetie I''m sure she''ll notice and be supportive. I''m really excited to hear all about her glamorous life in NYC - we have a running joke that if we''re not careful she''ll become too glamorous for me (working in high-end fashion PR) and I''ll become (getting my PhD in Immunology right now) too smart for her
Anyway, I just had to share because I''m so excited to see her. But first I''m off to the gym. Hope everyone is having a good day and looking forward to the weekend and the holiday next week!


Feb 17, 2007
Hi all,

So my scale finally gave me a pound today. Mara, I think I might join in that boycott though because for a month of hard work and eating well, all I get is a freakin POUND!! Grrrr....

Amber, I can totally relate about grad school bumming you out! I''m in the same boat, so much to do!!! Keep on going and CONGRATS on the weight loss that is fantastic!

Just got back from a walk with the pup, now I need to go into school for the rest of the day and possibly part of the evening too...


Nov 8, 2005
Ugh, after my super healthy eating and working out day yesterday, i totally blew it. At night I looked over some important paperwork and started getting really stressed out over some business things that I need to deal with ASAP.... and then the internet connection stopped working while I was looking up some things! AGH! The internet connectivity is something that ALWAYS stresses me out when it goes down. Anyway, I started getting hungry and sweet tooth kicked in - I got a small serving of breyers light and then I just kept going back for a little more, a little more... before long I had had a huge serving. I bet it cancelled out my workout altogether
I have a hard time dealing with anxiety in general, and sometimes it triggers this EAT feeling! Well today is a new day and another chance to get it right.
That chipotle calculator got me to thinking about how many cals are in restaurant food - even in generally healthy stuff due to the huge portions. It''s renewed my drive to find out what''s in my food! ALso, the way I cook I figure nearly anything I make at home is going to be healthier than eating out - so I should spend more time in my kitchen!


Oct 30, 2002
aww gail don't be so hard on yourself. a serving of breyers light is what, like 120 cals? unless you ate like 1/2 the entire tub of it then chances are you did not consume as much as you think.

speaking of, ice cream servings are something that totally confound me as well. i typically buy these small pints of 120 cal gelato that i love. well in one sitting if i am mindless i can eat like 1/2 the container. which technically is only 2 servings. BUT i weighed the pint once and it was more than the container said. so then i was like well is the serving PACKED ice cream? if i cut up the pint into 4 servings the way the container says, is that the right way? it's so confusing. because when i serve myself it's not packed ice cream. also recently we went for a walk and i put a pretty big scoop on a small cone for me to eat while we walked, and i weighed it and the whole thing was like 3 oz. well a serving is 4 oz. so i thought wow this scoop is pretty big (ala baskin robbins big) and it's not even a technical serving even with cone? so that added to my confusion. anyway i think ice cream servings are confusing in general so i try not to be too hard on myself if i feel like i overate sometimes with it, esp on the light stuff, it's like air!

AG i so hear you on sometimes feeling like a disgusting blob. i hate to say that as it sounds so negative and i pride myself on trying to have an overall positive outlook in general on life, but i swear sometimes i look in the mirror or if i am sitting down and see my stomach and think OMG i have some serious work to do on that!!! and i feel like 'how is it possible i have lost all this weight, i am still totally chubby!'...i totally catch myself doing that. our minds are so bad to us!!! i definitely think many times we are unaware of the actual reality of our bodies.

speaking on reality, i was really happy to put on my fave Paige jeans today (in the smallest size) and find that they fit fabulously still. so i guess i haven't entirely porked out. hahah. maybe yesterday was just a bad day. but i feel pretty cute today so that's good. i got the cutest top yesterday at nordstrom rack, it's some junior brand and it's like a gauzy cotton long top that hits to right at butt level that is kind of flowy but not a lot (aka doesn't flow so much that i look 6 months preggo), so it's still fairly fitted along my body, and has small puffed cap sleeves and 3 buttons down the front and a scoop neck. it's super cute and feminine and best of all was only $12. i layered it over a white tank. it's the perfect summer top for work with jeans and heeled sandals. i'm loving it today.

speaking of sandals i need a mani pedi so badly, i am hoping to get over at lunch tomorrow because our weekend is really busy. on friday night we have dinner with friends, then saturday we need to do our hike, then my cousin and his wife are coming down from SF to stay with us, we're going to dinner on Sat night, then having breakfast at home on Sunday morning, then they drive back. my friend who just got married is coming over Sun afternoon to get her dress and see the new Mini and then Sunday evening we have dinner in Santa Cruz (fresh cracked crab!) with our neighbors. whew can you say no rest for the wicked?!

anyway, everyone sounds like they are having a pretty good day, !! yay neatfreak for 1 lb (though yeah that scale is a stingy brat huh, i actually feel so much better mentally when i don't weigh myself). yay skipper for a realy long walk. happy thurs.


