
Vatche x-prong

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Jun 23, 2003
The style, look and feel of a particular ring all go into making it popular. I doubt Vatche' would agree to do a well accepted design over in a less than artistic manner.....I think you should really take a long look at the unmodified version before making it too thin for the stone you want to put into it...

These guys know what they are doing...At least I think they do.
Did you look at the pictures of the x-prong with the 2 ct stone on their website?

That could give you an idea of the width.
On 6/23/2003 6:30:50 PM oldminer wrote:

The style, look and feel of a particular ring all go into making it popular. I doubt Vatche' would agree to do a well accepted design over in a less than artistic manner.....I think you should really take a long look at the unmodified version before making it too thin for the stone you want to put into it...

These guys know what they are doing...At least I think they do.

Thanks for the reply, oldminer. I have tried on the setting with a 2 carat rock and it was just marginally thicker than what I thought would look ideal on my hand. Since Vatche knows how to make me salivate, perhaps I should stop analyzing and go for it as is.
::Thanks for the reply, oldminer. I have tried on the setting with a 2 carat rock and it was just marginally thicker than what I thought would look ideal on my hand. Since Vatche knows how to make me salivate, perhaps I should stop analyzing and go for it as is. ::

Lovesparkles I know what you mean. For me I purchased a plat. xprong comfort fit for my fiancee. pic'ed below. It was a big toss up between this style and the Royal Crown. Good luck and post pics when your done...

-Josh Rioux
Sitka, Alaska

ring 1.jpg
Here's #2

oh scorpion, there is a puddle of drool on my laptop. What are the specs (esp ring size!)? Do you have any photos on her hand??
Don't have photos on her hand

The stone is a 1.01 ct. H, vs1 Hearts & Arrows cut diamond.

The ring size is a 6...

What kind of diamonds are you guys looking at as far as the "Cut" quality???

-Josh RIoux
Sitka, Alaska
Mostly looking at Hearts and Arrows, H or above, eye-clean. Have you been happy with the Hearts and Arrows?
On 6/23/2003 10:15:26 PM lovesparkles wrote:

Mostly looking at Hearts and Arrows, H or above, eye-clean. Have you been happy with the Hearts and Arrows?----------------

I think "H" is a really excellent choice for middle of the line as far as the color range goes. With the supior cut you are looking for in your purchase your stone will face up whiter and it will allow you to stretch your budget for a bigger rock.

I can honestly say that I am 110% satisfied with my purchase. There is a premium on price becauseof the cut and it's well worth it. I was not sure until I received the stone set in the ring and saw it on my fiancee's hand.

Regina (my fiancee) honestly gets compliments on this stone a couple times a week. That's when I know I made the right choice. She works for Alaska Airlines and because of the nature of the job she deals with hundreds of people.

Here are some comments:

Friday she was helping a customer and a gentlemen looked down at her ring and said " Someone must love you very much for your diamond to shine like that".

I think it's funny and have encountered friends when they see her diamond and a few friends of ours (couples also). The situation goes as our friend looks at her ring and compares it to Regina's and then looks up at her fiancee and gives him the look. Then asking him why doesn't my diamond shine like that. A little shallow, but funny none the less and goes to show you how much cut really matters.

Regina gets compliments alot and it makes me feel good. All the comments range from "what a beautiful stone" to "I can't believe how shiny your diamond is".

Not all Hearts & Arrows stones perform the same though. If your willing to spend the time or you might even consider an online purchase try to work with a vendor who has access to an ideal-scope or has brilliant scope results of a particular candidate your interested in. Most of all let your eyes be the judge. There are critical factors which make one Hearts & Arrows stone perform better than the other. Looking at measurements is a good preliminary indicator, but let your eyes be the best judge. The other tools provided by some vendors on a certain stone will also help you make your decision...

Sorry for rambling........

Josh Rioux
-Sitka, Alaska
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