
Weekly Workout Thread 25th Feb till 2nd March

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Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/27/2008 9:14:03 AM
Author: marcyc
Lorelei, I am glad to hear you are okay.
Thanks Marcy! I don''t know, we have certainly been getting some weird things happen in the UK, what with last years flooding and now earthquakes!


Dec 30, 2006
I can''t be blamed for the earth tremors. I didn''t go to the gym


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/27/2008 9:41:05 AM
Author: Maisie
I can''t be blamed for the earth tremors. I didn''t go to the gym
Oh Maisie!

Forgot to mention I did cardio last night, my usual 50 mins split between treddy O'' doom and elliptical. One thing I have noticed is now my poor muscles are really aching after weights, it must be doing summat!


Nov 6, 2007
Good morning all!
Well, Monday was a good day workout-wise. I did a twenty minute powerwalk over lunch and later hit the gym for 60 minutes of elliptical training and weight training on my biceps & triceps. I really think it''s helping to bring definition - slowly but surely. Yesterday, I ended up missing the gym due to going to the hairdresser after work and not having enough time after to get to the gym before they closed. But I plan on hitting the gym hard again tonight to make up for it. I haven''t weighed myself in about a week, but only because I feel like physically I am making some transformations but they aren''t always equating to numbers on the scale, which can be a bit frustrating. I was happy though yesterday when my hairdresser said she could tell I was losing weight (she hadn''t seen me since December). Pound-wise, I probably haven''t lost much since then, but I have been working really hard on continuing to firm up with weight training on top of cardio, so I''m sure that''s what''s showing. It made me feel like I''m actually making some progress since someone besides me is noticing!

Julianna - No problem...I completely understand the frustration, although I have to commend you on the 5AM workouts! I am definitely NOT a morning person

Rod - Enjoy that warm Tampa weather, and good luck with the interview tomorrow! Sometimes, you just need to scratch that itch, but as long as it''s in moderation, right?

marcy - Good luck with trying the drugs - hope it helps the knees/joints out. And a big YEAH for being so close to minus 150! That is amazing and truly inspiring!!!

ladypirate - Glad you''re feeling better! Don''t let the scale get you down.
Kim - Hope you''re feeling better soon!
shortblonde - Enjoy your trip to Costa Rica!!! Isn''t it nice to escape the snow for a warm climate once in a while? It makes you appreciate it that much more.
Lorelei - Glad you are okay and not impacted by the earthquake.
Maisie - Thanks for the morning chuckle

Hi Monarch and all the other WWTers! Have a great day!


Oct 30, 2002
morning all!! happy wednesday. this week is just flying by.

i worked out last nite!! YAY! 30 min on the elliptical at a low level, nothing spectacular and just 200 cals burned but it was good to move around a bit. and i feel okay today. so i might try for zumba tomorrow night. going back to trainer next week.

my eating this week has been laaaaaax. but it''s okay, i kind of made that mental ''its okay'' for a week or two after i found out i couldn''t work out. greg is like ''you could gain 5 lbs'' but i am like no way! i actually have gained 2 lbs since getting sick 3 weeks not too bad. once i get back into my workout routine, it''ll be fine.

rod, your days sound so nice and relaxing *zzz*. i''m so jealous but not i don''t really want to be unemployed to hang out, i''d like someone to PAY me to hang out! LOL.

julianna, super woman, 5am!? crazy!!

skippy, thinking of you....!!! it feels like you have been gone forever.

lorelei, yay for weights working their wonders, i totally think they are...weights are fab.

kimi so sorry you have the evil icky...JEEZ the wwt''ers just can''t win huh?! take care.

sb, sounds like you are going to have an amazing trip!! can''t wait to see pictures.

patiently waiting, it''s great when people can tell you have lost weight. it''s been so long since i lost my ~15 lbs that i feel like i never looked different. my husband asked me the other day ''so you are thinner than when we got married?'' and i said ''yes by about 10 lbs'' and he was like ''wow really''! i think when you see someone daily any differences are just mentally absorbed. but once every 8 weeks or whatever and people notice.

happy day all. it''s sunny and dry here so i am loving it while we have it.


