
Weekly Workout Thread 25th June till 1st July

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Dec 28, 2005
Morning everyone,


It's been a long and stressful week for moi. Still nothing from the stupid doctor. Will deal with that later.

It's been a busy morning. We're going to Nordstrom at lunchtime. I bought new gym shoes a week or so ago and I thought they were really comfortable in the store. I thought the toe area was nicely open. Turns out, the toe area was hugely open as the shoes were mismarked and are actually Extra Wide. Of course I no longer have the box, but I'm returning them anyway. Nordstrom's return policy is usually no questions asked anyway.

The scale god's didn't frown or smile on me this morning. I weighed 173.4 pounds. This is not bad, nor great after three nights of workouts. I've been increasing the protein in my diet so it's likely the scale will reflect a bit more weight. My waist says I'm doing great as my pants fit just fine.

Hope everyone's looking forward to a nice Friday and start to the weekend.

Glad you got the Thank You's out Monnie. And don't fret over weight and the nasty evil scale. I'm sure you'll get back where you want to be quickly. And you're right. Now's the best time to do something. Lord knows the gym was my salvation while I was unemployed. It can be your salvation too!

ETA: SO ANNOYED. I called the doctor's office and the young lady who was supposed to check with my insurance forgot. I mean. HELLO. YOU (expletive deletive) Friggen FORGOT???? And I suggested that before they summarily cut me open, I want to be retested as it turns out the PSA test they were looking at was from last November, when I was under extreme pressure and getting ready to go to Raleigh. So, I told the darling girl who forgot that I want to speak with the doctor and be retested, but he won't be back in the office until Tuesday. So, I'm just going to put this out of my mind. Take some deep breaths. Imagine I'm already having my Sapporo Beer. And deal with this next week. Aggggghhhhhhhhhhh.


Oct 30, 2002
rod i''m sure you are just fine, the test that was from Nov might just have been a fluke thing. anyway definitely don''t worry about it for now, but if you don''t hear from them on tues, i''d call again. but enjoy your wkd and all that for sure.

morning all...happy friday, woo hoo. i wish i didn''t have to be at work today but oh well..such is life huh. i have a few crucial projects to work on today and i just cannot get motivated, but i have a meeting at 3:30 where i have to showcase my analyzed results so blah, i guess i should get cracking after this post.

last nite for dessert i had a new concoction, sliced strawberries drizzled with a little honey and sprinkled with a tsp of turbinado sugar. it was really tasty and fresh and it just hit the spot. i also have been trying to re-do my mental state re: desserts. i find that i feel like ''oh if i have ice cream or cake or pudding it''s a DESSERT''. but fruit with honey is a dessert too. a cherry muffin with honey can be a dessert as well. really i need to break out of this dessert thing and i think i might do a little better in the long-term. doesn''t mean i won''t splurge but i figure a little thought process change can''t hurt (or a try to change process!). plus there are so many fabulous fruits out right now, i am just loving eating them. might as well get a little creative with them.

so this morning i wanted to sleep in more but unfortunately work was calling. i had something new for breakfast, fiber one mixed with all bran with sliced peaches, blueberries, and almond milk. it was really yummy, the almond milk has way less cals than regular milk and is slightly sweeter flavored so it works really well with super bran cereals as it gives a bit of extra flavor, and the peaches and blueberries are so ripe right now. verra tasty. for snack i have a tart cherry applesauce muffin, lunch is going to be a little leftover rice and zucchini from last nite and a black bean chipotle garden burger, and then snacks are a hodgepodge but figure pre-packed watermelon, yogurt, and maybe another muffin, we shall see. i could use some complex carbs before my workout.

i stretched a little last nite before bed and felt less sore this morning, but i still definitely feel it, which i actually LOVE. the elliptical and machines at the gym don''t really give me ANY type of soreness anymore after doing them for so long, even when i ratchet them up a lot, so the hiking is really making my body WORK for it, which i like the feeling of. but today on the elliptical i am just going to take it easy and burn some cals rather than try to be ironwoman (love that analogy mrs salvo lol)...because it''s back to the hiking trail tomorrow!!

