
Weekly Workout Thread 19th March till 25th March

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all

I was thinking the other day about how much more working out gives back than it actually takes, a good thing to remember if motivation is low. The human body is designed to move and be active, with today''s lifestyles this is one way where we can use our bodies as nature intended, if even for a short while daily and us WWTers well know the benefits of doing so. No wonder we can get rid of the blahs, emotional overload, anxiety etc and feel so much better after working out!

So keep at it everyone, you are all doing so well and will be in great shape to show off those summer clothes soon!

I managed 5 workouts last week so pleased with myself, on Saturday I did 40 mins and felt myself getting tired legs etc, so I took a day off, but now I am raring to go with this new week, apart from my toe that is

Keep up the good work all!
Keep up the great work (outs) everyone!

Here's to another healthy week

P.S. nice work, Lorelei
Date: 3/19/2007 8:48:56 AM
Author: Modified Brilliant
Keep up the great work (outs) everyone!

Here''s to another healthy week

P.S. nice work, Lorelei
thank you Jeff
I am looking forward to a new workout week as well. I did five workouts last week, and hope to be able to continue that for this week. It was nice this morning to wake up and put some jeans on, and they actually felt a bit loose instead of tight like they usually do on Monday morning. I tried not to overindulge like I normally do on the weekends, and I think that helped. On Saturday I did eat quite a bit and had a few drinks at a wedding, but on Sunday I took it easy with the eating, and it really helped. I''m having terrible chocolate cravings right now, but I''m going to try and get through them without eating too many chocolate calories!

I hope everyone has a great week!
Great job on the looser jeans Coda!
thanks for the motivation lorelei
. i overindulged this weekend and needed that pep "talk" to get back on track. anyways i ate way toooo much on saturday, not bad, just too much. yesterday i ate a greasy cheeseburger, fries, onion rings, and a chocolate shake--it was delicious at the time, but today i feel blech!
i did manage to fit in 2 good shovel workouts.
i swear shoveling snow is a harder workout than any you could do at the gym. anyways today i plan to get back on the healthy eating and portion control bandwagon......happy week to all!!!
Glad I was able to help you get back on track NYC!
Often a sure fire cure for the blahs and cantbebothereds is for me anyway, to get out there and get working out, I always feel so much better afterwards. Also I really think our way of doing things with eating what we want at times and working hard really does work - life is for living and to have to think of living on a permanent ' diet' is enough to make anyone miserable. Eat right where you can, keep up the working out where possible and think of it as a lifelong process to maintain and increase health and fitness. If you have a doughnut or fast food, enjoy it and erase guilt, just work a little harder when you next exercise or cut back a little the next day, or as you have done with the snow shovelling, fit in some extra activity. Once you remove guilt from the picture and think longer term, it really is easier to work towards a healthier lifestyle and see results.
Morning all!

Congrats on looser jeans coda, ain''t it great?!

Hope everyone has a good week.
Date: 3/19/2007 10:40:22 AM
Author: NYCsparkle
i did manage to fit in 2 good shovel workouts.
i swear shoveling snow is a harder workout than any you could do at the gym. anyways today i plan to get back on the healthy eating and portion control bandwagon......happy week to all!!!
I stupidly thought I could get my car out of the driveway Sat. morning without shoveling the mound that the plow made at the bottom of it. From my vantage point from the garage it looked like about 9 inches of snow and I have 4 wheel drive. so I thought I could make it. Well, when I got out of my stuck car I could see it was more like 2 feet of snow! I had my heart rate monitor on as I was on the way to my aerobics class. (Yes, I''''m on my way to step class but I''m too lazy to shovel the driveway
) You are absolutely right that it is a tough workout, NYCsparkle; I burned 520 calories shoveling for about 45 mins. And now I know why they tell people with heart conditions not to do it -- whoa your heart rate gets up there!