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

Still sick and resting. Have been waking up with a fever that dies down during the day. I took meds and slept 12 hours last night, much needed as the night before I was up from 10:30pm-3:30am and didn''t take a nap. Had a three hour meeting w/ my master teacher and supervisor yesterday and was so glad to return home and to the couch.

John made a delicious dinner last night. It was a cross between Avgolemono and Tortilla soup (sounds wierd, I know) from the NYTimes. It was so super yummy it had: chicken stock, chicken, lime, avacado, and tortilla strips in it. We also had edemame. It was the perfect sicky dinner. He''s been taking good care of me, poor guy.

I''m going to hit the couch. I''m scheduled to work tomorrow and Friday, we''ll see what happens with that. I start student teaching Monday and I must be healthy and ready to go, so that''s my priority.

Have a great day all.


Feb 21, 2005
hello wwt! my workout last night was rough - i really didn''t want to go to the gym, but i made myself. i just couldn''t get into it, though, and quit after about 30 minutes (instead of my usual 45). at least it was something. no workout tonight - i have to get a pedicure (priorities!) and finish packing.

this is likely my last checkin before i leave, but i hope everyone feels better, gets great jobs, has lots of good workouts and eats lots of good healthy food while i''m gone. see you all in march!


Nov 29, 2004
Well no working out for me yesterday and today. Yesterday was my montly girls co-worker lunch with the yummy Mexican food, but at least I split my food.

Today I had planned to try the step class during lunch, but my car wouldnt start this morning, turns out I need a new battery. But I had to ride to work with DH so I could have his car for the day, since I have my annual Dr. appt this afternoon, and the mechanic didnt come to my house until 11, so I did get to the office for 2.5 hours and am working from home now until the Dr. If I had only known this last night, I would have brought my laptop home with me, but thats just how things go. Anyway I''m keeping my fingers crossed that the mechanic doesn''t find any other issues.

Tomorrow I will be back on track with my personal trainer.


Oct 30, 2002
kimi when you feel better, please post the sounds divine!!! and do feel better, i hear ya on the fever that comes and goes with a ton of sleeping. keep resting.

have a great time on the trip sb!!


Jun 15, 2006
Here ya go Mara:

Recipe: Lime Soup (Sopa De Lima)

Time: 45 minutes

Vegetable oil for frying

8 ounces corn tortillas (preferably a mixture of red, white and blue), cut into 1-inch strips

1 8- to 9-inch stick Mexican cinnamon, broken into pieces 2 teaspoons dried Mexican oregano

5 whole cloves

8 cups chicken stock

1 pound chicken breast, cut into 3/4 inch dice

4 to 6 tablespoons fresh lime juice, as needed, plus 4 to 6 slices of lime, for garnish


8 ounces shredded Monterey Jack cheese

2 avocados, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch dice

1/2 cup finely sliced cilantro leaves.

1. Place a large skillet over medium-high heat, and add about 1/2 inch oil. Set aside a baking sheet lined with paper towels. When oil shimmers, add a strip of tortilla; oil is hot enough when tortilla becomes crisp and very lightly browned in about 30 seconds. Adjust heat as necessary and add strips in batches, transferring to paper towels as they cook.

2. Heat oven or toaster-oven to 400 degrees. Place cinnamon pieces, oregano and cloves on a baking sheet or metal tray, and roast until lightly browned and fragrant, about 5 minutes; be careful not to burn.

3. Place chicken stock in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Add roasted spices, lower heat, and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour stock through a fine-meshed strainer into a clean pan, and return to a simmer. Add diced chicken and simmer until chicken is opaque in center, about 10 minutes. Add 4 to 6 tablespoons lime juice, as desired, and season with salt to taste.

