
Weekly Workout Thread 25th Feb till 2nd March

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

Short intro this week! I am really beginning to see some good results from my weight training, my core is tighter and my clothes feel better still. So i am really pleased and will continue with it. I know I am looking more toned and trimmer, but I am trying to be realistic as to what I can achieve. I know I will continue to improve my body, but I don''t expect miracles that one day I will ever have the body of my dreams. I will always have the same basic shape with a very short torso, no waist, slimmer hips and legs which often comes with this body type, as much as I may want a tiny curved waist, I don''t think any amount of exercise or eating right will give it to me. But what it is giving me is a healthier and more toned body, more energy and confidence - and that I think is a good enough reward. I will never ever be bikini ready, but I have learned that this doesn''t matter. For a person with severe scoliosis and the resultant pain, I think I have done very well and it is more than I ever thought I could do! Interestingly, I realize that like my late Father, I can build muscle easily, even though I am a woman, it is interesting to see how genetics do play a part, as I can see my body type takes after his now I have trimmed off some of the excess pounds...

Really now I am enjoying being in control of my weight and figure after all these years of misery and denial, it sure beats the alternative. The investment is really so worth it as it adds so much to my overall happiness, confidence and health, also for the years to come.

Keep going everyone, spring is around the corner!


Dec 30, 2006
I''m really glad you are happy with the way your training is going. I still haven''t managed to get to the gym but I intend on going tomorrow in the morning. Best to get there before I change my mind!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/25/2008 8:39:54 AM
Author: Maisie
I''m really glad you are happy with the way your training is going. I still haven''t managed to get to the gym but I intend on going tomorrow in the morning. Best to get there before I change my mind!
I hope you are feeling better Maze! You will soon get back into the swing!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 2/25/2008 6:34:47 AM
Happy new week all!

Short intro this week! I am really beginning to see some good results from my weight training, my core is tighter and my clothes feel better still. So i am really pleased and will continue with it. I know I am looking more toned and trimmer, but I am trying to be realistic as to what I can achieve. I know I will continue to improve my body, but I don''t expect miracles that one day I will ever have the body of my dreams. I will always have the same basic shape with a very short torso, no waist, slimmer hips and legs which often comes with this body type, as much as I may want a tiny curved waist, I don''t think any amount of exercise or eating right will give it to me. But what it is giving me is a healthier and more toned body, more energy and confidence - and that I think is a good enough reward. I will never ever be bikini ready, but I have learned that this doesn''t matter. For a person with severe scoliosis and the resultant pain, I think I have done very well and it is more than I ever thought I could do! Interestingly, I realize that like my late Father, I can build muscle easily, even though I am a woman, it is interesting to see how genetics do play a part, as I can see my body type takes after his now I have trimmed off some of the excess pounds...

Really now I am enjoying being in control of my weight and figure after all these years of misery and denial, it sure beats the alternative. The investment is really so worth it as it adds so much to my overall happiness, confidence and health, also for the years to come.

Keep going everyone, spring is around the corner!
Exactly Lorelei..........I feel so so the same. I will never become one of the "uber" boys at the gym, but I am so much more in control of my health and fitness and while there are things I can''t ever change, I have done so well with the things I can change. Thanks as always for an inspiring weekly opener!!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy New Week!

It feels so good to be back in the swing of things. I''m working today, my last week of subbing before I start student teaching. I told J we would go out to dinner tonight -- he ate a lot of frozen food while I was away -- somewhere lowkey.

Lorelei, last week when I was playing with my nephew I noted the extra skin around my tummy from a time when I was so overweight, and it made me sad, and then I realized it wasn''t anything to be bothered by; my body is, for having been abused for a while, in pretty darn good shape and I need to be proud instead of picky about the way I look. You just reminded me again. Thanks.

Maisie, good luck at the gym. I noted your concern about responding to everyone all the time in this thread, and I wanted to let you know it''s okay if you don''t. There is a very friendly atmosphere here, but there''s also some selfishness, for lack of better word choice, involved...we''re here to motivate ourselves. It''s okay not to get to everyone everytime you check in. I certainly don''t and I''ve been hanging around here for over a year. We''re glad to have you and whatever you are able to contribute.

