
Weekly Workout Thread 22nd Oct till 28th Oct

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May 9, 2006
Yea Kimi and DeeJay (and DeeJay''s bling!)

Skippy -- awww, hi. I''m not doing very well this week. Stress and the usual Zippy misery (The Usual Zippy Misery is going to be the name of my first album. Once I form a band.) BUT, on a health/weight loss note, I''m doing awesome, thanks!

How are you???


Mar 26, 2006
Sorry to report in so late--I got all tied up in something!

Kimi an John and just WONDERFUL! I had such a good time at breakfast that I almost asked to tag along to the zoo but I had way to much to do (plus I'm sure they'd had enough of me by then!). And no pics on my end; I figured John was an adept enough photographer that I would let Kimi's suffice. It didn't occur to me until after the pics though that I was wearing The Bat Cap (this black fringed cape that I bought on a whim a couple of years ago and only get to wear a few times a year because the weather in Chicago doesn't really go with it) so I look like some sort of action figure next to cute Kimi! And let's make sure we're all clear--Kimi has some quite nice bling of her own, including a really wonderful family piece that I was eyeing all through breakfast.

Jas, we missed you! Kimi and John are coming back later this year and I've invited them over to dinner. You and your DH are welcome too! The girls can have a little bling fest in the living room and the boys can cook.

Skippy, you're SEWING window treatments?!? I can hardly bring myself to BUY them and you're SEWING them? (Dee slunks off feeling inadequate... ESPECIALLY since both her mother and her grandmother were *professional seamstresses*!)

Thanks for the kind words about my "raise" Sharon... but now I have to sell more to live up to my side of the bargain, LOL.

Steph, too funny about needing a ride to school! But based on your photo you do look wonderfully young.

The only thing I've eaten since breakfast was a banana (and I won't tell you WHAT I ate for breakfast--suffice it to say that I was NOT as good as Kimi!) and we're off now to have drinks and dinner with a client. No Everest for us though...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
I hope you had a great day.
TanDogMom, yay for making it for the first few days of the detox diet. Good luck on sticking with it. Thank you for your kind words about me; I want to loose about 45 more pounds in spite of people starting to tell me I shouldn’t go for that much more.
Kimi, I am glad to hear the concert was great. I hope your home is okay. I am so glad you and DeeJay had a wonderful time this morning. How fun to try on her gorgeous jewelry. I can’t wait to see your pictures.
Steph, that is great to be mistaken for a high schooler. That made your day, I’m sure.
Sharon, scooping up leaves is a never ending process in windy Wyoming. It is great exercise to pick them all up though. I hope your grilled supper was great.
Skippy, I am actually pretty full tonight. I had raw veggies and a small Celeste pizza (360 cals) and it filled me up. I also had a piece of angel food pineapple cake. I also eat 6 almonds when I get hungry. I am delighted to hear you had a great walk and found some wonderful material for your window treatment.
Jas, drinking for breakfast? Yummy now I need a bloody Mary. Sorry to hear your week isn’t going well.
DeeJay, it sounds like you guys had a wonderful time this morning. How cool to see each other’s bling in person. Sorry to hear you didn’t get picture so we’ll just have to patiently wait until we see Kimi’s after she gets home.
Well, I''m freezing so I am going to get my warm pj''s on. Laters! Have a great evening and sweet dreams.


Jun 15, 2006
The pleasure of meeting DeeJay was all mine, truly. You should have joined us, the zoo was so fun.

Skip, I don''t know when we''re going home. At least 25 homes in our neighborhood have burned, ours is fine but there is no power and probably no water.

Dinner was delcious, Everest is such an amazing restaurant.

Not much else to report.

I promise to post the 2 pictures we took as soon as we get back into our house.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey everyone!!

Woo Hoo for a raise for Bill too DeeJay. Swami Rod not only see's a fabulous new entertainment system in your future, but knowing what you do for a living, and knowing you guys stay put about as long and Rod and Charlie, maybe new digs higher up in Chicago too!! Yeah, that's it........LOL So glad you all had a great breakfast. I'm jealous that I didn't get to join you, nor see your major bling as you managed to not wear any of it when we had our evening together. I guess we'll just have to come to Chicago as we intend to take you up on the offer to come visit sometime anyway!!

