
Wedding dreams.


Jul 23, 2012
I keep having a dream that my wedding day comes and nothing is ready. Last night the dream went like this:

Its my wedding day and we havent sent out any invites. Also, my dress wasn't ready. And for all the places were closed SL the only wedding dress available was a rule tea length poofy skirt with stars on it. Half that, half booty shorts.

Funny dream. But it has been keeping me up at night. I also think I'm loosing hair from the stress. I dont know why I'm so stressed about it as my mother is doing most of the planning. But there we are.


Apr 1, 2012
Re: Wedding dreams.

Niel|1378672024|3516889 said:
I keep having a dream that my wedding day comes and nothing is ready. Last night the dream went like this:

Its my wedding day and we havent sent out any invites. Also, my dress wasn't ready. And for all the places were closed SL the only wedding dress available was a rule tea length poofy skirt with stars on it. Half that, half booty shorts.

Funny dream. But it has been keeping me up at night. I also think I'm loosing hair from the stress. I dont know why I'm so stressed about it as my mother is doing most of the planning. But there we are.

Hah! Definately must be caused my stress. I use to have similar dreams when I was in school that class ended but I forgot to turn in a final paper or take the final. It was awful!! No wedding dreams here though... I'm sure they will come closer to the actual date. And I AM DREADING THEM! I told FH already that the second I start getting stressed (as long as it's prior to the invites going out) we are cutting our guest list from 120 guest to 20 people and having a very small wedding.


Jul 23, 2012
Re: Wedding dreams.

I never wanted a big wedding. I told my SO i wanted money not the wedding (i need a car and whatnot) and im fairly sensible. But my FI said I would regret it. I think that was his secret way of saying he wanted one. So here we go, inviting 120+ people....

I would have LOVED a small wedding.

I wasnt stressing at all about this but suddenly 3 months out ive started realyl having but concerns about the event. Not the marriage of course, but the PEOPLE!


Sep 1, 2009
Re: Wedding dreams.

Wedding dreams are the worst!

I've had everything ranging from not having anything ready to finding out I would be 8 months pregnant at the wedding to the Rabbi no-showing :lol:

One of the worst "not ready!" dreams included me being woken up by a friend and told to hurry up and get ready because I was running late. But I didn't know what I was late for! No dress. No shoes. No hair or makeup plans. Split fingernails. No rings. No Rabbi. Just a big room of guests with FI in a great tux waiting for me!


Oct 2, 2008
Re: Wedding dreams.

I haven't had any wedding dreams so far! 51 days to go so I'm hoping they'll stay away! During the LIW phase, I did have engagement nightmares so you never know!

Overall, after we got over the hump of actually deciding to elope and keep it just the two of us, 97% of the stress I'd been feeling just went away. The stresses I do still have I try to remind myself won't make any difference in our day (still trying to figure out day of jewelry, etc, smaller things). Big things are done/booked/paid for. Package/hotel, officiant, flowers, cake, photographer, dinner, attire for both, rings for both, shoes...the things left wouldn't ruin our day if we don't get them done so I'm trying to relax! Every weekend we try to knock 2-3 things off that short list and so far so good! Not much left. We hope to have everything done/ready except for my dress alterations by October 1st so that last month of our engagement can be fun/relaxing with no real wedding planning stress!


Apr 1, 2012
Re: Wedding dreams.

Niel|1378692608|3517034 said:
I never wanted a big wedding. I told my SO i wanted money not the wedding (i need a car and whatnot) and im fairly sensible. But my FI said I would regret it. I think that was his secret way of saying he wanted one. So here we go, inviting 120+ people....

I would have LOVED a small wedding.

I wasnt stressing at all about this but suddenly 3 months out ive started realyl having but concerns about the event. Not the marriage of course, but the PEOPLE!

I never wanted a big wedding either! And my SO doesn't care what we do (but I think he prefers smaller for cost purposes if it was solely up to him). However, my mom who is very ill really wants to have a bigger wedding so ultimately I feel like I'm doing this for her. She's been through a lot and suffered depression for about 10 years after my brother passed away when I was in high school (I'm 30 now so that was some time ago). This is really the only thing in a long time that seems to make her happy. :(sad

I still want a smaller wedding but I want to give my mom this gift of a larger wedding so I think I will suck it up and deal with the anxiety as much as I can. I LOVE the idea of getting married it's all the people and knowing they're all just going to find something they're unhappy with and make me feel bad which gets me all worked up.

Maybe I'll get knocked up prior to the wedding and then mom will be okay with a small wedding and a baby? :bigsmile: Hah!


Jul 23, 2012
Re: Wedding dreams.

maple2012|1378779769|3517652 said:
Niel|1378692608|3517034 said:
I never wanted a big wedding. I told my SO i wanted money not the wedding (i need a car and whatnot) and im fairly sensible. But my FI said I would regret it. I think that was his secret way of saying he wanted one. So here we go, inviting 120+ people....

I would have LOVED a small wedding.

I wasnt stressing at all about this but suddenly 3 months out ive started realyl having but concerns about the event. Not the marriage of course, but the PEOPLE!

I never wanted a big wedding either! And my SO doesn't care what we do (but I think he prefers smaller for cost purposes if it was solely up to him). However, my mom who is very ill really wants to have a bigger wedding so ultimately I feel like I'm doing this for her. She's been through a lot and suffered depression for about 10 years after my brother passed away when I was in high school (I'm 30 now so that was some time ago). This is really the only thing in a long time that seems to make her happy. :(sad

I still want a smaller wedding but I want to give my mom this gift of a larger wedding so I think I will suck it up and deal with the anxiety as much as I can. I LOVE the idea of getting married it's all the people and knowing they're all just going to find something they're unhappy with and make me feel bad which gets me all worked up.

Maybe I'll get knocked up prior to the wedding and then mom will be okay with a small wedding and a baby? :bigsmile: Hah!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I did that and it didnt work

yeah thats my fear though that everyone will find something to nit pick at.


Apr 1, 2012
Re: Wedding dreams.

Niel|1378905918|3518573 said:
I did that and it didnt work

Haha! That made me giggle. So my plan wont work... worth a try right? Kidding!!! :Up_to_something:

Speaking of pregnancies... I just realized I'm three weeks late. Hmmm. There was this one time I got home a tad drunk and SO and I might have made out... and I was too intoxicated to remember the rest. Drats. I also stopped birth control a few months ago because it was nearly impossible for me to lose weight while on it. Maybe I should take a pee test sometime this weekend? :-o


Jul 23, 2012
Re: Wedding dreams.

maple2012|1379115432|3520418 said:
Niel|1378905918|3518573 said:
I did that and it didnt work

Haha! That made me giggle. So my plan wont work... worth a try right? Kidding!!! :Up_to_something:

Speaking of pregnancies... I just realized I'm three weeks late. Hmmm. There was this one time I got home a tad drunk and SO and I might have made out... and I was too intoxicated to remember the rest. Drats. I also stopped birth control a few months ago because it was nearly impossible for me to lose weight while on it. Maybe I should take a pee test sometime this weekend? :-o

How exciting! You know you always get pregnant when you're not trying! I ended up getting pregnant when my birth controlgot recalled.... of all things. :roll:

Hope your test gives you whatever answer your looking for.


Aug 14, 2013
Re: Wedding dreams.

oh my-- i feel your pain re: wedding dreams. maybe even though i'm assuming you dont want to actually change the plans, it might be good to tell your FI how you feel? i'm sure it will all go great, but sometimes i do feel that just sharing repressed anxiety alleviates it. you know-- the whole face your demons and they will dance type philosophy?
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