anyway tonite we are meeting some friends for dinner at this fave mexican place of theirs. it''s more of a fresh seafood mex type of place (california mex is what i call it) where the focus is on fresh and seafood and light rice and all that. it''s good but not my most favorite, but whatever, our friends just LOVE it. i think last time i got some sort of garlic wine sauteed shrimp thing which was good so i will just get that again. i''m not a fan of mexican desserts in general so doubt i''ll get anything there, but we might end up walking over to the outdoor cafe place near there and getting something, or maybe a scoop of ice cream, we''ll see. i plan to have dessert tomorrow night while out with my cousin and his wife, so maybe i can hold off on tonite.
we''ll see how the willpower is doing.

on a positive note, the new paiges i bought the other day are super cute but already stretching out so i probably should have gotten the smaller size though i was feeling chubbo that day, though i figure i can shrink them down 1/2 a size if i need to, better a tiny bit too big than too small, as we all know!!

hope everyone is having a great friday!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi All! There are so many people on the WWT, that is GREAT!
Yah for exercise!

I am walking w/my cousin tonight. I am going to a quick happy hour before hand for a co-worker and then off to my walk so I won't be drinking because I do not want to be dehydrated.


Monnie, you will lose the weight soon.

Rod, gosh what a PITA! Hang in there; I am sending good vibes (everyday) for you!

Sharon, I do push ups or lie down and push up the weights.

Happy Friday


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/29/2007 3:12:54 PM
Author: Skippy123
Hi All! There are so many people on the WWT, that is GREAT!
Yah for exercise!

I am walking w/my cousin tonight. I am going to a quick happy hour before hand for a co-worker and then off to my walk so I won''t be drinking because I do not want to be dehydrated.


Monnie, you will lose the weight soon.

Rod, gosh what a PITA! Hang in there; I am sending good vibes (everyday) for you!

Sharon, I do push ups or lie down and push up the weights.

Happy Friday
Thanks Skippy.......Do I need to send good vibes back at you based on the question you posed about the xray??


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/29/2007 3:42:10 PM
Author: Rod

Thanks Skippy.......Do I need to send good vibes back at you based on the question you posed about the xray??
No, worries. Hubby and I want kids but if we can't then I am zen with it as Mara would say.
I hope to have them but I am a firm believer that things were put there to make us stronger or do better in different ways if you know what I mean. If it ain't meant to be then I am accepting. Thanks Rod. I am so happy to have a buddy like you for sure!!!


Feb 21, 2005
i just heard a story on npr where they interviewed gina kolata (nyt science writer) about her new book about weight loss. she spoke alot about how each person has a genetically determined range of weight where their body is confortable, and that all you can really do when dieting is to move your body to the lower end of that range, wherever it may be. for many people, that lowest part of the range still won''t be "skinny" according to society''s ideals. i thought this fit in with some of the conversations here earlier this week about not being able to stay at your lowest weight, maybe because it''s really outside your body''s range. i know it''s certainly true for me, i will never be stick thin no matter what i do.

just some food for thought!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/29/2007 3:46:24 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 6/29/2007 3:42:10 PM
Author: Rod

Thanks Skippy.......Do I need to send good vibes back at you based on the question you posed about the xray??
No, worries. Hubby and I want kids but if we can''t then I am zen with it as Mara would say.
I hope to have them but I am a firm believer that things were put there to make us stronger or do better in different ways if you know what I mean. If it ain''t meant to be then I am accepting. Thanks Rod. I am so happy to have a buddy like you for sure!!!
Likewise Skippy. You are one of the sweetest people I''ve had the pleasure to become friends with. And I will send all the good vibes I can that if you and hubby hope to have children that you are able to conceive. And if by some chance you can''t, I''m betting there will be a child out there who was meant to be adopted by the two of you and you''ll still have an amazing family.


Jun 15, 2006
shortblonde, that''s an extremely important reminder!

Skippers, you would make a great mama. You and I feel the same about concieving (at least I think we do!) - if we decide to have kids but are unable to concieve naturally there will be no medical intervention. I have my fingers crossed for you and DH.

