
Weekly Workout Thread 22nd Oct till 28th Oct

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

I wanted to touch on a part of our healthy journey today where some of us are at - maintenance. It seems to me after trying to maintain for a couple of years now, more or less, that maintenance can be harder than losing weight! My body although smaller, still has it''s fat days and thin days and days in between. I still panic that the pounds can come creeping back. This journey is as much about the mental as it is the physical.

Case in point; I have been lifting weights for the past 3 or 4 weeks as you know and my jeans are feeling a bit tighter, some days around the middle and also around the thighs. Now, I can see I look better for the weight lifting and still trim sans duds in the mirror, but because I think the size of my muscles in some areas has increased - I panic! I guess the thing is, I can''t expect it all to become so easy now after struggling with weight issues for most of my life. Although I may have made positive changes to my body, I can''t do so with my mind so easily - and I know that is the case for many many people. So I am trying to look upon this mood / feeling as a positive tool that I can use to help me on my way - that my body isn''t a machine that I can beat into shape the way I want to, but something I need to work with. If I am feeling a little larger, there is probably another reason if I am working out and eating carefully than that I am gaining weight! It could just be a natural part of changing my workout routine by using the weights and elliptical instead of the treadmill so much and that positive and enjoyable changes are on their way!

Have a great week and Mara if you read this, I hope you and Greg are having a fabulous time and lots of good eats! Rock that bikini girl!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone and happy Monday!

Lorelei, I so agree that maintenance is much harder than reaching your goal. Maintenance is for a lifetime; reaching your goal is short term. It is all about your mindset and how you handle it that makes a difference. I look forward to reaching that part of my journey (I think).

Monarch, I''m glad to hear you are still alive and kicking. We finally just reached a point where my husband said - okay we are buying a car today.

Have a great day and see you later.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 10/22/2007 9:35:21 AM
Author: marcyc
Hi everyone and happy Monday!

Lorelei, I so agree that maintenance is much harder than reaching your goal. Maintenance is for a lifetime; reaching your goal is short term. It is all about your mindset and how you handle it that makes a difference. I look forward to reaching that part of my journey (I think).

Monarch, I''m glad to hear you are still alive and kicking. We finally just reached a point where my husband said - okay we are buying a car today.

Have a great day and see you later.
I know you will do so well with maintenance Marcy!! You inspire so many of us with your incredible achievements and I know we all look forward to sharing your journey with you still when you are at the maintenance stage!

I think this is why this thread works so well and seems to help many people - goals are encouraged and applauded, but we do look beyond them to the long term, so that the weight can come off, stay off and life can be enjoyed in the meantime.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

We''re safe and sound in Chicago, sitting in our hotel room, listening to news about the fires in our area. We''ve been in touch with a few of our neighbors and everything is okay so far. The fires are burning out of control though, so it''s kind of scary. One of our neighbors is headed up to check on our house. John''s glad we''re here instead of sitting in smoke and ash, the San Diego area is covered.

We had a delicious dinner last night at a steak house.

Not much else to report. Thanks for the great opening, Lorelei.



Mar 26, 2006
Kimi, glad to hear you are here safe and sound. And I''m with John--better not be in SD right now.

Lorelei, thanks for the great opener! I hope to get to the point of being able to experience maintenance some day, LOL...

Marcy, I think some day we will reach the point of saying "OK, we are buying a car today" but not yet--the HH is enjoying the reseach too much!

Just had some fiber one with skim for breakfast. I''ll have something small before I head up to meet with my managing broker, and then I think scrambled eggs and ham for lunch (I''m on this kick--I eat it almost every day lately!). Who knows what for dinner. Now that the HH is back it''s harder to be good. Last night after my open house and my client we went out for Mexican. I don''t think my entre was bad (grilled port tenderloin in a spicy tomato sauce with avacado) but we had friend cheese (!) for an appetizer. I did resist dessert though and just had a 60 cal pudding cup when I got home.

There is also a workout in my afternoon so I hope this meeting with my broker doesn''t go on to long. And I figure if it comes out good I''ll be happy and motivated to work out, and if it comes out not so good I''ll be PO''d and really want to go work off some steam, ha ha!


Jun 15, 2006
Thanks DeeJay, we''re still on for tomorrow.