The really stupid thing is we have a snow blower and if I didn''t get my car stuck I could have just cleared a path with that first! My heart is OK but my back is killing me.
congrats on looser jeans coda! i actually have found that after a friday and saturday of splurging, it is absurdedly easy for me (usually) to eat really well on sunday. it''s like my body wants simpler foods or something for the most part. also i many times am lower on sunday with cals than any other day and i think it''s because my body got such large doses of cals on fri and sat and is still dealing with it! i actually kind of like having sunday to ''detox'' if you will. it''s a great night for us to also have a simpler dinner meal like chicken, veggies, rice or something like last nite, steak, potatoes, veggies kinda thing. nothing too elaborate or crazy usually.

maria that''s awesome you burned all those cals shoveling the driveway!! and nyc you too. of course it''s not fun but at least it''s a bonus workout lol. how is the weather out there now? here we are probably going to have some rain today and tomorrow but i guess the sun couldn''t last forever since it''s still ''spring'' and we get intermittent rains from now til end of may almost typically.

breakfast this morning was a 97% fat free cinnamon roll (yum) and coffee. i decided to embrace my time off and try to do one ''useful'' thing per day. aka the pantry really needs to be cleaned out and reorganized, the upstairs office really needs to be cleaned out and reorganized, i should finish painting the upstairs office, hang some pictures i bought a year ago etc etc. i have a few interviews lined up for this week, the one contract i really want scheduled face to face interviews with me on thursday so i am soooo keeping my fingers crossed for that one as it''s my first choice. and they seem to want to get me in there to see if they like me as much as well, so that is a huge positive. their contract wouldn''t actually start til april (budget) but i stressed to the hiring manager that i am interested but need to see NOW if we are a good fit because i have a lot of other opportunities that i need to take advantage of it i do not go to this company. so it seems like they are responding favorably which i am really excited about.

but like greg says, just enjoy the time off because sooner rather than later i will be back in the working groove and then probably wishing for more time off!! hehe. my plan is to get out for a walk today, but it depends on the weather...if i have to i can go to the gym though honestly i am kind of tired of the gym right i''d love to get out and walk, so hopefully it won''t rain til later this afternoon, hehe.

oh and did anyone read my whole spiel on that show about fiber and if so what are the thoughts? i decided to start logging my fiber intake in my calorie spreadsheet in another column just to see what i am intaking on a daily basis and see how close i am to the 35g. i know i eat more than typical but some days it''s not 35 and others it''s more. also i have started drinking crystal light in my water (which i don''t know why but i always had the biggest mental block against for years) and i am actually drinking way more water than before because it doesn''t taste like water. and it''s just 5 cals. so hopefully that will help my water intake and continue to keep me hydrated since i can get distracted and not drink water for hours if i let myself.

anyhow, hope everyone is having a great monday.
Mara if you like iced tea, try the CL iced tea mix, it really is good! I can get Crystal Lite as it is sold in one of the military stores and I really like this variety.
Date: 3/19/2007 11:40:07 AM
Author: Lorelei
Mara if you like iced tea, try the CL iced tea mix, it really is good! I can get Crystal Lite as it is sold in one of the military stores and I really like this variety.
yeah i just started it this weekend and already i have had like 6 glasses of it in the last 2 days! i got the crystal light sunrise tangerine strawberry one with vitC because it was on sale ($2.50) whereas the regular ones are $6.00 and I thought well if i don''t like it, i don''t want to spend $6 to find that out, haha. but i really want to try the pink lemonade one as well! they have so many flavors, iced tea sounds yummy too.
Pink lemonade is a yummy one too
Hello all!

Yesterday I made it over to the gym for a very light elliptical session (455 cals in an hour) and another 25 cals on the treadmill (which was my original plan, but my shin splint kicked in in less than 5 minutes and I''m just not gonna argue with my body any more).

I ate pretty well yesterday until dessert rolled around. Had both a tuffi cutie and chocolate pudding with peanut butter, which I estiamte was about 270 cals all told.

Today I''m working on being good, although one of my coworkers has a new big jug of raisinettes on her desk and I just love those things!

