
Vote4PedroToo, newbie124, FacetFire, other photography critiquers, photographer help please

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Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Photography critiquers, could you please help me evaluate this photographer? Photographer link I would really appreciate your eye and expertise!

Thank you!

Vote4PedroToo, newbie124, and FacetFire, your posts on the other photography thread that''s currently up were extremely helpful!


Jun 26, 2006
Things I like: The composition and creativity look good to me. Nice photojouranlistic style. Contrast and saturation also look good.

Things I don't like: The white-balance of some of the images looks off to me. They really need to use fill-flash or something in all those direct sunlight shots...there are just too many with harsh shadows across people's faces. Also, it doesn't look like they do very much retouching.

Overall: Pretty good. They don't do some things that I would like to see, but if the price is right, they are doing a good job of capturing the events/emotion of the day.

Obviously, this is just my opinion. Different people look for different things. How is their pricing?

Have you contacted Elley?


Apr 8, 2008
Thanks Kim! The most important thing is your eye. This is my business and so I am particularily picky. I can feel myself getting a little too picky and I don''t want to make you second guess your gut feeling. That said I will say that the photos look pretty good to me. Especially for the price. I would ask a few questions though.

1) it looks like there are 3 photographers. Which one will be shooting your wedding and can you see his/her personal portfolio.

2) One concerning thing is that although there are a lot of photos on the site, it looks like it only covers a small number of weddings. I could be wrong there but the long haired dude was sort of a giveaway. And if it''s true, maybe they just started business. But it is something you should consider. If a photographer has a great venue and an especially good wedding shoot he/she may be tempted to post a lot of those photos. But you really want consistency. If they have albums of lots of different weddings, it will give you an idea of the shots are "luck" or if the photographer can deliver what you see on the website.

3) I would also ask to see more "action" shots. True candid moments of you and your guests. These are the hardest to get and I don''t see to many on the site. Those are the "money" shots if you know what I mean.

Hope this doesn''t make things more difficult.


Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
FacetFire, thanks so much for your comments! I don''t have the eye for comparing photographers yet, and I wouldn''t have known about the balance issue or that they don''t do very much retouching. Their pricing is reasonable, somewhat on par with Elley''s. I''ve contacted Elley as well and am considering her. How would you compare her photos to this photographer''s?

Vote4PedroToo, thanks for your input! I agree with you that the price is reasonable and also that it seems like they don''t show many weddings on the website. I''ll look into that. You also make a good point about the action/candid shots, so I''ll ask to see more of those too.

Thanks again to both of you. I really appreciate your help.


Jun 26, 2006
Vpte4PedroToo makes some great points. Not that I would knock out a newbie can get some of your best deals there, especially if that person has a great eye but just hasn''t had time to develop it. And Elley is pretty new too.

Of the two, I definitely prefer Elley''s style. But it is not a style for everyone. She is very artistic and does a lot of antique-type effects. I love that style, and have actually chosen a very similar photographer for my wedding. I know that many people may not actually like how my wedding photos turn out, but it doesn''t matter because it fits our taste. Fish Eye is much more straight-forward in their style. You really should go for what appeals to you. If you like vibrant colors, Elley doesn''t really do that. If you like neat antique artistic effects, Elley is great.

So the real question... What do you like?


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 5/31/2008 2:22:17 PM
Author: Vote4PedroToo
who is Elle?

Elley Ho. I used her for my wedding and subsequently a number of PSers have used her. She''s in San Jose and is amazingly nice and very reasonable.


Aug 23, 2007
Hi Kim! I''d be happy to help. Although I''m not a pro, I''ve always taken an interest in photography and had some really good photojournalism teachers along the way, so I''m pretty picky when it comes to photos :)

I agree with the others that for the price, this group wouldn''t be a bad choice. They have decent variety in their composition and do a bit more than straight on posing shots (although I agree it''d be nice to see a tad more bride and groom candids).

It''s funny that vote4pedro brought up the fact that there are 3 photographers. Before I clicked on the "About" link I was wondering if the pictures were from more than one photographer or not b/c there were a few that really popped out and some that were just OK (compare ring shot photo #22 to ring shot photo #23). I would definitely ask to view each person''s portfolio so you can make a good comparison. I actually really liked a lot of the photos I saw in the Portrait portfolio. I''d be curious to know which photographer shot -most of those, or if it''s equal between the three people.