Apr 19, 2004

For sure--my "bulkier" muscles change the fit of my clothes; and somethimes I think, whoa did gain weight? Then I give my head a shake, and all is set to right!

Going to return to the gym and resume my gym routine this week, but today I am walking to the library with my pal--it is quite a hike. The weather is so fine that we want to take advantage....before the snow flies? But I intend to ride the bike first--and back to my weights....

Happy day ya''ll!



Apr 30, 2005
Date: 10/22/2007 10:18:03 AM
Author: canuk-gal

For sure--my 'bulkier' muscles change the fit of my clothes; and somethimes I think, whoa did gain weight? Then I give my head a shake, and all is set to right!

Going to return to the gym and resume my gym routine this week, but today I am walking to the library with my pal--it is quite a hike. The weather is so fine that we want to take advantage....before the snow flies? But I intend to ride the bike first--and back to my weights....

Happy day ya'll!

Phew! Thanks Sharon, that makes me feel better!

Thanks Dee and Kimmie!


Apr 30, 2005
Good morning to you Steph!

I hope you don''t mind, I copied and pasted your post from last week''s thread to this weeks! I start a new thread on Mondays, so to keep you up to date, I transferred your post to this weeks workout thread

Steph''s post below.

"Good Monday morning everyone! I am going to try to be back on track today after a pizza and ice cream filled weekend. So far, for breakfast I had an egg topped with 1 piece of deli ham and 2% cheese melted on top. For lunch, I am going to have a turkey sandwich on a whole wheat pita and fruit (Andrew and I are going for another picnic at the park) and for dinner I am picking up a rotesserie (sp?) chicken and making some veggies. I am going to try to drink lots of water today too...haven''t been drinking enough lately. I am going to go running when DH gets home tonight...I was too lazy to get up this morning. Everyone have a great day!"


Mar 16, 2005
Thanks Lorelei! Didn''t see that!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 10/22/2007 10:21:45 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 10/22/2007 10:18:03 AM
Author: canuk-gal

For sure--my ''bulkier'' muscles change the fit of my clothes; and somethimes I think, whoa did gain weight? Then I give my head a shake, and all is set to right!

Going to return to the gym and resume my gym routine this week, but today I am walking to the library with my pal--it is quite a hike. The weather is so fine that we want to take advantage....before the snow flies? But I intend to ride the bike first--and back to my weights....

Happy day ya''ll!

Phew! Thanks Sharon, that makes me feel better!

Thanks Dee and Kimmie!

NO problemmo Miss LL!
I find that since I''ve been routinely squatting, leg lifting/raising, biking with my 10 pounds weights--my butt has never been higher or quads stronger/more defined. I don''t mind!!



Mar 20, 2003
My weight loss made my already kind of loose rings too loose, so I am ring-less this week.
I probably should have shopped around for a place that could size them faster, but it wasn''t until I''d filled out all the paperwork that they told me I wouldn''t get them back until Friday. I feel naked. At least I have my plain wedding band to wear (yes, it''s too big too, but I''m saving it as is in case I get pregnant and my fingers swell some day . . . which is especially when you want to be able to "look married" with a wedding ring!). They were size 6, but I probably should have had 5 3/4 originally; I just don''t like the feeling of something squeezing my finger. The saleslady said I could wear size 5, so I compromised with 5 1/4. I just hope that with a thicker band and e-ring, that''s not too tight.

I was going to take today off from working out, but I''m saving that for tomorrow now. I haven''t done weights since Friday, and I don''t like to let too many days go in between. Plus this was an especially indulgent weekend. After the wine tasting Saturday, we ran into some friends on our Sunday lunch, so a mimosa led to wine which led having an impromptu gathering on our porch, including more wine and breaking out the Gouda and triskets, which then led to making Sangria and then it was dinner time . . . I tried to make up for it by eating this Kashi magno bean thing for dinner (only 340 calories), but it was pretty gross, so then I had to wash it down with some of this chocolate my neighbor brought back from Russia . . .

OK, reminding myself of my weekend has inspired me to get off my butt . . . I''m off to work out!


Mar 26, 2006
Hello kids! Today has been quite good so far. I successfully renegotiated my deal with my broker and I will make quite a bit more $$$ going forward--always a beautiful thing!--and I did a great hour on the ellpitical, so all in all I'm pretty happy. Plus, I'm only at 665 cals so I still have some room left for a decent dinner. Maybe even some wine...