Rod, so glad you are so calm about what''s going on with you, especially in light of the mistake the little darling at your MD''s office made!

We''ve decided to go out to dinner tonight. We''re going up to Laguna for a party tomorrow evening and Sunday we will be back to house hunting and a BBQ, so tonight is a good night to go out. So we''re going to a little Thai restaurant that we haven''t been to in quite some time that we both like. It''s right up the street so no big adventure, just a nice night out.


Oct 30, 2002
sb, i totally have read similar things about your body and what IT wants to do vs what you want it to do. i guess it''s protective measures huh! anyway as long as i look FIT and strong and not chubby, that is really all i want for the most part. it''s just remembering to do the right things on a continuous basis.

this morning i was pretty hungry..after my breakfast cereal i had 2 small cherry applesauce bran muffins, and for lunch i had my leftover zucchini with a bit of leftover rice. then i went and got a quick mani pedi...thank god! now i am having some watermelon from whole foods, and i will probably have a light n''fit with sliced peach before my workout. it''s funny because i have been like ''oh i want a cookie'' or ''i really want an iced coffee'' or whatever and then i think..well i don''t really. watermelon is way better for me and just as tasty in it''s own way! i might still have a cookie but i tried. lol.

skippy, good luck with your conception''s funny because we talk about having kids but i think if we didn''t have them we''d be okay too..sounds a little familiar, but then i think well what if i found out we couldn''t have them if we decided we DID want them. does it become more or less important. but i also do agree with you for the most part about what is meant to be kind of thing as well. i don''t know that i''d want to go through everything we would need to in order to conceive if there were problems, i''d wonder if maybe it just was not meant to be. i guess we''ll find out in the next few years! keep us posted!

hope everyone is having a great friday afternoon (or now, evening over in the EC).


Mar 26, 2006
Today contained I think the most miserable few hours of my entire real estate career. There is a reason a lot of states have handgun laws...

On the food front I had coffe and lemon pound cake for breakfast (400 cals) and a large LC for lunc (390) but that was it until dinner. We went to Bin 36 and as much as I wanted the hanger steak with Little Willy''s Big Cheesy Potato Croquettes I got the pan seared Artic chard with peas instead. I did have a flight (10 oz total) of white wines and a few bites of the HH''s frito misto (deep fried--but delicious), and after dinner we walked over and back to Navy Pier (3.9 miles round trip) for a scoop of Ben & Jerry''s. So, all told, I wasn''t very good but also not nearly as bad as I could have been (and really wanted to be!) either.

Off to bed; have two clients tomorrow, the first one at 9:00. Still debating whether I''ll manage to work out first or late in the afternoon.

Some days...


Nov 24, 2006
Mara, Kimberly and Rod,
thank you. I am so happy you so understand me; that meant a lot to me to read your posts!!!! You guys rock!

I didn''t walk because I went to happy hour w/coworkers. I will be getting up at 6 am to meet my cousin tomorrow for our walk and I am breaking in the hiking boots
REI said to walk in them so when I hike I am not hurting.

Mara, what is turbinado sugar?? Have fun at dinner Kimberly!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/29/2007 10:25:12 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Today contained I think the most miserable few hours of my entire real estate career. There is a reason a lot of states have handgun laws...

On the food front I had coffe and lemon pound cake for breakfast (400 cals) and a large LC for lunc (390) but that was it until dinner. We went to Bin 36 and as much as I wanted the hanger steak with Little Willy''s Big Cheesy Potato Croquettes I got the pan seared Artic chard with peas instead. I did have a flight (10 oz total) of white wines and a few bites of the HH''s frito misto (deep fried--but delicious), and after dinner we walked over and back to Navy Pier (3.9 miles round trip) for a scoop of Ben & Jerry''s. So, all told, I wasn''t very good but also not nearly as bad as I could have been (and really wanted to be!) either.

Off to bed; have two clients tomorrow, the first one at 9:00. Still debating whether I''ll manage to work out first or late in the afternoon.