No workout for me tonight. I''m either going to dinner with two of my collaegues or I''m catching up on a bunch of work from last weekend, but after having worked out four days in a row and having my chest pain back nagging at me I think a night off might be a good idea.

Mara, good luck on the interview front!

Lorelei, how''s that poor toe doing?

Maria and NYC, I can''t belive you guys are out there shoveling all that snow! I lived in Idaho for two winters in my teen years and the first time I ever shoveled snow I literally thought I was going to collapse and die right there in the middle of the driveway. Talk about a work out!!!

Coda, congrats on the loose jeans!

Jeff, thanks for checking in but you can''t keep us in suspense. Are you being *good*? Are you being *bad*? Are you working out?
congrats coda on the looser jeans..

good luck mara on the job/interview process...(do enjoy your time off and have some fun though)

Isn''t funny how you start thinking about the activies you''re doing and how many calories you burn. hubby did a ton of yard work and helped some friends move and came home wiped out and asked, how many calories do you think I burned.

it''s so cold here in northern Indy but we will be out walking..

have a great day gang!!
Thanks Lorelei, Ellen, Mara, DeeJay, and Mrssalvo. I am very happy that my jeans are fitting looser, and I hope I can keep it up! I think I''ve finally gotten in the frame of mind where I need to be to start losing weight. Tonight I''m going to do at least 45 minutes on the treadmill to try and keep this streak going!
Date: 3/19/2007 1:43:05 PM
Author: mrssalvo
congrats coda on the looser jeans..

good luck mara on the job/interview process...(do enjoy your time off and have some fun though)

Isn''t funny how you start thinking about the activies you''re doing and how many calories you burn. hubby did a ton of yard work and helped some friends move and came home wiped out and asked, how many calories do you think I burned.

it''s so cold here in northern Indy but we will be out walking..

have a great day gang!!
Ha! Totally! We went skiing yesterday (all that snow came in handy for something good at least), and I was wondering about the cal burn too
Though I''m sure the road stop breakfast and ski lodge lunches more than made up for any calories we burned!

Taking a break today but will hit the gym tomorrow morning. I went last Thursday after work and did 35 on elliptical. We were snowed in on Friday, and I started to get really antsy, so I rode hubby''s bike on the trainer for about 20 minutes ... wow, do I need to build up endurance on bikes! Yeesh.

I made those chocolate pumpkin cupcake/muffin things for St. Patty''s day dinner -- but I made them a little less healthy by topping them with frosting and green sprinkled sugar, but hey it was a holiday! People *loved* them!! They really are super-yummy once that initial funky taste goes away (after they cool)!

Mara, good luck with the job interviews!

Rod, congrats on headin'' home!

And congrats to everyone who''s wearing smaller sizes -- there''s been a lot of you lately!
Congrats Coda! It''s nice to feel the clothes getting looser!

I did 6 workouts last week which I was very pleased with. I was also really good with the eating until Saturday...I had a hair appt and a friend and I were gonna go out for tapas afterwards.... well, my 2 hour hair appt lasted FOUR HOURS and I could barely see straight I was so hungry when I got out of the chair (had only had a handful of strawberries before my hair appt because we were going to eat in 2 hours!). The tapas place had already closed so we went to a nearby gourmet burger joint (The Counter) and I had a 1/3 lb burger and we shared a starter of sweet potato fries and shoestring onions. Bad bad bad! And then I felt sick because I went from overly starved to overly full. I had a very small, healthy dinner because I was still feeling ill. I wish that hair appt hadn''t thrown off my whole day. It took the whole day to recover from that icky stomach roller coaster! But just like 1 workout won''t fix everything, one bad meal/day won''t wreck everything either.