Gail, the two forums I freqent that are all about everything BMW are: and Bimmerforums are about all BMWs. E90 is BMWs internal (code) name for the 3 series, so is just about all the 3 series variants. It's funny how the two forums differ. E90 is a younger audience and they sometimes aren't always nice when someone asks something a bit dumb. But Bimmerforums is a nicer place. I enjoy both of them but don't have that much time to be on these days. I just skim a few posts that might interest me and offer a comment if I feel I have anything to offer. And yes, he should be able to find me as I'm Rod or RodB (can't remember which on which) on the forums. Your hubby is wise to be concerned about the durability of the interior of the Infiniti. I personally don't think they stand the test of time. One thing to consider (and yes, here comes Rod and his BMW's rule Broken Record), is that BMW's while more expensive hold their value better and it's not uncommon for someone to drive their BMW several hundred thousand miles. BMW engines are designed to go and go and go. Alright already.......Enough from the Rod BMWs Rule Broken Record! And finally on the Acura. While I once had an Acura Legend (one might wonder what brand Rod hasn't owned - LOL) and thought it was a really nice car, I just don't like front wheel drive cars and Acura doiesn't make a rear wheel drive. I guess my problem with the higher end Japanese cars, like Acura, Inifinit and Lexus is they are feature laden, but not driver oriented and they just leave me wanting something better connected from a driving perspective. Somehow, the German brands have that driver connection built into their DNA.

Marcy, I hope you don't go to be hungry. That's not a good thing to do anyway.

Skippy, I'm with DeeJay on the Oh My, you're sewing window treatments??!! Kudos to you for that girl!!

It was a very long day as has come to be common at work lately, but the days do go by faster. I just wish they ended sooner too. But, it's not going to derail my gym sessions. I got to the gym about 6:30, and worked out right up to 9:00 PM. I'm not sure if we're going tomorrow night, so I wanted to push extra hard in case we don't go. If we do go, I'll take it a bit easier as we will most definitely go Thursday night for sure. I won't bore you with any details of what I did. You know......blah blah blah, sweat, pant, grunt, breath hard, bake in the sauna, shower, come home, have a Lean Cuisine, 3 pieces of dark chocolate, a fuji apple and clean my car windows and wheels. Blah Blah Blah. LOL

I hope you all had a great Tuesday. See you tomorrow!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 10/23/2007 10:42:17 PM
Author: KimberlyH
The pleasure of meeting DeeJay was all mine, truly. You should have joined us, the zoo was so fun.

Skip, I don''t know when we''re going home. At least 25 homes in our neighborhood have burned, ours is fine but there is no power and probably no water.

Dinner was delcious, Everest is such an amazing restaurant.

Not much else to report.

I promise to post the 2 pictures we took as soon as we get back into our house.
Kimberly, while I was getting dressed after my workout, they had footage of the fires in San Diego. So So Sad how many people have lost their homes. One reporter was working in his neighborhood when he realized his own home was going up in flames. I don''t know how he managed to stay composed and report while watching his own home burn. And he knew his wife and children were safe, but likely watching his report and having to see their home in flames on TV. Anyway, I''m praying for you and John that your home is OK and that you will be able to go home when you''re ready.


Feb 27, 2007
Kimi, sorry to hear some houses in your neighborhood have burned. I am glad your home is okay. It sure is sad to see it all on TV.
Rod, I am not hungry now. I think this time it was because I didn’t get much food for my calories on Sunday. I had 2 meals that were higher in calories than normal and filled up on things like an 8 oz coke, fat free cool whip on my waffle, etc. I also didn’t eat my usual 5 or 6 small things a day like I normally do and I just got hungry. I did eat a few extra hundred calories today so that should help. Sorry to hear your days are so long but they do whiz by quickly when you are busy. Good for making sure you get in your gym time.
I didn’t go for a walk tonight so I did stretches and a few exercises. After I got home and warmed up I didn’t feel like going back out in the wind.
Take care and see you tomorrow.