PG, I need to get my ring resized too but I just haven't gotten around to it... good for you for having it taken care of.

Sharon, yay for "high butt"!!

Steph, I love it when we get rotisserie chickens. Not only a healthy dinner option but then good leftovers for a day or two. Enjoy your picnic with Andrew!

Kimi, see you tomorrow!

ETA: Oh damn... I just remembered I had a banana too, so only 430 cals left...


Mar 2, 2007
It was a busy weekend, so sorry I didn''t provide any updates.

Lorelei, I totally agree with you about maintenance being the hardest part. If I hadn''t slipped up this summer, I wouldn''t be back at the "losing" stage! Muscle will definitely change your body and certainly the way your clothes fit, and it weighs more than fat, too! Gaining muscle is rarely a bad thing. Rock it!

Marcy, I didn''t get a chance to comment about your 130-pound loss last week. Absolutely incredible!

Kimberly, glad to hear you''re out of the SD area now. I hope you return to find your home still safe and sound as well!

Dee*Jay, fried cheese... so sinful, so delicious. Bad Sarah.

Sharon, the weather was beautiful here today as well. I hope to get a walk in before it gets dark, too.

Steph, I am so impressed you already had your day''s meals all figured out by this morning! It''s almost 6, and I''m still trying to figure out what I''m having for dinner...

Phoenixgirl, losing weight is at least one of the better reasons to need your rings sized! Perhaps you could be like Marcy and add some clothes-shopping to the agenda as well. It sounds like you definitely had your share of alcohol these past few days--if only it didn''t have so many calories! Not to make you feel more guilty, just a general lament on my part.

I''m off to find something for dinner, then I''m going to try to get a walk in. Have a good week, everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Lorelei, yay for doing weights and the elliptical! Kudos for stayin positive!

Marcy, what kind of car are you getting? I wish my hubby would sell one of his cars. I look forward to hit maintance too; it all is a mindset I agree.

DeeJay sounds like you had a healthy day and whoooo HOOOO for negotiating more dinero
hehe Whoo hooo for kicking butt on the elliptical! I can't wait to see pics of you and Kimi!!!!

Sharon, yay for your workouts and bulking up in a good way!

Steph, that is so cute about the picnic. Your little guy sounds like a doll! I bet you love that he is turning into a big boy. My nephew is going to be 2 and it is so cute to see him walking and talking. Thanks for the water reminder; I need to drink more of it!

PG, my ring is loose too. hehe

Kimi, I am glad you and DH are safe. Do you know if your house is okay? I can't wait for pics of you and Dee. hehee

Sarah, yay for getting in a walk!!!

Rod, what did you think of DHW? I think Susan has big issues; I am glad her hubby got after her. A$2k suit, eeek! That new housewife is nutts; that poor old lady. Hope you didn't work too hard! Glad you are a good car papa!!!!

I didn't workout since I did a lot of house cleaning today. I mopped the floors and bathrooms, put away dishes and vacuumed. Hubby wanted to make stirfry and I told him that I spent the afternoon shinning the stove that he better keep it looking the same. Poor guy he decided to have a sandwich instead; now I feel like the mean wife!

Have a good evening all.


Mar 16, 2005
Hey guys!
Sarah....I usually try to plan out my meals in advance so I can make sure I''m in my calorie range....but usually things get added in that shouldn''t:)
Skippy....housework def. counts as exercise, mopping is hard work:)

I had a great day...Andrew and I had so much fun at the park. It is such a good feeling to have the energy to run after him for hours at a time. That is one of the best parts of losing so much weight, because I know I wouldn''t want to do those kinds of things with him if I was still heavy. I was good food-wise until just a few minutes ago. When we were in the store picking up our chicken, I let Andrew pick out some Halloween cookies because he loves to make cookies with me. Well, usually I don''t have any desire for those kind, but DH and Andrew kept saying how wonderful they were, so I caved and had one....then I had another. AHHH! I hate it when I give in to temptation like that and now I have a massive headache probably b/c of all that sugar! Oh well! Better how do you guys deal with temptations like that? Have a great night!