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 6/28/2007 10:39:56 AM
Author: Mara

oh and sharon...i do upper chest arm exercises, on the machines more than anything else...but i also have 5 lb weights i use sometimes at home. what types of exercises are you doing? i really don''t feel sore anymore when i do arms, i have to jack up the machines to like 60 lbs on things like the press and butterfly kind of things, at home the 5 lb weights are not even a blip on the workout radar for me, i probably need 8 lb''ers if i want to do more at home. could be that you just don''t really have much upper muscle right now and just need to build it up? keep at it for sure.

Yes, Mara this is certainly the case. And I will persist!
I have been using dumbells and doing flat bench type exercises, and push ups against the wall standing up. Really at this point it is all I can do--I have lost muscle after my bilateral mastecomies in March of this year, and range of motion due to the same. Lack of muscle--lack of strength. My biceps are unusually large for my size, but you still need pec muscles to lift weights. But I have time to restrengthen, but I must admit, it is uncomfortable at times. One pounders will have to do for now!!

Have a great day folks!



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday all. I still have this headache but it's subsided a bit. (Unfortuntely taht doesn't mean much in the way of good news because they usually rebound for me within a few days, but at least today is better than yesterday.) I made it to the gym this morning and did 718 cals on the elliptical. I was surprised at the high number becuase I felt like I wasn't pushing myself at all (on purpose) but I guess I just got into a good groove.

Monnie, congrats on the good group interview!

Cello, I'm with you on the "first 20/last 20 thing". I won't say the first 20 was *easy* for me, but I've already prepared myself that the next 20 will be MUCH harder. Oh joy...

Kimberly, I think we should rent a house somewhere together and take a week long vacation where all we do is enjoy our husbands' cooking. (I sure hope they don't try to get us to do the dishes though!)

Marcy, I know what you mean about new clothes almost being uncomfortable. Last week when I bought the pants at Ann Taylor. I was like, oh no, these are not my size--they're *snug*.

Rod, I'm so glad you decided not to stress over your situation. Whatever will be will be (but wouldn't it be nice for the insurance to pick it all up, LOL!) I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine--just stay off the evil internet!

Mara, congrats on the major score at Nordstroms! I am thinking of making a field trip to the one near me on the 4th. Hopefully they will have a good sale going.

PG, good for you on boxing up some of your dinner! And really, I don't think what you ate sounds that bad at all.

AG, congrats on the pounds lost!!! That's marvelous!

Neatfreak, I'll join you in that scale boycott. Sometimes I am good for days on end and it gives me NOTHING...

Gail, I agree about the frustration of not knowing what sort of nutritional content is in restaurant food. That's why I never object when the HH wants to cook instead of go out. At least I know pretty much what I'm getting.

Sharon, don't bite off more than you can chew. One pounders sound like plenty to me! And don't worry, you'll be bench pressing your own weight in no time.

Hello Sevens, Lorelei and Skippy!


Dec 28, 2005
Glad you''re feeling a little better DeeJay, and yes, I''m staying off the internet. I still haven''t heard from my urologist, but when I do, the first thing I plan to do is have my PSA retested. I take a boat load of supplements. Some of which could be affecting my prostate and resultant PSA.. I want to stop taking some of the supplements and then be retested and see if that affects the results. If it doesn''t, then snip away. If if does, then this can be monitored longer. Anyway, that''s what I''m thinking at the present.

Today''s going pretty well. My team has started to make hires and that means I''m starting to earn commission from the team, so I''m pleased about that. Charlie and I had lunch today with a former manager here in Tampa who we haven''t seen in a long long time. She was just shocked at the new Rod and Charlie, which is always nice.

The day is going by quickly, which is good. I''m looking forward to my workout tonight. I''m not sure why, it probably won''t be significantly different from the previous two night''s workouts, but somehow, I''m just ready to go. I''ll check in later and let you know how it went.

Yay on the super long walk Skippy!

Have a great time with your friend Amber!

Kudo''s on your scale giving you a pound neatfreak! We''ll see how nice my scale is Friday morning, when I do my once weekly weigh in.