Jun 29, 2006
skippy: wohoo for 5.5 miles!

marcy: if 45 more lbs is your goal, i have no doubt that you are the woman to get there.

kimberly: fingers crossed for your home and the safety of your neighbors/friends/family in the SD area. my company has an office there and they were evacuated on monday. it''s just completely unbelieveable to watch on TV.

rod: i know who i''ll be going to when i buy my car in the next few months....forget consumer reports

TDM: i bailed on my fall marathon. it was a touch decision, but i am having some issues with anemia that i am sorting out and everytime i ran i was extremely short of breath and had a tough time recovering. my doctor told me to cool it on the hard core running for a few weeks until we got things stabilized and i am finally starting to feel like my old self again. so i will do a spring marathon for sure and am also in the process of mapping out a training plan for a 1/2 ironman next year (late summer/early fall) - any advice on the 70.3 races??? i got joe friel''s book for my bday and am using that to map out my approach for base training this winter. any advice would be appreciated.

tonite i cooked....there are people all over this city that know me dying of shock at those words. it''s never been a secret that i am a culinary nightmare and tonite was no exception. i am a master of the microwave and cooked up some delicious sweet potatoes and garlic/lemon juice green beans using it. however, the herb marinated pork tenderloin i cooked in the oven didn''t go so well. the directions said 20 minutes per lb and the cut that i bought was 1 lb but took like 45+ minutes. so i had to have my guests eat the potatoes and green beans well in advance of the meat or risk it all being cold. fortunately this group thought it was pretty funny that i cooked at all and that the pork mishap was just further proof of my short comings in the kitchen....but i was bummed that it worked out that way. i talked to my mom afterward and she was shocked that it said 20 min/lb and would have expected 40 min at least. but it was delicious and very healthy, so overall it was worth it. and the leftovers were shredded for carnitas tacos bonus. i followed up with a quick 30 minute jaunt on the elliptical and called it a day.

have a great wed. all!


Jun 15, 2006
Thanks for all your kind thoughts, friends. Staying in Chicago for now makes the most sense, we''re two less people taxing the resources of our community. The fire near us is only 1% contained but the weather is due to change today, the winds should be shifting and that means more water in the air and we just keep hearing positive news, so that is great. We''ll head home in the next few days if all goes as planned. We''ll probably be out of our house for a week or so, they''ll need to restore power, which means rebuilding and stringing power lines, before we can go back. We can stay at John''s mom''s house, which is empty, in the mean time.

We''re going to head up to Evanston for the day, just wander around and relax.

I have not a whole lot to report on the workout front. We walked a lot yesterday, have been eating late breakfast, skipping lunch, eating dinner. I''m going to be ready for a home cooked meal and a visit with my elliptical by the time we get back, that''s for sure!


Mar 16, 2005
Okay, Skippy....I am soooo amazed that you are sewing window treatments. This lady I know started her own business doing that and made them for model homes and for reg. people and she was making a fortune! I so wish I could learn how to do that! You are awesome

Oh yeah, and I went by Costco to pick up some things and it was lunchtime and I had some pizza....hahaha, my willpower has been non-existant the past few days. Looks like I'll have a lean cuisine tonight!


Nov 24, 2006
Kimi, I am glad you are staying put. great idea. I talked to a friend this morning that lives by a huge preserve in SD and I was super worried about her since I had not heard from her. She says they got lucky; that they did not have to leave their house. I was relieved to know she is okay. Gosh, I bet you are getting lots of walking in; good for you!!!

DeeJay, yay for your hubby getting a raise too! That is wonderful news. I am making super easy window treatments. After our remodel I have been super slow to decorate and I still need to buy pendant lighting. hehee I thought I need to sew something so why not tackle one of the things I need to get out of the way, right?!?!
That is neat about your grandmother and mother! I bet they had some cool pieces they passed down to you!

Marcy, hope school wasn't too busy. Nice to see you! Do you have flannel pj's; those are always toasty. Yay for the stretches and exercises. I love stretching; it is so relaxing especially w/Enya playing. hehe

Rod, you are too cute on the kudos for window treatments, thankies! How long do you have to work the long days? Wow, that was an uper workout, KUDOS!!! Yay for a clean car; I love how it feels to be in a clean car. What are the temps in sunny Florida?

Tdiddy, oh no to being anemic. I hope you get to your old self soon. Thanks for the kudos. I hope you can do the ironman next year! Yum to the sweet potatoes and green beans. I love sweet potatoes; they almost taste like carrots raw. Yum, I love carnitas, so nice dinner tonight!!!