Have a great Monday all.


Nov 6, 2007
Date: 2/25/2008 6:34:47 AM
Happy new week all!

Short intro this week! I am really beginning to see some good results from my weight training, my core is tighter and my clothes feel better still. So i am really pleased and will continue with it. I know I am looking more toned and trimmer, but I am trying to be realistic as to what I can achieve. I know I will continue to improve my body, but I don''t expect miracles that one day I will ever have the body of my dreams. I will always have the same basic shape with a very short torso, no waist, slimmer hips and legs which often comes with this body type, as much as I may want a tiny curved waist, I don''t think any amount of exercise or eating right will give it to me. But what it is giving me is a healthier and more toned body, more energy and confidence - and that I think is a good enough reward. I will never ever be bikini ready, but I have learned that this doesn''t matter. For a person with severe scoliosis and the resultant pain, I think I have done very well and it is more than I ever thought I could do! Interestingly, I realize that like my late Father, I can build muscle easily, even though I am a woman, it is interesting to see how genetics do play a part, as I can see my body type takes after his now I have trimmed off some of the excess pounds...

Really now I am enjoying being in control of my weight and figure after all these years of misery and denial, it sure beats the alternative. The investment is really so worth it as it adds so much to my overall happiness, confidence and health, also for the years to come.

Keep going everyone, spring is around the corner!
This is all so true. Over the years of gaining and losing weight, even when I am at my smallest I am never going to look as thin as I would want to be, but I have come to accept my body and learn to love it just the same. I too inherited my build from my father and tend to weigh heavier because I build muscle easier (probably a lot of the reason I avoid the scale on a frequent basis). Weight training has been helping for me also - I am noticing small changes over the past few weeks. Great opener for the week, Lorelei - thanks for the inspiring words!


Nov 9, 2005
great opener Lorelei! I couldn''t agree more! It''s taking most of my 29 years to finally accept that I will probably never be a size 2. But I''m feeling better about where I am physically. I''m very slooooooowly getting there. But starting this week I''m going to step up my workouts to at least 5 days a week. Or at least try to get there 5 days

hope everyone has a fantastic week!!!


Mar 19, 2007
Good Monday, folks! All is well. I skipped yoga yesterday because I couldn't bear the thought of going into that little room with all the New-Year's-Resoluntioners again. I know it sounds insufferable, but that room can only hold SO many people, and it is always crammed full from January til about the end of February. It only takes one or two instances of running into the person next to me before I try to find an alternate class to go to.

Anyway enough about that, I'll fit some yoga in later this week.

Rose: to answer your question of last week: Any treddy is the Treddy O' Doom *doomy music inserted here* to me. I despise the treadmill because I am not a good runner. Thus, every minute past, say, minute 15, is me talking myself into continuing. Treadmills are horrifically boring, yet I am intimidated by running outside, so I have to run on the treadmill. On a great day I run about 3 miles at about 5.9 speed (maybe a 10 minute mile? I'm not sure, really, but it isn't great); on a bad day, it's more like 2.25 miles at 5.6 speed. And even THAT takes some doing. *whine* Anyone can run (barring injuries), it just takes a ton of work to get where you want to be, and then you can't quit or take a break, lest you slide back into running obscurity.

Morning Lor! Glad you're still seeing good results. That's what happens when you stick to your plan! I am so proud *sniff*.

KimH: Practically every woman is picky and critical and downright rude to themselves about their bodies (including me of course!). It's great that you can take a look at yourself and be proud of your progress instead of mad about its side effects. That's progress!


Jul 22, 2007
Inspired by Lorelei''s great opener (again), I pause to take a moment and love my body. I don''t have huge issues when it comes to my body (not for lack of faults), but often times I talk to IT like everything''s IT''S fault. --I can''t run because my boobs will give me black eyes, I can''t wear a swimsuit without a skirt in public for the humiliation, I can''t wave to a friend with my arm fully extended because of the draft the arm fat would cause, etc.-- But, I can swoop down and pick up my son for "flying", I can climb a tree, I can catch any ball thrown at me, I can pick DH up off the ground (he''s not a small man). So, I won''t RUN in a BIKINI with my arms STRAIGHT, no big deal. It would look silly anyway.

