
Weekly Workout Thread 22nd Oct till 28th Oct

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Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, hubby and I bought my new laptop today. It is an HP dv6653cl. I like that costco lets me decide if I like it over 90 days. We resisted the food court at costco and ate roasted chicken for lunch and a few french fries from hubby''s meal. I watched a scary movie today "1408," it was just okay. I want hubby to hang the curtin rod so I can make sure the window treatment is cut perfectly to fit before I actually sew it. For dinner we will eat leftover roast w/veggies.
I am off for a 4 mile walk.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!!! I will check in a little later. Mara and Kimi are you back? Happy Birthday Mara! Marcy, I love your new earrings!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
I have been busy cleaning house today. The DH is finally home.
I was so excited to see him. Now I am doing laundry; his suitcase didn’t have much in it that was clean.
The weather is really nice here again today so I think we’ll go for a walk tonight in the park. I’ll get hubby off the couch after dinner. I am baking a roast beef with veggies and mashed potatoes. We are having a glass of wine now will we wait for dinner to be done. I was kind of nervous today so kept snacking but it was always healthy or low cal food like dry roasted almonds, baked lays, etc.
Skippy, I hope your 4 mile walk was wonderful. I am glad you like my earrings; they were just what I was looking for. My husband thought they turned out nice too. Good idea to get the curtain rod hung for you so you make sure the window treatment fits properly. I’ve done my share of ripping in my days. I hope you love your new laptop. I pretty much live with mine in my lap.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.


Dec 28, 2005
I hope everyone's enjoyed their weekend. I don't see too many posts, so I'm guessing most have been out having a good time!

Kimberly, I'm praying that you and John don't find too much wrong in your neighborhood. I'm sure it's going to be a bit shocking to see the charred remains of homes so close to you. Hopefully, you got electricity too. Please let us know how things are when you get a chance. I hear schools are opening tomorrow, so at least for the children, it's a good thing. I'm sure they need something to take their minds off of fires. Anyway, you know we're all thinking about the two of you.

Skippy, I think this is the second time you've written about hubby doing something wonderful for humanity. I know he deserves that roast for sure. Sounds like you had a nice weekend and got in your walks too! Yay for your new laptop Skippy. We have laptops for work, but our home system is still a big 'ol desktop. I guess since it still does what we need it to do, we'll keep it going until it dies, then replace it with a laptop here too!

tdiddy, good for you eating healthy at the Cheesecake Factory. I find it's harder to eat healthy there. Fortunately, I'm not too fond of the food there to begin with, so it's easy to not be tempted. Actually, I don't much care for the large chain restaurants. They're all too formula driven for my taste. I much prefer independently owned restaurants with their own unique recipes. Actually, chances are any restaurant that has to give me a vibrating device to let me know when my table is ready, is likely not the place for me. LOL Anyway, good for you resisting cheesecake too!

Good going yourself Steph..........Grilled chicken at chick-fil-a and avoiding the caramel popcorn took great willpower. Though, I could not have avoided the popcorn. Popcorn is one of my weaknesses and I do allow that indulgence occassionally!

Jas, so sorry to see your life is so busy you don't have time for yourself or your yoga booty ballet. I'm sure when you get out of the twilight zone school you're in, you'll be able to return to some healthy activities for sure. And 35?? Why you're just a 'youngun. You've got a zillion more miles ahead of you. Congrats on the upcoming anniversary too!

Yay for the new clothes Marcy!! Sounds like you had a great time shopping, including bling shopping! So glad your friend noticed the difference in your energy levels and ability to keep on going without having to rest. It's amazing what extra pounds on our bodies can do to us. We were at Sbucs this afternoon and we often see this hugely obese guy there. He must weight well over 300 pounds. You can see how labored his breathing is even when he is just sitting. Having that much weight on his body must really be taxing his heart. But, he obviously is not concerned about it. He smokes, and drinks frapuccino after frapuccino and eats brownies and obviously is oblivious to his situation. Sorry for getting off subject. You constantly amaze your friends on WWT for sure!

So, like I said Friday, this is the first chance I've had to check in since then. We had a great Saturday, including a really long and productive workout. Then we went to our friends Halloween Party last night. We had a nice time. I'm not really a party guy. I don't drink much, and maybe that's why I'm not the life of a party. But, the people at the party were all pretty blitzed by about midnight. Maybe when I was younger, I would have partied a litle harder, but all I could think was I didn't want to have a headache the next day and miss a workout to have had artificial fun. I guess Rod is becoming an older adult for sure. Anyway, we did enjoy ourselves.

