
Upgrading to a 4.08 ct. RB

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Date: 6/17/2008 10:21:19 AM
Author: Harriet
Date: 6/17/2008 9:44:37 AM

Author: luvstheflash

Thank you Ellen; I have seen it inside and outside and I do love it!
Then that's all that matters!

Yah! Can't wait to see the finished ring!

4 cts
luvstheflash, congratulations on your new diamond! I too own a stone that I probably wouldn''t have bought if I over analyzed the numbers and I am happy to report that it''s a beautiful rock.

One thing about the setting... do you have any concept of how big the whole thing will be? I only ask because I have a large (although not as large are your!) diamond in a halo with side stones and it''s pretty big. I actually looked at a setting by a particular designer (not the one I got) and when I saw the size of it that would fit my stone it was... um... pretty horrifying. Can they mock one up for you ahead of time? Or at least let you see the wax before you are fully committed (that might cost a couple hundred bucks, but it wll be better than full boat once the thing is done)? I love the setting that I have, but you could not have GIVEN me the setting by the other designer, it was so overwhelming.

Just my 2 cents from one big halo''d stone lover to another. Can''t wait to see your finished ring!
Believe me, my newest obsession is what my ring is going to look like. Will it be too gaudy? Will it be too big? Will I end up not wearing it? Holy cow, this ordeal is making me nuts!!!

The designer is working on the CAD drawings right now and I can make any necessary changes when I take a look at them. I was told yesterday that he will try to get those done in the next 10 days. Once the drawings are approved, they will make a wax setting that I get to approve as well. It seems like I will get as many opportunities as possible to get it right. I know there will be things that can be done to tone it down if we need to, while still maintaining the integrity of the design.
Honey, I can relate!!!! My dh bought me a diamond for size and budget. (Budget meaning low for the size, not in general by any means). We ended up with a 4 plus c. princess. It is very white and bright. It is not eye clean from the side and if I stare I can see its not perfect from the top. The cut is ave. too by ps standards.

But irl I get attacked by compliments, and I mean really knocked over all the time. I get so many people (women) almost swooning that it is beyond belief. I kid you not!!!! People irl almost want to punch me when I try to explain that the cut is wrong or its not eye clean etc. So these days I dont bother.

I have had very high praise even from a time that I went into Cartier!!!! Another time lately I was in a bridal shop where they see lots of new bling and all the women working there gathered around to get a better view.

In my opinion `size` does have its own fan club, although this may be a fan club with different members to the quality/ cut fan club. Irl most people dont go too past size all other things being in working order and not like frozen spit. It also matters about how the setting looks as that can help a poorer performing diamond by blinging it up in sparkle factor. And finally, the great equalizer......have an us machine to keep the diamond perfectly clean. This is the single greatest trick in the book. imo!!!!
Date: 6/17/2008 10:21:19 AM
Author: Harriet

Date: 6/17/2008 9:44:37 AM
Author: luvstheflash
Thank you Ellen; I have seen it inside and outside and I do love it!
Then that''s all that matters!
O MY GOODNESSSSSSS!!!!!!! WOWWEEEEE! i am in love this is amazing!!!
i LOVE your stone i love the idea of the setting i cant wait to see the outcome!!!!!!
Don''t worry about the cert if the stone looks clean, sparkly, and white. You wanted size and that one fits the bill for sure. On the other hand, if you really are worried about the cert and you really do want a halo, I would exchange that stone for a higher quality of smaller size just because the one you have now already completely covers the top of your finger, and a halo is going to push into "overhang." If you want a halo plus side stones as in your photo sample, it will actually jut out over the sides of your finger quite a bit.

Now I know your stone is pretty good quality, but I would just mention this short story about a girl I work with in the pharmacy. She has a 4 carat round solitaire. People always notice it and ask to see it closer, but then when she holds her hand up the admirer falls silent for a split second. And instead of waiting to hear what they are thinking, she goes into her explanation that she knows the quality isn''t great but she just always wanted a big stone. (Hers is a J I2, and the color/inclusions are obvious). My point is that you should feel confident enough in the quality of YOUR stone that you won''t imagine what people might be thinking when they admire it at a close distance -- which they will want to, because a stone of that size will be the first thing they notice about you.
Your ring looks gorgeous. I think it''s easy to get caught up in numbers but if you love it who cares. Enjoy!!!
I just wanted to add that if it''s the EGL thing that worries you most, forget it. I have a pair of 1 carat (total weight) EGL graded studs, and I never walk around thinking, "oh no, its not the best lab!"). My earrings are just as white, eye clean, and sparkly as my high-end pieces. What you see with your eye is the only thing that matters when it comes to enjoying your jewelry. I figure that even with EGL not running as tight a ship as the other labs, my color and clarity might be a grade lower than I think. So what? EGL says I''m wearing F color and SI1 clarity in my ears, then I probably have G color SI2''s -- they still look just as white, clear, and sparkly to me no matter what any piece of paper says! And if you want to put a halo and side stones on your big beautiful baby, then do it. You''re the one who will be wearing it and looking at it all the time, so you should get exactly what YOU want. People like me will tell you it''s too much, but there will be many, many more who absolutely think it looks fabulous. I just didn''t want you to think I was being rude in the previous post because I in no way meant to be!
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