Steph, you should take a sewing class in the evenings like me. Too bad you don't live in my town or I would say sign up next year for garmet making w/me. hehe It is super fun and I made one friend that I will keep as a friend after class is out. Everyone in class is fun and the instructor is great! I don't think I would do it for a living but I could see people making custom drapes for others and doing well at it! I do like Costco's pizza; nice that you are balancing it out tonight. Costco has a good chicken salad too that I pick up sometimes and if hubby goes w/me sometimes we split a fat free frozeen yogurt. How is little Andrew today? Did you get to run?

Jas, oh dang to Zippy. I bet you are counting down the days. How much longer? Well, glad you are at a low in weight goal.

Gail, I so hear you on the detox thing. I realized something. My hubby said junk wants more junk. I didn't want to believe him but I sort of think it is true, espcially in my case. I have weeks when I eat whole grains, lean meats/chicken, fresh veggies and fruit and homemade whole grain muffins and I don't crave junk. I try to stick to it too. I bought some cheetos and I was super snacky last week and now that I ran out of cheetos and back to eating better choices it is amazing how I feel!

Lorelei, how is the hip? Is the treddy still pants? Is the weather still pants? Hope you are doing great!

I thought I would tell you how I can walk extra in case anyone is wondering. I do 2 or 3 miles and then stop at home for 3 mins to drink a glass of water and then head out. It really helps me and that tiny break makes me go longer. I was reading an article in some fitness magazine that said resting a little gives you extra energy and I sort of think it is true. Well later on this afternoon I am going to go for a nice long walk. I will check in laters and hope everyone is awesome! I bet Mara is doing great enjoying the ocean waves. hehee I miss her!


Dec 9, 2002
arrrrgh....this new baby business is killer.

Got on the scale this morning and guess what? I GAINED 2.5lbs. what the heck? Oh well.

I kind of slacked on drinking my water & for the last 2 weeks, my MOMS club has been bringing dinner to my house, not all of it healthy I am sure. But I''m off that service for now, so I can go back to my way of eating. It was nice to not have to worry about cooking though. :)

I walked 2.5 miles yesterday pushing both kids in the jogger, that was a nice, sweaty workout. I have a stupid cold too, so I was all excited about working out this week (since I''ve been feeling physically like I need to...picture a horse chomping at the bit to run) but I think I''d better take it easy since I am caring for these little ones this week.

I wonder if my "forgetting" to eat breakfast or sometimes lunch is also messing with my loss. I''m normally a breakfast addict, but with the new baby and toddler, sometimes I get to 11am, still in my pj''s, teeth unbrushed, breakfast uneaten. (by the time I feed my son, I have to give my daughter a bottle...etc. Its crazy around here.

Skippy...I checked and yes, I still have e-tools. I think if I just make that my homepage & concentrate on journaling my food (or trying to) I might see a change. Thanks for the suggestion I am probably eating way more than I think I am. And mostly processed carbs right now I''m sure.

Well tonights dinner is shrimp with orzo & steamed broccoli (its defrosting..yum!).

Gotta go! The baby is stirring......


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday all!

I had a good but broken-up workout. After a few minutes on the ellpitical my knee started to hurt (I think it was these boots I wore yesterday; the heel isn''t veny high at all but they pitch me forward a little) so I only did 20 mins on there, then I did 35 on the treadmill and 30 on the bike. The cal counters said it was a total of 635, but who knows for sure.

Diver, I can''t believe you walked 2.5 miles with two kids in a stroller to boot. I can barely walk my own self 2.5 miles....

Stephi, do you take water with you too? I am a water fiend when I exercise so I can''t imagine going for a long walk without it.

Steph, don''t feel bad; I often snack my way through Costco with all the free samples they give out. If I added up the cals that I consume with a bit of sausage here, a pumpkin ravioli there, I''m sure I''d be shocked!

Kim, glad you are still here and safe. Call me if you need ANYTHING while you''re in town.

tdiddy, I''m right there with you on the cooking thing. If I hadn''t married my HH I''d have starved to death by now left to my own devices!

Rod, LOL, I didn''t know we were going to meet up with you when we left for Florida, and I rarely travel with my bling, but next year--I promise!