Lorelei I didn''t know you had scoliosis. Kudos to you for all the great workouts you do!!

Maise Good Luck with your first post-sickness workout. (don''t feel bad about the not responding to every post. I can''t do it all the time, either.)

Rod For some reason, I DO picture you as one of the "uber" boys at the gym...I think it''s because you seem so motivated and ready to get down to business.

Julianna Oh, I feel sorry for you for not getting to do yoga. I wouldn''t want to run into everyone else''s appendages myself, but I know how great it feels to be in the poses. And, I must add "anyone can run, but who WANTS too??"

Hi, Kimi, PW, cdt!


Oct 30, 2002
morning all!! Lorelei great opener, it reminds me of when I look at mag pictures and would see a great picture of say a Jessica Alba in a smashing bikini and think oh soon i can look like that with a bit more work. but then i was like ummm yeah not really. because she''s a diff height than me, she obviously has a different body structure than me, so i can NEVER look like her! just like i can never look like a nicole richie. i have a better chance of being like a scarlett johanssen who''s taller with a bit more curves to her. but i also have wide shoulders, the bane of my clothes buying existence. i could be bony as all get out and have wide shoulders with bones sticking out. haha. it''s kind of like people with wide hips. you can''t MOVE BONE. well unless maybe you are cher and want to have some ribs removed!!

so it does help when we are more realistic about what our goals can be. i will always be disappointed if i wanted to get to be like jessica alba, but if i just think ''well i want to be fit and non-jiggly and healthy'' then i chances are can make myself much happier with any results i get.

also in terms of being realistic with ourselves, we also have to realize that life doesn''t always give us what we want to play with. i am totally in the throes of this during my whole flu then bad arthritis thing. it''s been 2 weeks since i have worked out not counting 1 hour of zumba in the middle of all of this. the dr says one more week but i might sneak in something tomorrow night as i do feel better and my LEGS are not really affected by all of this. i can SEE that my arms and shoulders are smaller, loss of muscle is totally visible there to me. my butt is slightly flatter, boo hoo no squats. and my BELLY is not as tight as it used to be, because there''s where i pack weight on and i have been eating normally but not working it''s hard to cut back when you are trying to get better and also i just flat out don''t want to! but i can''t freak out...i just have to remind myself that in a week i can start getting back into it and after 3 weeks off my body should be nice and rested muscle wise and i can throw myself back into my 5 days a week routine with gusto and just power my body back into shape.

it''s kind of like that phrase ''win the war, lose the race''....we can''t win all the races and the war as well, sometimes you have to lose a race to win the long-term war. and i''m in this for the long-term!!

whew that was a lot of pontificating so early on a monday morning!! just had my breakkie of egg whites, slice of center cut bacon, toast with coffee. i have to admit since last nite was my final night of food single-gal freedom i went a little crazee and had jack in the box curly fries and 3 scoops of gelato for dinner. it was tasty. but i am going to TRY to be back on track for this week. greg''s dad and stepmom are visiting us starting friday and we''ll be eating basically every meal out from then til monday, so it''s gonna be ugly. and my abs won''t be any prettier come next monday. phbbbt. oh well.

happy monday all...hope everyone is enjoying a nice day and those who are still under the weather continue to improve!!!


Nov 6, 2007
Good afternoon everyone! So, I had a bit of a bad weekend food-wise, but it was (mostly) to be expected. I had my makeup birthday dinner on Friday night with DBF. I had stuffed butterfly shrimp with a baked potato and green beans - not completely horrible. Saturday, we were away for the day doing a lot of walking and didn''t feel like cooking, so we ended up ordering take out - Philly cheesesteaks! They are absolutely horrible for you, but omg so yummy. Being I can''t remember the last time I had one, I guess not such a bad thing. I did have a really good workout on Sunday, doing a solid elliptical workout and weight training on my shoulders/back/chest and legs. Sunday night, I had to pick up my sister last minute from the airport and ended up going out to eat dinner (again!). I had pasta with white wine sauce, mushrooms, shrimp, mussels, and scallops. I only ate a little and saved the rest for lunch today, so trying to split up the evil
Sleeping was better on the weekend, but then again sleep problems reared their ugly head last night. I didn''t get to sleep until after 2 and I went to bed around 10:30. It may just be work stress. Hopefully this week will be better in that regard.

