
VC & SK for a princess cut stone


Jan 27, 2016
Newbie here. I recently purchased a center stone for my girlfriend, 2.02 ct Princess, I, VVS2, perfectly square at a 1.004 l/w and the cut couldn't be any better. She has no clue and prefer to keep it that way.

Anyhow I want to thank you all in advance for leading me to Victor and Steven, I've spent hours on your posts and gained alot of knowledge about the two and fell for their halo designs. I am looking for a perfectly square halo, thin pave around the center stone. This is something I have not been able to locate a picture of from both VC and SK, which only makes me want it more. I have received quotes from both of them with my design interest and they seem to be very compatible and more than willing to square my halo.

My first take lead me to the Tiffany Soleste halo, loved the simplicity and perfectly square halo. Then I saw VC & SK's halos and was hoping to mend the Tiffany with theirs. It's funny because my girlfriend has probably never heard of the two artists as she is a very humble small town country girl that is not into designer names etc. But I cant get over the craftsmanship of these to artists and have basically narrowed it down to VC/SK, hope she can appreciate the artwork and not simply think its a mass made piece from all the mainstream shops.

Again she has no clue, yet I have an idea of her interests based off current jewelry and pinterest, thank God for pinterest! Anywho sorry for the rant but since I am keeping this from her and her family I was wondering what you ladies may find appealing regarding a square halo in the designs that VC and SK offer. Moreso the profile view, i.e. I like the VC Emilya, and how it leaves enough space to see the diamond below (sorry i dont know the terms). Also are their halo designs compatible with a wedding ring, maybe add a donut to help?

Any advice, personal likes, encouragement is welcome including pros and cons for VC and SK. Thanks in advance!


Oct 24, 2012
I don't think you can go wrong with either SK or VC. For me it would probably depend on who could accommodate my customization requests more easily. Since you are going custom, you can improve upon the Tiffany Soleste halo by customizing the struts. I love the curved struts that Victor uses on his Emilya. I also would love diamonds on the struts and maybe a square shaped donut, no dimonds so she can wear a band next to it. Maybe it would depend on which coast I was on.

I can't wait to see the finished product. I have yet to see a princess with a halo that I liked, but I am sure VC or SK can do it. I have a VC and I personally love his work. It is hard to believe that anyone can execute such delicate detailed work to this level of perfection.


Jan 11, 2006
I have also had a couple of items made by Victor, and I highly recommend his work! I will have to agree with LLJsmom that I do not personally like princess halos, but if you have seen that as her favorite ring design, then by all means go for it! I would recommend making the corners of the halo slightly rounded and not totally square, though. You don't want the ring to be dangerous to wear with children, for example.


Jan 27, 2016
Thank you LLJsmom and Diamondseeker for your insight. I actually have been in touch with both VC & SK, I will say SKs promptness on communication has really impressed me even with him knowing I have time on my hands before having it set. Zero pressure and fully attentive. Steven sent me a photo of a square princess halo he did for some earrings which was beautiful and mentioned he himself loves the square clean look on a halo. Regarding VC, the Emilya is def what caught my attention, LLJsmom you are absolutely right on the struts and diamond pave on them. Very glad I came across it. Good call on the square donut, thanks! Diamondseeker to be honest I never thought of the lady holding a child someday and the ring possibly cutting them, does this really happen?? Sorry no child experience, just black labs :) I love the square halo because of the clean lines and the fact that I haven't seen many out there, to me makes it unique especially if set with a VC or SK.


Apr 21, 2010
While I haven't worked with either SK or VC, I have been in contact with both of them over the past few years regarding potential projects - I have a strong preference for SK based on his timely and detailed personal responses.

VC's assistant often got specs wrong in replying to me and I was never sure if it was just a typo or if the wrong spec had been used in their quote, and more than once corrections were sent with the bottom-line number(s) updated but not the detailed description preceding it. This of course is just my experience, and it is limited to email exchanges with VC's assistant (Paige?).

Side question: Any chance you could post the square halo earring photo(s) SK emailed you? I'm considering him for an off-square diamond I have but also hadn't seen any square halos on his website...

I'm looking forward to following your journey on this project - and, if you choosing between SK and VC, either way I think the outcome will be beautiful!


Jan 27, 2016
Marymm- thanks for sharing your VC experience with me. I spoke to someone else, a gentleman by the name of Tim. We didnt get into many details other than me wanting a square setting which he said could be accomplished, with that it's hard for me to judge quite yet since im so early into my project. However as mentioned before SK has been in constant communication despite knowing I'm early in the process which really impressed me. He was a little higher in cost than VC but I'm sure by the time I get into detail with VC that cost will rise to being equivalent.

Attached is the SK earrings he sent me. I dont think you will find existing square halo designs from SK or VC as I have scoured the forums and web looking for examples with no luck. However they both said it can definitely be accomplished, a brand new project is sort of exciting! I sound like a girl right now lol.



Apr 21, 2010
^ beautiful! - thank you Kodiak13
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