Some days...
LOL! Sorry to laugh but your posts crack me up. I hope you have a better day tomorrow DeeJay!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/29/2007 10:34:22 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 6/29/2007 10:25:12 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Today contained I think the most miserable few hours of my entire real estate career. There is a reason a lot of states have handgun laws...

On the food front I had coffe and lemon pound cake for breakfast (400 cals) and a large LC for lunc (390) but that was it until dinner. We went to Bin 36 and as much as I wanted the hanger steak with Little Willy's Big Cheesy Potato Croquettes I got the pan seared Artic chard with peas instead. I did have a flight (10 oz total) of white wines and a few bites of the HH's frito misto (deep fried--but delicious), and after dinner we walked over and back to Navy Pier (3.9 miles round trip) for a scoop of Ben & Jerry's. So, all told, I wasn't very good but also not nearly as bad as I could have been (and really wanted to be!) either.

Off to bed; have two clients tomorrow, the first one at 9:00. Still debating whether I'll manage to work out first or late in the afternoon.

Some days...
LOL! Sorry to laugh but your posts crack me up. I hope you have a better day tomorrow DeeJay!
I was thinking the same thing..........LOL Funny, that the satanic boss I had (past tense) in Raleigh is a gun toting, card carrying, placard waving charter member of the NRA. Ugh.........and once I learned that I should have known it would all go downhill.


Dec 28, 2005
We had such a nice evening with our neighbor and good friend. Dinner was as usual wonderful at our sushi place and then we had coffee and tart cherry scones under our oak tree at Starbucks. When we got there of course it was jammed with all the young people who would soon depart for their AA meetings. I still think it's just amazing how many young AA members are out there. Sad too, but they do have amazing comraderie! It seemed like it might rain when we arrived, but a big puff of wind pushed the clouds and humidity away and it was so pleasant under our oak tree and we got so involved in our conversation that suddenly we realized we had been there for over 2 hours. Then the full moon came out from behind a big puffy cloud and it was just so spectacular. There's really nothing quite like a breezy Florida evening with the sound of palm tree fronds swaying under a full moon.

Tomorrow will be a regular Saturday. A light breakfast at home, lunch, the gym and then we're hoping to go see the new Meryl Streep movie Evening. It look's so fantastic. Actually, we think anything with Meryl in it is a must see!

Kimberly, I hope your Thai dinner was great.

DeeJay your dinner sounded terrific and the walk to Ben and Jerry's made all those calories a moot point, right??!!

Skippy, I choose to believe that 6 AM is not an hour that really exists, except in someone's mind. But I'll trust you if you say you actually got up at this non-existent hour to go walking with your cousin and I hope you have a nice time. Just remember, Rod will be sound asleep as this hour does not exist to begin with!!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/29/2007 10:46:45 PM
Author: Rod

Skippy, I choose to believe that 6 AM is not an hour that really exists, except in someone's mind. But I'll trust you if you say you actually got up at this non-existent hour to go walking with your cousin and I hope you have a nice time. Just remember, Rod will be sound asleep as this hour does not exist to begin with!!
hehee. I will be up. I did that a few times this week and it is perfect weather at that time and I walk longer too!!! Plus I am not working, if I were I wouldn't and sometimes I sneak in a nap

Glad sushi was good and same w/the company

I promise not to stalk this thread again till tomorrow.


Jan 3, 2005
skippy, sending prayers your way for the x-ray and for your desired outcome.
have fun on your walk tomorrow. I''m meeting my gal pals at 6:45am to do Magic Mountain so I''ll be up bright and early with you...

deejay, sorry you had such a bad day. I hope the yummy dinner and the ben and jerry''s helped. Hubby was gone for dinner so I took the girls to Maggie Moo''s (it''s like cold stone) for icecream. I drove there though so no balancing of the calories for me. it was yummy though.

mara and kimberly, I hope both of you have fun on your dinnner''s out..

Rod, glad you had a nice night with your neighbor. you''ve got to get a picture of your big Oak tree for us to see. Hope you sleep well..

I did my am walk with Zoe and spent most of today at home with the girls. We played outside for a while and rearranged some furniture. then the icecream trip after dinner. foodwise even with the icecream I''m about 200 calories under but I''m just not really wanting anything else.

i hope everyone has a fabulous weekend..