Marcy, it sounds like it''s getting cold where you are. What are the temps like right now?


Dec 9, 2002
Deejay: You did 35 mins on the treadmill? then all that time on the bike & elliptical? You most certainly could walk 2.5 miles. It takes me about 45 minutes to walk 2.5 miles.....(maybe a little less...I never time it). If you can do all that cardio for all that time, you could certainly walk that far!



Dec 28, 2005
Just a quick check-in. I''m not feeling too well this evening. We definitely didn''t go to the gym. It was rainy and damp and unfomfortable all day. I wore a short sleeve shirt, which would have been fine, but our office building seems to only have two temps - Hot and Cold. Today because it was so damp outside, the building was like an icebox and by the time we left nearly 6 PM, I was shivering. I hope it''s not a sign that I''m coming down with something. So, we went to dinner at our diner and didn''t really enjoy my food either. I felt bloated afterwards and Rod never feels bloated, so another sign that I''m just not up to snuff. Oh well, time will tell if I''m just overly tired, or getting some bug.

So, I''m shutting down for the night and curling under an afghan with Charlie and the Kitties. I hope you all had a bit nicer day than I did.........


Mar 20, 2003
I was going to jog today, but it''s rainy and I''m tired. This is my sixth year of teaching and third year of having no new preps, but due to a perfect storm of new obligations from every which way (administrative tasks that the, well, administrators used to do but had the bright idea to shift onto the teachers'' shoulders, new testing requirements, a new teacher to mentor, an honor society to run . . .), I constantly feel stressed and behind.
Partly it''s that there is some extra work I''ll do at home -- I''ll camp out to grade on a weekend afternoon with an old favorite movie on in the background, or I''ll work on my website or a new interesting lesson while at home -- but I''m just not going to put in an extra hour or two every day to stay caught up with grading or organizing. And now I really don''t want to stay late at work because it might mean I won''t find time to workout, which isn''t an option.

But today I was just too tired to work out. So I''m going to bed early (had to pass on going to see They Might Be Giants with DH and feel bad about the money spent on the ticket and being a party pooper), but I just need a moment to breathe. I hate missing two days of exercise in a row (yesterday was a planned rest day), but I need to realize that I might be a little too regimented about working out. That works in my favor in the long run, obviously, but when I''m too tired or sick, it''s annoying to then add feeling guilty on top of it. Perhaps it''s because my father used to always tell me to just get up and exercise when I was sick and to "suck it up," as though that would cure me . . . what do you think, Dr. Freud?

The good news is I have a three day week next week, then a long weekend at a resort as a work reward trip for DH.


Mar 2, 2007
Evening all,

Everyone sounds like they''re doing so well--great job! Each and every one of you is an inspiration.

It''s been such a long week already--I can''t believe it''s only Wednesday. It rained all yesterday, and today it was just plain cold, so I haven''t really been able to get out for my walks. Here comes the Michigan winter. I''m going to try to do some weights tonight or tomorrow before my body goes into a vegetative state.

I hope everyone is doing ok, and enjoy the rest of the week!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 10/24/2007 2:36:54 PM
Author: Skippy123
I thought I would tell you how I can walk extra in case anyone is wondering. I do 2 or 3 miles

We are the walking Queens these days....

BTW, my DH will be in NM early Nov--is the weather still fine?



Nov 24, 2006
I walked 4 miles this evening; I would have tried to go longer but it got cold and dark. Hubby walked a couple of miles with me. I was suppose to make a special request for dinner and forgot all about it, doh!!! Poor hubby, he was sad. I told him tomorrow night he would get what he wants for dinner.

Awe Rod, I am sorry. Airborne, soup, beverages and cold eeze; you poor sweet guy! I hope you feel better tomorrow; glad you are staying in; take care!

Diver, whooo hoooo to pushing a stroller w/two kiddos! That is tough work! I am always pooped pushing the mower and I pushed my nephew once and that truly is a workout! Wow, you are doing great after just 4 weeks after Delaney was born! I saw that picture of her and she is a doll! I am glad you have etools, that really helps me. I throw my recipes in the recipe builder and it figures out points for me and it is easy to journal too. I think journaling and counting points helps tons. You will lose those pesky 2 lbs quick. You are doing great!