I went through my Cooking Light mags on Friday night and mapped out this whole week - did the shopping yesterday and I''m psyched...good food that tastes great and isn''t bad for you!! Tonight is a spinach fettucine that has a light cream sauce and (turkey) bacon!! mmm

Have a great week everyone! You are all inspirational!
rod, glad to hear you have made a decision you feel good about.

lorelei, sorry that your toe is still bothering you. have you tried taping it to it''s next-door neighbor for support?

mara, good luck with your interviews.

and congrats to all who have received comments from friends or fit into smaller clothes - that''s the best feeling! i was thrilled on friday, cause i saw a co-worker who i haven''t seen in a couple months, and she commented on how i''ve lost weight. it''s so nice to feel like all your hard work has visible results.

i had a great weekend, food and exercise-wise. all the pizza talk on here inspired me to have the CPK white pizza for dinner last night, and it was yummy! i actually got lucky at the gym on saturday - the power went out just as i was headed out the door, and apparently was out for about 30 minutes in all of downtown! i would have been so upset if i''d gotten there and had my workout cut short, so i was thrilled to have perfect timing.

i can''t remember if i''ve mentioned them here before, but i love the new kashi cherry dark chocolate granola bars. 120 cals, 4g fiber, 5g protein. i actually prefer them to the fiber one bars, which are a little sweet for my taste.
i know FG i love cooking light! i just sourced out a carrot cake recipe today on it and then scoured the internet to find out how to make it even more healthy without losing taste....while i love a lot of their recipes, some of them are still too unhealthy for i end up modifying them even more to my own tastes (like the lasagna!)...the carrot cake they had was about 350 cals per slice and i modified it down to 180 with a more 'glaze' like frosting rather than a big thick one. so i can't wait to try it out.

i cleaned out our pantry today and it looks SO much better. i am such a food hoarder that i own practically every random pantry item under the sun, so organizing it is always a PITA...but it looks so much better when it's done!! greg wants to put a glass door on it so that it stays nice, haha. and i threw out a bunch of old stuff and half eaten things as well. problem is when you are cleaning out the pantry, you discover things you had forgotten you had that look yummy lol. so i had my TJ burrito for lunch and then a dried pineapple ring (so yummy but too sweet) and a bunch of TJ cinnamon almonds that are my latest weakness/obsession/bane of existence. oh and a 100 packet of peanut butter crisps lol.

then i decided to get motivated since it is sunny and nice out finally, and went for a 2.5m, 45 minute walk. i have a phone interview in a few minutes (thanks for the well wishes everyone!), but then a little later i am going to take P out for a 1.5m walk to round out my activity for the day before it starts to rain (later i's pretty nice out right now, like 70ish)...

hope everyone is having a fabulous day!! sb it's so funny you mention granola bars because i have like 100 in the pantry. all diff types of luna bars, balance bars, fiber one bars, kashi bars, nature's valley bars, it's crazy in there!! i better not buy any more granola bars for the next 3 months and if i ate one daily i'd still have some left probably. i threw them all into this huge bag and it's bulging at the seams, haha.
Hey everyone and Happy Monday,

Today was just a tough day. I know I'm ready to go home, but one of the biggest reasons I'm ready to leave is the environment in my new job (of four months) has really really changed in such a negative way. I've actually never (and I know you can relate to this Mara), been treated in such a condescending and initimating way. Both of the upper bosses are into intimidation and today my boss who was out of town last week came in my office and actually slammed his fists on my desk and wanted to know why sales were off. Now, I'm not in charge of sales, he is. And then he actually tells me that if sales don't improve big time, real fast, someone's going to lose their job. I've never worked in such a demeaning environment. They want to reorganize like every day and then when people don't know who's doing what for whom and arent' instantly successful, they get angry. Again, I know I'm ready to leave, which is a shame after only 4 months, but it's like working in another universe. It's finally a relief to admit that this job just isn't working out. Mara, when you were telling us about Psycho boss, I was like sitting here wishing I could admit that I truly knew what you were going through. But I was just too embarrased to admit that I was in a bad place. When I finally told my parents they were actually angry that I withheld what was really going on. Oh well, live and learn. Anyway, this too shall pass and soon enough, we'll be headed home.

