Well, we see most people preferring to buy online here rather than brick and mortar jewellers, but the veteran PSers try to find out what the posters preference is as to where to purchase, and advise accordingly. You will see most buying online but we try to be of help to anyone who needs it where possible. It can be easier with online diamonds especially if we have images to help us such as ASET, Idealscope etc whereas our hands are tied with diamonds which have very little info provided when they are with jewellery stores who don't typically offer images.Date: 2/11/2009 10:03:42 AM
I have been on this website for a few weeks now.
I was wondering what everyones overall opinion is.
Do you think this website has a bias towards using online vendors, such as james allen, whiteflash, blue nile ect...?
As oposed to who/what?Date: 2/11/2009 10:03:42 AM
I have been on this website for a few weeks now.
I was wondering what everyones overall opinion is.
Do you think this website has a bias towards using online vendors, such as james allen, whiteflash, blue nile ect...?
There are different advantages to each option. Advantages of buying at brick & mortor store include the ability to handle the stone yourself and observe it in different conditions, face to face relationship with vendor, ability to use that site for further service, ability to "haggle." Advantages of buying online include access to a vastly larger pool of stones, opinion and experience of highly recognized and experienced vendor to use their eyes in narrowing down or recommending a stone to your precise desires, much better price per item based on lower overhead (no fancy store to pay rent or mortgage for, fewer staff salaries, potential for less physical inventory to invest in). These are just a few.Date: 2/11/2009 10:19:46 AM
Author: Metallica
Do you feel there are more advantages to buying online. I know at a store you can haggle, but do you think you get better quality from an online vendor then you would from a diamond or jewelery exchange type of store?
I don't know that it's more, but certainly different. In a retail store, you get to see, touch, compare, which is big. You also get little perks you won't online (though that's not to say there are none online). Plus, face to face is also nice, and yes, you can haggle.Date: 2/11/2009 10:19:46 AM
Author: Metallica
Do you feel there are more advantages to buying online. I know at a store you can haggle, but do you think you get better quality from an online vendor then you would from a diamond or jewelery exchange type of store?
Ditto this.Date: 2/11/2009 10:35:36 AM
Author: neatfreak
Most of us here are consumers, those in the trade must identify themselves. So you aren''t being ''sold on this blog website by the online vendors themselves''.
On the other hand do a search for jewelry exchange...not such good reviews on them here or elsewhere.