Gail.....fret not over the indulgence. I''m sure you''ll not gain an ounce over it. And like Mara commented, it''s so hard with ice-cream to even know how much you had calorie-wise. Plus, remember once in your tummy it becomes liquid, so you pee it out anyway


Jun 15, 2006
Good Afternoon All!

AG, I''m not sure how I missed that you''ve lost 40 lbs, WOWEE! That''s fantabulous!

phoenix, my missing inch is really interesting, I''m sure I''ll find it again soon enough! It''s funny how our bodies work...they want us to be a bit on the plump side as we are built for survival and that means storing fat. Not such a pleasant thought, but important to remember when we become frustrated with our less-than-perfect physiques!

DeeJay, I''m all for your suggestion! But I do dishes every night. DH does all of the major house cleaning once and week and the majority of the cooking so I have to give in somewhere! I don''t know if you saw in last week''s thread, next time we make it out to Chicago, we should get together for some jewelry browsing and lunch. I didn''t suggest it this time because it was John''s birthday trip and it wouldn''t exactly have been nice of me to suggest he spend any part of it looking at diamonds.

Speaking of cooking, John just volunteered to make dinner tonight, woohoo! I''m in charge tomorrow night, that works for me!

I don''t have to work tomorrow so I''m thinking my elliptical goal will be met by doing three days in a row. I need to spend the rest of the afternoon doing school work, so that will work out nicely.


Oct 30, 2002
walked over to whole foods at lunch and got a bunch of stuff...a salad for lunch that was kind of funny, the build your own i had spring mix, shredded carrots, feta, black olives, edamame, purple cabbage, garbanzos and small tomatoes. i wanted to get some protein in but it was quite the funny mix, really tasty though!! had it with TJ''s ff balsamic...mmm. i also got some pre-packed watermelon, pre-packed canteloupe, spanish rice for dinner tonite, zucchini, tomato and onion for dinner tonite (making this dish my grandma makes so well, diced onions, tomatoes, zucchini and garlic all sauteed together til tender then topped with jack cheese, so yummy), some more black bean burgers, and something else i can''t remember now! dinner tonite is TJ enchiladas with the spanish rice and the zucchini saute.

sharon, if the 1lb is good enough then continue using it for sure, just take it slow and don''t hurt yourself. rod, glad to hear your job seems to have picked up a bit. kim and DJ, we have a deal...i cook and greg works really well. hehee. i love to cook and hate cleaning.


Jun 24, 2005
Hi Everyone! I''ve had such a busy week - I haven''t been able to catch up on all the posts in the thread yet.

I believe the last time I posted was Tuesday morning?

I went to the gym Tuesday night and I did 20 minutes on the elliptical as a warm up and did my weight routine. My workout was about 45 minutes in total and not too bad.

Yesterday, I had my treadmill race against my friend. We live about 40 minutes from each other, so when we are done with the 1.5 miles, we send each other picture messages from our cell phones. I finished yesterday in 16:48, which is 13 seconds slower than last week. I feel ok about it, because I was able to sustain a running pace for longer than I did last week. This just meant I wasn''t able to run really fast short bursts because I was more tired over all. Usually on Wednesdays, I take a 30 second break to take my picture and then continue running for another 1.5 miles to round out to 3 miles today. Well, yesterday, I got kicked off the treadmill b/c of the silly 30 minute rule (usually not too enforced in the summer b/c it''s not as crowded) and I was only able to get to 2.55 miles. I really wanted to get more than 30 minutes of cardio, so I finished up my workout with 20 minutes on the elliptical. I then did my stretching and decided to head home.

My legs are really sore today, but my Core Performance Essentials book showed up last night! I am excited to try out the exercises and since it''s about 30 minutes, I think I will probably do that today!! I had to go into NYC for work today, so I actually read the entire book already during my commute!

Rod - I am so sorry to hear about your prostate!!! Good luck to you and I hope everything works out well with the doctor.

I will post later once I''ve had a chance to catch up reading!


Mar 26, 2006
Kimberly and Mara, about the cooking/cleaning thing... the HH actually does both. I really hate almost all things kitchen related. If it were up to me we would have probably starved to death by now, and anything we would happen to eaten before we finally kaked would have consumed with the use of paper plates and plastic silverware. I do set the table and open the wine though.

And Kimberly, I totally understand about not wanting to take away from John's birthday weekend, but next time you're in town let's definitely get together!