As usual on a Monday, we didn't work out. Instead, we had a good Sushi dinner and then met our realtor at Starbucks to sign the cancellation sheet on the condo we were going to buy up here. I'm not sure we really needed to sign it because the deadline to close is April 17th and there's no way that was going to happen, but supposely this will help get our earnest money deposit back sooner.

Anyway, just an odd day to say the least. Tomorrow, at least I have the gym to look forward to. On an up note, I did speak with several friends in Tampa and they are VERY happy to know we're coming home. We'll have friends to visit for some time after we get there.

I hope your day was better than mine and you're looking forward to a good Tuesday.
Date: 3/19/2007 9:13:29 PM
Author: Rod
Hey everyone and Happy Monday,

Today was just a tough day. such a demeaning environment. they were actually angry that I withheld what was really going on. Oh well, live and learn. Anyway, this too shall pass and soon enough, we''ll be headed home.

What a business! Sorry you had to go thru this Rod, but events like these will most certainly lessen your regret. How did they take your resignation?

Date: 3/19/2007 10:42:32 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 3/19/2007 9:13:29 PM
Author: Rod
Hey everyone and Happy Monday,

Today was just a tough day. such a demeaning environment. they were actually angry that I withheld what was really going on. Oh well, live and learn. Anyway, this too shall pass and soon enough, we'll be headed home.

What a business! Sorry you had to go thru this Rod, but events like these will most certainly lessen your regret. How did they take your resignation?

Hey Sharon, I haven't actually resigned yet. Neither of us have, but the day is coming REALLY soon, I can assure you. We're just putting our ducks in a row and we'll have the date set soon. Thanks........Rod
aww rod, i know what you mean about feeling a little embarassed. honestly i have never been in a position like that either. i was actually a little disappointed in myself because i chose that environment to be in thinking it would be of course in a way you question your own judgement skills. but i don't think that we should be hard on's very easy for companies to portray what they want you to see and suck you in and then it's too late.

for me the indignity was compounded by being treated like that by someone who is actually my own age and not even any more career accomplished than i am...she just has entirely sacrificed her personal life (and her mental state obviously) to get *one* level higher than someone i basically had no respect for...was like salt in the wound. at least if you are going to treat me like a bad child, be my parents age or something. not my own age with an over-inflated sense of self. obviously i'd prefer to not be treated like that at all...but come on. haha.

i actually knew right away within the first 2-3 weeks that she and i were going to eventually have a problem but some days were better than others, some days she was normal, sweet, friendly..etc. total bi polar kind of 'walking on eggshells' atmosphere. and actually she used to like it when i spoke back to her, aka asserted myself, so i don't know why suddenly that changed...but it surely did. today my coworker told me that the psycho was slamming around the office and getting all bent out of shape and red in the face over things (sales are a big thing as well, we were basically online customer acquisition so when sales were down it was like 'why aren't you doing your job' ... even though half the the time the backend was BROKEN and that's why!)...and she was saying she thought she'd flip out soon again. hahaha. they hired a new VP after the whole thing with me went down and i know he wants to make changes but it will be interesting to see (from afar) what happens if anything. i am just glad i am OUT and that my sweet coworker (who is a single mom so it's not like she can just quit) is also taking steps to get out as well, we are both worth way more than that.

anyway, just be glad you are going to be out of that environment soon and try to be ZEN about it. once i knew i was leaving i was like 'whatever'...and people commented on it too, like i seemed pretty at peace with the whole thing and happier. and i was. when are you going to let the company know you are leaving?

so took P for a 1.25m walk this evening, the clouds were starting to gather and it was getting chilly but at least we got the outing. so i walked a total of about 3.75miles today. dinner was really yummy. coconut crusted tilapia roasted in the oven and then leftover celery root yogurt mashed potatoes and some glazed baby carrots. i think dessert will just be some dark chocolate or a 30 cal truffle or something. i got a little friendly with the cinnamon almonds this afternoon (at least they have fiber and protein lol!) so no big dessert for me tonite...hehee.

tomorrow is a workout day and i am having lunch with my old coworker. then i'm meeting another friend for sushi tomorrow night as greg has rehearsal. i am so excited about having sushi, it's been too long!

hope everyone had a good monday...!
Hi everyone...

