
Visiting Boston Jewelers


Mar 27, 2014
Hi everyone,

My SO and I visited some jewelers in Boston this past weekend. I wrote up some brief notes in case it would help anyone in the future.

My basic impressions were:
- most jewelers did not know much about sapphires
- for the ones who were knowledgeable, I had no idea how to gauge the sapphires they showed me (any tips on this?). Do you think a jeweler can obtain a better sapphire than I could online?

On the plus side, I did learn something: I found out that my ring size is actually 3.25, not 3.5 as I had thought. Also, it seems that I like halos. :)

Homsy Jewelers - family-owned, super nice and non-pushy. Had a large selection of bands from different manufacturers, but did not seem to make any themselves (not 100% certain of this). Definitely did not have many colored stones, and they did not know much about sapphires. It's important to note that they did not give me misinformation, they just did not give much information (b/c they did not know enough). They offered to order some "very nice" sapphires for me to examine. You can see the one they showed me was rather dark.

Amoroso Jewelers - they make their own rings/bands in-house and knew a lot about colored stones. Talked to me about different treatments, colors, etc. He even told me to take a sapphire away from the light to see if it looked blue enough. Stated he could find me a sapphire if I gave him specs and a few days.

Platinum Studio by Z. - they also make their own rings/bands in-house. His cousin supposedly owns some sort of sapphire company, so he had the largest selection of sapphires. Unfortunately, I don't think he really knew what he was talking about as he just kept on saying that it was a "royal blue" color and did not know what extinctions were, etc.

BRAG - Boston Ring and Gem - they make their own rings/bands in-house. They had a few sapphires, but seemed very lackadaisical. Not sure if it was the end of the day, or if they just weren't very excited about sapphires in general.

Bedrosian Jewelers - they also make their own rings/bands in-house and had a good selection of sapphires. I looked at some, but honestly, I have no idea how to judge a sapphire!

Bouvier Jewelers - they were very honest and stated that their specialty was diamonds, and they did not know much about colored stones. Referred me to Amoroso Jewelers.

Bostonian Jewelers - they specialize in custom designs and making their own rings/bands in-house. I was thinking that if I found a sapphire online, I could just get a band made. They were really nice, but the owner was adamant that he could get a better sapphire than I could.

EB Horn & Company - they had a large selection of bands from different manufacturers, but also stated that they would make them (nor sure if in-house or not). They only had one small sapphire and actually ended up coloring a diamond with a blue Sharpie!

Leo Carroll Jewelers - family-owned, super patient. They had a moderate selection of bands, but let you browse through their catalogs to find ones you were interested in. They did not seem to make any bands there, and had a small selection of sapphires.
pinkants|1396899172|3649119 said:
I wrote up some brief notes in case it would help anyone in the future.
Thank for the write-up.

My basic impressions were:
- most jewelers did not know much about sapphires Not unexpected.
- for the ones who were knowledgeable, I had no idea how to gauge the sapphires they showed me (any tips on this?). Training your eye will take time. Do you think a jeweler can obtain a better sapphire than I could online? Depends on the jeweller's contacts. He might find you something better but probably not at a lower price.

On the plus side, I did learn something: I found out that my ring size is actually 3.25, not 3.5 as I had thought. Don't forget to account for the monthly bloating and summer time swell. My fingers fluctuate anywhere from 0.25 to 0.5 depending on my fluid intake and how hot/cold it is. Adding a wedding band will also make the e-ring feel a bit tighter. Also, it seems that I like halos. :)
Great review!!! Thanks so much!
My former wedding bands were custom made from Bouviers. They are lovely people.
Wow, that is a lot of stores you went to - I would not have been able to keep them straight! Thanks for the report.

To my eye, some of those sapphires look promising, but its hard to know if the sellers don't know enough about treatment to inform you. :(sad

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