4. To serve, place equal portions of chicken in center of each soup plate. Top with a small mound of fried tortilla strips and 1 to 2 tablespoons shredded cheese. Pour chicken broth into bowl, keeping mound intact. Garnish each bowl with avocado, a slice of lime and cilantro.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings.

Note: John fried the tortillas in a lot less oil and left out the cheese.

Thanks for the well wishes, I''m really laying low, trying to get healthy.


Jul 22, 2007
Glad the tremors didn''t get any of you!!

This morning my little guy (who is getting over tonsilitis) woke up at 10:30. Actually had to WAKE him up! Anyway, the poor kid was nearly pasted to the sheets with all the junk that is coming out of his face! I know, totally gross! You''re not the one who had to soak it off!!

I''m having my wisdom teeth out on March 14th, FINALLY. I had an infection starting and got an antibiotic that makes me sick to my stomach. I''ve wretched 3 times in two days and removed myself from the meds.

Our mattress was delivered today and I hope to have a good night''s sleep, which would be the first in several months. I have my new sheets in the dryer as I type and I can''t wait to go make my new bed. I already rec''d my new side tables and my bedding should be here this afternoon. YAY!! I''m going to paint my dressers this weekend and get my curtains made. Then I will finally have a finished bedroom!! I''m so excited!

Anyway, sorry for the completely gross post (as I re-read what I''ve typed), but You''ll have that sometimes....

Have a good day all!


Mar 20, 2003
I was thinking today about when people tell you that you don''t need to work out (implying that you look "fine" the way you are). A lot of people really think this way -- you only "need" to work out if you look bad, that it has nothing to do with health or quality and longevity of life. If I mention exercise to one of my classes, one of my students will inevitably ask in a perplexed way why I exercise. I know they''re teenagers and I can help enlighten them before it''s too late, but grownups think this way too. My coworker works out consistently, loses weight, stops, gains the weight back, and repeats the cycle. The truth is, everyone needs to exercise . . . for improved mood, sleeping, digestion, circulation, etc., to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, to maintain muscle mass, to protect against osteoporosis, etc, etc. Our ancestors were so much more active than we are; we just aren''t built to be sedentary all the time.

Anyway, I''m just back from a run (4 miles in 38.5 min). This week I begin back with working out 5 or 6 days a week (this week will be 5 -- 2 runs and 3 weights workouts). I''m super-psyched just to be able to do it after being sick for so long.

I hope everyone is well!


Jun 25, 2007
Anyone trying the Self Magazine challenge? I''m doing it and I like the work outs. I started actually trying in January (not necessarily with that but working out and eating mostly fruits, veggies, nuts, and lean meats, with yogurt and soy) and I''ve lost 12 lbs so far. Yesterday I did 25 mins on the bike, and every morning I do 30 minutes brisk walking with my grandmother (you''d think she was 40, not 65). This morning I did some strength work and crunches then walked and tonight I plan to do about an hour of strength with a half hour on the bike.


Dec 28, 2005
Really nothing to report for the day. It was cold and not too pleasant outside today and it will be even colder tomorrow morning, but then start to warm up. I really didn''t do jack squat. I met Charlie for lunch then I had an appointment with our accountant to have our taxes prepared. By the time that was over, I had a headache and just couldn''t muster the strength to go to the gym, and Charlie''s still fighting this cough, so we just went out for soup and salad for dinner. Tomorrow morning''s my marathon 3 hour interview, so please send heaps and heaps of PS Fairydust my way. I really need a good opportunity and it''s time I went back to work.

I''m glad you didn''t experience anything with the earthquate Lorelei!! I''ve never felt the earth move beneath my feet and I hope to keep it that way for sure!

I hope you''re feeling better Kimberly and are all better in time for your student teaching assignment Monday!

Yes, don''t be jealous Mara. Having nothing to do because you''re unemployed is no picnic for sure. I hope to be a tax paying, employed citizen soon.