As facetfire mentioned it doesn''t look like they do a whole lot of Photoshopping or retouching. Then again, some people may prefer that more natural look. Some photos look pretty great but there are some others where I''d like to see a bit more touching up. Also agree that the lighting was a little weird in some shots (see ring shot #22 and the one of the red shoes) like the flash settings weren''t quite right.

But this is all me being pretty nitpicky. And the variations could be b/c the photos were being taken by different people. So I would suggest that your first step be to sort out who shot what and decide whose work you like best (or post the links here so we can help you decide :)

Elley''s style is definitely very distinct and different from Fish Eye''s. Do you think you prefer that kind of stylized look compared to the others? If we''re just comparing composition, I think I slightly prefer Fish Eye''s. But if you really like that style, then you should maybe consider Elley more as that seems to be her signature and something the others don''t quite offer.

Hope that helps!

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
FacetFire, thanks for your comparison of the two photographers. I agree that she''s very artistic, and I think her antique effects are beautiful. I''m still in the learning stage for looking at photography critically, but right now I think for my wedding I''d like to go with a more modern, straightforward style. Thanks again!

newbie124, thank you, I appreciate your perspective! I''m still getting the hang of things, but I can see what you mean about the retouching and comparing those two ring photos as well as the shoe photo. I''ll find out from them which photographer shot what--I''m understanding how important that is now. The funny thing is, I think what I''m really learning is that I will probably need to increase the photography budget to get "good" or "very good" instead of maybe just "pretty good"!


Jun 26, 2006
Date: 6/1/2008 3:17:02 AM
Author: Kim N
FacetFire, thanks for your comparison of the two photographers. I agree that she''s very artistic, and I think her antique effects are beautiful. I''m still in the learning stage for looking at photography critically, but right now I think for my wedding I''d like to go with a more modern, straightforward style. Thanks again!

newbie124, thank you, I appreciate your perspective! I''m still getting the hang of things, but I can see what you mean about the retouching and comparing those two ring photos as well as the shoe photo. I''ll find out from them which photographer shot what--I''m understanding how important that is now. The funny thing is, I think what I''m really learning is that I will probably need to increase the photography budget to get ''good'' or ''very good'' instead of maybe just ''pretty good''!
I quickly learned in my hunt for a photographer that I needed to increase my photography budget. It is the single most important thing to me in all my vendor selection. The way I figured, it didn''t matter how beautiful the flowers, the dress, the venue, etc. if there wasn''t a very a talented photographer there to capture it all and prserve the memories for years to come. So, I upped my budget for photography. Another thing I learned was that it also didn''t matter how talented the photographer was if I didn''t click with her personality. So I hunted around till I found someone whose style and personality both fit me. In case you are curious, here is my wedding photographer''s blog I take you to her blog because I think her style has changed somewhat from when her gallery photos were taken and I prefer her current style more. I went out of the DC area too, so do consider bringing someone in even if they have to drive a few hours. Good luck in your search!

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
FacetFire, yes, I''m realizing now that good photography is really important. I also didn''t know how critical personality was, so I''ll have to keep that in mind. I''m certainly still considering photographers outside the area. Your photographer takes beautiful photos! I''m sure your wedding pictures will turn out lovely.

If you don''t mind, I have one more question regarding retouching of photos. A photographer I''m considering says that he only provides white balance and exposure correction in his high-resolution DVD files. He provides contrast optimization, saturation, and removal of blemishes only for his albums. He provides even further retouching like cross processing, textures, and b&w/sepia only for his enlargements. Or I can pay extra per photo to get all this retouching, but it would be way too cost-prohibitive for me. Since I''m only looking to get the DVD and no albums or prints, would you consider this lack of extra retouching a problem? I''m a little concerned, but I''m not sure how much retouching most photographers do on their full-resolution DVD files.


Jun 26, 2006
Date: 6/1/2008 8:06:59 PM
Author: Kim N

FacetFire, yes, I''m realizing now that good photography is really important. I also didn''t know how critical personality was, so I''ll have to keep that in mind. I''m certainly still considering photographers outside the area. Your photographer takes beautiful photos! I''m sure your wedding pictures will turn out lovely.