DeeJay, that is quite the workout! Whoo hoo! I hope your knee gets better soon, that is no fun. I don't take water w/me; only in the summer when it is in the 90's. I love water too but if I drink enough before heading out and a pit stop between the 2 and 3 mile mark I am good.

ETA: I guess I was posting as Sharon, Sarah and PG were posting.
Sometimes you have to take a day off PG. I took 2 in a row the other day and it helps. Sarah, don't work too hard. I am sure getting off a little early to your bus stop is great; didn't you say it was 4 miles, great job!
Hey Monarch and Marcy. Have a great evening! I can tell this fall months get pretty busy for everyone.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 10/24/2007 8:26:51 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 10/24/2007 2:36:54 PM
Author: Skippy123
I thought I would tell you how I can walk extra in case anyone is wondering. I do 2 or 3 miles

We are the walking Queens these days....

BTW, my DH will be in NM early Nov--is the weather still fine?

Yay for walking Queens; add Diver, Marcy and Mrs. Salvo to the list too. hehee

I have no idea what the weather will be like; it should be nice. It is in the 70's this week. Usually 60's; the weather people make fun of NM because sometimes it is absolutely gorgeous and then the next day chilly. Is he coming to ABQ? or Santa Fe? Are you coming too?! How fun!!!


Nov 8, 2005
DH is out with a buddy, rare for him but I''m glad that he is doing that! so I''m heating up some leftovers. Day 4 of detox (no "white" carbs) is going well, well, sort of. Up til yesterday I was feeling really good but then I felt kind of bad after dinner and I woke up last night feeling bad to my stomach. Don''t know what is going on there. I had a really fiber packed dinner, maybe it was too much. I had mahi mahi, a sweet potato, brocolli, and a green salad. Today I had a good eating day of fage and fiber 1 for bkfst, turkey on whole wheat for lunch, and then around 5 I was just feeling like I needed some calories bad so I had a mini chicken burrito from this place that makes really healthy low fat stuff. The mini is the perfect size. That was my only processed carb slipup so far - it was wrapped in a tortilla. Still it really hit the spot and powered me through my step class workout and now I am going to have a small serving of whole grain spaghetti with lean beef sauce. The past couple days my cals came in at 1500 and I felt so full. I usually eat more than that. Also, not sure if I believe it but I lost a lb as of this morning, I hope it stays away! Yesterday I had a great run of 6 miles doing intervals, pretty intense, and I did a class Monday and step today so I think tomorrow I need a rest day before this weekend''s 10 mile run.

Rod thanks as always for the car thoughts. I''ll tell DH about those forums! (If he finds you there, he''ll introduce himself I''m sure!)

TDiddy sorry you had to call off the marathon - that sucks being anemic, and I hope you are feeling better soon. A half ironman, girl that''s intense! I have never done one so I have no advice specifically, but I would definitely do a shorter event first just to get the hang of transitions (both the gear part and the feel of it) and try out your nutritional strategy before the big race. Maybe do a sprint or olympic distance, or two, as part of your training. I forget, are you in Chicago? The Accenture triathlon is supposed to be a good one. You''ve done multiple marathons right? You obviously know how to train and build your endurance, so I''m sure you''ll be able to do it and do well. If there is a training team in your area that might make training more fun and better. I know team in training does triathlon but I think it''s usually geared towards an olympic distance, but it might be worth checking out.

So how do you stay motivated with your training? When I am training for these half marathons I really stop having fun after about 8 or 9 miles. Maybe a training buddy would make it more fun. I have thought about a marathon, I know I could build up the endurance but the thought of 20 mile training runs is just not appealing - plus I live in fear of knee injury!

Kimi thinking of you with the fires -

Skippy I am so impressed you are sewing, we just bought some curtains and I could not believe how expensive they were so that''s awesome you can make them!

DeeJay congrats to you BOTH on your raises, what a great way to start out your full time real estate career :)

Marcy you will definitely get to your goal - you are in the home stretch and making such great progress!

I better run since my dinner is about ready - sorry not to respond to everyone!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 10/24/2007 8:35:48 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 10/24/2007 8:26:51 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 10/24/2007 2:36:54 PM
Author: Skippy123
I thought I would tell you how I can walk extra in case anyone is wondering. I do 2 or 3 miles

We are the walking Queens these days....