SB, we all have times when we don''t have the strength for a full workout. At least you went and did 30 minutes, which is better than what I did today........

Enjoy your PT tomorrow Appletini!!

I hope you get a good''s night sleep on your new bed somethingshiny!! There''s nothing like a nice new comfortable mattress!!

Good for you having a 4 mile run Phoenix. You''re right that often people say, Oh you don''t need to exercise. Hmmph........

Sounds like you''re doing great Dragonfly!!

Again, Fairdust please. Rods needs this job!


Mar 19, 2007
Maisie: You silly!

Lor: Whoever heard of earthquakes in the UK? Guess we''d all better read up on which faultline you''re sitting on, I didn''t even know there were any close to GB. Glad you''re get back on that...DUH DUH DUUUUUH....Treddy....of DOOM!!!

PW and mara: I am all for fooling my body into doing what I want it to do, and by the time I actually wake up, I''m well into mile 2! Ha ha! Take that, body! Can''t stop me now! Anyway I appreciate the moral support.

KimH: Get better, already! At least you''re getting some sleep, though. I''d love a 12 hour sleep! Just looking for an excuse, really.

SShiny: WOOT for the new mattress! UGH for the wisdom teeth! Do they cancel eachother out? Perhaps not.

Phoenix: Huge amens for the part about the people who insist that you look great and wonder why you exercise. I have a friend who is a huge enabler. Whenever I want to eat some junk food at work, even though she knows I am trying hard not to eat that type of stuff, she always says "it''s ok you can afford to eat it". Well, no I can''t! That''s like, a whole hour on the Treddy O'' Doom, that bag of Fritos. So yeah! I feel you! Preach on!
Also I noticed that you run an impressive mile. Nicely done, nicely done.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. My DH is out of town on work this week and he told me he wanted to get me something special when I loose 150 pounds. He naturally assumes I want jewelry. I suggested we upgrade my wedding rings – he didn’t think that was funny. Tee hee.
I made chocolate chip cookies tonight to take to work tomorrow. I ate a little bit of dough and one hot cookie. It''s tough to pass up hot cookies but reaching minus 150 pounds is more important to me than eating a few cookies.
I walked on the TM tonight. My right knee got pretty stiff / sore about 14 minutes in but I still walked 20 minutes. We’ll see how well it recovers overnight.
Lorelei, they’ve been having tornadoes already in the southeast U.S. We’ve had mild quakes around here but not very often. Silly plate tectonics.
Hi Monnie. I hope you are doing well and not having to shovel snow too often.
Maisie, your avatar makes me wish spring was here (we’ll see daffodils in May around here).
PW, that is awesome your hairdresser noticed you are smaller. I am glad you are seeing such progress already. You put in quite a workout yesterday too. Thanks for the kind words about me. I appreciate it.
Mara, I am delighted to hear you were able to workout last night. I agree it seems like Skippy has been gone forever.
Kimi, sorry to hear you are still sick; rest up and get better.
Shortblonde, have a WONDERFUL trip.
Appletini, I hope your car is fine and only had a dead battery.
Somethingshiny, enjoy the new mattress.
Phoenix, I am so glad to hear you are back in to your workout routines. It is funny how people are amazed that someone wants to work out.
Dragonfly, congratulations for 12 pounds already.
Rod, heaps and tons of PS good luck dust coming your way for your interview tomorrow.
Julianna, I always ask people if there is actually air to breathe that early in the morning. I am not a morning person. LOL at running before your body knows it’s awake.
I hope all of you had a great day.
Take care.