If you don''t mind, I have one more question regarding retouching of photos. A photographer I''m considering says that he only provides white balance and exposure correction in his high-resolution DVD files. He provides contrast optimization, saturation, and removal of blemishes only for his albums. He provides even further retouching like cross processing, textures, and b&w/sepia only for his enlargements. Or I can pay extra per photo to get all this retouching, but it would be way too cost-prohibitive for me. Since I''m only looking to get the DVD and no albums or prints, would you consider this lack of extra retouching a problem? I''m a little concerned, but I''m not sure how much retouching most photographers do on their full-resolution DVD files.
Well, I would have to ask other photographers, but I know that I personally correct for exposure, white balance, contrast, saturation, cropping, B&W/sepia effects, for all images that will be proofs. Then, once someone orders prints/albums, I do further corrections to those images including re-touching of blemishes, teeth whitening, removal of major stray haris, etc. if needed.

Personally, I would want corrections for exposure, white balance, contrast, saturation, and selective cropping on DVD files. But I don''t know enough about the exactly policies of other photographers to know what it "normal." Is this photographer one of your favorites otherwise?


Feb 27, 2008
Date: 6/1/2008 10:01:23 AM
Author: FacetFire
Date: 6/1/2008 3:17:02 AM

Author: Kim N

FacetFire, thanks for your comparison of the two photographers. I agree that she''s very artistic, and I think her antique effects are beautiful. I''m still in the learning stage for looking at photography critically, but right now I think for my wedding I''d like to go with a more modern, straightforward style. Thanks again!

newbie124, thank you, I appreciate your perspective! I''m still getting the hang of things, but I can see what you mean about the retouching and comparing those two ring photos as well as the shoe photo. I''ll find out from them which photographer shot what--I''m understanding how important that is now. The funny thing is, I think what I''m really learning is that I will probably need to increase the photography budget to get ''good'' or ''very good'' instead of maybe just ''pretty good''!

I quickly learned in my hunt for a photographer that I needed to increase my photography budget. It is the single most important thing to me in all my vendor selection. The way I figured, it didn''t matter how beautiful the flowers, the dress, the venue, etc. if there wasn''t a very a talented photographer there to capture it all and prserve the memories for years to come. So, I upped my budget for photography. Another thing I learned was that it also didn''t matter how talented the photographer was if I didn''t click with her personality. So I hunted around till I found someone whose style and personality both fit me. In case you are curious, here is my wedding photographer''s blog I take you to her blog because I think her style has changed somewhat from when her gallery photos were taken and I prefer her current style more. I went out of the DC area too, so do consider bringing someone in even if they have to drive a few hours. Good luck in your search!

Hi Kim N, sorry I don''t mean to threadjack, wasn''t sure if I should post here or in a new thread. I''m in a similar boat as you - I''m not looking for albums, just a cd/dvd. I''m also awaiting clarification from the photographers of what they provide on the dvds.

The funny thing is, I think what I''m really learning is that I will probably need to increase the photography budget to get ''good'' or ''very good'' instead of maybe just ''pretty good''!

Facetfire, it was really helpful to read what you provide, and what you expect to be provided. Regarding upping budget - my eye is not honed enough to critique or determine as well as you the skill of other photographers. In your opinion is DM worth it - or should I continue searching? (I know the other choice was not recommended) Thanks again!

I apologize again for the threadjack! I wasn''t sure if I was supposed to post quotes into my own thread, Kim N I hope you don''t mind. Your thread has lots of helpful information!

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
FacetFire, thanks for your detailed explanation. It''s very helpful! The editing that you said you''d want on DVD files is the same kind of editing I would like as well. I want to be able to create albums and large prints with the files. This photographer is currently about $700 over my budget, but I really like his work. However, I''m not sure it''s worth it to go with him if the DVD files won''t be retouched enough.

clop, no problem on the threadjack! Your earlier thread helped me understand a lot more about photography that I didn''t know before!


Jun 26, 2006
Date: 6/2/2008 11:22:00 AM
Author: clop

Date: 6/1/2008 10:01:23 AM
Author: FacetFire

Date: 6/1/2008 3:17:02 AM

Author: Kim N

FacetFire, thanks for your comparison of the two photographers. I agree that she''s very artistic, and I think her antique effects are beautiful. I''m still in the learning stage for looking at photography critically, but right now I think for my wedding I''d like to go with a more modern, straightforward style. Thanks again!

newbie124, thank you, I appreciate your perspective! I''m still getting the hang of things, but I can see what you mean about the retouching and comparing those two ring photos as well as the shoe photo. I''ll find out from them which photographer shot what--I''m understanding how important that is now. The funny thing is, I think what I''m really learning is that I will probably need to increase the photography budget to get ''good'' or ''very good'' instead of maybe just ''pretty good''!