Coda, gotta love those loose jeans...woo hoo!

Rod, meant to add this on last week''s thread but my weekend got away from me. Congrats on making your decision...I''m glad you are at peace with it and looking forward to going back home.

Like nyc, I needed some pep to get back into my week. This weekend was a DISASTER and it was all my fault. We had a st patty''s day party and I got so much damn food that we had enough leftovers AND meals I didn''t make (including a pan of Mara''s lasagna) for a party for twenty people the NEXT DAY.
Steaks, chicken wings, pasta salad, dips, beef bourginon and more. And that was just for the Saturday party. On Sunday, we had the leftover steak, wings, and I made the lasagna and a pot of tortilla soup. So I fed 20 people each night. My husband thinks I am officially WHACK.

The only saving grace is that I was so busy cooking and hostessing that I didn''t each much. However I have no idea what the cal count was for all the stuff I tasted along the way while making everything. Ay yi yi. The drinking probably also killed friends bring over such good wine, as well as great cognac and Johnny Walker Blue, which I love to sip. I also can''t turn down a good single malt....

So pilates today. Eating...uh, not so good. We still have leftovers.
haha leftovers from parties are one thing we try not to do. i will literally toss away full bowls of stuff, if it's not healthy, rather than keep it in the fridge. because i really won't eat it and it just sits there. i love making stuff for parties but i refuse to take it home or keep it at home. for a party or similar it's a one time deal. not a 'lets eat this for 3 nights' kinda thing. hehee. i actually am thinking of offering to host Easter this year at our house for the family because then i can control the menu...and also i like to try new things out (like this recipe for fingerling potato salad with lf sour cream and bacon i found on CL...yummm!!!) for things like parties because then i don't have to keep it and i can get away with making larger recipes etc. but then hmmm if my mom hosts i typically bring 2-3 things anyway and then we don't have to take ANYTHING home. so that might work better. hehee.

it's funny you mention liquor and stuff TG...i was just telling a friend the other night how happy i am that i am not a drinker. i don't like beer, don't really like wine. i like frou frou drinks and moscato and ice wine. and even those i have very sparingly aka i probably have a drink about once every 2 weeks when we go out one night. however i make up for it by being an absolute bread and dessert whore which can be way worse calorie wise than a drink or two, so i guess we all have our little vices lol!!
Date: 3/19/2007 11:34:51 PM
Author: Mara
haha leftovers from parties are one thing we try not to do. i will literally toss away full bowls of stuff, if it''s not healthy, rather than keep it in the fridge. because i really won''t eat it and it just sits there. i love making stuff for parties but i refuse to take it home or keep it at home. for a party or similar it''s a one time deal. not a ''lets eat this for 3 nights'' kinda thing. hehee. i actually am thinking of offering to host Easter this year at our house for the family because then i can control the menu...and also i like to try new things out (like this recipe for fingerling potato salad with lf sour cream and bacon i found on CL...yummm!!!) for things like parties because then i don''t have to keep it and i can get away with making larger recipes etc. but then hmmm if my mom hosts i typically bring 2-3 things anyway and then we don''t have to take ANYTHING home. so that might work better. hehee.

it''s funny you mention liquor and stuff TG...i was just telling a friend the other night how happy i am that i am not a drinker. i don''t like beer, don''t really like wine. i like frou frou drinks and moscato and ice wine. and even those i have very sparingly aka i probably have a drink about once every 2 weeks when we go out one night. however i make up for it by being an absolute bread and dessert whore which can be way worse calorie wise than a drink or two, so i guess we all have our little vices lol!!
I am usually good about throwing away food Mara...but this would have been downright wasteful, which is hard for me to do since we didn''t have much growing up. Plus I SLAVED away in the kitchen making some of it. But the chips and dip and crap...all went in the garbage...