Jun 29, 2006
LL: I totally agree with you on maintenance being so''s always where i struggle for sure! glad the weight lifting is paying off for you.

today i did another round of that new strength workout i started last week and my legs and arms feel tired in a good way. my abs still are a little sore from last week...i really must have overdone it. i also got in 35 minutes of cardio. it''s raining super hard here so the gym was packed and i got socked with the 30 minute have to give up your cardio machine after 30 minutes to anyone who is waiting. it''s the only really annoying thing about my new gym, although this is the 1st time i was asked to give up my machine. i have some serious workout payback to do after the weekend i had....hehehe. plus i haven''t lost any weight for the week, which is a bummer.

today i had bran flakes for breakfast, skyline chili''s (mrs. salvo knows what this is) black beans and rice for lunch, and went to o''charley''s for dinner. i am not a big fan of o''charley''s but they updated their menu and it was actually pretty good. i got the new chicken/feta sandwich. it''s a grilled chicken breast with cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce wrapped in a flat bread shell. i asked for it without the feta and with the cucumber sauce on the side and only ate half the flatbread. it was really yummy and comes with baked lays chips which are a decent option cal wise. plus they have diet dr. pepper - which i love. totally random sidebar on the diet dr. p., but i was pretty excited about it
since pretty much the only diet pop option anywhere is diet coke. i may or may not have an apple for a snack, depends how hungry i am in an hour.

i''m going to start running again and training for a shorter race at the end of november now that i am feeling better. we have an annual thanksgiving day race in cincinnati that''s a 6-miler and a total blast to run. plus, since it''s thanksgiving morning, you totally get to eat an extra 600 cals later that day after you run them off!

have a great nite!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Campers.......Great opener as usual Miss Lorelei! And I couldn't agree more. After two full years of Rebuild Rod, maintenance is an ongoing issue. And since you know I continue to use weights pretty hard, I've grown in some areas, and shrunk in others. It's certainly having an effect on my clothes. Some clothes are suddently too small across my chest and shoulders. HOW ABOUT THAT??!! Anyway, really good start as usual!

Skippy, I think Susan is over the top to be sure. Mike has every right to be royally ticked that he has to buy a $2K suit, just because she wanted to be 'liked.'

Kimberly, I've been thinking about you and John, glad that you're in Chicago but hoping nothing happens to your home back west. Those fires are really frightening! I hope you guys have a really good time tomorrow with DeeJay and Bill!

DeeJay gald your meeting went well with your broker, and you had a good workout! Woo Hoo for more money!!! I see a fabulous big screen Hi-Def TV., with state-of-the-art electronics powering it in your future............(Said Swami Rod)!!

It was a long day at work, but a productive one, so that was good. We met a friend for dinner at favorite sushi place #2, then had yogurt, but no coffee, since it was later than usual. No fitness to report, but will be in the gym tomorrow night for sure.

Gail, you asked me to comment on the Infinity G versus the BMW 3 Series in last week's post. Here are my thoughts. First my G35 was a 2005 (I think it was, I do switch cars fairly often). It was the coupe. It has a sexy sounding growl and good power, but it was way too plasticky inside and the seats weren't comfortable for long drives and the car to me had a decidedly cheap feel. To me, I think in order to build the car at the price point they wanted it to be, they put all their money in the engine and had to cut corners elsewhere. I don't think that's really changed much in the last couple of years. As a matter of fact, I'm on a couple of BMW forums and there are many people who introduce themselves as someone who just got out of their G and into a BMW. The BMW on the otherhand is so well balanced. It's more connected to the road than any car I've ever owned, regardless of price. And the seats are sublimely comfortable. And the interior is comprised of higher quality materials. Driving a BMW is intuitive. I felt imediately confident the moment I drove it away from the dealer and every day I love it more. BMW's trademark is "The Ulitmate Driving Machine" and I have to agree. There's no doubt that the BMW is pricier than the Infiniti, but I truly believe that you get what you pay for and I'd much rather invest a little more money to get a much better engineered and build car. Plus, BMW's hold their values better and that's a good thing. Yes, I am incredibly biased as I'm head over heels in love with my BMW and I've now had it over 2 months. When I was 2 months into my Inifiniti, I was ready to get rid of it. I hope this is helpful..........

I'll check in tomorrow night........