Jan 3, 2005
Hi all...I''ll join the scale boycott too, at least until school starts again and I can get back to my normal routine..

so today was my usual walk with Zoe this morning. this evening we''re taking the kids on a bike ride,well they bike, we walk and it will give Zoe and extra walk too which is good. we picked up jersey mikes for lunch and took it to the park for a picnic. I got a mini club and it was 330 calories so not to bad at all. i shared a bag of sunchips with hubby so still came in under 400 calories for lunch. Dinner is mara''s famous lasagna and a salad.

i hope everyone has a nice night..


Oct 30, 2002
hehe mrs salvo i was just thinking of making the lasagna this wkd for next week, i have been craving it!!! enjoy!


Jan 3, 2005
mara, my hubby LOVES it, no kidding he asks for it all the time and has requested that it become a regular in the meal cycle. It really is yummy and I like that we get a few days worth of leftovers so it gets me out of cooking for a couple of nights during that week


Jun 15, 2006
DeeJay, it sounds like a plan, it would be a ton of fun to meet you!

Mara and DeeJay, I have the better end of the deal, I cook 1/2 the time and love doing so, but it''s nice to not always have to be in charge of dinner. I spend 10-15 minutes a night doing dishes and he spends 3-4 hours cleaning our house each Sunday...I''m a bit o'' a spoiled brat.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/28/2007 5:02:00 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Kimberly and Mara, about the cooking/cleaning thing... the HH actually does both. I really hate almost all things kitchen related. If it were up to me we would have probably starved to death by now, and anything we would happen to eaten before we finally kaked would have consumed with the use of paper plates and plastic silverware. I do set the table and open the wine though.

And Kimberly, I totally understand about not wanting to take away from John's birthday weekend, but next time you're in town let's definitely get together!
Let's clone him.
Kimberly, Mara, and MRS S sounds like you have sweet hubby's too who love to cook! Count my man in the cooking dept. . . he taught me!!!

I am having a great day! I think it is because hubby is home. I went back to Weight Watchers so I am more accountable w/my eating. I think I need that because I am very good at exercising (I should be since I have been exercising regularly since age 15). I am just so bad about grazing. . . I am now writing things down and that really helps!!!

Thanks for all your support friends! Kudos to all you wonderful WWT friends!!!

p.s. Rod, sending good vibes your way!!!!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi fellow WWT’s.

Mara, I know my weight loss will slow as I go along but I am not getting discouraged. My clothes are still getting looser. I want to loose at least 70 more pounds but I’m working on it one day at a time. I think I will quit setting dates for when I want to reach a certain weight loss so I won’t get stressed if I don’t make it. I do plan on being a lot thinner next year at this time; that’s as much as I want to promise myself. I think I’ll try your muffins this weekend; they sound really good.

Thank you, Amber. My husband often jokes it seems so much longer that we’ve been married. We are both on the obnoxious side so we keep each other entertained. Have fun seeing your friend.

Neatfreak, congratulations on getting that stubborn scale to move. Yeah!

Gail and Mara, I recently tried a Breyers 100 cal cup of whipped ice cream. I like it but my favorite is still the ww giant chocolate bars.

Dee, it is strange to have clothes that really fit. I finally started wearing a smaller size undies, I’ve had them for about a month and finally decided the others were baggy so it’s time to move on. I am glad your headache is better.

MrsS and Mara, is there a diet lasagna recipe out there for me to find? That would be wonderful.

Kimberly, Mara, MrsS and Skippy, you are lucky your hubby likes to cook. Mine cooks sometimes but I swear he uses EVERY dish in the house. He’ll clean up the mess sometimes but I’m kind of picky on the kitchen so I usually prefer to do it myself.

Rod, sorry you haven’t heard from the doctor yet. That’s good news you are earning commission from the team. I’m going to have to eat something cherry soon because your scones sound so good.

It sounds like everyone is doing great and having a wonderful day.





Nov 24, 2006
style="WIDTH: 99%; HEIGHT: 175px">Date: 6/28/2007 8:50:19 PM
Author: marcyc

Kimberly, Mara, MrsS and Skippy, you are lucky your hubby likes to cook. Mine cooks sometimes but I swear he uses EVERY dish in the house. He’ll clean up the mess sometimes but I’m kind of picky on the kitchen so I usually prefer to do it myself.


mine is the same way. hehehe


Jun 15, 2006
Marcy and Skippy, marrying a man who had lived by himself for 20 years has much to do with my luck. The fact that his mom hated to cook and often sent him to his aunts'' house, who then taught him how made a big difference as well. I count myself lucky!

DeeJay, John is with you, we''d eat off paper w/ plastic every night if he had his way but I don''t like''s our time to spend together and I tihnk it should be done over a nicely set table, real dishes and all!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey y''all..........

