
Want diamond help me please

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Jan 7, 2007

First of all, let me tell you that I''m a french person. When I read the information on this website, sometime I understand, sometime when the language is technical, I don''t understand...

I do not know if I have the permission to speak about this subject but I take a chance. I do not have much money and I would like to have a beautiful diamond. When I go on Ebay, I see diamonds at very low prices. What do I risk? Which councils can you give me to avoid I lost my money?

I always dream that a day I would have also beautiful jewels as those I see in the forum "Show me the ring". I find these women lucky to have of so beautiful things to carry.

I am afraid of to do me to have, I have so few money and I would not want to throw it in the air.

Hi stci!

Please, don''t buy from ebay. Most people have bad luck that do, it is NOT worth it.

If you don''t mind telling us your budget, we could maybe help you find a nice diamond from a vendor online.
Someone who is more knowledgeable will give you a better idea... but that''s way to good to be true. A D VS2 (which is later listed as a VS2/SI1) at that size should be around 5K. JMO.
I think you are right colorkitty... I''m so dead... my dream flies away...
OK, I read through things, even though I still would have told you not to do it.

Colorkitty is right, that price IS too good to be true. An average cut pear should cost somewhere around 5000.00, and that''s not counting the ring. There are so many other reasons I could list on why not to buy, but please, just trust me, this is not the way to buy a ring.

I know how much you want one, but you need to go through someone REPUTABLE. That is so important!!

I would suggest saving up some more, and then we''ll help you find a beautiful ring!
Date: 1/7/2007 10:03:45 PM
Author: stci
I think you are right colorkitty... I''m so dead... my dream flies away...
Awww, they are not dead, just slumbering awhile longer.
hikerchick!!! more than .40 ct and a beautifull diamond!! It''s fantastic for my little budget! I take again hope!!
Date: 1/7/2007 10:08:56 PM
Author: stci
hikerchick!!! more than .40 ct and a beautifull diamond!! It''s fantastic for my little budget! I take again hope!!
Do you want a round? I just assumed you wanted a pear....And I assumed you wanted bigger.
Date: 1/7/2007 10:12:26 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 1/7/2007 10:08:56 PM
Author: stci
hikerchick!!! more than .40 ct and a beautifull diamond!! It''s fantastic for my little budget! I take again hope!!
Do you want a round? I just assumed you wanted a pear....And I assumed you wanted bigger.
Isn''t that funny . . . I immediately assumed round . . . I must have missed reading that she was looking for a pear . . .

Also, stci, IF you do buy from Whiteflash, make you you ask for the Pricescope discount . . . you will need to wire transfer the money, but it will save you about 2% . . .
I really like marquise but round is ok too! I want largest possible but I know very well that my budget is very small. We cannot make miracle as in the advertisements of Ebay!
Date: 1/7/2007 10:15:38 PM
Author: hikerchick

Isn''t that funny . . . I immediately assumed round . . . I must have missed reading that she was looking for a pear . . .

Also, stci, IF you do buy from Whiteflash, make you you ask for the Pricescope discount . . . you will need to wire transfer the money, but it will save you about 2% . . .
lol Yes, the ring in the ad had a 1 ct. pear.
st, would you have the diamond set there, or buy the setting here too?
Date: 1/7/2007 10:19:41 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 1/7/2007 10:15:38 PM
Author: hikerchick

Isn''t that funny . . . I immediately assumed round . . . I must have missed reading that she was looking for a pear . . .

Also, stci, IF you do buy from Whiteflash, make you you ask for the Pricescope discount . . . you will need to wire transfer the money, but it will save you about 2% . . .
lol Yes, the ring in the ad had a 1 ct. pear.
Just looked at the ebay ad, Ellen . . . the link I get is a marquise . . . am I getting the wrong link?
It''s not a marquise Ellen?

Do you live in the USA or would you need international shipping? That is something to think about also . . . because if you don''t live in the U.S. . . . it will cost more in tarrifs and shipping.
You are too fast for me!

You are too nice to help me like that. My heart is filled with hope and it's because of you... thank you snif
I come from Quebec Canada. I know shipping will cost more and I have to think of duty and taxes too!

"would you have the diamond set there, or buy the setting here too? "

Yes, I want buy the setting here. I want a complete ring if it's possible. How much for the setting?
Date: 1/7/2007 10:22:10 PM
Author: hikerchick

Just looked at the ebay ad, Ellen . . . the link I get is a marquise . . . am I getting the wrong link?
No, yer right. I knew what it was, but why I said pear I have no idea. I swear I know my shapes.
I hope you find something good stci! You seem very earnest...

I studied in Quebec for a little Montreal...

You will do well to listen to the advice of people here.

I looked at the ebay listing that you posted a link to.

I would be very suspicious of such a seller for the following reasons:

1. There is no report copy shown from the appraiser
2. You don''t know how credible the appraiser is.
3. In their feedback some people say the diamond they got wasn''t the grade it was supposed to be and one person said it was appraised at $ 12,000. less than their ''independent'' appraiser.
4. An appraiser who is paid by the seller - isn''t independent.
5. You only have three days, to request a refund, too short a period of time.
6. The return has to arrive in 10 days. Sometimes the mail takes more time than 10 days.
7. Bids are private... so you don''t know if they are ''real'' or not. Ebay sellers who don''t post the details of the bidding could have ''shills'' making the bids higher.
8. You get what you pay for. If the stone is cheap then the quality of it is as well. If it is too good to be true.... it usually is.


Here''s the French translation of the above. It may not be perfect grammar, but hope it helps


J''ai regardé la liste d''ebay vers laquelle vous avez posté un lien.

Je me méfierais très d''un tel vendeur pour les raisons suivantes :

1. Il n''y a aucune copie de rapport montrée de l''expert
2. Vous ne savez pas comment crédible l''expert est.
3. Dans leur feed-back certaines personnes disent le diamant qu''ils ont reçu n''était pas la qualité qu''il a due être et une personne a dit qu''il a été estimé à $12,000 . moins que leur expert ''indépendant''.
4. Un expert qui est payé par le vendeur - est assez dépendant.
5. Vous avez seulement trois jours, demander un remboursement, une période trop courte.
6. Le retour doit arriver dans 10 jours. Quelquefois le courrier prend plus de temps que 10 jours.
7. Les offres sont ... privé donc vous ne savez pas s''ils sont ''réels'' ou non. Les vendeurs d''Ebay qui ne postent pas les détails des enchères pourraient avoir ''shills'' la réalisation des offres plus haut.
8. Vous recevez que vous payez pour. Si la pierre est bon marché alors la qualité de cela est aussi. S''il est trop bon pour être vrai .... il est d''habitude .

Thank you RockDoc, I know you are right. I decided don''t buy on Ebay. I became wise!
Was the French translation reasonably accurate?

Glad to help.

Date: 1/8/2007 7:52:06 PM
Author: RockDoc
Was the French translation reasonably accurate?

Glad to help.

Of course! Thank you very much!

Let us know what you decide . . .
Please do a search here about people who have gotten ripped off from ebay before considering that option. It''s really a nightmare out there...

It''s definitely possible to find a very nice ring for 1k. If you have craving for a bigger ring consider buying from a company that has a good upgrade policy.
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