CJ - I hardly ever have caffeine after about 9-9:30am. It''s weird because I was fine sleeping this weekend at BF''s place but couldn''t sleep again last night at my own place. It''s just a recent problem though (within the last week or so). Mmmm to the wine & cheese party though - I know I''d miss a workout for one of those

Rod - Snow is nice, but every once in a while, low 80s & low humidity sounds like a nice relief from the winter drearies! Your french toast sounds divine - yummy!

Monarch - Your new niece is so cute - congratulations!

Maisie - You''ll be back in the swing of things in no time - just rest up and feel better and you''ll be gyming again before you know it.
Steph - Sorry to hear about your stomach flu - feel better soon!
RoseRed - Glad to hear you got a good walk in despite the pain.
marcy - Love the new blingy avatar! Sounds like you had a great weekend. Yeah for a good TM workout! And I agree with Rod on the Glucosamine/Chondroitin. I take both, along with MSM, and that paired with strengthening my legs with weight training, etc. have definitely helped a lot. I think it could be worth looking into.
Julianna - I hear you on the New Year''s Resolutioners - I can''t wait until our gym thins out a bit too

Howdy somethingshiny, Kim, and Mara! Have a great day, everyone!




Nov 29, 2004
Well I never thought I would be so happy to go to my TBT class. But originally I had a meeting scheduled from 9-4, and guess what we wrapped it up at 11, just in time for me to make it to my TBT class...good thing I brought my workout clothes today. The main reason why I was worried about missing it, was that I was afraid it would make my PT session a lot harder on Thurs, plus I''m going out for lunch tomorrow (a rarity). I think I''m going to finally try the step class on Wednesday.

Also yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, so DH and I walked 3 miles around the neighborhood. But I had dinner at a friends house b/c we were planning a baby shower for another friend, and all the food was so fattening...garlic bread, caesar salad, baked spaghetti (which has tons of cheddar cheese on top) and brownies. I''d had a light tortilla soup for lunch, and after an indulgent food weekend fri and sat, I really wanted to be good. So I tried to eat around the cheese topping, and had the smallest brownie. And I only had water, no vino.


Sep 26, 2006
Maisie, I haven''t been able to get to the gym either. But tomorrow is our day. I haven''t gone since last Monday (eeeeek!). Tomorrow night there''s a cardio kickbox class and a budakon class which I was supposed to check out last week, but got smacked with that allergy test. SO...I''m looking forward to that.

Can''t go tonight because I have a million things to do!

Lorelei, thanks for the opening! I''ve always wanted my arms and legs to look a certain way, but DAMN genetics is keeping me from it! Only recently have I come to terms with that fact. I''ve accepted that I cannot sculpt my body the way I want to. Some bodies are just made to have a little extra flab on the tummy, or on the arms. My body also is made to have large calves...I can''t, in any way, carve away the muscle that makes them large. But you know what? Being on this thread has helped me to see that working out to be healthy is waaaaaaaay more important (and actually acheivable) than trying to sculpt my body into something it never will be. Instead of my goal being, "get calves to shrink" my goal now, because I''m inspired by people on this thread, is more like "get strong enough to do an unassisted pullup" or "be able to do more pushups." It feels good!

Kimberly, I just read a review that Daniel was a total disappointment to Boulud fans. So don''t worry!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 2/25/2008 11:34:11 AM
Author: somethingshiny

Julianna Oh, I feel sorry for you for not getting to do yoga. I wouldn''t want to run into everyone else''s appendages myself, but I know how great it feels to be in the poses. And, I must add ''anyone can run, but who WANTS too??''
I know exactly one person who loves to run more than anything else, and I can''t relate to her at all. We have not one single solitary thing in common.
So yeah, I''ll deal with you if you''re running and hating it, but I don''t know what to say to someone who insists they love to run.
I think that some people run just to show their bodies who''s boss. Or maybe that''s just me.
You WILL move, stupid stupid legs! Get to it!