I got to the gym around 6 and didn''t get out of there until a little past 9, so I probably over did it tonight, but I usually try to work out harder on Thrursdays and Sundays since we take Friday and Monday off. So, I really pushed and as I commented earlier I was really in the mood to push tonight for some reason. Nothing fabulous to report, just a really strong workout and I''m pooped and little sore, so I''m sure I did make some progress. We had fresh protein shakes when we got home. I love my protein shake. I use fat free milk, the protein powder and ice and put it all in the blender and it comes out like a milkshake, nice and think and creamy. Dinner wasn''t anything exciting as it was late and the best we could musster were Lean Cuisines and of course our 3 squares of Lindt Dark Chocolate. And of course I had my Fuji apple as an added treat.

Tomorrow night (oh the surprise of it), we''re meeting our next door neighbor on our floor at our favorite sushi place. She''s so terrific and spending an evening with her will be a lot of fun. She''s divorced, as her husband left her for a much younger woman, but she evidently did quite well in the divorce settlement as she paid $1,000,000 cash for her condo next door. I can''t imagine how anyone could have left such a terrific, dynamic, intelligent and honestly quite beautiful woman, but I guess it happens all too often.

I guess I''ll have to call the doctor since I haven''t heard from them. That''s a bit annoying to be honest, but I''m not that fond of doctor''s to begin with. I''m still sure I want to have another PSA (simple blood test) before I have a biopsy, so I guess I''ll have to go meet with the doctor to discuss my thoughts. Then whatever happens happens. Since I can''t change anything, I can''t lose sleep over it. I think Mara said it''s good zen?

Skippy, I hope going back to WW is a good thing for you. And thanks for the well wishes too.

Mrssalvo, even though I HATE HATE HATE the scale, I do succumb to it once a week now. You might want to permit infrequent visits to your scale just to be safe and avoid a major shock in a couple months. Just a suggestion!

Marcy if your planning on an indulgence anytime soon, you might try one of the cherry scones from Panera. They''re like 370 calories or something, so they''re not low cal, but for my taste buds, they are such a treat. I figure as hard as I work out and eat healthy virtually all the time, a couple scones a week isn''t too indulgent.

I guess thats the news from Lake Woebegon. I hope you all had great evernings. Here''s to Friday and start of healthy weekends.


Feb 27, 2007
Kimberly, you are lucky!

Skippy, my husband is even worse at buttering toast. He always has 4 pieces and I swear he holds it vertical over the counter; scraps off all the "toast" and moves to a clean spot for the next piece. I just smile and think "he could have worse habits".

Rod, I''ll have to see if they have a Panera in Denver. My husband would like trying some place new and we can split a scone. We are going down for a few days next weekend. I think it''s a good idea to have them do another PSA.

Tomorrow if Friday. Yeah!


Jun 15, 2006
Speaking of cooking, John made the most delicious BBQed chicken for dinner w/ squash and a fruit salad...YUMMY! I am lucky, Marcy...and not just because he cooks and cleans, he''s a pretty amazing guy all around.

Have a great evening all!


Aug 12, 2005
Hello my WWT friends...

Phoenix, your suggestion of a cheapie pair of dress pants is a good one. My only "problem" is I am tall and I need a longer inseam, and I really like pants that are more structured or lined because they seem to fit my body shape better, and usually they are more expensive, period. I.E. I love J. Crew and I''m always waiting for their trousers to go on sale but right now I''m in between sizes and even when they''re on sale they''re $60-$90 so I''m torn. I''m just going to have to work harder these next few weeks to get down to my regular size so I can get past this whole issue!

Which brings me to...the date I had with the scale this morning. I''ve never posted my weight here but I''m really peeved about it and I figure I might as well just post and get it over with. 160!
Now, last year I probably weighed 150-152 lbs after losing 18 lbs, but I was exercising religiously and had a lot more muscle, so I was a size and a half smaller than I am now at just 8 lbs over last year''s weight. So the number here is not really the problem, it''s that I''ve lost muscle and gained fat and gone up almost two sizes. I wasn''t working out enough this spring, and I took a whole month off working out due to surgery, it''s funny how quickly I lost muscle and turned to flab, blech. I took my measurements last weekend and I know what I need to do to get back to where I was, so I will be really going into high gear now that I have some extra time on my hands. This morning after my weigh-in I worked on my arms with weights, and then used my stairs while holding weights to work my legs. This evening I went for a 2 mile walk, the longest I''ve done in quite some time, and it felt really good!

