
Vendor Comparison

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Sep 10, 2003
This post is no longer being actively maintained. The original content can be viewed here but keep in mind that the information contained may be outdated.
The above information is based on what is posted on the vendor websites. If a vendor alters his website and would like the change reflected in my original post, I will be happy to edit the original post to relect this change.
GREAT job!!!! But when I saw "buy back" I thought Upgrade...maybe upgrade should come first? (Easy for me to say since I didn't do any of the work)...That post os really going to come in handy for many!!!
Noobie - my error in not thinking outside the box (literally).

It occurred to me afterward that I purchased LOOSE STONES from DI...hence no box. I tend to forget that now that they are set nestled next to my center engagement diamond.

(see, the mind turns to MUSH after marriage! ehhehehehe

I HAVE, however, received a ring 3 times from WF (initial ring, upgraded e-ring, and w-ring) and all three came in cherry box, so I KNOW this is factual.
Winfield's, the great unknown....

LOL! I am happy to be on the list, and in a short time all the unknowns will be known and on my new site.

When I see my site as it developes and see what others have done, I marvel at how much business I did do with such a primitive site. My new one will have few bells and whistles, but it will answer the above questions, at least most of them.

I thank you for including me on the list and am only sorry that I did not have the answers up for you when you needed them...

Wink - how was the 8* meeting?
Blue Nile's return policy is 30 days except for engraved items. The exchange policy is 30 days also but they were lenient when I had a problem with my pearl earrings.
The original post has been updated to include Diamonds by Lauren.
~ You get a Gold Star ~
Vendors may offer some of the extras we've been hearing about in this thread but I have seen no evidence that their websites guarantee them. (That's not to say that they don't, just that if it's there, I didn't find it.)
Wink wrote:
I am happy to be on the list, and in a short time all the unknowns will be known and on my new site.
I understand that your site is under development, but I wanted to include you with the idea that the information in the original post could be updated from time to time to keep it somewhat current. I could have taken the information from your old site, but I didn't know if it still applied.
lmurden wrote:
Blue Nile's return policy is 30 days except for engraved items.
This is correct, I just forgot it in the original post. I've corrected it. They don't say that it's a 100% refund, but I would imagine it is.
On 8/4/2004 7:08:50 PM Superidealist wrote:

Wink wrote:
I am happy to be on the list, and in a short time all the unknowns will be known and on my new site.
I understand that your site is under development, but I wanted to include you with the idea that the information in the original post could be updated from time to time to keep it somewhat current. I could have taken the information from your old site, but I didn't know if it still applied.
Thanks! I appreciate it. Actually our old site is no where near as nice in those areas as the new one will be, free shipping, free ideal scope with purchase of H&A quality stone over .25cts, free stone holder for stones over .25cts. Twenty one day inspection of stone with full return priveledge, free look at stone with approval on cc, but you pay the postage both ways if you return it. You have an appraiser you like, we will send it to him/her as long as we are able to check them out and they have reasonable reputation in the trade. I pay 1.75% to my cc company, so I will gladly give that for a wire transfer.

In short we will be giving the big boys a run for their money. Capitalism has risen its beautiful head here in Boise, Idaho, and the local boys are coming out to play.

The original post has been updated to include USA Certed Diamonds.
check out
While Gary doesnt list diamonds on the search engine he is very much a member of the pricescope family and a great guy to work with.
Iv bough gemstones from him and he is first rate.
He deserves to be part of the list imho.

his pricescope handle is diamondexpert
I am sure this thorough work will be appreciated by many! Thanks!
The original post has been updated to include Dutton's Diamonds.
I only hope one day I win the lottery. My teacher's salary, while nice, will never get me enough money to spend on a jewelery purchase of $75,000...the price at which Dutton's will deliver via "armed courier."

How cool would of a delivery would that be to your house???
The original post has been updated to include Abazias. And that should about do it.
Thank you very much Superidealist for your vendor comparison list. As I am very new to online diamond shopping, this list gives me very good start.

Does anybody know if some vendor (or a salesperson) is good at emerald cut diamond than others (in terms of selection, price, knowledge, passion for fancy shape, etc.)
I think someone has too much time on his hands.

Just kidding. This is really great! Maybe it can eventually be moved to the FAQs.
Thank you Superidealist
I really appreciate being included on your very informative list. Everyone should thank you for taking the time.

By the way, as an extra, we include a Porsche ( or a joke) with every purchase over $100.( if you choose the Prosche, it's the "Hot Wheels" variety)

Naomi, I have a great love of emerald cuts- if you'd like to post a question, I'd be glad to do my best to answer
On 8/4/2004 7:13:46 PM Superidealist wrote:

lmurden wrote:
Blue Nile's return policy is 30 days except for engraved items.
This is correct, I just forgot it in the original post. I've corrected it. They don't say that it's a 100% refund, but I would imagine it is.

Blue Nile's refund is 100%, minus the fact that you have to pay for return shipping and the insurance for the return shipping (which can cost a pretty penny let me tell ya!)
At Alexah's request, the original post has been updated to include Engagement Rings Direct.
The original post has been updated to include information on Pricescope's listed prices and to include Good Old Gold's "broker's price".
I appreciate the service you provided to all the members of Pricescope community.As I am also in the process of updating/upgrading my website I would like to address some of the topics that were listed as unknown that I am in the process of changing.

Buy Back: We will buy back the diamonds at 75% of
the original purchase price within 2 years of
the purchase.

Designers:Vatche, Ingwer, Bvcciari

Discount: Add 3% to credit card purchase.

Free Extras: All diamonds are personally inspected by our staff of former GIA staffmembers.WE DO NO DROP SHIP. We can provide an appraisal if requested with no fee charged. Free shipping throughout the US. Wooden ring box.

Payment: All credit cards accepted. Cashier's check, money order, wire transfer.

Reports and Images: Copy of the GIA certificate can be faxed. Detail section on web site provides all the GIA particulars.

Shipping: All shipping within the 48 states is free via Federal Express next day.

Upgrade Policy: 90% of original purchase as a lifetime upgrade.

View Before Paying: Yes at selected independent appraisers and at our offices in New York City.

Once again thaank for providing this information.

Although the website has not yet been changed, the original post has been updated to reflect the information Mark has provided.

(The Reports and Images section at the moment includes only what is on the website.)
The original post has been updated to include information from Wink's new website.
Thank you very kindly! Now I am no longer the great unknown. I am now only partially unknown. I will print out the things that are still unknown and make some inclusions on my site, maybe even before it becomes publicly available. We are only waiting now for our original host to respond to whomever they have to respond to so that our domain will now point to our new location.

According to our old host the only one in the world capable of opening the email and hitting the right response key is on vacation...

I appreciate all the work you have done on this, especially I appreciate your taking the time to update this post and for including me on the original listing, even though so many of the important catagories were completely unknown at the time you started this thread.

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