Oct 30, 2002
evening all...

it''s so funny...i''m watching the biggest loser tonite and the winning team from last week got a trip to vegas. so they are like...well what should we do first? and they went to work out first before doing anything else. it was interesting to watch that because like 5 episodes ago these guys would not have even thought of working out first then hitting the casino...or sampling food first etc. it was so great to watch them do that! and it totally me think of how your ''lifestyle'' change sticks with you. the last 2 years, every vacation or work trip i have taken, i work out when i am traveling. at least once or twice if not every day to do SOMETHING. it''s just part of my life now, and i love that i have it that way. i don''t have to worry about getting workout derailed when is another matter hahha!

tonite we went for a 40 min walk with portia, felt good to get out and stretch the legs. tomorrow night i am going to go to zumba class, it''ll be my first real intense cardio workout in 3 weeks...yikes! i am going to try not to get too crazy but still do it effectively.

on friday night greg''s dad and stepmom are visiting with us (they are in SF for a biz trip this week) over the weekend. it should be a blast but we will be going out for basically every meal..! at least i can hopefully get some workouts in and continue to get back on my schedule again!

thanks for the recipe kimi!!
pg kudos on doing the run, that''s fab.
dragonfly...i havent done the self challenge but i get self so i do read about it. it sounds pretty good if you want to lose weight...kudos on doing so well with it.
rod...hope you get this job!! fingers crossed. marcy, yay for just about 150 lbs, you are so awesome.

we had middle eastern for dinner tonite, this new small place near the house, fabulous and authentic, i got a chicken breast wrap which was yummy, only ate 1/2 the bread. spicy! and a chicken samosa..a little greasy but tasty. i also got us baklava so we''ll see if ew eat it. greg brought home TWINKIES last nite so we had those but we have another pack..sabotage! they are so nasty and yet so good, lol.

anyhow, have a fabulous evening everyone!


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning from my new home in Orlando! The movers arrived yesterday afternoon and I've been working like a mad lady since to try to get everything put away. I have totally finished unboxing the kitchen, family room, dining room, office and hall bath, so I just have the master bed/bath, Andrew's room and his playroom to finish and I'll let Adam sort out the garage this weekend. It has been such a busy few days. I really feel like I've gotten good workouts the past few days from cleaning! I literally spent 10 hours cleaning up our old house before we left....too bad the people moving from our house left it looking like total crap. Adam did the walk-through the night before closing and they had just finished moving the furniture out. The lady was cleaning, but I think she stopped what she was doing the minute Adam left because she left the house very grungy. I can't believe some people...I have just always left things the way I would want to receive it. So I got in here yesterday morning before the movers arrived and started cleaning. When I had only finished 1 bathroom after 3 hours, I decided I needed help and we called a maid service to come out. Now things look so good, it looks like a different house. The neighborhood has a huge clubhouse with a gym, so I think Andrew and I will walk up there later this afternoon and check it out and find out hours. I hope it is nice so we don't have to pay for another gym membership. The eating front has not been great since we have been eating out a lot. Although I have been trying to find healthy alternatives. Last night was Subway and lunch was this cool little mexican fast food type place with burritos, tacos and quesidellias. It is really cool b/c you can order anything with a wheat tortillia, low fat cheese and fat free sour cream, so that is how I had mine and it was just as yummy! Anyway, hope everyone is doing well! Glad to be back!



Apr 30, 2005
Hiya Steph!

Rod, I am dustin'' like crazy!


Feb 27, 2007
Steph, that''s rotten they didn''t leave your house clean but it sounds sparkling clean now. Woo hoo! I hope you''ll enjoy your new home.


Nov 6, 2007

Good morning all! Well, it's another chilly day here in wonderful PA. Yesterday, I did a 20 minute powerwalk over lunch (with snow flurries even!) and another 60 minutes on the elliptical last night, with some bicep curls thrown in for good measure. I've been boosted by the kind words of my hairdresser, who noticed some changes in my body since December. Those little boosts really do help in keeping on track. I'm usually fairly good about getting my workouts in each week, but I think the good feeback makes me work that much harder to get to the final destination (maintenance!). I'm a bit peeved at our gym though. Lately, they've been cancelling a lot more classes than they've been having (over the last few months). No kickboxing again for me tonight, which is a shame because I really look forward to a different type of workout to the ellipticals/stairmasters/etc.