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/29/2007 11:11:48 PM
Author: mrssalvo
skippy, sending prayers your way for the x-ray and for your desired outcome.
have fun on your walk tomorrow. I''m meeting my gal pals at 6:45am to do Magic Mountain so I''ll be up bright and early with you...

deejay, sorry you had such a bad day. I hope the yummy dinner and the ben and jerry''s helped. Hubby was gone for dinner so I took the girls to Maggie Moo''s (it''s like cold stone) for icecream. I drove there though so no balancing of the calories for me. it was yummy though.

mara and kimberly, I hope both of you have fun on your dinnner''s out..

Rod, glad you had a nice night with your neighbor. you''ve got to get a picture of your big Oak tree for us to see. Hope you sleep well..

I did my am walk with Zoe and spent most of today at home with the girls. We played outside for a while and rearranged some furniture. then the icecream trip after dinner. foodwise even with the icecream I''m about 200 calories under but I''m just not really wanting anything else.

i hope everyone has a fabulous weekend..
I will Mrssalvo. I keep saying I need to take my camera with me some Saturday or Sunday, but I keep not doing it. I will publish a picture of Rod''s Famous Oak Tree. I really will!


Aug 12, 2005
I stuck to my planned menu today and took a nice walk with my 3 yr. old dog and left the puppy in her crate for a nap, it was nice to spend some time alone with little Milo. I feel like he gets so much less attention from me when the puppy is around nipping at him constantly! I came home and worked on my arms tonight, they are definitely toning up more, my arms are always quick to get back into shape which is a motivator for me to work on the rest of my body as well.

Breakfast today was half a canteloupe, it sounds like a lot but it was a smaller one so it really didn''t yield all that much fruit. I threw in a couple strawberries and some peach soy yogurt from TJ''s and it was a pretty good combo. Lunch was a big mixed greens salad with mandarin oranges and the favorite ff TJ''s balsamic, pretty yummy but I wished i could''ve added some nuts. They get stuck in my braces so much and if I am not careful enough they could cause a loose bracket so I just stay away from crunchier little things like that now. Creamy PB on a piece of soft whole wheat bread helps with that craving, though. Dinner was a LC three bean chili, it definitely hit the spot and for a snack in betwen lunch and dinner I had a whole sliced cucumber with salt and pepper and a tbsp of creamy italian dressing. I had a glass of white wine and a few raspberries for dessert and that rounded out my food experience for the day!

DeeJay, sorry you had a crappy day with work, but your walk sounded like fun! Sometimes i wish we lived downtown so we could just walk to the lake or whatever other interesting locations.

Rod and Skippy, I''m full of positive vibes for you both.


Feb 27, 2007


The weekend is here. Yeah!

Today was our 16th wedding anniversary so we had a great evening. My husband got back from a business trip. We went to dinner at a quaint steak house north of town called Little Bear Inn. I had salad, a small sirloin steak and a few French fries. For dessert we split some “Bear Balls”. You read that right. They are balls of vanilla ice cream rolled in crushed oreo cookies. They were good but we didn’t’ even finish half of them. I also had 2 glasses of wine and got very chatty. Not eating or drinking much these days makes a very cheap drunk!

After dinner we went and walked around the mall hopefully burning off some of my “bear ball” calories. I am looking for a dressy top to go with a new skirt to wear to a wedding in a few weeks. I didn’t find what I wanted for a top but I bought 3 pairs of size 18W jeans. Wow, that is really cool to think I can fit in to that small of jeans. I know I’m no wear near size so many of you wear; but it’s a THRILL for me. When I started to put them on I thought, no way will these fit me but they did. Woo hoo!

I was excited to hear from the jewelers today that my pendant was ready to. I picked out a white gold heart pendant to have the diamond out of my original erring mounted in it. It turned out pretty. I will get pictures tomorrow and post them online. I wanted to be able to wear the diamond in my ering. It’s only .15 but it’s a nice diamond and I’m sentimental about such things.

It sounds like everyone is doing great and looking forward to a nice weekend.