Feb 21, 2005
hey everyone. great opener, lorelei!

thanks for all the well wishes about the charity walk. we had a beautiful sunny day for it too! we did the 4 miles in about an hour.

i went to the gym today and had a great workout. i was really into it and felt so good afterwards! then i came home and made a batch of pumpkin bran muffins to have as breakfast for a while. i don''t eat them in the summer, but it''s finally feeling like fall here and fage is just not as appealing for breakfast as when it''s colder.

have a good one!


Aug 12, 2005
Evening WWTr''s! Thank you Miss Lorelei for another great opener. I''m with you on the whole maintenance thing...I''m not necessarily at my ideal goal weight (but that fluctuates anyway with muscle building/loss/etc.) however I am sometimes frustrated as well that it isn''t a goal that''s just met and then you never have to worry about it again, it''s not like saving discretionary income to buy a new handbag or piece of jewelry, it''s a lifelong process that requires you to never give up and regress even after you''ve met your goal. OTOH, our health and well-being are the only things we''re left with when you strip away all the material possessions, people, and everyday environment so keeping that in mind is what helps me stay motivated and not become too freaked out when I have a "fat day". I have to force myself to remember sometimes that one day of my jeans feeling too snug doesn''t mean I''ve failed and that they won''t be fitting correctly again by next week. I''m fortunate to be in pretty good health and with no special issues my health and fitness is basically all under my control, so that is a positive thing for sure and I intend to try to keep it that way.

So today was my "Sunday," I did an exerciseTV workout this morning for about 30 minutes because it was raining and cold outside (total Pants!), then I curled up on the couch and watched The Princess Bride on one of the movie channels...I love that movie! Then I did some laundry and finally got around to putting up my autumn decor inside and outside, I couldn''t get into decorating earlier this month since it was so unseasonably warm and still felt like summer. DH brought home some soups and bread for dinner so we had that and then I made banana bread from a Trader Joe''s boxed mix. I haven''t tried the TJ''s mix yet (typically make b. bread from scratch) but it smells yummy and is cooling right now.

DeeJay and Kim: Hope you have lots of fun tomorrow morning, sure wish I could join you but I have this pesky thing called a "job" I need to go to, hee hee.

Chicagoans: Has anyone ever done the "Hustle up the Hancock?" (It''s a race up 94 flights of stairs that benefits the ACS/lung cancer orgs.) I have an acquaintance who did it a couple years ago and said it was so much fun. It''s coming up again in Feb. 2008 and registration is November 1st. I''m seriously considering doing it, it will not only be a great cause, but it will give me that extra motivation to get my butt to the gym to train for it these next couple months! I''m also considering doing the Avon Walk''s May 31/June 1 next year and I just got a registration form in the mail today. Those two events would certainly keep me busy with training for the next 7 months!

Mara: hope you''re having a blast in Mexico if you''re able to check in here at all!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I was hungry all day long but I am sure I’ll be better tomorrow since I ate my normal meals today. I just had some almonds so I hopefully won’t be hungry when I go to bed.
Lorelei, thank you so very much for the kind words about my journey. I am delighted to know you guys will be here to help me once I reach maintenance. The people on this thread are what make it so great. Everyone is so encouraging and full of great tips and advice. Real life experience simply can’t be beat.
Kimi, I am sorry to hear the fires are in your home area. I am glad you are safe and sound miles away from the smoke and fire. I sure feel bad for those loosing their homes. Have fun meeting with DeeJay tomorrow.
DeeJay, it is fun to research cars and go test drive them. My husband is not a very patient person though, when he goes to look at things he wants to buy them. I hope you had time for a good workout this afternoon. I am anxious to hear about breakfast with Kimi tomorrow. Yeah for getting more $$.
Sharon, yay for going back to the gym. The snow is coming soon.
Steph, that is marvelous you have so much more energy now. I notice that too. It is great. I am lucky in that I can eat just one cookie but I don’t know how I do it. Someone here says nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels (or something like that). I hope your headache goes away soon.
PhoenixGirl, funny you are mentioning loose rings; mine are spinning around as we speak. It drives me crazy! Yay for your workout today.
Sarah, thank you for the compliment on my weight loss. I agree with you, I hate that alcohol has so many calories. I begrudge drinking my calories so I usually avoid alcohol. Rats. I hope you had a great walk tonight.
Skippy, we aren’t getting a new car now but when we bought one about 2 years ago my husband called me when he was finished playing golf and said okay we’re getting a car today so make a decision; a few hours later we were driving home our new car. We’ll get to maintenance before we know it. Yippee. Too funny about keeping the stove clean; it always seems when I clean something my husband makes a mess. It’s probably more that I don’t notice it unless I just cleaned.
Tdiddy, sorry to hear your arms are still sore. I know you always puts in quite a workout. Yay for feeling better and deciding to go running again.
Rod, yay for building those arms and chest muscles.
Shortblonde, I am glad you had nice weather for your charity walk this weekend.
Monnie, you are so right about the big plus side to this our health. That I know of; I am pretty unscathed from being so overweight for so many years. I have bad feet and knees (which are so much better now) but I think I am relatively healthy now. The race up 94 flight of stairs sounds like a major workout for you.
See you tomorrow!