BTW, my DH will be in NM early Nov--is the weather still fine?

Yay for walking Queens; add Diver, Marcy and Mrs. Salvo to the list too. hehee

I have no idea what the weather will be like; it should be nice. It is in the 70''s this week. Usually 60''s; the weather people make fun of NM because sometimes it is absolutely gorgeous and then the next day chilly. Is he coming to ABQ? or Santa Fe? Are you coming too?! How fun!!!

I am not coming--so the weather could be pants for all I care
! Just kidding--he is wondering what to pack and I give the usual "layers" response....they are on a geological seminar/field trip to NM (Carlsbad, Alamongordo); then west Texas (El Paso). Something like that.....



Nov 24, 2006
Date: 10/24/2007 8:53:46 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 10/24/2007 8:35:48 PM
Author: Skippy123

Yay for walking Queens; add Diver, Marcy and Mrs. Salvo to the list too. hehee

I have no idea what the weather will be like; it should be nice. It is in the 70's this week. Usually 60's; the weather people make fun of NM because sometimes it is absolutely gorgeous and then the next day chilly. Is he coming to ABQ? or Santa Fe? Are you coming too?! How fun!!!

I am not coming--so the weather could be pants for all I care
! Just kidding--he is wondering what to pack and I give the usual 'layers' response....they are on a geological seminar/field trip to NM (Carlsbad, Alamongordo); then west Texas (El Paso). Something like that.....

Oh dang! I thought we could meet for lunch, oh well. hehee Well, that area is usually warmer. Khakis, polo and maybe a sweater or light jacket if it is cool. It stays warm during the day and cooler in the evening. According to the weather channel online it is going to be in the high 70's and low 80's. People are pretty casual out here so I am sure jeans would work too.


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 10/24/2007 10:56:44 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Thanks for all your kind thoughts, friends. Staying in Chicago for now makes the most sense, we''re two less people taxing the resources of our community. The fire near us is only 1% contained but the weather is due to change today, the winds should be shifting and that means more water in the air and we just keep hearing positive news, so that is great. We''ll head home in the next few days if all goes as planned. We''ll probably be out of our house for a week or so, they''ll need to restore power, which means rebuilding and stringing power lines, before we can go back. We can stay at John''s mom''s house, which is empty, in the mean time.

We''re going to head up to Evanston for the day, just wander around and relax.

I have not a whole lot to report on the workout front. We walked a lot yesterday, have been eating late breakfast, skipping lunch, eating dinner. I''m going to be ready for a home cooked meal and a visit with my elliptical by the time we get back, that''s for sure! should head out west to downtown Elmhurst and visit meeeeee! It''s a small downtown area and you''ll see a huge banner above my window with an EC three stone ring on it! Also, our house is open to you and John if you don''t mind two rascal-y beagles running around. Just thought I''d offer...!

Have a wonderful time in Evanston, it''s a beautiful area. You and John are in my thoughts, I hope everything is ok when you make it back to SD.

Well, I''ve managed to gain back 1.5 lbs (stupid PMS week and "bloatation" time which is my word for water retention and bloating) I''m swearing off the scale until after next week. I''m still looking into signing up for Hustle up the Hancock (the 94 flight race to the top of the John Hancock building)...registration is November 1st and I discussed it with DH tonight, he is all about me doing it. Wish he would do it with me, but he won''t commit so I guess it will just be me with him waiting at the Signature Room to celebrate (if I make it all the way up, lol!) I''ll have ~ 4 months to train for it, so I think I can do it and come in with a good time but still I''m a bit apprehensive as stairs are not really my forte. Even the elliptical I find pretty tough, I have more strength in my upper body than my lower even though I carry my weight in my hips and thighs. I''ll let you all know next week for sure whether I commit myself to the challenge or not. Plus I hear the spots for this event fill up really fast so it may not even be a matter of whether I commit or not, instead it may be a matter of me even being able to register! There are only something like 4,000 participants allowed, and they go in hourly shifts.