Patiently_Waiting: Thanks for the show o'' solidarity. Glad it''s not just me.
Even as a general rule I like to show up at times of day that are uncomfortable for most people (hence the 5:00AM runs), so it irks me when I have someone practically sitting in my lap in class. Especially in yoga where one is supposed to be concentrating on perfecting one''s movements.


Dec 28, 2005
Evening All,

Not an eventful day for sure. I had a lof fat high fiber cereal with fresh berries and no fat milk for breakfast. Met Charlie for lunch, and had a hotdog. I was just craving a good old fashioned hot dog (actually a supposedly healthy one with no nitrates or preservatives and supposedly 50% less fat than a regular hotdog, but it tasted great to me) with lot''s of mustard, so I enjoyed that. I sat under the oak tree and enjoyed a glorious day in sunny Tampa and had my coffee, then I came home and washed my car before heading out to meet Charlie for sushi, fro-yo and coffee. It was a beautiful evening. They say we''ll have much cooler weather coming on Wednesday, with highs in the low 60''s, which is just a bit too cool, but cold fronts don''t last long in Florida, so it will be warm again by the weekend.

I don''t really have any plans for tomorrow. I will get a haircut, so I look nice and groomed for my interview on Thursday and I''ll go to the gym in the afternoon and have a good workout. That''s about it at the moment. Charlie seems to be feeling a little better, but he still has this cough. I think he should see the doctor, but he refuses. He usually get''s through these things without any help. He does have a good immune system for sure.

I''m glad you''re glad to back in the swing of things Kimberly.

Had to chuckle about the New Years Resolutionist Julianna!! We see a huge influx of newbies in January and February too. They''re the ones running around with their little cards in their hands trying to keep track of the number of reps and the weights they used, etc. I used to be one of them myself, so I applaud them for coming, but so many of them don''t stick with it very long. I think they thought a few workouts and wham, they''d look like Hedi Klum or Joe Montana.

Thanks somethingshiny. I think the days where I could have been an "uber" boy are long gone, but I am one pretty fit maybe even "uber" old fart.......LOL I still see a fat man in the mirror, even though I am not fat and I even have decent muscles. I guess it''s good that the mirror tricks me as it keeps me continuously focused on never letting the image in my head become the real image in reality.

LOL about your dinner last night Mara. I hope you enjoyed every single calorie!! Remember, even if you have seen changes in your muscles, they''re going to come back even stronger when you are able to work out again. You''re going to be just fine, I know it.

PW, yummm, Philly Cheesesteak. I haven''t had one in over two years. Sure, you had to mention one, didn''t you??
Now, I''ll probably have to scratch that itch sometime too! I hope you sleep better soon.........

Glad you were able to make you TBT class appletini!

Have fun at the gym tomorrow CJ!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. It’s snowing here again. Yippee.
Lorelei, I am delighted to hear you are seeing and enjoying the results of your new weight training. You should be so proud of how much you have improved your health these past years with all your hard work and determination. The investment is certainly worth it for such long term and rewarding benefits to your mind and body. It is so important we accept our limitations but do the best we can with what we have.
The only 2 things that kind of get me down is my extra skin and why didn’t I do this before. My skin isn’t horrid considering how much I’ve lost and I don’t think you’d ever see it as long as I choose clothes that don’t accent it; but it does bother me. I also sometimes think how much my life has changed and I wish I hadn’t missed out on so much for so many years but I can’t change either one of them so I try not to dwell on it. I never cease to be amazed when I see myself in a mirror and I am walking on a TM 3 times a week. Even 6 months ago I wouldn’t have dreamed I could do that.
Maisie, have fun and good luck on your first gym visit tomorrow.
Rod, you should be so proud too of how much you have changed and improved your health. Glad you were able to enjoy some sun today. My car was clean for 2 days; we had it washed Saturday and it snowed today. Rats. I’m with you – mmm to philly cheesecake.
Kimi, I bet you are excited to start your student teaching next week. You are so right, you should be very proud of how well you take care of yourself these days.
PW, glad to hear you had such a fun weekend. I hope you sleep better this week. Thanks for the compliment on my new avatar. I sent that photo to myself at work and make a tile of it as my wallpaper today.
Thanks for the tips on the drugs; maybe I can beg a few off my mom and see how well I do with them.
CD, good plan to workout 5 times this week.
Julianna, I am sure the crowds will start to drop off at the gym soon. Have fun at yoga.
Somethingshiny, it is always good to pause and look at our bodies – there are many good things to see and it’s important that we look at those too.
Mara, good point about setting realistic goals. I am sure you’ll be right back to your normal fitness routines before you know it.
Appletini, yay for a short meeting and making it to class. Good job being careful at dinner.
CJ, I agree being more healthy is the most important thing. Have fun at your classes tomorrow evening.
Have a great evening. Sweet dreams.