- Sounds like things are getting back to normal for you
I know how great that feels after being sick and off your schedule for a bit. Keep up the good work!
Kim - That recipe sounds delicious! Must give it a try soon. Feel better!
shortblonde - Hope you have an amazing trip! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return.
pg - Yeah for a long run, especially after being sick. I totally agree with your perspective on working out for health and not necessarily because you "look like you need it". I know of some thinner girls that never work out and I'm sure my health is better than theirs even though I'm on the heavier side, as I work out nearly daily.
Rod - Sending lots of dust your way for the interview - good luck!!
Julianna - Keep up the great work! I want to take up running this spring (when it warms up a bit) to train for my first 5k. You are truly an inspiration!
marcy - So sweet of DH to get you something for such an amazing accomplishment! Can't wait to see what you get! Now I am craving chocolate chip cookies - yummy!

steph - Enjoy the new home and getting settled!

Hi somethingshiny and all the other WWTers! Have a great day!




Oct 30, 2002
YAY steph and congrats on the move! glad to hear you guys made it okay.

morning all...!! nothing new to report here really. just getting ready for greg''s dad''s visit...tidying up a bit. the new cleaning help was here last week and did a 4 hour number on the place so luckily for us we just have to do some touchups on things but it still looks fab. get the guest room ready...yada yada.

breakkie was basic egg whites and a high fiber/protein toast with jam. coffee. lunch is going to be at this place that i really like, having a small fun group lunch there. i am contemplating bringing donuts in, i was craving them something fierce earlier this week but i think that i am kind of over it due to all the other sweets i had earlier this week!

last nite for dessert i didn''t even have the baklava, i just had fage with a bit of jam and frozen berries, my favorite thing the texture of the frozen berries mixed with the slightly sweet tartness of the jam yogurt.

and tonite i''m going to try zumba after my absence, keeping fingers crossed everything works as it should and i feel okay tomorrow! i still feel better every day, and if i had to say i''d estimate i am at about 95% of my max in terms of feeling great. so that''s fab...finally darnit!!

have a great day all!


Nov 6, 2007
One more thing - I have been sleeping better this week, so thanks to all those who were sending good wishes for a better sleep week - much appreciated!


Nov 29, 2004
I had my PT session today and wow I really could tell an improvement in my endurance, and my trainer noticed that my muscles are becoming more defined and that my face and neck are slimmer. Its so pretty outside today and I dont have anything on the social calendar, so I might go for a walk after work. We also focused on arms more than usual today and when I was washing my hair afterwards I could already feel them getting sore, so I''m excited that they will be looking good just in time for short sleeve weather.

Also all I needed for my car was a new battery, so I''m all set. I need to take the guys at the gas station some baked goodies b/c they are just so nice and helpful.

Rod, Sending good luck vibes your way. Can''t wait to hear all about the interview!

Steph, Glad you are in the new house, and good call on the cleaning service...I wish I had done that with my house.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey, just a real quick check-in. I think the interview went REALLY well, but I don''t want to jinx it. It lasted nearly 4 hours and was actually pretty enjoyable. I met with the guy I would work directy with (he would be my peer) and the lady I would work for and then her boss. Everyone was so enthusiastic and supportive and they told me they thought I was a really good fit and that I should hear about coming back in to meet with the division President next week. If I get that interview, I will feel pretty confident about getting this job. This company is headquartered here, so close to our house. It only took me less than 10 minutes to get there in rush hour traffic this morning and was such an easy drive. Again, not wanting to jinx this, but the job would be an ideal opportunity for me and one I am certainly qualified to do. I''d have about 35 - 40 people reporting directly to me and they''re all located here in Tampa!! Thanks for the Fairdust. Please send train loads my way. I so need this opportunity. Charlie is now all finished at work. He no longer has a phone, or laptop, so that part of our lives is completely over with. For him, it''s just a big relief to finally be done. Now, we move on the next chapters of our lives.