Today has been a pretty traditional Sunday. I guess we slept a little later this morning since we got to bed a bit later last night. But once we got up and got going, we did our normal Sunday routine. Breakfast on the terrace, cars washed, lunch at Panera, coffee at Sbucks, then a nice long workout. Our gym is in a cool outdoor shopping village really close to downtown Tampa, and our condo. Today, they had a Smart Car exhibit and people were lined up in droves to test drive one of these 'itty 'bitty cars. They're made by Mercedes and the model they had available for testdrives is called the "For Two" (there's a "For Four" model which will be available later), and like the title suggests, it's truly a two seater and so tiny. It has a 3 cylinder, 76 horsepower engine. I think if someone lived in a big city and needed a really small car, this would fit the bill, but there's no way we'd have one as we do have to get on interstates occassionally and this thing would scare the poop out of me with such a tiny cage and engine. Charlie test drove one, while I continued my workout. LOL

For dinner we had fresh baked salmon, with a nice tomato, vidalia onion and cucumber salad. It was yummy for sure.

I'm about to go have my 3 pieces of Lindt dark chocolate and a fuji apple for later. It's almost DHW time, so I'll end this too long diatribe for now. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Again Kimberly, we're all thinking of you and John and hoping your life at home returns to normal quickly.


Feb 27, 2007
Greetings! My DH and I went for a walk after supper. We live about 3 blocks from the back of a golf course so we walked over there, headed north for awhile then came home. It was fun.
Rod, I am sure my friend was very amazed and impressed at my ability to walk so much; she commented on it several times. I feel for the very obese guy setting there indulging in his unhealthy habits. That used to be me. I was always very self conscious though going any place by myself to buy food. I knew I shouldn’t be eating those things and I am sure everyone seeing me there thought the same thing. You mentioned how labored his breathing was; I noticed that in me on voice messages when I weighed that much. I know my heart and lungs were taxed to the max. I also always had to brace myself on something to stand up because it was so difficult to get out of a chair. I hope that guy some day finds the desire to improve his health. It’s ironic you mentioned that today; yesterday I found out a friend of my parents who weighs around 300 pounds had a heart attack. He is such a great guy and was always on diets that never worked for him. They moved to a lower elevation about 10 years ago for his heart. He keeps in touch with me through email and I know he’s been bad and he has commented to me several times he is so glad I’ve done this because he sure wish he had when he had the chance. Thanks for saying I amaze you guys. I appreciate that. I’m glad you had fun at the party. I am like that too, I don’t drink much but the DH likes to go to parties. His buddies generally play Texas Hold ‘em for $1 or $5. He enjoys that. We are going to a costume party next weekend. Mmm for your pieces of Lindt dark chocolate. Enjoy.


Nov 8, 2005
I just had a minute to skim, but it sounds like people have had a good weekend! Mine was fun and busy, trying to work on some projects around the house etc. I was feeling grumpy on Friday and kind of on Saturday just trying to work through some stressful stuff but I think that this coming week will be better. I talked with my dad tonight and he always has good advice. Most of my stress is self imposed, as I am a worrying person by nature. I am trying to be more "in the moment"!

Steph that whole wheat lasagna sounds awesome. How did it come out? I'm still sticking with the plan, you too? I gave myself a little break this weekend but that's how I planned it initially - hard core during the week for 2 wks (I have upped it now to 3) with some "wiggle room" on the weekends. DH is sticking with his plan too - he is avoiding all sweets and empty calories for 2 weeks. I'm so proud of him!

Also, today was my longest run before my half marathon and I ran 11 miles! I needed some carbs after that. Happily, I am feeling quite good during and after the run. and confident that I could have completed 13, like I'll be doing in the real race. I feel great to have this much cardiovascular endurance, but I wish I were faster. I am a long, slow runner and am trying to be happy with the skills that I have developed instead of dwelling on the whole speed thing. I'll get a sense of accomplishment from the race regardless of my time, I suppose. TDiddy, to answer your question I actually haven't done any marathons yet, just a couple of halfs, and I haven't done any of the destination races yet. If I ever do a full marathon I think it will be Marine Corps or Chicago. Chicago would be especially fun since I used to live there and have a lot of friends there who would come cheer for me!

Rod your weekend sounds fun. I hear you about drinking - I do enjoy social drinking but it's rare for me to get drunk anymore - it's just not worth killing the next day with a hangover!

We went to this awesome greek place last night and I had a great seafood dish. Yum.

Well I hope everyone has a great and healthy week!