I rarely drink during the week, but yeah, I love wine. I''m actually surprised you don''t like wine, especially being the foodie that you are (so many folks I know love pairings). I actually started drinking cognac, scotch, etc because it''s much more of a sipping thing...and I mean tiny tiny sips. So I end up drinking less and save on calories. Beer is the biggest waste of calories for me (meaning I rarely crave it so when I drink it, it''s not all that satisfying). But once in a while, nothing hits the spot like an ice cold beer.

I can''t do frou frou drinks...I like all my drinks to be like me....not sweet at all - even bitter. Hehehehehe..............
Wow - I can''t believe how quickly the posts stack up in this thread - its like a full time thing just to keep up!!

First off, congrats to everyone who has looser jeans and/or smaller sizes and/or compliments from friends or family members.

Mara and Rod, those jobs sound so miserable. I spent one summer working for a horrible boss (internship during college, who was so incompetent she later got fired, but that''s another story), but I can''t imagine sticking it out like that ever again. You both sound like smart, competent, good people who deserve much better and I''m so glad that Mara you left and that Rod you are planning to leave. I''ll keep my fingers crossed for good opportunities for both of you.

I''m happy to report that even after a weekend of indulgence (tapas, sourdough crust goat cheese pizza, sangria) I was still down 2 more lbs this morning at the gym from last week, for a total of 18 lbs since January
TG i know it's hard to toss food because it seems so wasteful, but honestly i think well if it sits there, we won't eat it anyway because i tend to have a mental block after 'indulging' on something about eating it again the next day. then it just rots and i have to clean it out anyway. haha. some things we DO eat...leftovers and all that, and especially healthy stuff i make...but most party stuff just is better tossed OR i make someone take it home because i threaten to toss it, haha.

i mapped out our dinners for this week too like miss FG did, and man can i just say that i need more weeknights at home to cook or something because there are so many recipes i want to try out!! and only so many evenings. and then i still want to make lasagna again since it's been a few weeks, but i don't have a free night! hehe. tomorrow i'm having sushi, wednesday we are going to do the AC Rocco pizza and then thursday i am putting my foot down and committing to making a yummy baked sausage and tomato ziti from cooking light that i have been eyeing for months and just never getting around to it!! but also i'd love another loaded baked potato or mac and cheese etc etc...i guess those will have to wait til next week!

TG re: the wine and all that, i do drink a tiny glass of wine sometimes if i know it's paired well with something, mostly only the rieslings and sweeter whites...and mostly with dessert, aka i love doing moscato or ice wine with a dessert but other than that..not so much. i just never really acquired a taste for it. greg however loves his wine and he loves doing pairings as well, esp with cheeses.

speaking of food and all that, a Mortons steakhouse opened a mile from our house in downtown and i just remembered we drove by it the other day and i went woah! i just checked it out online and we will have to go very soon...lobster bisque, wedge salad, petite filet, warm chocolate cake, oh my!!!! right up my alley...! so i'm like hmm when are we going? hehe.

AG...yeah the job thing was such an odd experience, i have never been in a situation like that before and hope never to be again. live and learn i guess right?!
i do believe in things kind of mapping out the way they should in life, so i like to think that this will lead to something much more positive for me. and rod too! we definitely deserve it.

for dessert i ended up having a 30 cal raspberry truffle (those things are lifesavers when you want a tiny bit of chocolate that goes a long way) and greg and i shared a petite vanilla scone. yummy. congrats on 2 more lbs down AG! how far are you from your goal now?

oh and miss lorelei congrats on 5 workouts last week with the funny toe...take care of it!
Date: 3/20/2007 1:09:39 AM
Author: Mara
a Mortons steakhouse opened a mile from our house in downtown and i just remembered we drove by it the other day and i went woah! i just checked it out online and we will have to go very soon...lobster bisque, wedge salad, petite filet, warm chocolate cake, oh my!!!! right up my alley...! so i''m like hmm when are we going? hehe.
Wow...that is EXACTLY what I would order if my hips weren''t a factor....

With wine, of course.
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