Kimberly, thanks my husband is a great guy. I prefer to eat at home too.
Sharon, Happy Canada Day. Too funny about your wrestling comment.
Shortblonde, I hope your test bike ride goes well.
Rod, I can’t believe they forgot to check on the insurance for you. Arrgghh! Good luck with the new PSA test. It sounds like dinner with your friend was nice.
Mara, you always come up with such delicious sounding meals and desserts. Strawberries are a favorite of mine.
Skippy, I think you’d be an awesome mom and I hope things work out for you. I like your positive outlook that things will turn out the way they should.
DeeJay, sorry to hear you didn’t have a very good day selling real estate. I’m sure you have some interesting stories to tell about your experiences. I am confident Ben and Jerry’s helped erase some of the day’s frustrations.
Monarch, a glass of wine and raspberries for dessert sounds marvelous. I’ll have to try that some evening.
Have a great weekend everyone!



Aug 12, 2005
Marcy, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Congrats on 16 years, that is no small feat!
And it''s great you got jeans in a smaller size, that''s the best feeling in the world to be able to stock up on jeans you love in a size you are proud of, no matter what the number on the tag is. I think it''s awesome that you are coming here to post and you don''t happen to be a size 6 or whatever, no matter what size any of us are the common thread here is that we are all participating in a healthy lifestyle and we care less about size than we do overall health. BTW, love the ''bear ball'' dessert concept, that is very funny but it sounds SO yummo. Glad you had a great anniversary dinner and got a little loopy on some celabratory wine! I bet your hubby was glad it only took two glasses, hee hee!


Oct 30, 2002
evening all! we just got home...had a great evening.

marcy congrats on 16 years and smaller jeans..both huge accomplishments!

so today i went to the gym and ended up talking to the assistant manager there who seemed pretty knowledgeable. interestingly enough he tested my BF with the calipers which he says are more accurate than the other hold in front of you tool and it said more like 25 % for me. he said that was right in 'ideal' for my age and height and weight and that i was definitely not 17% or 18% because if i was i would be ripped and that 17/18% for women is apparently like super athletic shape where i'd be a super lean muscled marathoner or something. i thought that was interesting and it sounded way more realistic to me actually! as much as i like the idea of bieng 17ish i always was kind of like hmmm do i really have that much muscle? i also asked him about my recent weight gain on the scale and he said he thought from what i was describing that my body was not getting enough cals during the week to build the muscle it needed and it was trying to store more cals as fat. he thinks i need to eat more during the week and keep working out the way i that i can continue to build muscle and not have my body freak out and store fat instead of burning it. he also said that in his opinion, 130 lbs for my 5'7" frame was 'underweight' so that where i am at now is more realistic as well. and i told him that at 130 i felt like i wasn't strong like i am now, definitely like i didn't have enough muscle...but just showed as thinner.

overall pretty interesting, he was kind of funny...asking me 'well what is your GOAL'...because i was telling him i liked the way i looked but that i was bothered by the scale gain. and he also said i was scale obsessed, hehee. doh! he said well what if you could look in the mirror and think you looked absolutely PERFECT, would you still care what the scale said? food for thought anyway.

so anyway, now i am going to try to eat more cals during the week...more like 1600 a day than 1300-1400. and still have my 2 splurge days and see what happens. i realized also that this is what i was doing when i was losing weight originally...consuming about 1500-1650 cals per day and then 2 large splurge days and burning like 2500 cals a week. he said that 1300 cals per day is way too low for my body to build muscle and burn fat, esp with working out 5-6x a week. so for anyone doing 1200-1300 cals and not seeing results, interesting sidenote, maybe up your cals. he also wants me to eat a lot more protein. so he said eat more protein, eat more cals, and we'll see where things are in a month.

but really he gave me a lot of food for thought re: visually being happy. its like i already knew that but it helped to hear it from an expert, and someone who sounded like they really made sense, not like the goofy boy trainers that work there who are like 'yeah 17% is rad man'.