Feb 27, 2007
TanDogMom, I am sorry to hear you have been stressed. I really have to work at keeping my stress down; it’s easier now that I feel better but it’s hard sometimes. I am glad you did get some good advice from your dad. I hope this week goes better for you. Yay for running 11 miles today. I think you should be proud of your accomplishments not worry about how fast you run. I admire you being out there trying!


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 10/28/2007 11:09:42 PM
Author: marcyc
TanDogMom, I am sorry to hear you have been stressed. I really have to work at keeping my stress down; it’s easier now that I feel better but it’s hard sometimes. I am glad you did get some good advice from your dad. I hope this week goes better for you. Yay for running 11 miles today. I think you should be proud of your accomplishments not worry about how fast you run. I admire you being out there trying!
Thanks so much Marcy. You are always so kind. I hope you have a great week. By the way, if you have any helpful hints about keepig stress down, I would love to hear them! I am trying hard to focus on all the positive things going on and not worry so much about things that I don''t have to decide right now.


Feb 27, 2007
TanDogMom, thank you for the kind words about me. The things I did to help change my stress was to focus on what I could and couldn''t change / control. There are so many things at work that cause me frustration but I can''t fix them so I did the best I could to try and convey to them how what they do impacts my department and tried to learn to accept I can''t change some things. It''s not easy because the department that frustrates me works for the same boss I do. I also found as you said you already did; I had to vent to someone what was going on. Just getting things off your chest can help. The last thing I did and I think it really helped me was to take time for me everyday. I work 2 jobs and sometimes I work all day long. I go to work, come home cook and do dishes then grade papers until I go to bed. I decided to make sure I do something I find fun or relaxing everyday. I took up knitting again and bought some books. Even if I only take 5 minutes a night to knit a row or two or read a few pages, it helps me unwind and I feel like I did something nice for me. I hope some of this helps you. I do feel your pain.


Oct 30, 2002
hello all!! i'm posting late on sunday so not sure if anyone will see this post...but we're back...we got home tonite and it feels great to be home but we had a wonderful time in acapulco!! i took a ton of pictures and we both got incredibly tanned. we spent a lot of time relaxing at the resort at the pool and beach but we also did some fun 'in town' things as well. and our friends' wedding was amazing!!! there were about 70 people total and we knew some of the friends that came so it was a fun time. definitely things going on all the time if we wanted to partake.

we worked out almost every day even though the gym was pretty pathetic, literally one old treadmill, these schwinn bikes from i swear the 1970's which were super manual, and a bunch of weight machines and weights. that is IT. i had to do a lot of improvisation with my own kind of circuit training interval thing using the machines and treadmill runs, and then jumping jacks, pushups, and weights, etc. i did arms one day and legs the next and did run/walks/bikes as well, i felt good for being out there every morning, esp when people in our party would walk by and wave at me on their way to breakfast hahaa. but we ate and drank a TON. i think i was turning into a strawberry daquiri for a while. the last 2 days i cut out the liquor entirely as it was just getting to be too much (drinks all day then drinking at night for the parties) and i'm not a drinker by nature and i feel like i swear it totally bloats me out and makes me feel weird. but it was fun while it lasted. we ate up a storm as well....acapulco is known for amazing seafood and we had some great food out there as well as some in-town authentic experiences as well. and luckily for us, our resort had great food for a 'resort'..we are so picky about food most time we are pretty disappointed with resort food but this was pretty decent and their fancier restaurant was actually very good. the views at some of these restaurants we went to were just amazing!

we had a scale in our room, weighed ourselves when we got there and then kept track of it by weighing ourselves daily, it was pretty funny to see how the scale would jump when we had been drinking and eating all day and how it'd move back in the morning after sleep and digestion. based on what it was saying today, i think i truly 'gained' about 3 lbs on the trip, which is fine because i know i can just get it off in the next 2 weeks if i put my mind to it. or it could just be leftover bloating as well from the alcohol and the humidity/water retention. so we'll see in a few days i guess! but i really kept up the weights while gone which was good because i know the more muscle i build the better for my metabolism and each morning i tried to really get a big dose of protein with egg white omelets and low fat yogurt with granola (and a pancake or poppyseed muffin or both!!) so at least i tried to feed my muscles more than strawberry daquiris. hehe.

anyhow just wanted to check in before we headed off to bed, back to the work grind tomorrow
which is depressing but we made the most of it while we could, our trip was awesome!!! hope everyone had a great week, i skimmed the pages a bit but just don't have the mental capacity to actually read anything right now...happy new week wwters and thanks to those who were thinking of us while we were gone...i had enough drinks for all of us!!
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