I don''t have time to write everyone personally, but thanks for the good wishes everyone. Glad your move went well Steph! I always leave a home in immaculate shape and cleaner than clean when we sell. Too bad other''s don''t have the same courtesy.

See you all later.


Jan 20, 2006
Chiming in Rod with biggest mobs of fairy dust
I lurk but don't post things just move to darn quickly here
Down 2 kilos so have got the last 4 to go
Doing HIIT 4x week and I love it talk about economical just 20 minutes + warmup and it done!
Weight 3 times per week on the Bow flex
Pilates x 2 week
Eating about 1700 calories a day 5 meals lots of good fats (walnuts EVO avocado) fish 3 times a week and tuna and salad for lunch.
red meat once a month ( just not loving it anymore)
Coffee one cup a day
Wine 2 glasses 4 days a week (this is a big break through for me
The once a month I do 4 days of really clean eating.
No coffee or wine, lots of low carbs lots of fruit and vegetables and fish.
Seems to be working.
Off I go to lurk again


Jun 15, 2006
Still here, still sick. Had to cancel another job, for tomorrow, because the fever hasn''t gone away yet. Couldn''t finish dinner last night, had a higher cal and fat lunch than normal today as I made a request and J brought home the wrong thing, I ate it anyways, figured it wouldn''t make a difference as I have been eating less than normal. My voice is all but gone, so I''m sitting very quietly, hoping this goes away soon. Take care all.


Feb 27, 2007
I hope everybody had a great day.
PW, yay for a nice power walk in chilly weather. It was in the 50’s here today but chilly with the wind. That is too bad they are cancelling classes at the gym. That’s great you are sleeping better.
Mara, I am glad to hear you are almost back to your normal self. Have fun with company this weekend.
Appletini, yay for seeing progress from your hard work. That’s nice your car only needed a new battery.
Rod, that is wonderful news your interview went so well. Heaps and tons of good luck PS fairy dust coming your way for the next round of interviews.
Katebar, congratulations for being down 2 kilos.
Kimi, sorry to hear you are still feeling so bad. Get better soon.
Have a great evening.


Jul 22, 2007
New mattress killed my back. I got too used to sleeping in my crater, I don''t like how it feels to lie flat. Hopefully I''ll readjust my body soon. DH on the other hand, loves the new bed and didn''t even snore. (His body LIKES not being in its crater)

Little one''s still sick and his eye his swollen shut. Poor little punkin.

Great workout today. It''s been a week since I had a proper yoga session. I''m feeling it in my ribs, and it feels great! I actually made myself some fries tonight, which I usually do at least once a week. And tonight, I ate just a few and didn''t even want them. Actually, now I really want a salad. It''s funny, I treat my body better by exercising, and it helps me help it!

Rod, glad your interview went well. Still sending dust!

PHX, 3 months ago I would have been one of those people wondering why you work out. NOW I GET IT! (it''s kind of a big deal for me!)

Steph, YAY! Hope you settle in quickly!

Kim, feel better vibes comin at ya!

Julianna, maybe the wisdom teeth will knock me out so I get a lot of sleep?! (still don''t know how I managed to keep them in my head until now, I''m 28) Good for you for all the running. I''m usually not out of bed before 8 or so, and even then, I do''t workout until 11!!

Marcy, You''re doing so GREAT! Have you had your rings sized since you lost weight??

Hi, Mara, Lorelei, PW, dragonfly, appletini, shortblonde, katebar, maise, and everyone!

Have a great tomorrow!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Somethingshiny, I hope you get used to your new mattress soon. I never sleep well except in my own bed. Yay for enjoying working out now. That''s great you''d rather have salad than fries. I hope your little guy gets better soon. Thanks for the kind words about my progress. Yes, I''ve had my rings sized 3 times now and they are getting pretty floppy again. Thank goodness most of the ones I own now have store warranties where I can get them resized for free. Take care.
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