
Watcha Think About This Setting

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What is the size and shape of your stone? I like the setting but wonder if the double prongs is too much metal. It''s all a matter of personal taste and WF''s setting always turn out lovely.
Ditto. Can you ask them to slim down the prongs? ETA: Just looked at your old posts... you are going to set a .5 carat princess in there?? OK, definitely slimmer prongs, I think those might overwhelm a smaller square stone.

Palladium is great. I'd prefer it to 18K WG because I wouldn't have to plate it.
Thw size of the stone is a .703. Also what do you mean by plating it.
White gold is plated in rhodium to make it white white. Gold is a yellow metal after all. Palladium usually isn't plated, and neither is platinum. So depending on your body chemistry, you might need to replate your white gold over time as it can wear off (some have to do it a couple of times a year, some never have to do it). Replating doesn't cost much... usually 30-60 (60 would be really high side) but it can be annoying as it can't be done with you standing there waiting (usually), and if you need to have it done often. My first engagement setting was gold and I only plated it once in the four years I had it, but I probably should have done it twice.

As to the setting, is there a reason you chose that particular one?
The reason I chosse that setting was because I was going to upgrade in the future to the trellis setting she wants which I cant afford right now since I sank most of the money into the stone.
Ahh. That makes sense then.

Before you purchase that one, ask Chris to qoute you for the Unique Settings of New York, or the Ingwar, or the Stuller x-prong setting in Palladium. All those companies make X-prongs, and they will likely be in your price range and Whiteflash can easily get them in for you, polish them up and set your stone in them. There are MANY X-prongs out there, its a setting that practically every designer makes a version of, whiteflash can find you one in budget. Whiteflash's X-prong is one of the more expensive out there. You can find what you want for less. You just have to know what to ask for

I personally had the one by Unique Settings of New York, it needed finishing and some prong thinning (can be done by the bench jeweler) but it was a great sturdy X-prong. Make sure they finish the prongs with points, like this one-- only for your stone, thinner prongs.

Ok so I should ask for thinner prongs. Its a princess cut stone the only I have purchased
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