Jul 22, 2007
I know some of you don''t venture beyond WWT, but You HAVE to see this... redneck pics


Jul 30, 2007
Hi WWTers!

So I''ve finally kicked this stupid cold--yay! This weekend was so bad, food-wise. I was at 143 (from my start weight of 147--goal of 135) on Friday, and I''m now afraid to step back on the scale!
We went to this AWESOME pastrami place in town for lunch on Saturday and I had a Reuben, then we made homemade grilled cheese sandwiches with TJ''s roasted pepper and tomato soup for dinner. Sunday we went to an Oscar''s party and had grilled shrimp & veggie skewers, steak, salad, and grilled eggplant for dinner, with a few glasses of wine. We brought homemade lemon pound cake for dessert as our contribution--yum!

I''m back on the bandwagon this week, though--ate light today and had veggie risotto (with zucchini, celery root, and mustard greens) for dinner.

Lorelei, good opener this week! I think so much of it comes down to "the grass is always greener..." I sometimes wish I were more petite, but then I realize that a lot of smaller girls probably wish they were taller and I should be thankful for what I''ve got rather than lamenting what I''ve not. And at least Kris thinks I''m sexy.

Julianna, I feel you on the running thing. I try to do it because I know it''s good for me, and I always feel good AFTER I do it, but actually getting out there is hard.

I''m about to nod off, so I''ll wrap this up, but everyone sounds like they''re doing great! Goodnight, all.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

I''ve caught the PS ick, again. I woke up with a fever, chills, sore throat, etc. and spent most of the night rolling around in bed and watching lame TV hoping it would lull me back to sleep.

I have a meeting about student teaching today that I have to attend, otherwise it''s me and the sofa.

We had a good dinner last night. I wasn''t super hungry and was feeling picky so I pieced together an entree of a crab cake, veggies, and potato salad. It ended up being the perfect amount of food, and so good.

LP, don''t worry about the scale.

Julianna, thanks for the kind words. I am my own worst critic, for sure, and I''m working hard to move away from that mentality.

CJ, thanks for the Daniel info. That is interesting since it''s the only place he cooks.

Hello to everyone! Hope you''re all doing well.


Feb 21, 2005
hi wwt! i had a really good workout on sunday and also gots lots done on the packing front. i am going to costa rica, yippee! (can you tell i''m excited? especially since we just got a big snowstorm today and i am so looking forward to some warmth and sunshine)

eating has been really healthy these past few days - i think i have been too busy to snack or think about junk food. lots of veggies too, yum. today was steel cut oatmeal with banana and a little pb, baked falafel on a ww bun and bell pepper strips, and a z bar. tonight i''m trying a new stir fry with edamame, broccoli, pineapple, and cashews. i am also planning to go to the gym after work, although i am admittedly quite tired and unmotivated today. i''m hoping the thought of wearing a bikini in a few days will get me up off my rear and onto the elliptical, though!

lorelei, i think it is so cute that you want a curvy little waist. i am very curvy with a small waist, and all i really want is skinny legs! the grass is always greener...

maisie, hope you made it to the gym and it wasn''t too painful.

julianna, i am over the new year''s resolutionists too. i admire them for trying to make healthy changes, i just wish they would join another gym, not mine!

mara, i laughed at the single-gal dinner.

patiently, hope you are sleeping better.

rod, isn''t it funny how the mirror plays tricks on you!

lady, glad you are feeling better.

kimberly, sorry you are sick again.

sorry if i missed anyone! have a great day.


Dec 28, 2005
Evening All!