anyhow, so i did a mini workout since i didn't have much time, and arms. came home, showered up and we met our friends for dinner at this fab little mexican place. i had chicken tacos with salsa fresca, cilantro rice and black beans...SO tasty!!!! i ended up just eating all the inside and not any of the tortillas (i had one bite) because i didn't want to fill up on the tortillas and the marinated chicken was so tasty and tender, and a little spicy. we also shared a few apps like mini quesadilla triangles with mango salsa, and these hard taquitos with this special cheese and salsa inside. yummy. i had a 1/2 glass of red sangria, and greg finished the rest. then we walked over to the outdoor cafe and got coffees and desserts and sat outside and talked. we all shared a slice of chocolate layer cake, and a turtle cheesecake which is cheesecake with a thick line of chocolate through it, drizzled with caramel and with a peanut sprinkled crust. both were divine!

so now it's bedtime, we are getting up a little early tomorrow and hitting the preserve for a 5m hike, then i have a 3 hour hair appt (so tedious!) and then my cousin and his wife are coming down from SF to spend the next day and a half with us. not sure when i'll check in but have a GREAT saturday everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Mara, wow, that assistant manager at the gym sounded like he was giving you really good advice. I have a friend who is a registered dietician and also said the same thing about your body freaking out and storing calories if you don't eat enough so that makes sense. Interesting and I think you look great too!

Rod, I TOTALLY want to see a picture of your Famous Oak Tree; it sounds wonderful!!!! Glad you had sushi; I am so craving the stuff because of you mister!
I love eating salmon sahimi!

Monarch, yikes to nuts. Sounds like you ate healthy and nice walk! I love the name Milo; that is such a cute name!

Marcy, happy 16th anniversary.
Hehee "Bear Balls!" I am a cheap drunk too! Yeah for smaller size!

Mrs Salvo, Nice walk and yummo to the ice cream. thanks for the nice wishes all.

I went walking 4 miles at 6am. I love walking at that time!!! I even saw 5 hot air ballons in the sky; my city is the host to the International Balloon Fiesta each year so people fly hot air balloons year round.

Have a wonderful Saturday!!!


Jun 15, 2006
Hooray for Saturday!

Happy (belated) anniversary, Marcy. My parents celebrated 32 years yesterday, it must have been a great day to get married! And yay for smaller jeans! That''s so exciting!

Skip, your walk sounds lovely! I would have come too. I was up at 6:00.

Rod, glad you had a good dinner. John had a Saporro last night too...he mentioned you when drinking it ("Doesn''t Rod drink Saporro every Friday night?") ha ha ha. Why does everyone who goes to AA eat Sushi first?

DeeJay, I''m so sorry you had a crappy day! Bin 36 sounds like fun though...we had a good meal there.

Thai food was good, but not as good as always. We shared CBG beef and a chicken dish. I had 2 glasses of wine, we came home watched TV, I ate a bit of ice cream and fell sound asleep by 9.

We''re going to Laguna this evening for a BBQ/grad celebration/B-day party; should be fun to see most of my family.

I''m going to workout this morning. I did some good stretching yesterday. My whole upper body (back, shoulders, neck, etc.) has been really stiff and it felt good to spend about 15 minutes just doing some slow stretching. I keep having to take motrin and I''d rather not, so maybe more stretching will do the trick.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 10:49:05 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Hooray for Saturday!

Skip, your walk sounds lovely! I would have come too. I was up at 6:00.

We''re going to Laguna this evening for a BBQ/grad celebration/B-day party; should be fun to see most of my family.

I''m going to workout this morning. I did some good stretching yesterday. My whole upper body (back, shoulders, neck, etc.) has been really stiff and it felt good to spend about 15 minutes just doing some slow stretching. I keep having to take motrin and I''d rather not, so maybe more stretching will do the trick.
Kimberly, see we should be neighbors; that would be wonderful!!!!
I love Laguna, CA!!! Have a wonderful time and great workout!!!


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 10:52:55 AM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 6/30/2007 10:49:05 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Hooray for Saturday!

Skip, your walk sounds lovely! I would have come too. I was up at 6:00.

We''re going to Laguna this evening for a BBQ/grad celebration/B-day party; should be fun to see most of my family.