Came home tonight and DH had ordered pizza, a Sicilian salad (mozz and fresh tomatoes with olive oil and basil), and fried mushrooms--I know, I know, calorie-fest--but I was a good girl and only had two slices of ''za and about 6 fried mushrooms with marinara instead of Ranch dressing. No relaxing glass of wine, either...thought I''d leave out those extra 120 calories as well! I did a quick arm workout and am looking forward to falling into bed later with the 13th Janet Evanovich novel that I finally managed to borrow from a friend.

DeeJay, you can SO walk 2.5 miles! You just need comfy shoes that won''t give you blisters (remember this summer''s sandal incident?) Wanna do Hustle up the Hancock with me in February? Let me knowwwww! LOL!


Nov 24, 2006
I am reading no 13 too, Monnie!!! I am only 6 pages into it!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy ½ way to the weekend day! I hope everyone had a great day. A lady at school tonight hadn’t seen me for about 3 weeks and thought I looked a lot smaller. I guess that is why my clothes are all getting sloppy on me.
Tdiddy, thank you for believing in me and my goal. I hope you are feeling better all the time. Good for you cooking a meal; I’m glad it turned out good and the fact it was in done at different times just made it last longer.
Kimi, it’s good you guys can stay away from home for a few more days. I hope the weather helps put out the fires. That’s nice you have a place to stay until the power and everything gets turned back on at home.
Steph, maybe I should take up sewing again if there is a fortune to be made. Ha ha.
Skippy, I can’t wait to hear how your window treatment turns out. My warm pj’s are velour pants with a thermal top. I agree, stretches are nice and relaxing. I went out and walked around a craft store after school tonight but I am going to do a few stretches as well. Thanks for the tip on walking. I hope your walk was great today.
Diver, it sounds like you have a very busy and challenging schedule. I hope things get settled down for you soon. Yay for such a long walk with the kids. Take care of yourself and I hope you get over your cold.
DeeJay, I pack water around with me all the time. My husband says he can always find me by following the water bottles. We are back in the 50’s to 60’s for a few days then the weekend is going to be in the 40’s. We can have any season on any given day here and often all 4 in one day. Yay for all your workouts today; I hope your knee feels better.
Rod, I’m sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well; I hope you get better soon.
Phoenix, sorry to hear you are feeling stressed and behind. It is so hard to juggle everything and I hate taking time on the weekend to catch up on things. Yay for having time off next week and going to a resort; that should help you relax and rest up.
Sarah, the Wyoming winter is on it’s way too. The wind has got a definite bite to it. It looks like it’s time to start doing things at home, huh? I hope it’s not so cold and rainy tomorrow.
Hi Sharon. Yay for being a walking queen.
TanDogMom, you are doing great on your detox program and your workouts. Good idea to rest before your big run this weekend. Thanks for the kind words about reaching my goal.
Monnie, no worries about 1.5 pounds, you’ll run it off at work in no time. I’ll be anxious to hear if you go for the 94 flight race; sounds very challenging.
Take care everyone.


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 10/24/2007 10:28:56 PM
Author: Skippy123
I am reading no 13 too, Monnie!!! I am only 6 pages into it!
Skippy, I got about halfway into it last night, but I think I need to re-read the last couple chapters I finished tonight because I was pretty tired by the time I finally forced myself to put it down! It''s hysterically funny so far!


Apr 30, 2005
Checking in quickly, been MIA due to a family issue, but I am still around and hoping to get a workout in once things calm down a bit.

Sharon - I hope the weather is NOT pants for your Hubby''s trip...hehehe....


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning! I didn''t get any formal workout in yesterday, but I did clean my house so I think that burned quite a few calories. Adam was out of town for the night for work, so after I put Andrew to bed, I had myself a spa night! As a former kindergarten teacher, I was always getting gifts of bath and body type things and candles, so I have a back bathroom stashed with all those kinds of things and gave myself a facial, a hair mask, a bubble bath with bath salts, and a hand and foot was heavenly! Although I miss Adam, it is nice to have a night to yourself once in a while! Everybody have a great day


Mar 16, 2005
Oh, I forgot to add....TanDogMom, I am taking a cue from you and trying not to eat sugars or refined carbs until Nov. 3rd. I would do it for a full 2 weeks, but that is mine and Andrew''s birthday, so I know I will be having a yummy dinner out and birthday cake:) Sounds like you are doing well on it so far, hope I can do it!
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