Nov 8, 2005
hi everyone!
So it is day 2 of the detox diet (I am trying to eat super clean for 2 weeks, no sugars or refined carbs). I feel really good although I am craving something sweet at this very moment. I started the day with oatmeal made w/ skim milk, topped with cinnamon, and scrambled egg whites. Lunch was a turkey and hummus sandwich on whole wheat (the extra fiber kind). For a snack I had the 10 cal/oz sugar and fat free frozen yogurt, child sized (~4 oz) so only 40 cals (I hope this is really as advertised!). You'd think the stuff would taste like air but actually it's great! I go there a couple times a week. Anyway, I should have had another snack before the gym b/c I was starving but I didn't have anything with me. I did 20 min on the elliptical and an hour weight lifting class, then came home and made spaghetti with lean ground beef on whole wheat pasta with extra veggies added in, and a big green salad with pomegranate. I realized that halloween falls in the middle of my 2 weeks of clean eating - I hope I can handle it!

Lorelei great opener as usual!

Monarch that race sounds fun - that is, if you like stairs, which I don't :) but what an awesome challenge and motivation!!

Skippy glad you got a lot of cleaning done, doesn't that feel GREAT! I did some tonight after work also, but there is always more to do.

Marcy keep up the great work! As always you are an inspiration. How far to goal? You will be there in no time!

Steph I'm glad your hair is back to normal now! Isn't a bad haircut or color traumatic? I just got mine cut several inches shorter - used to be several inches below my shoulders and now it's just above, but with shorter layers - and I'm still in shock a little.

Tdiddy did you already do your marathon? I hope it was great! I love turkey runs :) 10K distance is my favorite I think. I have a half marathon in a couple weeks. I hope I will be ready - haven't been training as much as usual but I hope all my triathlon work will carry me through. You mentioned thinking about a triathlon - I highly recommend it! I've done a bunch and always love talking about them if you have any questions or anything!

Rod thank you so much for the car details. I cc'ed that part of your post into an email to my husband! Is your name Rod on the BMW forums too? I'll tell him to look for you! I don't know what car forums he's on or if he posts, but I can find out. He has one that he calls "car scope!" ANyway, thanks again for that great info. It is great to know how the cars feel over time, because it's really hard to know that when you test drive it. DH's concern with the Infiniti is whether the interior materials were cheap and how they would hold up, so it is great to know about your experience - although I am sorry your experience wasn't better! Did you look at the acura TL at all? We test drove it and found it unexciting, but I know they are coming out with a new one next year so we will drive it for sure (new TSX too which might be better for us). I'm definitely going to let DH make the decision on the new car since he's the one who will be driving it mostly, plus he is a lot more into cars than me! We need to figure out our budget too... the BMW might be above it, but man it's a sweet car!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

I''m getting ready to jump in the shower before I go meet DeeJay, woo hoo!

Had a great time at the concert and a delicious dinner: tortilla soup, chile rellenos, carmel crepe for dessert.

We''re not sure when we''re going home, our neighborhood is still evacuated and the freeways around it are all shut down.

Have a great day all.


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 10/22/2007 10:35:49 PM
Author: Rod

DeeJay gald your meeting went well with your broker, and you had a good workout! Woo Hoo for more money!!! I see a fabulous big screen Hi-Def TV., with state-of-the-art electronics powering it in your future............(Said Swami Rod)!!
Swami Rod, then you must also be seeing in your crystal ball that *my husband* has negotiated himself a raise too?

Off now to run an errand and to meet Kimi -- how exciting!