I''m going to workout this morning. I did some good stretching yesterday. My whole upper body (back, shoulders, neck, etc.) has been really stiff and it felt good to spend about 15 minutes just doing some slow stretching. I keep having to take motrin and I''d rather not, so maybe more stretching will do the trick.
Kimberly, see we should be neighbors; that would be wonderful!!!!
I love Laguna, CA!!! Have a wonderful time and great workout!!!
We would be great neighbors! I''m a morning person! 7:00 is sleeping in for me.

Laguna is beautiful, and I love visiting the fam.


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Saturday.


Thank you Monarch, Mara, SkippyGirl and Kimberly for the anniversary wishes and congrats about being to wear smaller jeans. I have them on right now and they are tight across my stomach but I can get my hands in my pockets so they can’t be too bad.

I spent my morning cutting off dead flowers in my pots and taking some photos of them. My DH is playing golf in a tournament out of town. I am going to stop by our company picnic later this morning then walk around the park while I’m there. We are going to a movie tonight. I might have some popcorn; I haven’t had that since I started my diet last fall. Problem with popcorn is I like it with cola and chocolate.

Monarch, I am glad I joined in on the WWT group. I am really enjoying it.

Mara, it sounds like the assistant manager at the gym gave you and all of us some good advice. 25% BF, that sounds terrific. Congratulations.

SkippyGirl, I love to see hot air balloons. We see some around here sometimes too. I went to a night glow one time when a bunch of them stopped over here on a cross country trek; that was really neat to see.

Kimberly, that is neat to hear your parents celebrated 32 years yesterday. That is awesome. I hope you have a great workout this morning.

Have a great day.



Jun 15, 2006
I did have a great workout, thanks Miss Marcy! Enjoy your picnic and walk! John tried to convince me that I want to see Die Harder or 1408 last night, I told him he was barking up the wrong tree! He needs to call a pal for that.

And then I listened to a friend/old coworker prattle on about how crappy things are at the company I used to work for and now I''m going to see if I canget a pedicure appt. sometime before 2 today. It''s been a busy week and that sounds like a nice treat.


Feb 17, 2007
Just checking in...FI is in town
so I will be only on and off for the next few days. He''s working in CA this summer at a very lucrative internship so this is the first time I''ve seen him in a month!!!

Sounds like everyone is being pretty good on the eating/working out fronts.

Mara, that''s really interesting what that trainer said. I was JUST saying the same thing to my best friend because I thought she might be working out too much and not eating enough. Interesting...

Had a 4 mile walk this morning and am eating well so far. Yesterday was only an ok day food wise but a very good day exercise wise. A great hour long workout at the gym with a bit of cardio and a lot of lifting, and then walked about 4 miles altogether.

Scale still isn''t budging...but I''m not worried about it yet because my clothes are fitting better.


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 6/30/2007 1:22:50 PM
Author: KimberlyH
John tried to convince me that I want to see Die Harder or 1408 last night, I told him he was barking up the wrong tree! He needs to call a pal for that.
HI kim:

Does John want to go with us? We plan on Die Hard tonight.......

Lovely and warm for a nice long walk this am. Met lots of critters along the way...

THought I might check out my jeweller today as his summer clearance is on, but I think I''ll read outside instead. Much cheaper
and more edifying.



Jun 15, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 1:33:23 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 6/30/2007 1:22:50 PM
Author: KimberlyH
John tried to convince me that I want to see Die Harder or 1408 last night, I told him he was barking up the wrong tree! He needs to call a pal for that.
HI kim:

Does John want to go with us? We plan on Die Hard tonight.......

Lovely and warm for a nice long walk this am. Met lots of critters along the way...

THought I might check out my jeweller today as his summer clearance is on, but I think I'll read outside instead. Much cheaper
and more edifying.

I won't even offer as he'll be on the next plane to Canada if I do! He'd take that any day over a family BBQ with a bunch of people he doesn't know (my parents and sister won't be there so he'll be a bit lost). My Irish-Catholic family -- who believed birth control was evil for many many years -- overwhelms the only child who's the last of his line.
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