I quickly learned in my hunt for a photographer that I needed to increase my photography budget. It is the single most important thing to me in all my vendor selection. The way I figured, it didn''t matter how beautiful the flowers, the dress, the venue, etc. if there wasn''t a very a talented photographer there to capture it all and prserve the memories for years to come. So, I upped my budget for photography. Another thing I learned was that it also didn''t matter how talented the photographer was if I didn''t click with her personality. So I hunted around till I found someone whose style and personality both fit me. In case you are curious, here is my wedding photographer''s blog I take you to her blog because I think her style has changed somewhat from when her gallery photos were taken and I prefer her current style more. I went out of the DC area too, so do consider bringing someone in even if they have to drive a few hours. Good luck in your search!

Hi Kim N, sorry I don''t mean to threadjack, wasn''t sure if I should post here or in a new thread. I''m in a similar boat as you - I''m not looking for albums, just a cd/dvd. I''m also awaiting clarification from the photographers of what they provide on the dvds.

The funny thing is, I think what I''m really learning is that I will probably need to increase the photography budget to get ''good'' or ''very good'' instead of maybe just ''pretty good''!

Facetfire, it was really helpful to read what you provide, and what you expect to be provided. Regarding upping budget - my eye is not honed enough to critique or determine as well as you the skill of other photographers. In your opinion is DM worth it - or should I continue searching? (I know the other choice was not recommended) Thanks again!

I apologize again for the threadjack! I wasn''t sure if I was supposed to post quotes into my own thread, Kim N I hope you don''t mind. Your thread has lots of helpful information!
I think that DM sounds like a great deal for the money! I would probably pay even more for their work. I think you have found a winner.


Apr 8, 2008
Date: 6/1/2008 8:06:59 PM
Author: Kim N
FacetFire, yes, I''m realizing now that good photography is really important. I also didn''t know how critical personality was, so I''ll have to keep that in mind. I''m certainly still considering photographers outside the area. Your photographer takes beautiful photos! I''m sure your wedding pictures will turn out lovely.

If you don''t mind, I have one more question regarding retouching of photos. A photographer I''m considering says that he only provides white balance and exposure correction in his high-resolution DVD files. He provides contrast optimization, saturation, and removal of blemishes only for his albums. He provides even further retouching like cross processing, textures, and b&w/sepia only for his enlargements. Or I can pay extra per photo to get all this retouching, but it would be way too cost-prohibitive for me. Since I''m only looking to get the DVD and no albums or prints, would you consider this lack of extra retouching a problem? I''m a little concerned, but I''m not sure how much retouching most photographers do on their full-resolution DVD files.

I''m sort of with facetfire on this. Digital photography really needs a bump in contrast and saturation a bit as well as WB. For the most part, hopefully he is getting his exposure close to perfect right out of the camera. The "red flag" for me here, is that there are tons of programs and "actions" (without being too technical) that will do this easily for a photographer. They are automated processes in Photoshop. If they don''t do this, it makes me wonder if they know what they are doing. The hardest part is really editing out 500 or 800 images from 1500, or whatever their ratio is. That is the only process that should be "image by image" if that makes any sense. At least until the final prints are ordered.

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Thanks for the information, Vote4Pedro. Could you explain a little further what can be done automatically in Photoshop versus what would need to be done image-by-image?

Also, just to clarify, it seems like a photographer "should" provide at least white balance, exposure correction, contrast optimization, and saturation in DVD files--is that right?

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Just wanted to make sure I correctly understand the functions that can be done automatically versus functions that need to be done image-by-image, so giving this a quick bump.


Jun 26, 2006
It really depends on what editing program they are using. I would expect to see at least saturation, contrast, white balance, and exposure corrections from a good photographer. But then again, I wouldn''t rule someone out necessarily either. I might ask to see the digital negatives that they had delivered to a past client and see if I was happy with them...

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Thanks, FacetFire. I appreciate the information. That''s a good point about not ruling someone out based on this alone.


May 7, 2007
I just want to pop in and thank everyone for sharing their expertise, I''m sure you have helped many brides with this thread (and grooms
) You have certainly helped me
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