Rod, I sent my TY note today, thanks again for that reminder!

Had my teeth cleaned this afternoon, ahhh, I love the feeling of super clean teeth! My dentist was really pleased to see me after my surgery and told me I looked so much younger, he actually used the phrase "you look like a little kid!" He meant well, but I don''t know that I want to look like a little kid, lol!

See you tomorrow, I have my brekkie and lunch all planned, canteloupe and strawberries and 1/2 banana with soy yogurt and a big salad, and dinner is still up in the air. It''s very mild here weather-wise and I hope to take a nice long walk again tomorrow and do some more weights at home.


Oct 30, 2002
evening everyone! sounds like everyone had a great day today...! i''m so happy tomorrow is friday...even though we have a packed weekend i am looking fwd to sleeping in a bit hehe.

did a little snacking this afternoon but nothing detrimental to the day. i just have to be sure and not get derailed by ''oh that pretzel looks good'' or whatever...because those are cals that are pretty darn useless in the overall scheme. after work went and picked up my mom and sister and went to the preserve and did about 5 miles, it took 1.5 hours...whew. maybe it was longer on the mileage, who knows. but it was a tiring walk!!! if i go by the online calculators re: hills and hiking then i burned almost 700 cals but i figure it''s more like 600ish to be conservative. still a good #. i definitely have been feeling it in my legs and butt overall, even though i took 2 days off this week. i don''t even know how i am going to hit the gym tomorrow but i have to as i have already taken 2 days off this week. so i''ll do a light workout and just get like 300ish cals in on the elliptical.

dinner tonite was spanish rice from whole foods, TJ''s black bean and corn enchiladas, and the zucchini i made with onions, tomatoes, garlic, and cheese...all simmered together til translucent, yummy.

monnie, don''t worry you will be able to get back to your old self quite soon i am sure. marcy, for the lasagna recipe, check out the WWT healthy recipe thread, i think it''s in there. it was all the rage last winter, i think like 10-15 PS''ers made it or something hehehe. it makes a ton so i end up making 1/2''s for greg and i since it''s just us. skippy, greg likes to cook but i do most of it, i really like to cook. he likes to he does the cleaning. but sometimes he makes spaghetti which is wonderful, we simmer it in the crockpot for a few hours to get the sauce all nice and thick. yummy!

anyhow, hope everyone had a fabulous day and evening. yahoo for friday.


Feb 27, 2007
Kimberly, your BBQ chicken sounds good. I''m glad John is a great guy, my husband is really nice too. I''ll keep him. He spoils me rotten.

Monarch, it sounds like you are determined to get back to where you were before surgery. You''ll be back in your regular jeans in no time. I am sure taking it easy after surgery would make it hard to loose any weight.

Happy Friday!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

Monnie, don''t be discouraged, it''s futile! Just jump back on the bandwagon. I know you''re a walker (anyone who completes an Avon walk must enjoy it!) so just keep getting out their with your puppy(ies) - I can''t remember if you have one or more - and you''ll be just fine. I''ve seen pictures of you, and you are absolutely stunning and look fantastic! I know you can do it.

Marcy, glad your hubby is A1 too!

I''m exercising and making dinner tonight. John picked me up a few LC''s and HC''s at the store so I have lunches as I''m kinda over the soup thing. How nice of him. I suggested we eat out tonight but he turned me down...strange for him, but I won''t argue. The more we eat at home the better off I am!

Check in later.

Happy Friday!


Apr 19, 2004

I am honestly jealous of you ladies who have hubbies who cook and clean well, and enjoy it! I''ll arm wrestle you for them; well, maybe not now. BUT in 6 months......

Have a great weekend everyone--it is our long weekend; Canada Day.



Feb 21, 2005
happy friday wwt''ers! congrats to all on the continued pounds lost and healthy lifestyles.

i hit the gym after work yesterday for 45 minutes on the elliptical, then came home and had 1/2 a CPK white pizza and a zucchini/tomato saute for dinner.

today i had kashi go lean for breakfast, and brought a tuna wrap and an apple for lunch and a clif z bar brownie for a snack. not sure about the plan for dinner...i am going to happy hour after work (limited to one glass of wine!) and we''ll see what happens from there.

i planned to ride my bike to work this morning (i live about 2.5 miles from my office and have always wanted to try it out), but was running a little late and misplaced my key for the bike lock, so it didn''t happen. i think i will try to take a test run this weekend to see how it goes...
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