Not much to report for the day. I slept in a bit, had my healthy berries and high fiber, low fat cereal for breakfast, job searched for a while (it get''s old and tiring after an hour or so), then I headed out and got a haircut, and had lunch all by myself (I usually meet Charle, but to be honest, being alone was kind of a nice break - shhh, don''t tell Charlie I said that), then sat under the oak and had a nice cup of coffee. Finally, I went to the gym and had a terrific and very strong 2.5 hour workout. I got there around 4 this afternoon, long before the crowds come in, so I was able to get to virtually everything I wanted to use without any wait times and I was able to do more because of that. For dinner, I stopped by the little independent grocery we love and I bought some homemade chicken vegetable soup, which was just terrific. I thought since Charlie still has this cough, chicken soup was the best thing I could get him. He skipped the gym tonight and I''ve convinced him to skip tomorrow too. I think since he had more of a flu type thing, he pushed himself at the gym this weekend, which definitely was not good for him and made his cough worse. So, he needs to rest more than he needs to workout.

Nothing much in the works for tomorrow either. If I could only wn the lottery, I''d be such a good rich retired person!! LOL We''re having some rough weather at the moment with lightning and thunder and then the cold front will come through and tomorrow''s high will only be in the 50s. That''s brrrrrr cold for Florida. When I get up to head out for my interview on Thursday morning, it will be in the 30s, OH MY.........but will warm up in the afternoon.

Kimberly, I''m so sorry you''ve got the crud again. It seems to coincide with your teaching assignments. Kids are just amazing germ breeders and I''m sure you''re being exposed to things your body hasn''t had the displeasure of meeting before. I hope you feel better soon.

somethingshiney, the redneck pics were funny and sad. That poor baby being born to the smoking mother. That''s just criminal.

LP, glad you''ve finally kicked that cold.

SB, YAY for a really good workout Sunday. Have a wonderful trip to Costa Rica and enjoy the warmth and sunshine!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I started the day with a pleasant surprise. I am minus 147 pounds.
I am pretty jazzed to be getting so close to minus 150 pounds. That will be exciting for me.
I picked up a few groceries tonight. I can eat so cheaply when DH is out of town. Cheerios for BF, fresh fruit for snacks, sandwiches and baked lays for lunch then lean meat and veggies for supper.
Ladypirate, I am delighted to hear you finally got rid of your cold. Yay for loosing 4 pounds.
Kimi, sorry to hear you are getting sick again. Take it easy so you’ll be ready for your big day on Monday.
Shortblonde, Costa Rica sounds warm and divine. Yay for a great workout this weekend.
Rod, that is nice you had a great workout this afternoon. Sorry to hear it’ll be in the 30’s when you head off to your interview. That is like the weather here. Stay warm! Good luck on your interview.
Take care and have a great evening.



Aug 12, 2005
Evening WWTr''s! I don''t have much to add...very much same-old, same-old going on here. I''m just reading along as all of you post and am inspired as always to keep up with my own fitness and health. So...wishing everyone a great Wednesday!


Aug 12, 2005
Lorelei...I just saw the news of the earthquake around Manchester..hope you and your family and animals are safe.


Apr 30, 2005
Monnie, I am fine and it looks like Maisie is here too. Nothing in my immediate area, but it seems that some widespread locations have been affected, very odd...Thanks for thinking of us, this is very unusual for the UK to have a quake


Aug 12, 2005
*sigh of relief* for you both. Thanks for checking in.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/27/2008 4:06:42 AM
Author: monarch64
*sigh of relief* for you both. Thanks for checking in.
Thanks Monnie! Actually I now find out that some nearby did feel some tremors


Aug 12, 2005
scary! hope everyone overseas is alright. I tried to use the "off to bed" emoticon but apparently I have to rename it to use it know my intent, though. I''m glad everything is ok over there. Gosh...look at the time, hee hee!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/27/2008 4:28:41 AM
Author: monarch64
scary! hope everyone overseas is alright. I tried to use the ''off to bed'' emoticon but apparently I have to rename it to use it know my intent, though. I''m glad everything is ok over there. Gosh...look at the time, hee hee!
Night night! Can you click and drag? That saves renaming!


Feb 27, 2007
Lorelei, I am glad to hear you are okay.
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