Will check in more later.


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning everyone. Well, I got up this morning to run before Adam left for work and the funniest thing happened. I was running down the sidewalk and when I run, all the highschool kids are walking to the bus stop. Anyway, the kids were all loading on the bus down the road and I guess it looked like I was running to catch up to it, and a car with 2 high school boys stopped and asked me if I needed a ride to school! Hahahaha, I just said nope that would be about 10 years too late and they just looked at me with a blank expression. Anyway, it made my day to be mistaken for a high schooler even if it was almost completely dark outside
Anyway, everyone have a wonderful day!


Apr 19, 2004

DJ & K: have fun today! Congrats on the "raise" DJ!

Everyone seems to be "back at it" for another week--good job! After my bike and weights, I think I''ll walk outdoors again and do my "circut"; it is cool in the mornings but should be lovely and warm a bit later so I''ll head out then. I actually do plan to scoop some leaves today--and head to the recycle. That job seems to be a never ending vacuous cycle..... I plan on BBQ''ing those asian chicken burgers tonight; I want to get all the outdoor cooking in before my deck is covered in snow.....

Enjoy your day, folks!



Nov 24, 2006
Kimi and Dee, I am so excited you cutie pies get to meet!

Steph, to answer you question about how not to eat extra cookies, I never make them. If I buy some cookies I buy just enough for each person to have one. If I do have a treat I go out to get it because my motto for my house is out of sight out of mind. I just don't have self control so I know what works for me. What works for you may be different. HTH's Yay for being thought of as a teenager; you do look young seeing your pic!!! Yay for losing weight and being able to run around in the park, that is a huge kudos! I bet you feel great!

Tdiddy, yay for strength training!

Heya Rod!!! Yay for sushi! Have a great workout tonight!

Shortblonde, good to see ya and glad you had a great workout. I am going to have to try your pumpkin bran muffin recipe.

Monnie, Yay for the exercise TV workout! How was the banana bread? Hey that stair race sounds like def a great workout! Neat!!!

Marcy, I hope you aren't having a hungry day again. I always find that almonds help take the edge off even in it is about 6.

Gail, cleaning does feel good! Yay for a healthy day.

Hey Sharon, great to see ya, sounds like you are doing a great workout and yum to the asian chick burgers!

I will go walking today. I need to buy material for making my window treatment for my sewing class. I should be done w/my tote tonight. I will also stop by Comp USA to check out computers to see which ones I like. This morning I had yogurt and a whole wheat Western Bagel (only 1 WW point). I bet Mara is relaxing on the beach w/Greg (lucky ducks). heheee
I will check back in after my walk so have a terrific day!


May 9, 2006
DeeJay? Kimi?


Pix, too, if you got em.

Annoyingly yours,
JAS (who was there in spirit, wishing she was drinking spirits. Even for breakfast. Cuz, ya know.)

I'll just sit here, a-tappin' my fingers.


Jun 15, 2006
DeeJay, my husband John, and I met for breakfast. She is as genuine, and funny online as she is in person. It was such a pleasure! I have pictures, but it will have to wait until I get home, which is up in the air at the moment. Oh, and she let me try on her rings...LUCKY ME! They are gorgeous.

I had oatmeal and John and I skipped lunch and spent the afternoon at the zoo. We''re going to dinner at Everest tonight and wanted lots of room in our tummies for such amazing food.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 10/23/2007 5:52:52 PM
Author: KimberlyH
DeeJay, my husband John, and I met for breakfast. She is as genuine, and funny online as she is in person. It was such a pleasure! I have pictures, but it will have to wait until I get home, which is up in the air at the moment. Oh, and she let me try on her rings...LUCKY ME! They are gorgeous.
YAY YAY YAY!!! I have been think about you two cuties all day!!! DeeJay any pics on your end? If not I will patiently wait till Kimi can download hers. Kimi, when do you head home? I am praying your home is good and that you stay in Chicago till the mess is cleared up in SD. I love the zoo! Cool!

Hey ya wonderful Jas!!! How are you?

I went on a 5.5 mile walk!!! It is a gorgeous day here in sunny New Mexico and approx 69 degrees; it should be in the low 70's all week whooo hoooo. I have my window treatment material ready for tonight so I will talk to you all tomorrow because tonight is my sewing class. Have a lovely evening all
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